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Adverbs&Adverbial Clauses 修饰性状语:修饰谓语动词。评注性状语:修饰整句,表示说话 人的看法或态度。连接性状语:在句子之间起承接作 用,位于句首。状语可以用作状语的有:可以用作状语的有:1)_。Naturally,he was elected director of the and pany.2)_。According to the current law,he will be seriously punished.3)_。The soldiers did what they could to save the villagers from the flood.副词副词介词短语介词短语不定式短语不定式短语4)_。Greatly encouraged by what the teacher said,the student made up his mind to study harder than ever.Having got rid of the spy,the man went where the meeting would be held.5)_。The little match girl stood in the snow,cold and hungry.分词短语分词短语形容词形容词6)_。Trees can be seen here and there on the island.7)_。Even if it is sunny tomorrow,we wont take an outing.词组词组从句从句完成下列句子完成下列句子1._(奇怪),(奇怪),she has been absent from school for two days.2.If_(加热到一定温度),(加热到一定温度),solids will turn into liquids.3._(从山顶上看),(从山顶上看),the city looks pretty beautiful.4.Idioms are_(比语法难学)(比语法难学).5.During those days,he was forced to work_(从早到晚)(从早到晚).Strangely(they are)heated to a certain temperature Seen from the top of the hill are more difficult to learn than grammar from morning till evening 6.They looked at each other,_(解决不了这难题)(解决不了这难题).7._(做完了实验(做完了实验之后),之后),he went out for a play.8._(总而言之),(总而言之),only after you pay efforts can you be successful.9.However_(外面很冷),(外面很冷),they still went hunting outside.10._(为了让别人听(为了让别人听懂),懂),he explained what he had said once again.unable to solve the problem Having done the experiment In a word cold it is outside To make himself understood 11._(七月十日早上九点),(七月十日早上九点),the train started to go back to Nanjing.12._(很失望),(很失望),she didnt get through the advanced course.13.The building is being put up_(专门为艺术)(专门为艺术).14._(一般来说),(一般来说),their team is no match against ours.15.Though_(面临许多(面临许多困难),困难),they decided to set up a company.At 9 on the morning of June 10 To her disappointment specially for art Generally speaking faced with many difficulties 1.The temple is in good state,because it is repaired every two years.2.Take your time.Dont make a decision in a hurry.3.To finish the task on time,they worked day and night.4.This teaching method has been handed down from generation to generation.5.Although they quarrel with each other now and then,they have lived together for over ten years.6.I believe that one day my dream will come true.7.No matter how difficult it is to study English,I will never give up trying.8.Betty hopes she can speak Chinese as a Chinese does.状语从句时间状语从句地点状语从句条件状语从句原因状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句方式状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句 一、时间状语从句:一、时间状语从句:when,while,as,before,after,since,till,until,as soon as,no soonerthan,hardlywhen,every time,each time,the moment/minute/second,immediately 我坐在那儿时,他给我讲了一个有趣的故事。我坐在那儿时,他给我讲了一个有趣的故事。_I was sitting there,he told me an interesting story 他正要离开时,我进了屋子。他正要离开时,我进了屋子。I came into the house _he was about to leave.The play _(go)on until the candles went out.剧一直演到蜡烛熄灭。剧一直演到蜡烛熄灭。We _(begin)our meeting until the chairman came.我们一直等到主席来才开会。我们一直等到主席来才开会。Whilethe moment wentdidnt begin 地点状语从句:地点状语从句:where,whereverwhere,wherever 有水的地方就有生物。有水的地方就有生物。_there is water,there are living things.他们所到之处都受到了热烈的欢迎。_they went,they were warmly welcomed.WhereWherever 请你判断以下哪个是定语从句请你判断以下哪个是定语从句,哪个是地点状哪个是地点状语从句。语从句。AShall we have a party where we met last Sunday?BHave you been to the island where there are many monkeys?CPlease put all these books where they used to be.DWe will go where we are needed most.状语从句状语从句定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句状语从句状语从句 条件状语从句:条件状语从句:if,unless,soif,unless,so(as as)long aslong as(只要(只要),providedprovided,providing,providing,supposing,supposing,on condition that,on condition that 只要我们努力工作,我们一定能取得很大进步。只要我们努力工作,我们一定能取得很大进步。_we work hard,we are sure to make much progress.要是我们不能提前通知他,那该怎么办呢?要是我们不能提前通知他,那该怎么办呢?_we cant get him informed in advance,what should we do?只要我完全恢复,就来。只要我完全恢复,就来。Ill come _I am well enough.So long as Supposingprovided 原因状语从句:原因状语从句:because,as,since,now thatbecause,as,since,now that 区别:区别:它们表示原因的强弱程度它们表示原因的强弱程度 不同。不同。because最强最强since次之次之,as最弱。最弱。如果原因构成句子的最主要部分,一般用如果原因构成句子的最主要部分,一般用becausebecause。在回。在回答答why问题或在强调结构中必须用问题或在强调结构中必须用because。如果原因已为人们所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,如果原因已为人们所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,用用as as或或sincesince。sincesince比比as as稍微正式一些。稍微正式一些。sincesince常用以述说推常用以述说推断的理由断的理由,常放在句首常放在句首 。ForFor引导的句子不是原因状语从句,它连接的两句前后引导的句子不是原因状语从句,它连接的两句前后是并列关系是并列关系,因此,不能放在句首。它所陈述的原因是因此,不能放在句首。它所陈述的原因是间接的,常常是推测性的。间接的,常常是推测性的。Please fill in the blanks with Please fill in the blanks with because,since,as or for.because,since,as or for.A AIt was _ I like it that I do it.It was _ I like it that I do it.B B _ everyone is here,lets begin our meeting._ everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.C._I knew he was ill,I didnt call.C._I knew he was ill,I didnt call.D.He must have passed this way,_here are D.He must have passed this way,_here are the footprints.the footprints.becauseAsforSince 让步状语从句:让步状语从句:though,although,even though,even if,as,though,although,even though,even if,as,no matter whatno matter what(who,whom,where,when,whichwho,whom,where,when,which),whatever,whatever,whoever,whetherwhoever,whether or or even ifeven if与与even thougheven though的区别:的区别:even ifeven if一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情,even though,even though引出的是事实。引出的是事实。_we achieve great success in our work,we _we achieve great success in our work,we should not be proud.should not be proud.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。_he was late,he was not criticized by the _he was late,he was not criticized by the teacherteacher 虽然他晚了虽然他晚了,可他并没有受到老师的批评。可他并没有受到老师的批评。Even ifEven though 比较状语从句要记住几个句型:比较状语从句要记住几个句型:Aas.as/not soas Ber than Cthe more the more.D.more and more 比较状语从句比较状语从句,既然它叫从句既然它叫从句,that,as 之后就要有之后就要有主谓成份主谓成份,只不过有时谓语动作与前文所述一致只不过有时谓语动作与前文所述一致,所以省略了所以省略了,但是主语需用主格但是主语需用主格,虽然口语中有用虽然口语中有用宾格的情况。如:宾格的情况。如:He is taller than me.比较状语从句要注意比较的两个事物或人应当对比较状语从句要注意比较的两个事物或人应当对等等,否则就没有比较的意义否则就没有比较的意义 方式状语从句:as,as if,as though,the way(that)Please do exactly as your doctor says.John doesnt do it the way I do.He walks as if he were/was drunk.目的状语从句:so that,in order that,in case(以防,以免)The teacher must speak clearly _his students can/may understand well.You must be quiet _the fish are frightened.so that in case 结果状语从句:so that;such(a)that;so that He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.=He told us so _ that we all laughed.funny a story判断以下句子哪是目的状语从句哪是结果状语从句判断以下句子哪是目的状语从句哪是结果状语从句We got up early so that we could arrive at the town on time.We got up so early that we arrived at the town on time.(目的状语)(目的状语)(结果状语)(结果状语)填空:填空:1 1He wont believe it _ he sees it with his He wont believe it _ he sees it with his own eyes.own eyes.2 2Trees must be planted _ there is a lot of Trees must be planted _ there is a lot of sunlight.sunlight.3 3_ Swede was not good at English,he _ Swede was not good at English,he could understand what you were saying.could understand what you were saying.4 4Do what you think is right,_ they say.Do what you think is right,_ they say.5 5Go back _ you come from.Go back _ you come from.6 6How long is it _ I saw you last?How long is it _ I saw you last?7 7You can go out,_ you promise to be You can go out,_ you promise to be back before eleven.back before eleven.8 8The professor told the students to do _ The professor told the students to do _ he did.he did.9 9No one can be more fit for his office _ he is.No one can be more fit for his office _ he is.1010 _ everyone has understood this _ everyone has understood this one,lets change another.one,lets change another.until where Though whatever where since as long as as than Since 1 1-Is your engineering project ready?-Is your engineering project ready?-No,and _ today,I wont pass the course.-No,and _ today,I wont pass the course.A Aunless I get finish unless I get finish B Bif I got finishingif I got finishing C Cunless I get finishedunless I get finished D Dif Im not finishedif Im not finished 2 2 _ the day went on,the weather got worse._ the day went on,the weather got worse.A AWith BWith BSince CSince CWhileWhileD DAs As 3 3 _ the paper,it seems to write itself._ the paper,it seems to write itself.A AStarting BStarting BAfter startingAfter starting C CHaving started onceHaving started once D DOnce I start Once I start 4 4You can have these magazines _ I finish You can have these magazines _ I finish reading them.reading them.A Aso that Bso that BBecause CBecause Cthe momentthe momentD DUnless Unless 5The museum will have to close _ the government agrees to give extra money.Auntil BIf CwhenDUnless 6 _ youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.ANow that BAfter CAlthough DAs soon as 7Why do you want a new job _ youve got such a good one already?Athat Bwhere CwhichDWhen 8It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.Athat Buntil CbeforeDwhen 9Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ father was away in France.Aas Bthat CduringDif 000


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