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Zhang HengvHe invented the first tool in history for reporting earthquakes.NewtonvOn seeing an apple fall down,he thought that the same force governed the motion of the Moon and the apple.va Jewish person(犹太人犹太人)vHe proposed the theory of relativity(相对论相对论).Albert EinsteinBill GatesvHe started Microsoft,the biggest computer technology company in the world.vOnce he ranked(排名排名)No.1 on the Forbes China Rich List.(福布福布斯中国富豪榜斯中国富豪榜)v The founder,chairman,CEO of Alibaba Group.Ma YunMa Yun vThe firstChinese Nobel winner.v Has great discovery in Chinese herbal medicine(中草药中草药).Tu YouyouAnother amazing personAn explorerHoward CarterSuppose you are an explorer(not visitor),which country do you want to go?pyramidsprmd As is known to all,Egypt is one of the four ancient ennt civilized svlazd countries.Do you know what Egypt is famous for?The Pyramid is one of the 7 wonders in the world.What are inside the pyramids?jewelsdu:l and treasurestre(r)preserved bodies of dead kingsMummies!Are you curious or scared?curiouskjris“Death is only the beginning.”Loss of expensive thingsDark futureFail in the examscurseA word believed to have magical(有魔(有魔法的)法的)powers that can harm people.Bad lucky accidentillnessAmong the worlds most famous curses is the Curse of the Pharaoh fer,also known as King Tuts Curse.Can you guess what the mummies would do if they were disturbed?Why does the writer choose The curse of the mummy as its title?Predicting information Pre-readingthe titlethe first paragraphTask 1 Reading strategyTo get the general idea-by reading To make more specific prediction-by reading Predict what the article will be about based on the title and the first paragraph,focusing on“mummy”and“curse”.This passage will be about_.A.the famous explorer,Howard CarterB.the preserved mummies in the tombsC.something linked to Howard Carter and the curse of the mummy.D.the explanation of the curse of the mummyTask 2 PredictingPre-readingThose who enter the resting place of the dead will be punished.Lets divide the whole article into 3 parts.Part1Part2Part3(Para 1-2):(Paras 3-5):(Paras6-8):Howard Carter&his explorationThe Tomb of TutankhamunDifferent _ about the deaths.explanationsWhile-readingSkimming Main idea Part I Howard Carter&his exploration Howard CarterWhile-readingScanning Part 1(paras.1-2)an exploreran explorervisit&explore new placesvisit&explore new placestaught to draw by his father taught to draw by his father instead of going to the schoolinstead of going to the schoolIn 1891:In 1891:set sail for Alexandria,set sail for Alexandria,Egypt.Egypt.By the 1920s:By the 1920s:had become an explorer,had become an explorer,searching for the tombs of searching for the tombs of found several important tombs found several important tombs of the Egyptian kings of the Egyptian kings Part II The Tomb of Tutankhamun QuestionsQuestions1.Where did Carter make the 1.Where did Carter make the discovery?discovery?2.Who played an important role 2.Who played an important role in Carters most amazing in Carters most amazing discovery?discovery?3.What were found in the tomb 3.What were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun?of Tutankhamun?Para 3While-reading1.Where did Carter make the discovery?In the Valley of the Kings,in Egypt;In the Valley of the Kings,in Egypt;near the city of Luxor.near the city of Luxor.The Valley of The Valley of the kings the kings 国王谷国王谷2.Who played an important role in Carters most amazing discovery?money money providerproviderWhy would Lord Carnarvon pick Howard Carter?Why would Lord Carnarvon pick Howard Carter?Why would Carnarvon pick Howard Why would Carnarvon pick Howard Carter among so many explorers?Carter among so many explorers?Carnarvon was very interested in Egypt.Howard Carter was also interested in Egypt.Common interestsCommon interestsBy the 1920s,he had already found several important tombs.famousexperienced learned(有学识的有学识的)knowledgeable(知识渊博的)(知识渊博的)trustworthyGood qualitiesGood qualities3.What were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun?treasuretreasuremummymummyPara 3How did Carter make the amazing discovery?received moneycame to the valley of the kingsfound treasureand the mummyfound the tomb of KingTutPlace the following steps in order of events.Did they take the treasure away?How Did they take the treasure away?How did they deal with the discovery?Why?did they deal with the discovery?Why?Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking closedclosed They would make great contributions to cultures.An amazing explorer should resist the temptation(抵制诱惑)(抵制诱惑)of material and money.He should be s_ and always place the national interests above their p_ interests.elflessersonalhidhidstudystudyhad timehad timego into a museumgo into a museumcontentscontentsRead the part of the Read the part of the paragraghs4-5,and complete paragraghs4-5,and complete the table below.the table below.While-readingWhile-readingScanning Part3CharactersConnections with Carter and the tombHow did he die?money _,was on the _when the tomb was opened.fell _with a _Carnarvons _,also paid a _to the tomb.caught a _ _Carters _,visited the tombdied of _ _another team _died _ _the discovery Strange Deaths Strange Deathsproviderproviderscenesceneillillfeverfeverfriendfriendvisitvisithighhighfeverfeversecretarysecretaryheart troubleheart troublemembermembershortly aftershortly afterLord CarnarvonGeorge GouldRichard BethellArthur MaceParas 4-5Paras 4-5While-readingBesides the deaths of the people,can you find other strange things that happened?was swallowed by a snakewent out in Cairodied at about the same time _people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died.2121 Part III Explanations for their deaths “the curse of the mummy”.remains a riddle The authors opinion:What are the different explanations about the deaths?explanations1.Some people say2.Others believe that3.However,still others believe thatThe deaths were just coincidence.They were in connection with a mummys curseThere is a scientific explanation.(viruses)While-readingScanning Part4(paras6-8)Lets sum up the article and guess what on earth the curse of the mummy is!Summary and discoveryOutlineHoward CarterAchievementsStrange deathsExplanationsConclusion2.Retell the text according to the outline below.2.Retell the text according to the outline below.Howard Carter,a famous _made his most amazing discovery in 1922the _ of King TutankhamunWith the openness of it,some strange things _Why?Many explanations:_;_;_ It remains a _explorertombhappenedcoincidencecursevirusesriddleSome people sayOthers believe thatHowever,still others believe thatPost-reading activity DiscussionPost-reading activity DiscussionWhat kind of person do you think Howard Carter is?Why?Post-reading activity DiscussionDo you believe the curse of the mummy?Post-reading activity DiscussionTo be a qualified explorer,what kind of personality do you think he/she should have?Post-reading activity DiscussionIn order to succeed,what kind of personalities should we develop?Post-reading activity DiscussionWho is your hero?What can you learn from him/her?Post-reading activity DiscussionWho do you think is the most amazing person in history?What did he or she do?Post-reading activity Discussion1.What kind of person do you think Howard Carter is?Why?2.Do you believe the curse of the mummy?3.To be a qualified explorer,what kind of personality do you think he/she should have?4.In order to succeed,what kind of personalities should we develop?5.Who is your hero?What can you learn from him/her?6.Who do you think is the most amazing person in history?What did he or she do?DreamTo be a successful studentuWe should devote ourselves to making our dreams _.uOnly if you have a dream will you have _hoperealized/come trueTo be a successful studentActionuActions speak louder than _.uOnce you set your goal,you should _.uActions will enable us torealize our dreams more rapidly.uThe more action we take,the more likely we are to_ our dreams.wordsget close totake action(离梦想越近)(离梦想越近)To be a successful studentPersistenceuHold on to your dreams and never _ _uKeep trying to reach your goal no matter how many times you _give upfailHomeworkHomeworkhttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tutankhamunhttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Carter1.Retell the text.2.Find more explanations for the curse,and give your own ideas in the next period.


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