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Think about it A:What subjects do you have?B:A:How many classes do you have every day?B:A:When does the first/second/class start?B:Lesson13How Is School Going?New words life /laif/n.生活生活 term /t:m/n.学期学期 start /st:t/v.开始;出发开始;出发 finish /fini/v.完成;完成;twice /twais/adv.两次;两倍两次;两倍 win /win/v.赢得;获胜赢得;获胜 yeah /je/int.(口语)是;对(口语)是;对 social /sul/adj.社会的社会的 shop /?p/n.手工艺课手工艺课myself /maiself/pron.我自己我自己(two times)(商店(商店;购物)购物)(won/won)1.Listen and write down what subjects they have.Lets Do It!Chinese maths history P.E.English socials studies shop French artIt is a little busy this term.She has six classes every day.P.E.is her favourite subject.Her favourite subject is shop.She made a bird house all by herself.2.Read and answer:1.How is Jennys school life going?2.How many classes does Wang Mei have every day?3.What is Wang Meis favourite subject?4.What is Jennys favourite subject?5.What did Jenny make in shop class last week?How is.going?sports meet twice a year long jump be good at social studies by oneselfRead and find :运动会.怎么样?一年两次跳远擅长于社会科学独立的3.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases.1.I_singing.I want to be a singer in the future.2.I start school at 8:00 am.and _at 5:00p.m3.I often _the long jump at the sports meet.4 A:What _do you have?B:I have Chinese,English,math and some others.5.A:How is your school_ going?B:Well,its a little busy.life finish subject take part in be good at am good atfinishtake part insubjectslife 1.How is your school life going?你的学校生活怎么样?你的学校生活怎么样?How isgoing?意为意为“怎么样?怎么样?”比比How are you?的关心和问候更为具体。的关心和问候更为具体。回答有回答有:Pretty good!相当好!相当好!Great!好极了!好极了!Not bad!不错!不错!Terrible!糟透了!糟透了!Just so so!一般一般!一般一般!等等。等等。eg.How is it going?Just so so!2.I usually finish at 5:00 p.m.finish v.“完成;结束完成;结束”finish+n/pron/v-ing。eg:Please finish _(write)the words this afternoon.writing3.Youre good at the long jump.你擅长跳远。你擅长跳远。be good at 意为意为“在在方面好,擅长方面好,擅长”其后可接其后可接n/pron/v-ing。近义词组。近义词组:do well indo well in.二者都可用于二者都可用于 肯定肯定人在某方面的能力。人在某方面的能力。eg:My math teacher is good at playing basketball.=My math teacher does well in playing basketball.4.I made a bird house all by myself.我自己做了一个鸟窝。我自己做了一个鸟窝。all by oneself 意为意为“靠自己靠自己”eg:He finished the task all by himself.他全靠自己完成了那项任务。他全靠自己完成了那项任务。She did it all by herself.她独自一个人做此事情。她独自一个人做此事情。Practice:1.Danny is good at _ the violin.A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 2.How _ your life going?A.does B.is C.are D.did 3.My sister finished _ the newspaper at 5:00.A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading 4.Who _ the football game?A.win B.wins C.won D.winning5.I can swim well._.A.I can B.Yes,I can C.I,too D.Me,too6.Li Ming made a paper plane by _.A.him B.himself C.he D.his Fill in the blanks:Jennys school life is a little busy this_.She has _ classes every day.Her favourite subject is _.Last week,She _ a bird house all by _.Wang Mei also has six classes every day.She _ school at 8:00 a.m.and _ at 5:00 p.m.PE is her favourite subject.They always have a big sports meet _ a year.She _ good at the _ jump.She often _ part in the long jump.Last term she _ first place.termsixshopmadeherselfstartsfinishestwiceislongtakeswon Homework:Write a short passage “My school day”See you next time.


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