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补全对话专项练习 一.S:Hi!Jia Kun._?J:Not bad,thank you.You look so happy.Why?S:Guess what!My mother took me to see a movie last night.J:_?S:Ji Gong.Its one of my favorite movies.J:I like it,too.The characters are funny and the music sounds beautiful.S:Yeah.Ji Gong is poor,but he is very kind.He often helps the poor.J:So _.S:I think we should learn from Ji Gong._?J:Sure.We should help each other.S:Agree.Lets _.二.A:_?B:Yes.We had a good time last weekend.But waiting for her for almost half an hour made me very unhappy.A:You bet._?B:She got in a traffic jam.A:Oh,_.What did you do together?B:First we went to Beijing Theater to see the movie Hero.A:_.I like action movies.B:Me,too.Later we went to the Rose Theater and saw the movie Dont cry,Mom.It made both of us cry.A:Mrs.Li also tells us about this moving movie.We will go to see it tomorrow.三.A:_?I have two tickets to the film Titannic.B:Thanks.But I saw it yesterday.Its really a wonderful film.A:_?B:The story happened on the night of April 15th,1912.A:_?B:Yes,it was the biggest and the nicest ship at that time,but the great ship hit a very large iceberg and fell into the sea.A:_?B:No.There werent enough lifeboats.The ship was full of water.Hundreds of people jumped into the water.A:_?B:More than 1,500 lives were lost.A:How terrible!By the way,do you like the film star in it?B:You mean the young man called Jack?Of course.He is a famous film star.Im sure you will enjoy the film.四.A:Hello.Linda!B:Hello.Niuniu!You look so worried._?A:I have a problem.I really need your help.B:_?A:Well.The problem is that I love basketball.But_ _ because Im in Grade 8 now.B:Maybe your parents are right._.A:I know.But I do well in all my lessons and I want to do the things I am interested in.B:OK._.A:Thank you,Uncle Wang._.五.T:Hi,Alan!_.Anything wrong?A:I failed the English exam.T:_.But you dont need to worried about it all the time.A:I really dont know how to study English well._?T:I think youd better study in a group.A:Oh,_.Could I join your group?T:Of course you can.And we can learn from each other.A:Sounds good._?T:Tomorrow,if you like.A:Thats very kind of you.六.A:Hi,Liu Yi!I am very glad to see you._ because of my headache.Every day I feel bored at home.B:Why dont you watch TV?A:_.B:Oh,Ill ask Uncle Zhang to help you.Im sure he can repair it.A:_.I want to listen to pop music.But I have few CDs.B:I have many CDs and DVDs._.A:Thanks a lot.What about the score match next week?Im afraid I cant take part in it.B:_.You know Yao Ming is a very good player,too.A:Thats great.B:Im afraid I have to go now.Ill come over to see you.A:All right.See you later.B:See you.七.A:Hi,Zhang Bo!You look upset._?B:Oh,_.A:Your bike?Is your bike broken again?B:No.My key to my bike is lost this time.Can you tell me _?A:You should go to the lost-and-found.Maybe its there.B:Thank you.Ill go there for it.A:Oh,Zhang Bo,I think _.Dont be so careless like this.B:OK,I will.A:I hope _.B:Thanks a lot.八.A:Good morning,Great Wall Hotel._?B:Good morning._.A:OK.We have rooms with bathtub,TV,air-conditioning and fridge.There is a beautiful park near our hotel.And the bed is quite comfortable.B:_?A:A standard room with two single beds costs¥160 and a room with one single bed costs¥120._?B:I want to book three rooms with two single beds and two rooms with one single bed.A:_?B:About two days.A:OK.Please pay for the rooms before 17:30.B:_.A:Im Kangkang.Thank you.B:Youre welcome.九.A:Jack didnt come to school today._?B:He had a traffic accident.Now he is in hospital.A:Oh,_.How did it happen?B:_ when the traffic lights were red.And he was hit by a black car.A:What happened then?B:The driver sent him to the hospital at once and telephoned the police.A:_?B:He is much better now.A:_.B:Me,too.十.A:Hello,may I speak to Niuniu?B:_.(A few seconds later)Oh,Im sorry he isnt in.A:_?B:This is Li Minghao.A:Morning,Li Minghao._.B:Hello,Zhao Caili._?A:Li Minghao,will you please ask Niuniu to come over to my house this evening?B:Yes,of course,but what are you going to do then?A:We decided to have an art festival to raise money for the poor children.And were going to discuss it this evening.B:An art festival?Sounds interesting.Im pleased to hear that.I hope _.A:Thank you.I hope so.Goodbye.B:Goodbye.十一.A:Hi,Pan Yuchen.Tomorrow Im going to a formal western dinner party for the first time._ _?B:Of course.When you sit down at the table,take your napkin,unfold it and put it on your lap.A:What does the dinner start with?B:It starts with a small dish.A:_ when I start eating?B:You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.Its polite to eat up the food on your plate.So _.A:_?B:No,its not polite.You should try to speak quietly.A:What should I do when _?B:You should raise your glass and take only a sip.Never drink too much.A:Thank you very much.B:Its a pleasure.十二.A:Good afternoon._.Come this way,please.B:Thank you.A:_?B:Yes.Ill take this table.A:Here is the menu for you._?B:Sure.Id like to try some roast chicken and green bean soup.A:_?B:No,thats all.A:OK._.(Twenty minutes later)B:The food and the soup smell good and taste delicious._?A:Let me see.Its$30.B:Here you are.A:Thank you for your coming!十三.A:Good evening,madam.Welcome to our restaurant.B:Good evening._?A:OK.Here it is.B:Thank you.(A few minutes later)A:_,madam?B:Sure.Ill have noodles and _?A:Sure.We have green salad,fruit salad and chicken salad._?B:A green salad,please.A:_?B:Yes.Coke,please.A:OK.Anything else?B:_.A:OK.Ill be back soon with your food and drink.答案:一.S:Hi!Jia Kun.How are you doing?J:Not bad,thank you.You look so happy.Why?S:Guess what!My mother took me to see a movie last night.J:What movie did you see?S:Ji Gong.Its one of my favorite movies.J:I like it,too.The characters are funny and the music sounds beautiful.S:Yeah.Ji Gong is poor,but he is very kind.He often helps the poor.J:So he is very popular with the poor.S:I think we should learn from Ji Gong.Do you think so?J:Sure.We should help each other.S:Agree.Lets try our best to do that.二.A:Did you and Linda have a good time last weekend?B:Yes.We had a good time last weekend.But waiting for her for almost half an hour made me very unhappy.A:You bet.Whats up?B:She got in a traffic jam.A:Oh,thats too bad.What did you do together?B:First we went to Beijing Theater to see the movie Hero.A:Thats very exciting.I like action movies.B:Me,too.Later we went to the Rose Theater and saw the movie Dont cry,Mom.It made both of us cry.A:Mrs.Li also tells us about this moving movie.We will go to see it tomorrow.三.A:Are you free tonight?I have two tickets to the film Titannic.B:Thanks.But I saw it yesterday.Its really a wonderful film.A:When did the story happen?B:The story happened on the night of April 15th,1912.A:Was the ship the biggest and the nicest ship at that time?B:Yes,it was the biggest and the nicest ship at that time,but the great ship hit a very large iceberg and fell into the sea.A:Were there enough lifeboats at that time?B:No.There werent enough lifeboats.The ship was full of water.Hundreds of people jumped into the water.A:How many people died?B:More than 1,500 lives were lost.A:How terrible!By the way,do you like the film star in it?B:You mean the young man called Jack?Of course.He is a famous film star.Im sure you will enjoy the film.四.A:Hello.Linda!B:Hello.Niuniu!You look so worried.Anything wrong?A:I have a problem.I really need your help.B:What seems to the problem?A:Well.The problem is that I love basketball.But my parents dont want me to play basketball because Im in Grade 8 now.B:Maybe your parents are right.Work must comes first.A:I know.But I do well in all my lessons and I want to do the things I am interested in.B:OK.Ill talk with your parents about your problem.A:Thank you,Uncle Wang.Its very kind of you.五.T:Hi,Long Yufeng!You look so sad.Anything wrong?A:I failed the English exam.T:Im sorry to hear that.But you dont need to worried about it all the time.A:I really dont know how to study English well.What should I do?T:I think youd better study in a group.A:Oh,thats a good idea.Could I join your group?T:Of course you can.And we can learn from each other.A:Sounds good.When can I join it?T:Tomorrow,if you like.A:Thats very kind of you.六.A:Hi,Liu Yi!I am very glad to see you.I have to stay in bed because of my headache.Every day I feel bored at home.B:Why dont you watch TV?A:Because there is something wrong with it.B:Oh,Ill ask Uncle Zhang to help you.Im sure he can repair it.A:Its very kind of you.I want to listen to pop music.But I have few CDs.B:I have many CDs and DVDs.I can lend you some.A:Thanks a lot.What about the score match next week?Im afraid I cant take part in it.B:Yao Ming can play instead of you.You know Yao Ming is a very good player,too.A:Thats great.B:Im afraid I have to go now.Ill come over to see you.A:All right.See you later.B:See you.七.A:Hi,Zhang Bo!You look upset.Whats the matter with you?B:Oh,there is something wrong with my bike.A:Your bike?Is your bike broken again?B:No.My key to my bike is lost this time.Can you tell me What should I do?A:You should go to the lost-and-found.Maybe its there.B:Thank you.Ill go there for it.A:Oh,Zhang Bo,I think you should look after things well.Dont be so careless like this.B:OK,I will.A:I hope everything goes well.B:Thanks a lot.八.A:Good morning,Great Wall Hotel.What can I do for you?B:Good morning.We want to make room reservations.A:OK.We have rooms with bathtub,TV,air-conditioning and fridge.There is a beautiful park near our hotel.And the bed is quite comfortable.B:How much does a standard room cost?A:A standard room with two single beds costs¥160 and a room with one single bed costs¥120.Which kind would you like?B:I want to book three rooms with two single beds and two rooms with one single bed.A:How long will you stay?B:About two days.A:OK.Please pay for the rooms before 17:30.B:Your name please.A:Im Bai Tianyu.Thank you.B:Youre welcome.九.A:Jack didnt come to school today.Whats wrong?B:He had a traffic accident.Now he is in hospital.A:Oh,Im sorry to hear that.How did it happen?B:He crossed the street when the traffic lights are red.And he was hit by a black car.A:What happened then?B:The driver sent him to the hospital at once and telephoned the police.A:How is he now?B:He is much better now.A:I hope everything goes well.B:Me,too.十.A:Hello,may I speak to Niuniu?B:Hold on,please.(A few seconds later)Oh,Im sorry he isnt in.A:Whos speaking,please?B:This is Li Minghao.A:Morning,Li Minghao.This is Zhao Caili.B:Hello,Zhao Caili.Whats up?A:Li Minghao,will you please ask Niuniu to come over to my house this evening?B:Yes,of course,but what are you going to do then?A:We decided to have an art festival to raise money for the poor children.And were going to discuss it this evening.B:An art festival?Sounds interesting.Im pleased to hear that.I hope you can raise enough money.A:Thank you.I hope so.Goodbye.B:Goodbye.十一.A:Hi,Pan Yuchen.Tomorrow Im going to a formal western dinner party for the first time.Would you please tell me something about western table manners?B:Of course.When you sit down at the table,take your napkin,unfold it and put it on your lap.A:What does the dinner start with?B:It starts with a small dish.A:What should I do when I start eating?B:You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.Its polite to eat up the food on your plate.So dont take more than you need.A:Is it polite to speak loudly at table?B:No.You should try to speak quietly.A:What should I do when I drink to somebody?B:You should raise your glass and take only a sip.Never drink too much.A:Thank you very much.B:Its a pleasure.十二.A:Good afternoon.Welcome to our restaurant.Come this way,please.B:Thank you.A:Would you like to sit here?B:Yes.Ill take this table.A:Here is the menu for you.May I take your order?B:Sure.Id like to try some roast chicken and green bean soup.A:Anything else?B:No,thats all.A:OK.Thanks for your order.(Twenty minutes later)B:The food and the soup smell good and taste delicious.Can I have the bill,please?A:Let me see.Its$30.B:Here you are.A:Thank you for your coming!十三.A:Good evening,madam.Welcome to our restaurant.B:Good evening.May I have the menu,please?A:OK.Here it is.B:Thank you.A:(A few minutes later)May I take your order,madam?B:Sure.Ill have noodles and can I have a salad?A:Sure.We have green salad,fruit salad and chicken salad.Which kind do you like?B:A green salad,please.A:Would you like something to drink?B:Yes.Coke,please.A:OK.Anything else?B:No,thats all.A:OK.Ill be back soon with your food and drink.


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