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考研英语书信题型写作要点考研英语书信题型写作要点书信题型写作是常见的功能性写作形式,考生应该对书信写作的具体细节有整体的把握。下面是小编为大家整理了考研英语书信题型写作要点,希望能帮到大家!书信写作要点 日期,写信人应将写信日期(年,月,日)放在书信正文的右上角,如Jan. 30th, 2010. 称呼,称呼是写信人对收信人的称谓,称呼可以根据收信人的性别,职务,婚姻状况,姓名等个人信息来写,如:Mr. Williams, Mrs. Bush, Professor Li, Dr. Smith, Dear Mum and Dad如果写信人不清楚收信人的具体姓名,职务等情况,可以写:Dear Sir or Madam,To whom it may concern. 正文,正文是书信的主要部分,在称呼下方隔一或两行处开始。考生写正文时,要分层次进行。书信正文通常由引言,展开段和结尾三个层次组成。引言,引言表明写信人的写信目的和写信背景,一般仅限于一段,一两句话即可。展开段,展开段内容应详实,具体。可以分为若干段来写,每一段围绕一个主题展开。结尾,结尾部分通常比引言部分短,使用一两句话表达一下希望或祝愿。 结束语,结束语是写信人对收信人的谦称,写在正文下面二至三行处。公务等较正式的信件多采用Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Yours truly 等;私人信件,多采用Yours, With love, Yours affectionately 等。 签名,签名应写在结束语的下面。(1) 非正式邀请信,如:26 Coventry St.LondonSept. 15th, 1999.Dear Jack,I am going to the cinema to see the Red River Valley and I have two tickets. Would you like to come? The film starts at 7:30 p.m. Maybe we can meet at the Covent Garden Station at 7:00 p.m. and have a drink before the film starts. Please phone me at home to let me know.Looking forward to seeing you.LoveMary这封信是写给朋友的,所以用语比较随便,比较口语化。(2) 正式邀请信,如:Dear Ms. Gupta,It s our great pleasure to announce that Jan. 19th is the 3rd anniversary of the founding of our corporation. We have a small party as follows: 7:00p.m.,Jan. 19th, Room No.123, Kunlun Hotel. At this moment, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our clients for both courtesy and support over the past three years. Please confirm if you plant to attend.Yours Sincerely,Lewis这是一封正式邀请信,十分正规,无论从句式,还是用语都十分讲究。(3)介于正式和非正式之间的邀请信,如:No.4 Middle SchoolBeijing 100034April 29th,2000Dear Miss Katherine,I am very pleased to write to you. My name is Yu Hong and I am monitor of Class One, Grade Three of the No.2 Middle School of Ji nan. Last year, you came here to give a speech, which was Fast Reading. My classmates and I all thank you very much. We will have an English evening at 7:00-9:00 on the evening of May 4th in our classroom. Would you please come and attend the evening party? At the party, we will sing English songs, play games and so on. And we are anxious to invite you to come to sing us an English song. After that we can enjoy the music. We hope to see you soon.YoursYu Hong这封信是写给一位外籍教师的,这位外籍教师曾经到过这所学校,虽然作者认识,但并不十分了解。


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