Shopping in Stores VS Shopping online 新视野大学英语读写4 作文

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Shopping in Stores VS Shopping online 新视野大学英语读写4 作文_第1页
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Shopping in Stores VS Shopping online 新视野大学英语读写4 作文Shopping in Stores VS Shopping online As we all know, people used to go shopping in stores. With the popularization of the Internet, more and more people choose to do shopping online instead of going to stores personally. So, shopping in stores and shopping online, which have more advantages is becoming a heated issue. In terms of doing shopping in stores or online, peoples opinions are divided into two sides. On one side, people who like doing shopping in stores is a good life style. We can have exercise in shop. We can check the quality of goods. If we find some faults, we can exchange them timely. And we can go shopping with our families or friends, which is a beautiful time to enjoy. But the goods price is always expensive than shopping online. On the other side, it is really convenient to do shopping online. When we are busy with our study or work, we have no enough time to go to stores. It can help us to save time. Comparing doing shopping in stores with online shopping, it is hard to say which is better than the other. In my opinion, both of shopping online and shopping in store are good ways. Just choose one way that we like.


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