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儿童多动症行为家长评定量表结构效度初步分析6100字 摘要 目的 构建学龄儿童多动症行为家长评定量表。 方法 研究时间为2014年1月2015年1月,根据现有的儿童行为评定问卷,结合有关多动症诊断标准及临床诊治多动症经验,构建新的多维度的多动症家长评估量表,并进行有关效度检验。 结果 本次共发放问卷130份,回收有效问卷127份,回收率97.69%。其中男63例,女64例;平均年龄(9.152.36)岁;新量表共80个条目, 抽取的10个成份可解释51.14%的总方差,分别命名为注意稳定性、冲动性、自控力、多动性、行为盲目性、既往史、品德问题、冲突性、干扰性及规范性,分别赋予分值为18、9、11、8、9、5、6、3、6、3,得分分值为(7.241.97)、(1.240.23)、(3.130.85)、(1.410.15)、(1.010.12)、(0.300.06)、(0.520.19)、(0.110.01)、(1.870.45)、(0.130.01)。 结论 本研究针对注意力缺陷多动障碍进行多维度行为领域评估,构建的新量表包括10个维度,新量表的信效度需要进一步验证。 毕业关键词 注意力缺陷多动障碍;行为量表;心理评估;问卷调查中图分类号 R749.94 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1673-9701(2015)32-0022-05Abstract Objective To construct school children ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) behavior parents rating scale. Methods The study time was from January 2014 to January 2015. According to the existing childrens behavior assessment questionnaire, combined with the relevant clinical diagnosis criteria and diagnostic and treatment experience of ADHD, a new multi-dimensional ADHD behavior parents rating scale was built, and the related validity inspection was conducted. Results 130 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 127 valid questionnaires were recovered. The recovery rate was 97.69%. There were 63 boys and 64 girls, average age of (9.152.36) years old. There were a total of 80 entries in the new scale, and the extracted 10 components could explain 51.14% of the total variance, named as attention stability, impulsive, self-control, hyperactivity, behavioral blindness, conflicts, interference, past history, conduct problems and normalization, respectively, which given scores with 18 points, 9 points, 11 points, 8 points, 9 points,5 points, 6 points, 3 points, 6 points and 3 points, respectively, and scored (7.241.97) points, (1.240.23) points, (3.130.85) points, (1.410.15) points, (1.010.12) points, (0.300.06) points, (0.520.19) points, (0.110.01)points, (1.87 0.45) points and (0.130.01) points, respectively. Conclusion This study is conducted for multi-dimensional assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavior, to build a new rating scale which includes 10 dimensions, but the reliability and validity of the new scale demand for further verification.Key words Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Behavior rating scale; Psychological assessments; Questionnaire儿童多动症又称注意力缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD),是儿童时期较为常见的行为障碍。根据DSM-1编制成量表形式,为诊断提供量化指标和有效信息2,3。神经影像学研究已证实ADHD病理主要涉及额纹状体脑网络,ADHD患儿在前额叶皮质区发展较同龄孩子要延迟,涉及到认知功能和行为表现的问题4,5。ADHD患儿的智力正常或基本正常,但学习、行为及情绪方面存在缺陷。ADHD发病时间持续久,对学习成绩行为影响较大,并常伴有行为问题6。因此ADHD患儿的行为障碍涉及到多方面,除了注意力缺陷与多动冲动障碍外,自控力、抗干扰等方面均受影响。 此外,本研究初步给出了总量表分及分量表分的三个百分位数,便于临床医生诊断时进行参考。由于本文仅讨论了新量表的结构效度,量表的其他信效度需要进一步验证。参考文献1 American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statisticalmannual of mental disordersM. 4th Edition(DSM-IV),Washington DC:American Psychiatric Association,2000:85-93.2 Collett B,Ohan J,Myers K,et al. Ten -year review of ratingscales. 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