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Unit 4Seeing the doctorStory time Step 1 Warming up Lets play a game to review the words in Story time(Tips:看到汉语大声说出相对应的英语单词,看到单词说出其汉语意思,看到空白大声说“bang”)喝水喝水休息休息brush ones teeth吃药吃药eat sweets刷牙刷牙take medicinehave rest看医看医生生应该应该感觉感觉toothacheStep2 Revision and lead-in Su Hai and Mike want to go to the hospital,lets see how do they go to the hospital?苏海家附近的地图苏海家附近的地图Step3 presentationWatch and plete some tasks.Task1 Translation 1.看医生 2.你哪里不舒服 3.头痛 4.感觉冷 5.发烧 6.吃一些药7.休息 8.喝一些温水9.牙痛 1 0.去看牙医11.吃很多糖果 1 2.刷牙1 3.在早上 1 4.在就寝前KEYS:1.see the doctor 2.Whats wrong with you?3.have a headache 4.feel cold 5.have a fever 6.take some medicine 7.have a rest 8.drink some warm water 9.have a toothache 10.go to see the dentist 11.eat a lot of sweets 1 2.brush ones teeth 1 3.in the morning 1 4.before bedtime(词组互译)(词组互译)Task 2 Ask and answer1.Whats wrong with Su Hai?2.Whats wrong with Mike?She has a headache.He has a toothache.3.Why.?4.What should.?does she have a headache?she do?Because she has a fever.She should have a rest,take medicine and drink warm water.5.Why does he have a toothache?6.What should he do?Because he eats a lot of sweets.He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.He shouldnt eat too many sweets.Task 3a.Lets read with the video in a a.Lets read with the video in a whole.whole.Step 4 Reading跟录音一起读,跟录音一起读,看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。b.Lets read together(大声而充满热情地!)c.Lets act在小组内分角色朗读,看看哪组读的最好!Step 6 Summary1.当询问别人有没有什么地方不舒服,我们可以用句型:Whats wrong with?2.询问我应该做什么,我们可以用句型:What should I do?3.建议别人应该做什么,不应该做什么,我们可以用句型:You shouldYou shouldntLets say more1.earache 耳朵痛耳朵痛2.backache 背痛背痛 3.stomachache 胃痛胃痛4.cough 咳嗽咳嗽5.Ouch 哎呦(疼痛时哎呦(疼痛时的叫声)的叫声)1.The first wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富。2.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作、不玩耍,聪明小伙也变傻。3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,无需医生进门/日食一苹果,医生远离我。4.Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利于病。Lets enjoy!读一读有关健康的谚语吧!读一读有关健康的谚语吧!Homework1.Recite the dialogue.2.Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.Mr:Whats wrong with Su Hai?Liu:She has a.Mr:Why does.have a.?Liu:.Mr:What should.do?Liu:.Yes.Step 5 Practice and ConsolidationHi,Liu Tao.Su Hai and Mike arent at school today.Do you know why?根据提示同桌讨根据提示同桌讨论补全对话吧论补全对话吧。Mr:What about Mike?Whats wrong.?Liu:He.Mr:Why.?Liu:.Mr:What should.?Liu:.根据提示找好朋友讨论,根据提示找好朋友讨论,越多建议得越多分哦越多建议得越多分哦The end


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