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adj.v.虐待vt.容纳4.ache(熟义:v.&n.疼痛)He was aching for home.5.act(熟义:v&n.行动)It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.v.准予,提供v.渴望vi.起作用 6.address(熟义:n.地址 v.写地址)It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.7.acknowledge(熟义:承认;道谢)He acknowledged me by lifting his hat.8.across(熟义:prep.越过)The two roads cut across each other.Vt.向发表演说;直接向说话Vt.对打招呼prep.与交叉,与成十字 9.advance(熟义:v.&n.前进,推进)She asked for an advance on her salary.10.advise(熟义:vt.建议)Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.11.against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰)The picture looks nice against the white wall.n.预付款vt.通知prep.映衬 12.age(熟义:n.年龄)Worry aged him rapidly.13.air(熟义:n.空气)Dont air your troubles too often.There was a comfortable air about her room.14.alive(熟义:adj.活着的)The streets are alive with people.v.(使)变老v.抒发;倾诉;播送n.样子,神态,气氛adj.充满(活的或动的东西)15.allow(熟义:vt.允许)Your plan allows only 5 minutes for transferring.Can we manage?16.alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地)She alone was able to answer the question.17.amount(熟义:n.量)The cost amounted to$200.vt.(为了)预计,估计adv.仅仅,只有v.(to)共计,达到 What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.18.announce(熟义:宣布)A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.19.appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感激;感谢)I appreciate that I may be wrong.This land has appreciated in value.v.相当于显示,预告v.意识到(realize)v.抬高价格,涨价 20.arrival(熟义:v.出席;参加)All stood up to welcome the new arrival.21.attend(熟义:v.出席;参加)The nurse attended to him day and night.22.arrest(熟义:vt.逮捕)The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease.v.看护;治疗n.到达的人或物vt.停止;阻止 23.assume(熟义:vt.假定,以为)He will assume the directorship of the project.24.balance(熟义:n.&v.平衡)I must check my bank balance.25.bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)Poor health may be a bar to success in life.26.become(熟义:v.变得,变成)Her new hat certainly becomes her.vt.担任n.差额;余款n.障碍vt.适合,适于 27.behavior(熟义:n.举止;行为)The behavior of this computer is moderately good.28.blank(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白)The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look.29.blue(熟义:adj.&n.蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue.n.性能,特点adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的adj.忧伤的 30.beside(熟义:prep.在旁)Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing.31.build(熟义:v.建设)The athlete has a solid build.32.capital(熟义:n.首都,首府;资本)Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down.prep.与相比n.身材;体形adj.极严重的,根本的 33.cause(熟义:v.致使)We are struggling for revolutionary cause.34.celebrate(熟义:vt.庆祝)He celebrated her for her courage.35.check(熟义:vt.检查)We should check the spread of the disease.36.choice(熟义:n.选择)Some of his remarks are really choice.n.事业vt.称颂,赞扬vt.阻止,制止adj.斟酌得当的 37.civil(熟义:adj.公民的,国内的)He is a civil person.38.class(熟义:n.班级)It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not.39.climate(熟义:n.气候)The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting.adj.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的n.阶级,阶层;等级n.风气;思潮;倾向 40.cloudy(熟义:阴的,多云的)Who did it still remains cloudy.41.coach(熟义:n.教练)She coached me in Emand(熟义:v.命令,指挥)His bravery commanded our respect.43.contain(熟义:v.含有,包含;克制)The man was later contained by the police.adj.不明朗的,不清晰的v.辅导,指导v.博得,赢得v.制服 He is too excited to contain his laughter.44.count(熟义:n&v.计算,数)There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers.It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.She was counted among the greatest dancers.vt.抑制vt.包括vt.有价值,重要vt.以为,视为 45.couple(熟义:n.一对,一双;一对夫妇 或情侣)The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.46.course(熟义:n.课程;过程)The main course was a vegetable stew.47.cross(熟义:v.跨越,横穿 n.十字)Dont be cross with him.After all,he meant to help.v.联合,连接n.一道菜adj.生气的 48.cut(熟义:vt.割)His rude remarks cut me.49.damage(熟义:v&n.损坏)He claimed$7,000 damages from the taxi company.50.dash(熟义:v.猛冲)Being badly ill,he was dashed to hospital.His mother dashed him into going to school every day.vt.伤(某人的)感情n.赔偿金(复数)=compensationVt.急送vt.催促 51.dawn(熟义:n.拂晓 v.破晓,天亮)The truth began to dawn on him.52.desert(熟义:n.沙漠)He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.53.develop(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制)Did you have the films developed?developed disease/habitv.开始明白v.抛弃,离弃v.冲印v.逐渐形成 54.difficult(熟义:adj.困难的)You must get the permission of your difficult grandmother before getting married.55.dismiss(熟义:v.解雇,开除)He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.adj.难以取悦的,不易满足的v.拒绝考虑(某观点、意见)56.down(熟义:adv.向下,在下面)I paid$1,000 down on the car.57.drive(熟义:v.驾驶)Hunger drove her to steal.58.elect(熟义:v.选举,推选)She elected to become a lawyer.adv.作为首期付款v.迫使某人(做不好或不快的事)v.选择(做)59.embarrass(熟义:vt.使尴尬)What embarrasses your making an early start?60.employ(熟义:v.雇佣)The police employed force to open the door.61.engage(熟义:vt.从事)A personal computer engages his interest now.Vt.阻碍v.利用,使用Vt.吸引 62.entertain(熟义:vt.款待)He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world.63.even(熟义:adv.甚至,更)The road wasnt even.Her teeth were white and even.The score is now even.Vt.怀有,怀抱adj.平的,平坦的,平滑的adj.一致的;齐的;同样的adj.对等的;均等的,相等的 The car went with an even motion.She evened the edges by trimming them.Our team evened the score in the last minute.64.excite(熟义:vt.使激动)The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors.adj.均匀的;平稳的vt.使平坦;弄平vt.使相等Vt.激起 65.excuse(熟义:n.借口 v.原谅)He was excused from piano practice.66.express(熟义:v.表达)His express wish was that you should come here by air.Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?v.免除某人的职责adj.明确的n.快车 67.fail(熟义:v.失败)Our water supply failed.He is failing in health.His health is failing.He failed to lend her a hand.Words fail me.v.不足;缺乏v.衰退,衰弱v.未能v.无能为力 68.fashion(熟义:n.时尚,时装)He behaves in a peculiar fashion.69.fast(熟义:adj.&adv.快的/地)His tears fell fast.70.fever(熟义:n.发烧,发热)He is in a fever of her arrival.n.方式adv.接连不断地;快速不断地n.狂热,高度兴奋 71.fill(熟义:v.填满)His answer did not fill our need.72.find(熟义:vt.找到)The court found him guilty.73.fine(熟义:adj.美好的;很棒的;晴朗的)Theres a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words.74.fix(熟义:v.固定;安装;修理)The extraordinary man fixed our attention.vt.满足vt.判决adj.微妙的vt.吸引 75.follow(熟义:v.跟着;仿效)He followed a legal career.76.fond(熟义:adj.喜欢的;慈爱的;深情的)Fond parents will spoil their child.77.force(熟义:vt.强迫)The policeman forced the knife from the criminals hand.v.从事(某职业);遵循(某生活方式)adj.溺爱的vt.夺取 78.foreign(熟义:adj.外国的;外交的)The subject is foreign to me.Telling lies is foreign to her nature.79.form(熟义:vt.形成)I can not form an opinion about it.80.freeze(熟义:v.结冰,凝固)Freeze!Or Ill shoot.adj.不熟悉的adj.和格格不入vt.想出v.不许动(熟义:v.获得;赢得)Dont worry.My watch gains.We still have time.The car gained speed gradually.82.go(熟义:vi.去;变得)This information goes to prove my point.(钟表)快vt.增加(速度,重量)vi.对有助于 83.grade(熟义:n.年级)He got excellent grades in exams.Eggs are graded from small to extra-large.84.green(熟义:adj.绿色的,青的)Greens are vital to our health.85.ground(熟义:n.地面)He has strong grounds for more money.n.等级;分数v.分等级;给分数n.(pl.)绿色蔬菜n.理由 86.handsome(熟义:adj.英俊的;端庄的)I hope I will get a handsome present on my birthday.87.heavy(熟义:adj.重的)My father is a heavy smoker.The traffic is especially heavy today.adj.(礼物/行为)出手大方的,慷慨的adj.超出一般规模/数量/力量的 88.height(熟义:n.高度;身高)In the height of the summer many people choose to visit the seaside.89.hit(熟义:v.击中,打击)The film Hero by Zhang Yimou is quite a hit of this year.90.hold(熟义:vt.握住,抓住;抱住)His promise still holds.n.顶点;极度n.成功;红极一时的人或事vi.适用,有效 91.hot(熟义:adj.炎热的)Were waiting for the hot news on the election results.92.hunt(熟义:v.追猎;猎杀(鸟兽))Please hunt the cat away from the garden.93.ill(熟义:adj.生病的)It is no good speaking ill of others.adj.最新的Vt.驱赶adj.&adv.坏的/地 94.immediate(熟义:adj.立刻的,即时的)Is there a post office in the immediate neighborhood?95.industry(熟义:n.工业;产业)His success was due to industry.96.intelligence(熟义:n.智力,脑力)Scientists manage to get important intelligence thanks to satellite.adj.最接近的n.努力;勤勉n.情报,信息(尤指有军事价值的)97.interest(熟义:n.兴趣)Our family has an interest in the business.98.introduce(熟义:v.介绍)The new law was introduced in 1991.He introduced his speech with a joke.n.利益;股份v.初次投入使用或运作,实施v.以开始 99.invent(熟义:v.发明)He invented an excuse for his being late.100.invite(熟义:v.邀请)Dont leave the window open,for its inviting thieves to enter.The dishes are really inviting.v.捏造,虚构v.吸引;招引adj.诱人的 101.jam(熟义:果酱)He jammed four apples in his pocket.The accident jammed the main road for two hours.There are traffic jams on this road every day.102.job(熟义:n.工作)Removing the table is quite a job.He jobbed his son into the position.Vt.塞进Vt.堵塞n.堵塞n.费力的事Vt.做零工;假公济私 103.jump(熟义:v.&n.跳)Last week the prices of goods jumped.104.keep(熟义:v.保持,保留)Your coffee shop seems to be well kept.105.kid(熟义:n.小孩)Take it easy.Im just kidding.n.&v.大幅度上涨v.经营;开设v.开玩笑;欺骗 107.know(熟义:vt.知道)He is always quick to know his friends and enemies.108.land(熟义:vi.登陆;降落)He landed a contract for building a factory.109.late(熟义:adj.迟到的/地;晚的/地)She missed her late husband very much.Vt.辨别,认出Vt.获得adj.已故的 110.lecture(熟义:v&n.讲课;演讲)Do stop lecturing me.111.let(熟义:v.让)The couple decided to let off the smaller flat at a lower price.112.level(熟义:n.水平,水平线;强度)Not all the parts of our life long journey are level.113.library(熟义:n.图书馆)Pro.Lin has a large library of books.v.&n.训斥;教训v.出租adj.水平的,平坦的;同一水准的n.收藏;收藏量 114.lift(熟义:v.抬高)Can you give me a lift?His report gave us a lift.115.lose(熟义:v.失去;丢掉)Please hurry!My watch loses ten minutes.116.lot(熟义:n.量,批)Its difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centers.n.搭便车n.鼓舞vi.(钟表)慢(与gain相对)n.(某种用途的)场地 117.marry(熟义:v.结婚,与某人结婚)This poem marries theme and style well.118.make(熟义:v.制造,使)We can make 10 more kilometers by night fall.119.mean(熟义:V.意思是,意味着)Its mean of you to eat up all the apples.Vt.使紧密结合,使混为一体Vt.前进adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的 120.mend(熟义:n.修理;修补)The patient is still mending slowly after the operation.121.message(熟义:n.信息,口信)Id like to see a film with a message.122.might(熟义:modal v.或许)I use all my might to open the door.v.痊愈;改善n.教益;寓意n.力量,权威 123.minute(熟义:n.分钟)They held a minute inspection of the grounds.124.mix(熟义:vt.混合)He mixes very little with his wifes friends.125.note(熟义:n.笔记)Learn the notes by heart.I noted that her hands were dirty.adj.微小的,详细的;仔细而准确的Vt.交往,来往n.台词 v.注意adj.新颖的adj.未解决的Vt.承认 129.paragraph(熟义:n.段落)There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper.130.part(熟义:n.部分;零件,角色)In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.131.party(熟义:n.聚会;党派)The solution is acceptable to both parties.n.(报纸上的)短片报道v.分手;放弃;卖掉n.(契约或争论的)一方(当事人)132.pass(熟义:vt.通过)I have no idea what passed in my absence.133.pay(熟义:v.付钱)He says farming doesnt pay these days.134.peach(熟义:n.桃树,桃子)He has peached me and all the others to save his life.vi.发生,产生vi.合算vi.告发,告密 135.plant(熟义:n.植物;工厂)My parents planted a garden with apples at the foot of the hill.136.policy(熟义:n.政策)He took out a fire insurance policy for his house.137.pool(熟义:n.水池;水塘)If we pool the ideas,we may find a better solution to the problem.vt.种植,栽种某物n.保险单,保险凭证v.集中使用 138.position(熟义:n.位置;职位)Whats your position on the problem?139.pound(熟义:n.磅;英镑)No one can stand continuous pounding on the head.140.produce(熟义:v.生产)Please produce your ticket for inspection.n.立场;观点n.猛击;连续重击v.拿出;出示 141.promise(熟义:v&n.许诺)The dark clouds promise rain.142.pronounce(熟义:v.发音)The judge pronounced against her appeal.143.put up(熟义:v.建设;张贴)Could you put me up for the night?v.有的希望;使有可能v.宣称;宣布;判决Vt.留某人住宿 144.rate(熟义:n.比率,速度)These potatoes rate among the best.145.read(熟义:v.阅读)I didnt read mothers thoughts at that time.146.reflect(熟义:v.映出;反射;表现)I need time to reflect on your offer.v.对作出评价;被评价为理解;领会v.沉思;思考(on/upon)147.remember(熟义:vt.记住)Please remember the waitress.148.rest(熟义:v&n.休息)She rested her head on his shoulder.149.round(熟义:prep.&adv.环绕,围着adj.圆形的)We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency(自满,自得).Vt.送(人)礼物,付小费(给人)v.把依靠在n.回合;局;轮;场 150.safe(熟义:adj.安全的)He is a safe man.You can count on him.151.say(熟义:vt.说)Say that war breaks out,what will you do?What he had done said that he was an honest man.adj.谨慎的;不冒险的v.假定v.说明,表明 152.scholarship(熟义:n.奖学金)A writer with great scholarship can achieve great success.153.second(熟义:det.&adv.&n.第二)Mrs.Smith proposed the vote of thanks and Mr.Jones seconded.He raised a proposal that is seconded by few.学问;学识;学术成就v.随声附和v.赞成 154.see(熟义:vt.看到)This century has seen two world wars.155.seize(熟义:vt.抓住,强夺)I couldnt seize the meaning of his remarks.156.shape(熟义:n.形状)Though aged,the woman is still in good shape.Vt.有的经验;经历,体验Vt.掌握,把握n.状态;状况 157.shoot(熟义:v.射击;射中)The trees give out new shoots in spring.158.shoulder(熟义:n.肩膀)Young people should learn to shoulder the duty.159.soul(熟义:n.灵魂)Hardly a soul is seen in the village.n.嫩芽;新枝v.承担n.人 160.sound(熟义:n.声音)It is important to have a sound body.My wife is a sound sleeper.161.spare(熟义:adj.多余的;备用的;空余的 v.吝啬;拨出,抽出)He spared the thief.162.spring(熟义:春天;泉水)Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.adj.健全的adj.酣睡的v.饶恕;放过v.猛然跳起;涌出 163.stamp(熟义:n.邮票)He stamped(his feet)in anger.164.start(熟义:v.开始;发动;开创)He started up from his seat.165.steal(熟义:v.偷)He stole a glance of her in the mirror.v.跺脚,顿足v.猛然跳起;突然移动v.快速或偷偷地取得 166.strength(熟义:n.力气)Maths is not my strength.167.succeed(熟义:v.成功)He will succeed Foley as a speaker of the White House.Jim has just succeeded a large fortune from his uncle.168.surprise(熟义:v.&n.使惊讶,惊奇)Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight.n.强项v.继任v.继承v.出奇不意地袭击或发现 169.sustain(熟义:vt.维持)I sustained a broken leg in the accident.170.sympathy(熟义:n.同情)Annies sympathies lie firmly with the workers.171.team(熟义:n.对;组)Would you like to team up with us?Vt.遭受n.(pl.)赞同,支持v.(与某人)一起工作,合作 172.tell(熟义:v.告诉)She cracked a smile that told her joy.173.thorough(熟义:adj.彻底的,完全的,深入的)She is a very thorough worker.174.ticket(熟义:n.票)The new driver got a ticket for speeding.v.显示;显露adj.做事深入细致的n.罚票,罚款单 175.tie(熟义:vt.栓,系)They tied with the visiting team in the game.176.touch(熟义:n.&v.接触)I feel a touch of tenderness from moms words.Vegetables were touched by the frost.vi.打成平手n.少许,微量Vt.伤害 177.treat(熟义:n.&v.对待;处理;治疗)Her sons visits are a great treat for her.Its my treat this time.178.understand(熟义:vt.理解)I understand that you are planning to go to Africa.179.uniform(熟义:n.制服)The boxes are uniform in weight.n.(难得的)乐事n.款待;请客Vt.据闻,知悉,了解adj.相同的,一致的 180.vehicle(熟义:n.交通工具)We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first.181.vote(熟义:n.&v.投票,表决)I vote that we go home.182.walk(熟义:v.&n.行走;步行)This society welcomes people from all walks of life.n.媒介,载体v.(口语)建议n.行业(walk of life)183.wander(熟义:v.漫游;游荡;漫步)Dont wander from the point.184.wear(熟义:v.穿戴)The girl always wears a happy smile.185.weather(熟义:n.天气)China may be able to weather the financial crisis in much better shape than many other developing countries.v.离开原处或正道Vt.表露v.经受住,平安的度过 186.weigh(熟义:v.称的重量;重达)Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this!187.weight(熟义:n.重量)How much weight will be attached to his decision?188.will(熟义:modal v.表将来或意愿)He showed great strength of will.What did it say in the will?v.权衡;斟酌n.分量,重要性n.意志力;意愿n.遗嘱 189.with(熟义:prep.与,以)With more money I would be able to buy it.190.work(熟义:v.&n.工作)I believe your plan will work.prep.若是v.起作用


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