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假如给我三天光明读后感英文The story of my life, written by Helen Keller, is a brief introduction of the life of a disabled and yet very successful woman. The book mainly talks about how a little girl being unfortunately deprived of her vision and hearing while she was only 2 miraculously grew up to be a philanthropist, a speaker and an educator. The moment she realized the disheartening fact that her handicapped situation could possibly be stuck with her for the rest of her life, she was conceivably overwhelmed by upset, helplessness and misery. But with the love of her parents and the unyielding dedication of her teacher Sullivan and other people, she gradually conquered all the obstacles and figured out the happiness of life and finally did whatever she could to enjoy her life as it were and to appreciate all that life has bestowed her. We may feel how she feels by closing our eyes and covering our ears for a few minutes while we are out amid somewhere. But thats far less than what the author has suffered. No one could imagine that such a girl should understand several languages including English, German and Latin and obtain her bachelors degree from Harford University with excellent academic records. As she was not born blind and deaf, the intoxicating landscape remaining in her mind relentlessly provoked her desire to be able to see and hear again. She wasnt quite discouraged in the end, for she could appreciate nature, arts and other beautiful things in the world in her own way. In the last chapter, she discussed that if she had been given the opportunity of being able to see for 3 days, she would cherish them by remembering the charm of nature,the look of people she had gained considerably from and those that she should forever be grateful to and other things that had made her life better in someway. Unfortunately,most people tend to complain about things they dont have, things that they are not good at and the bad situations they are stuck in. Meanwhile, they are likely to take being loved, possessing health and other favorable conditions for granted. Personally, no matter what difficulties we confront with, or how much we feel frustrated in the process of our growth,we should always remind ourselves that its not the end of the world and we should never give up or abandon ourselves, bearing in mind the conviction that there is always someone loving us, and deserves our love, and, therefore, life is always worth living for. People tend to cherish more what theyve lost, yet more often than not we just fail to obtain those opportunities to make them up. Nearly all the college graduates being asked what they would do if they could repeat their college life will probably respond like “I wish I had done better in academic records, given more satisfying performance in the competitions or activities held on campus, accumulated more working experience or started a splendid campus love.” But whatever regrets or desires about the past youve got with you, you have to let it go, and carry on with your new live, make new friends, face different challenges and embrace new opportunities. Never take anything for granted. Cherish what you have as if they are gonna disappear tomorrow.


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