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Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck单词讲解 luck n. 运气, 幸运 good luck =break your leg 祝你好运 bless you 保重(比如在别人打喷嚏时说的话) lucky adj. 幸运的 lucky dog 幸运儿 lucky day 幸运日 Its my lucky day. 今天我真幸运 luckily adv. 幸运地 unlucky adj. 不幸的 sail v. 航行 vi. (船)航行,扬帆行驶 The ship is sailing for New York. vi. (人)乘船航行 I want to sail around the world. n. 帆,篷 This boat has white salis. harbour n. 港口 port n. 港口 airport 航空港 proud adj. 自豪,自满 be proud of 以为自豪,为(某人)感到自豪 Parents are proud of their children. pride n. 自豪 take pride in 以为自豪 important adj. 重要的 importance n. 重大课文讲解 1、Well meet him at the harbour early in the morning. 在表示时间的短语in the morning,in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early,late等副词,以便确切地表示时间 early in the morning 一大早 late in the afternoon 傍晚 2、It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. across 是对某个细长物“横切、横断、横渡”等,尤指河流、马路、海洋等;过桥用over the Atlantic =the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 once,twice,three times 表示次数的时候, for 一定不能加 I do something twice. 3、Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock, so well have plenty of time. set out/set off/begin something 出发,动身 plenty =enough 相对多,充足的,足够的 plenty of 足够多的 I have plenty of money. a lot of 指客观上的多 4、Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him. see = visit 参观 Can I see it? say goodbye (to sb.);say hello to (to sb.);say sorry to (to sb.) I said hello to him this morning. You must say sorry to somebody. 5、He will be away for two months. 瞬间动词不是不能用完成时态, 而是指不能与段时间连用, 一旦要用段时间就要将其变为“系表结构”即 “be + 形容词或介词短语构成” He has been away for two hours. =He left two hours ago.点时间 有的动词可用be+形容词系表结构表状态来代替 arrive= be here/there ;leave= be away ;die = be dead ; join(也是瞬间动词) = be a soldier/in the army 6、He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. take part (in) 参加,参与(某项活动) enter for 报名参加 I have entered for the meeting,but now I dont want to take part in the meeting. an important race across the Atlantic 横渡大西洋的比赛(介词短语做定语放在被修饰词的后面) the person at the door be in the race = take part in the race 参加比赛 at the race 在比赛场地观看比赛时态讲解 、一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 、将来时的结构 基本结构: shall/will + 动词原形 shall常用在第一人称I 或we 的后面,而will可用于所有人称,缩略为ll,否定式中,will not 可缩略 为ll not 或wont,shall not缩略shant(在美语中很少用shall) be going to do sth./ be gonna do sth.(美语) 打算做某事; be going to 与will 一般可以互换,但与打算无关含义的句子, will与be going to do 不能互换 Ill miss you. (不能用be going to) Hell lose. 他要输了。(不能用be going to) Ill be sixteen years old next year. (不能用be going to) be + to do sth. 表示计划安排在某事或用来征求意见 I am to have a holiday. be about to do sth. 即将做某事. will be doing 表示将要做某事 be doing (瞬间动词) 用现在进行时表示将来时态 用现在进行时表示将来的动词有:go,come,arrive,leave,die,land,join be 一般现在时表示将要发生 If it rains, be + to do sth. 表示计划安排在某事或用来征求意见 I am to have a holiday. be about to do sth. 即将做某事. will be doing 表示将要做某事 be doing (瞬间动词) 用现在进行时表示将来时态 用现在进行时表示将来的动词有:go,come,arrive,leave,die,land,join be 一般现在时表示将要发生 If it rains, Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys单词讲解 group n. 小组, 团体 a group of 表示一群或一个团体 You can see a group of islands in the middle of the lake. group n. 组合,指合唱团(如Back Street 后街男孩) band n.乐队(如零点乐队, 只有一个主唱) pop singer 流行歌手 pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular 的缩写) pop song(music)流行音乐 pop star : 歌星 club n. 俱乐部 night club 夜总会 occasion n. 场合 中文: 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中 英文: occasion = time 某个时候 this occasion;on the(this) occasion 在这种时候 occasionally sometimes 有时候, 偶尔 课文讲解 1、At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. at present =now 目前,现在 The doctor is very busy at present. nowadays adv. 目前 up to now =so far 到现在为止 visit v.拜访、参观;(歌手)巡演 visit+地点表示去某地 They stay in all parts of the world. visit some place 带有职业相关目的 visit china 某某人到中国访问 The headmasters of the New Oriental school visited Lanzhou.这里指演讲 all parts of the country 全国各地(all在这里的意思是“各种的,各个”) all parts of the world 全世界各地;介词用in in all parts of the world 在全世界各地 2、They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. will be doing 将来进行时态,用来表示最近的将来正在进行的动作或说话人设想已经安排好的事情, 将来进行时态的意思往往等于一般将来时态. We will be acting. 我们将要行动了 most of the young people in the town 镇上的大部分年轻人(介词短语作定语) most of + the 大多数的(一定要加the) most of the books; most of the time most of the young people = most young people most students = most of the students. meet vt.&vi.(偶然)遇见,遇到 We met at a restaurant. vt.(约定地点或时间)和会面,迎接 meet sb. +地点 去某地接某人 Who will be meeting you when you arrive in London? see sb. off 送行, 目送 vt.(经介绍)和相识/见面 Id like to meet your brother. 3、Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. last night 昨天夜间;tonight 今天夜间;tomorrow night 明天夜间;next night 第二天晚上 at the Workers Club 在工人俱乐部 tomorrow evening 明天晚上;yesterday evening 昨天晚上;this evening 今天晚上 4、The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. will be staying here for five days 逗留五天 give five performances 演出五场 5、As usual, the police will have a difficult time. as usual 象往常一样,照例 On that day, he was late for work as usual. difficult 这里解释为“难对付的”、“费劲的”,指麻烦比较多。 have a good time 玩得开心 have a hard time 生活得艰辛 have a difficult time 日子不象平时那样惬意 6、They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. try to do sth. 设法做某事, 尽力做某事 order 常用的意义是“次序、顺序”,也可当“治安、秩序”讲 keep order 维持次序 public order 治安 当用occasion表示在某个/些场合时,它与介词on连用 on these occasion(s)每逢这种场合 the same 表示情况相同 注意同一意思的多种表达方式 Why are you late? = What took you so long? 你为什么迟到? Lesson 14 Do you speak English?单词讲解 amusing adj. 好笑的, 有趣的 The story is amusing. (好笑的) amused adj. 感到好笑的(要笑出声) I am amused. amuse v. 使发笑,使愉快 The story amused me. funny adj. 好笑的(不一定要笑出声可以指贬义),开心的,令人开心的 interesting / funny story experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) n. 经历(可数) He has a lot of experiences. (经历,可数名词) n. 经验,体验(不可数) They want someone with a lot of experience for this job. (经验,不可数名词) Does she have any experience in teaching? vt. 经验,体验 Have you ever experienced anything like this? The village has experienced great changes since 1980. experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的 He is an experienced doctor. lift n. 搭便车 take a bus/taxi/lift 乘公共汽车/乘出租汽车/搭便车 B wants to take a lift. 某人想搭便车 I want to take a lift. A give B a lift. 让某人搭便车 The student gave me a lift. thumb lift 拇指便车(向过路车辆竖起拇指表示要求免费搭车) reply v. 回答 reply与answer 的区别: 作为不及物动词是一样的: He answered/replied. 作为及物动词就不一样了: answer sth. answer the letter 回信 reply to sth. I will reply to the letter. 回信 language n. 语言 native language 母语 The native language is Chinese. mother tongue 母语(口语中用) My mother tongue is Chinese. journey n. 旅行 journey n. 所有的旅行,偏重于陆地旅行 go on a journey 2 hours journey;3 days journey(三天路程) trip n. 短距离旅行或出差(时间或距离上较短) go on a trip = go on business travel n. 周游(长途旅行) tour n. 游玩(为了玩) tourist n. 游客 voyage n. vd 旅行(海上) flight n. 空中飞行 课文讲解 1、After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. after 引导的从句如果一个是过去时,一个是过去完成时,那一定是从句用过去完成时;before 引导的 从句表示“在之前”,主句发生在从句之前, 主句用过去完成时。 drive on 继续开往(on加在动词的后面表示继续) My heart will go on 我心永恒 drive to 开车去某地 副词on紧跟在动词后面时可以表示“向前”、“继续下去”等意义: He talked on until everybody had gone. 他滔滔不绝地讲到大家都走了。 I was reading when my friend called. After he had gone, I went on to read. 我朋友来看我时我正在看书。他走了以后我便继续看书。 表达方位的表达方式一共有3个介词, in(在里面),on(接壤),to(没有相接的, 是相离的) A is to the east of B A在B的东方(A与B不相接) A is on the east of B A在B的东方(A与B接壤) A is in the east of B A在B的东方(A在B的里面) 2、As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. as soon as 一就,后面一定要加一个句子(时间状语从句), 强调两个动作几乎是连在一起 的,“一” 后面的先发生 As soon as I had entered the room,I took off my coat at once. As soon as I had received the letter,I ringed/called him back. 只要是状语从句, 一旦遇到将来时, 变为一般现在时 As soon as you arrive,you must call me. 你一到就打我电话 表示用某种语言作为交际手段时介词用in,表示讲某种语言时可以不加介词。 I speak English. I say a word in Chinese. That book is written in German. reply 要想加宾语要加to (+要回答的内容),而in the same language 在句中作状语, 不是replay所应回 答的问题(宾语), 故用in 3、Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. apart from 除以外 not at all 一点都不,表强调 I dont like it. I dont like it at all. 4、I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? nearly 将要 when 的翻译要看当时的具体情况, 在这里译为“就在此时” I had nearly reached home when I found my mother standing there. Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? 你是说英语国家的人吗?(问的是一个事实,不是问会说英语吗) Do you swim? 你去游泳吗? Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? 5、As I soon learnt, he was English himself! I learn 我得知; I know 我知道(我本来就知道) As+主语+动词,从句(As my mother said/As I heard/ As I learnt) 正如 As we know,the New Concept English is very good. 正如我们所知 As I think,it is the coldest day in the year. As he said, English is easy to learn. himself反身代词单独放在句尾, 起强调作用 I read English myself.8


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