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中考专项复习中考专项复习情景交际情景交际 (Situational Interaction)情景交际情景交际 (Situational Interaction)社会交往社会交往(Social communications)态度态度(Attitude)情感情感(Emotions)邀请和应答邀请和应答(Invitations and responses)打电话打电话(Making telephone calls)就餐就餐(Having meals)问路及应答问路及应答(Asking the way and responses)购物购物 (Shopping)请求和应答请求和应答(Asking for permission)1.问候问候(Greetings)2.介绍介绍(Introductions)3.告别告别(farewells)4.道歉和应答道歉和应答(Apologies and responses)9.祝愿、祝贺祝愿、祝贺和应答和应答(Expressing wishes and congratulations).5.提供或请求提供或请求帮助和应答帮助和应答(Offering help)6.看病看病(Seeing the doctor)8.劝告和建议劝告和建议(Advice&suggestions)7.谈论天气谈论天气(Talking about weather)(1)打电话人常用语:打电话人常用语:Hello!May I speak to.?Is that.speaking?(注意:不能用注意:不能用Are you.?或?或Who are you?)Can I leave a message?Ill call back later/again.(2)接电话人常用语:接电话人常用语:Hello!This is Tom speaking.(注意:不能用注意:不能用I am Tom.)Hello!Who is that?Hold on,please.Hold on for a moment.Tom isnt here right now.Sorry,but Tom is out.打电话打电话 (Making telephone calls)(2)接受邀请时的答语:接受邀请时的答语:Yes,Id like/love to.Yes.Its very kind of you.That would be nice.(3)拒绝邀请时的答语:拒绝邀请时的答语:No,thank you.Id love/like to,but.邀请和应答邀请和应答(Invitations and responses)(1)表示邀请的用语:表示邀请的用语:Will you come to my party?Would you like to go for a walk?How/What about going for a walk?购物购物(Shopping)(1)售货员常用语:售货员常用语:Can/May I help you?What can I do for you?How many/much would you like?What color/size/kind do you like?What about this one?Heres your change.(2)顾客常用语:顾客常用语:I want/Id like a pair of shoes.How much is it/are they?May I try it on?Its too big/small.Sorry,its too expensive.问路和应答问路和应答(Asking the way and responses)(1)问路用语:问路用语:Excuse me,where is the nearest post office?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the post office?Excuse me,how can I get to the nearest post office?Excuse me,which bus goes to Peoples Park?(2)应答:应答:Its over there.Its about 500 meters from here.Go down this street until you see the tall red building.Turn right/left at the first/second crossing/corner.You cant miss it.Youd better take a taxi.You can take bus No.103.Sorry,I dont know.Im a stranger here.就餐就餐(Having meals)(1)主人常用语:主人常用语:What would you like to have?Would you like something to drink?Help yourself to some chicken.Would you like some more rice?(2)客人常用语:客人常用语:Yes,Id like a drink.Id like rice and chicken.Just a little,please.Can I have some more soup?Its so delicious.Thank you.No,thank you.Ive had enough.请求和应答请求和应答(Asking for permission)(1)表请求用语:表请求用语:May I.?Can/Could I.?Would you mind if.?(2)表肯定的答语:表肯定的答语:Sure/Certainly.Yes,do please.Thats all right.Of course,you can.(3)表否定的答语:表否定的答语:Im afraid not.Im sorry,but you mustnt/cant.Youd better not.表扬和鼓励:表扬和鼓励:(Praise and encouragement)表示表扬和鼓励的常用语:表示表扬和鼓励的常用语:Very good!Well done!Wonderful!Excellent!You speak English very well!Your dress is beautiful!Come on!Keep trying!You can do it!应答:应答:Thank you.OK,Ill try it again.1.-Hello!Is that Mr.Wang speaking?-Yes._ A.Whos that?B.Who are you?C.Im speaking D.Im Mr.Wang.A2.-Hello!Could I speak to Jim?-_.A.Yes,I am B.No,Im not C.Hold on for a moment D.Please dont go awayC邀请和应答邀请和应答(2013上海上海)14.Tim and I will visit the exhibition this weekend.Would you like to join us?_AWell done.BThats right.CYoure welcome.DId love to.D4.-We are organizing a party next Saturday,and Id like you to come.-!I have a meeting to attend that day.Thank you all the same.A.Good luck B.What a pity C.Never do it again D.Well doneB5.-_?-Im looking for a present for my daughter.A.Can you help me B.What can I do for you C.What do you want D.How much is the presentB6.-May I try this one on,please?-_.This way,please.A.Im sure you can B.No hurry C.Certainly,sir D.Thats all rightC7.-Excuse me.Which is the way to the TV station,please?-_.Its about four hundred metres along on the right.A.Come this way B.I dont mind C.Take your time D.You cant miss itA 8.-Excuse me.Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?-Oh,sorry,but I dont know.You _ go and ask that policeman.A.may B.must C.would D.shouldAA9.-Excuse me.Do you have a table for two?-Im sorry,_there arent any seats now.A.but B.and C.or D.so10._?Yes,fried fish,beef,chips and cola,please.ACan I do for you BAt your serviceCWhat to follow DShall I take your orderD12.-Could I use your car for a day?-_.But you need to drive carefully.A.Why not B.Thats right C.Never mind D.With pleasure D11.Would you mind my sitting next to you?.A.Of course not B,No,you cant C.Yes,please D.yes,go aheadA 1.1.中西文化及思维方式的差异中西文化及思维方式的差异2.2.注重礼貌和合作优先原则注重礼貌和合作优先原则 3.3.利用有效的语境因素利用有效的语境因素4 4.注意语言的衔接注意语言的衔接5.5.言语含义言语含义 邀请和应答邀请和应答(Invitations and responses)打电话打电话(Making telephone calls)就餐就餐(Having meals)问路及应答问路及应答(Asking the way and responses)购物购物 (Shopping)请求和应答请求和应答(Asking for permission)1.-Let me introduce myself.Im Catherine.-_.A.With pleasure B.Its my pleasure C.Pleased to meet you D.Im very glad C2.-Happy Childrens Day,Tom.-_,Mum.A.Thats all right B.The same to you C.Yes,all right D.Thank youB3.-Your dress is very beautiful,Mary.-_.A.Not at all B.Just so-so C.No,it isnt D.Thank youD4.-What about going to the cinema with me this evening?-_.A.Yes,I think so B.OK.Id like to C.Yes,please D.All right.I must goB5.-I havent seen Jack for three days.Is he ill?-_.His mother told me that he was in hospital.A.Im afraid so B.I hope not C.I dont expect D.Im afraid notA6.-Its a fine day.Shall we go out for a walk?-_.A.Good luck B.Thats all right C.Its very kind of you D.Good ideaD7.-Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs.Huang!-_.A.Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook well B.Im glad you enjoyed itC.Its not necessary for you to say so D.It doesnt matterB39.Could you come and spend the weekend with us?_.I have to prepare for my coming exam.A.I hope so B.I agree C.Im afraid I cant D.Good ideaC(2013兰州)兰州)21.Morning,boys and girls!Please try your best in todays exam!Good luck to all of you!_A.Sorry,I wont.B.Never mind.C.Thanks!D.Congratulations!C(2012兰州兰州)29.Ill go to Japan for a trip next month.Great!_ A.Good luck!B.Have a good time!C.Best wishes!D.Glad to see you again!B【2011兰州】七、口语交际七、口语交际 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文从方框内的选项中选择恰当的选项补全对阅读下面的对话,根据上下文从方框内的选项中选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句义完整,符合逻辑。有两项为多余选项。话,使句义完整,符合逻辑。有两项为多余选项。Paul:81 ,Nick?Is it time to go home?Nick:No,its 3:15 p.m.Its time to go and play games.82?Mr.Li:Whose is this watch?Is it your,Nick?Nick:83 .Mr.Li:What color is your watch,Paul?Paul:84 .Mr.Li:Is this one yours?Paul:Oh,yes,its mine.Mr.Li:Paul,85 .Put it in your schoolbag.Paul:Thank you,Mr.Li.A.Its blueB.But wheres your watchC.Theyre blueD.No,I think its PaulsE.What time is it nowF.What day is it todayG.You must look after your belongings.EBDAGBetty:Hi,Ann.What are you going to do this weekend?Ann:81 Betty:A concert?Who will sing at the concert?Ann:Swift Taylor.82 Betty:Certainly,Id like to.She is my favorite singer.83 Attn:Eighty yuan.Betty:Oh,its too dear.84 Ann:We dont have so much money,either.85 Betty:Thats a good idea.Can I join you?Ann:No problem.Shall we meet at the gate of the park at four oclock?Betty:OK.See you then.【2012兰州兰州】阅读下面的对话,根据上下文从方框内的选项中选择恰阅读下面的对话,根据上下文从方框内的选项中选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句义完整,符合逻辑。有两项为多余选项。当的选项补全对话,使句义完整,符合逻辑。有两项为多余选项。A.Would you like to go with me?B.How much is the ticket?C.When will the concert begin?D.I decide to go to a concert with my friendE.We plan to sell flowers to raise moneyF.I dont think so.G.Im afraid I cant afford it.DABGE【2013兰州兰州】阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话。阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话。(有两项为多余选项)(有两项为多余选项)A.I often go to Shanghai on business.B.Would you mind telling me what you come here for?C.May I ask you some questions?D.Have a great time.E.How will you do that?F.When did you arrive in Lanzhou?G.Where do you come from?A:Excuse me,I am a reporter from a student magazine.81 B:Sure,please.A:82 B:I am from Germany.A:83 B:I got here the day before yesterday.A:How do you like Lanzhou?B:I like your city very much.The people here are very friendly.But Im still not used to the weather here.I have a sore throat today.A:The weather in Lanzhou is kind of dry.Drinking more water can make you feel better.B:Thanks for your suggestion.A:84 B:Of course not.I come here for watching Lanzhou International Marathon.And then Im planning to go to Dunhuang for a tour.A:Great.Thank you for answering my questions.85 B:Thank you.CGFBDSummary:1.注意中西文化及思维方式的差异注意中西文化及思维方式的差异 2.注重礼貌和合作优先原则注重礼貌和合作优先原则 3.利用有效的语境因素利用有效的语境因素 4.注意语言的衔接注意语言的衔接 5.注意言语含义注意言语含义Homework1.Finish the exercise on your exercise book.2.Communicate in English with your friends on your way home today.


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