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填空Part I:填空的指导原则1. 辨别空内词性、单复数、时间等基本语法。2. 观察空外的搭配。3. 注意句子整体的语法结构。4. 上下文的重要性。5. 注意习惯性的搭配。6. 注意结构的一致性。7特别留意空外面的介词。8. 比较选项里各个词汇的词性,特别比较及物动词与不及物动词,名词与形容词,副词与形容词9. 保证所选答案和句子的上下文逻辑一致。10. 注意选项之间细微的差别。We will have to _ Cling to _ to the rules of the game.Follow obey Abide vtAbide by Conform to Stick to Keep toHer reputation will surely abide.He has an abiding fame.Enduring lasting We will have to _with the rules of the game. Comply with Stick with Stand by If he _, I will go with you.Comes Since _ I have done it.Did The minute he comes she will start to cry.It / we /抽象 n、 复数为主语一般现在时、have done, will do / be doing 为谓语不包含例子、数字、时间连接词Imaginary and _Trust or _either as well asI am poor But _Not . ButNot only but alsoNo so much . As These geese are not so much a gift as a sign of marital advancement.Not that but that .One. And the otherOne and anotherhowever neither nor 副词Sadly fortunately hence 1. A long B far C as wellas D large at large largely Think ift large by and large 2. A the other B one another C one other D another3. A stem fromB spring fromStem cell flow from C result in D comprise of4. A accumulative B cumulative C accumulating D cumulatingAccumulate vt.*5. A attendedtoAttend a meeting B presented sth to sb Present adj. C deliveredDeliver a speech D heard a meeting Hear fromHear sb doHear sth doneHear sth doingHear sth being done6. A position B status C place D stateIn the positionIn the place of In the state The protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attacks is well established, _4 the data has been conflicting about alcohol and strokes, the authors said. 4.A. but B. so C. as D. sinceIn conflict with Effect n. vt.AttackI am afraid we will _ sth.The new study helps settle the question and is the first to find blacks and Hispanics benefit as well as _5_, according to the authors.5.A. white B. whites C. the white D. the whitesThe poorThe disabled The whites / blacksBlacks The first I am The last to agree.First thing in the morningMany Americans harbor a grossly distorted and _1_ view of most of the risks surrounding food. 1.A. exaggerable B. exaggerated C. suited D. suitable Harbor vt Shelter vtAre you harboring an evil intention?Shelter sb from Able 性质Ved 感受Ving 客观现象To make good food and water supplies even better, the Government needs to _9_ its regulatory standards, stiffen its inspection program and strengthen its enforcement policies. Enforce the lawPolicymakingUnder the policy Under discussionUnder controlUnder pressureUnder constructionUnder suspicionUnder expectation9. A. loosen B. tighten C. lose D. tightRegulate vt.Stiff He stiffens his neck.Inspection investigation Supply /demand Measure for measure Tit for tatMoan and groanWeal and woe In the health-care industry, the doctor-patient relationship with is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and _1_. The industry of Chinese people is impressive.IndustrialIndustrious Relate Be relative toBe related to1.A. worker B. consumer C. demander D. supplierCommander ConsumptionConsumerism Fergus Clydesdale, head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says bluntly that_2_were_ the dangers from bacterially contaminated chicken as great as some people believe, the street would be littered with people lying here and there. If I were you, I would do it.Were I you, I would do it.Contaminate vt. 1. A. is 2. B. are 3. C. was 4. D. were_3_though_ the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Risk doingAt/ in riskThe public= society Some people think the best time to begin studying a foreign language is in childhood, and that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn another language. There is 1 evidence, however, that children in language classroom learn foreign languages 2 any better than adults in the similar classroom situations. 1. B. little C. a few D. a little2.Much little a little Evidence Debt n. Works Papers Some HoweverMay butSome and others3. A. barely scarcely seldom 4. B. any C. still D. even 1. A. Yet 2. B. although/Though C. If D. So3. In Japan, most people still feel that a womans place is in the home; and most women willingly accept their 1 role as wife, leaving the business of making a living up to their husbands. Up to Live up to your expectationIn America, on the other hand, most women, including wives and mothers, work most of their lives. But until recently, few have had real careers. As in Japan most fields are 4 by men and opportunities for women have been restricted, salaries low, chances for advancement rare. /dim / slimBut Advance adj. n. v.In advance Advance tech.Advanced 4. A. owned B. kept C. led D. dominatedRestrict sb to sthRestrict sb from sthA restriction on sb from sthDominate vt.Dominant overDominance over4. 1. A. conservative B. usual C. traditional D. unhappyJust as sb says, “Just as sb says to the effect that,“I want to do it”.Like what he said, life is hard.American women work mainly because they 5 ; in these days of inflation and luxury living, one income per family is simply not enough to live on . Main In the main = mainlyIn general = generallyIn particular =particularly5. A. should B. ought C. like D. have toIt is for certain to do it.It is adj for sb to do it.Assume presume suppose expect We shouldYou should I think I feel / we feel The skin covers almost the whole of the external surface of the human body. Only very 1 parts of the body such as the eyes and lips have a different sort of covering. 1. A. special B. common C. obvious D. importantThe 2 of the skin is to act / serve as a protective layer around the outside of the body. 2. A. working B. condition C. usage D. functionAfter the skin has been bent by the movement of a joint, it readily immediately returns to its 9 position when the joint does so.I am ready to help.9. A. former B. earlier C. latter D. lastThe 2 student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. 2. A. poor B. ideal super unique perfect C. average D. disappointedIt is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students, 6 graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference source in the library. 6. A. particularly B. essentially C. obviously D. rarelyProfessors will help students who need it, but 7 that their students should not be too dependent on them. 7. A. hate B. dislike C. like D. preferThe 2 of the skin is to act as a protective layer around the outside of the body. 2. A. working B. condition C. usage D. functionAfter the skin has been bent by the movement of a joint, it readily immediately returns to its 9 position when the joint does so.9. A. former B. earlier C. latter D. lastThe 2 student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. 2. A. poor B. ideal =pure C. average D. disappointedIt is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students, 6 graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference source in the library. 6. A. particularly B. essentially C. obviously D. rarelyProfessors will help students who need it, but 7 that their students not be too dependent on them. 7. A. hate B. dislike C. like D. preferDemanding jobReflectionA is BA does B7. A inquire B require C acquire D derive8. A fact B evidence C reason D cause9. A at B on C off D in10. A handling B evidence C reason D cause11. A shape B upon C in D by12. A regard B lecturing C tackling D managing13. A matters B form C develop D influence14. A many B respect C mention D reference15. A since B stuff C affairs D if16. A change B few C little D muchThe 2 of the skin is to act as a protective layer around the outside of the body. 2. A. working B. condition C. usage D. functionAfter the skin has been bent by the movement of a joint, it readily immediately returns to its 9 position when the joint does so.9. A. former B. earlier C. latter D. lastThe 2 student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. 2. A. poor B. ideal =pure C. average D. disappointedIt is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students, 6 graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference source in the library. 6. A. particularly B. essentially C. obviously D. rarelyProfessors will help students who need it, but 7 that their students not be too dependent on them. 7. A. hate B. dislike C. like D. preferIn fact, adults have many advantages over 3 children, better memories, more efficient ways of organizing information, longer attention spans, better study habits, and greater ability to handle complex mental tasks. A. than B. to C. over D. against For those who do want a career of their own, opportunities are limited, and working women usually have to 2 for lower wages, fewer promotions, less responsible _positions.2. A. settle forSettle downSettle vt. B. request vt. C. ask D. search One of the main goals of modern womens liberation movement, which started 8 was to eliminate sex discrimination in the work force, and to open up careers for women that were previously reserved for men. 8. A. in the early 1960s B. in early the 1960s C. early in the 1960s D. in the early 1960Early timeEarly in morningThough there is still a long way to go, a lot of progress has been 10.Make little progress 10. A. made B. taken C. covered 100 mileCover =report D. completedMany teachers believe that the responsibility for learning _1_ with the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. 1. A. lays vt B. lies C. laid D. laids Lay into sb =criticize Lie in /with Happiness lies in appreciation of what you have.Lay Lay out the townBe Laid offLyingLiar nA lie Bruce Ames, chairman of the Biochemistry Department at Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plants weight _4_ natural pesticides. He says, Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare. And many naturally produced chemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in laboratory tests to be a strong substance which can cause cancer. Yet the issues are not_5_ simple. 1. A. make up of B. is made up of C. is made of D. is made up ofThat simple Make up sthBe made up of Be made of Workers make up the class.The class is made up of the workers.A. that B. this C. those D. theseYou call this clean. It is not that clean.2. _5_ then that in the systems of the hospital it is the physician who is the real consumer. As a consequence, the medical staff represents the power center in hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration. A. Little wonder B. A little wonder C. Much wonder D. Few wondersNo wonder =little wonder8 wonders around the world There is no time doing sth There is not a chance to do sth.I am not careful to do it.I take trouble doing sth.I spend time doing sth.It is not a big thing to do it.Experience much experienceMany experiences Early n the Early In 1960While Americans have no reason to be terrified to sit down at the dinner table, they have _6_ reason to demand significant improvements in food and water safety. 3. A. any 4. B. all the water / the people Have every reason each reason The researchers studied 677 New York residents, who lived in the northern part of Manhattan and had strokes between July 1, 1993, and June, 1997. After_6_ differences in other factors that could affect stroke risk, such as high blood pressure, the researchers estimated that subjects who consumed up to two alcoholic drinks daily were only half _7_ to have suffered clot-type strokes as non-drinkers. Clot-type strokes _8_ 80 percent of all strokes, a leading cause of US deaths and disability. 4.A. taking into accounting B. take into accountC. taking into account D. taken into account7. A. more likely B. as likely C. much likely D. so likely8. A. account for B. makes up The food industry should modify some long accepted practices or _10_ less hazardous alternatives. The problems that need to be tackled exist all along the food-supply chain, from fields to processing plants to kitchens.DangerousHazard 10. A. turn up show up B. turn in take in tell on inform on C. turn to come to resort to Arrive at sth look to sb for sthApply to sb for sthAppeal to sb for sth D. turn down= reject= decline= deny So American women actually have two jobs; one nine-to-five position outside the home, and 7 around-the- clock in-the-home job as wife, housemaid, cook, and nurse. Work around the clock7. A. another B. one C. other D: the otherBecause most adults do not like to appear foolish, they often _8_ themselves opportunities to practice 9 making mistakes, not getting their message 10 , or appearing ridiculously incompetent. Also adults have more trouble than children in making new friends who speak the foreign language.8. A. supply B. deny C. ignore D. neglectDeny sb sthConsider sb sth9. A. over B. across C. cross D. crossedGet sth doneGet over sthGet sth acrossI cant get my jokes across to her.10. A. in the case of B. for fear of C. in spite of D. instead In


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