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IPA-International Phonetic Alphabet 元音元音分类分类:英语中共有英语中共有48个音标,元音个音标,元音20个,辅音个,辅音28个。个。单元音单元音双元音双元音前元音前元音中元音中元音后元音后元音/i:/,/,/e/,/:/,/,/u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/e/,/a/,/,/,/a/,/,/e/,/辅音辅音爆破音爆破音磨檫音磨檫音 鼻音鼻音半元音半元音舌边音舌边音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/f/,/v/,/,/3/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/h/,/r/,/t/,/d3/,/tr/,/dr/,/ts/,/dz/m/,/n/,/l/w/,/j/Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)前元音:前元音:/i:/,/,/e/,/1.舌前部在活动舌前部在活动2.舌端抵下齿舌端抵下齿3.从从/i:/i/e/口形渐口形渐大大/i:/例词:例词:he sea tree field短语:短语:green leaves deep sea clean street eat the meat 例句:例句:A:Would you like coffee or tea?B:Tea,please.A:OK.I have tea,too./-/i/例词:例词:pin ship hill chicks短语:短语:a big ship fifty pictures Miss Smith interesting films例句:例句:A:Is Lily in?B:Lily is ill in bed.C:Oh,Im sorry./e/-/例词:例词:pen head leg well短语:短语:ten pence very well expensive cigarettes went to America例句:例句:A:How did you spend your holiday?B:I went to Beijing.A:Was it expensive?B:Yes,very./例词:例词:apple lantern hand parachute短语:短语:black cat mad man traveling bag matter-of fact例句:例句:A:Ann is traveling to Japan.B:How happy she is!A:She is very happy.Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)中元音:中元音:/:/,/,/发中元音时应注意:发中元音时应注意:1.舌中部隆起舌中部隆起2.舌端轻抵舌端轻抵 下齿下齿3./:/口形渐大口形渐大/:/-/:/例词:例词:girl bird work turn短语:短语:early bird Thursday work thirsty person perfect search例句:例句:A:He always arrives work early.B:But he wasnt early this morning.A:You werent early either./例词:例词:teacher picture breakfast welcome短语:短语:a glass of water a quarter to seven brothers and sisters a book about China例句:例句:A:look at the clock!B:whats the time?A:its a quarter to seven/例词:例词:cup run jump flood短语:短语:hurry up!trust us!rubbish number mustnt worry例句:例句:A:Its sunny today.B:Yes,isnt it.A:My uncle will go to London next Monday.B:How lucky he is!Vowels(元音)(元音)-pure vowels(单元音)(单元音)后元音:后元音:/u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/后元音发音要领:后元音发音要领:1.舌后部用力舌后部用力2.舌尖离开下齿龈舌尖离开下齿龈3./u:/,/,/:/,/,/:/口形渐口形渐 大大/u:/例词:例词:zoo who food blue短语:短语:a tooth for a tooth Sue and Lucy fruit juice two shoes例句:例句:A:Look at my new shoes?B:Oh,they are beautiful.A:Your boots are beautiful,too./例词:例词:foot wood book push短语:短语:good cook good book couldnt look pudding without sugar例句:例句:A:Where did you put the book?B:Which book?A:The book you bought yesterday./:/例词:例词:fork ball morning airport短语:短语:four balls score board morning glory sports reporter例句:例句:A:I see two children on the blackboard.B:He is short.A:She is shorter./-/例词:例词:cock shop job hospital短语:短语:hot coffee long job on the box drop the pot例句:例句:A:I have a bad cough.B:You must see a doctor.A:Yes,I must go to the hospital./:/例词:例词:car garden star guitar短语:短语:fast car half park heart transplant stars and bars例句:例句:A:You look very smart today.B:Thank you.C:What a marvelous dancer you are.Let me take a photograph of you.Vowels(元音)(元音)-diphthongs(双元音)(双元音)/e/,/a/,/,/,/a/,/,/e/,/双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:1.口形、舌位有变化口形、舌位有变化 发单元音时口发单元音时口形、舌位自始至终保持不变。双元音形、舌位自始至终保持不变。双元音是由两个不同的元音组成的,例如是由两个不同的元音组成的,例如/ai/,从第一个元音从第一个元音/a/过度到过度到/i/,口形和口形和舌位都有变化:由口形较大、舌位较舌位都有变化:由口形较大、舌位较低的低的/a/音过度到口形较小、舌位较高音过度到口形较小、舌位较高的的/i/音。其它七个双元音也一样,发音。其它七个双元音也一样,发音时口形舌位都有不同成度的变化。音时口形舌位都有不同成度的变化。双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:2.前长后短前长后短 双元音中两个元音的长双元音中两个元音的长度(音长)也不相等。第一个比第二度(音长)也不相等。第一个比第二个长些,约为三比一。个长些,约为三比一。3.前重后轻前重后轻 发第一个元音时要多使发第一个元音时要多使点劲儿,但必须注意不要把两个元音点劲儿,但必须注意不要把两个元音分裂成一个强音、一个弱音来念,而分裂成一个强音、一个弱音来念,而是由强而渐弱。是由强而渐弱。双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:4.两音密合,一气呵成两音密合,一气呵成 由第一个元由第一个元音到第二个元音是一个滑动的过程,音到第二个元音是一个滑动的过程,中间不容停顿,不可把两个音分开来中间不容停顿,不可把两个音分开来念。念。5.前音清楚,后音模糊前音清楚,后音模糊 双元音中的双元音中的第一个元音发音清楚响亮,向第二个第一个元音发音清楚响亮,向第二个音滑动时,在尚未到达第二个元音的音滑动时,在尚未到达第二个元音的发音部位时滑动即可停止,不必把第发音部位时滑动即可停止,不必把第双元音发音要领:双元音发音要领:二个音象单独发音时念得那么二个音象单独发音时念得那么 清楚。清楚。这一点非常重要。常听到一些同学把这一点非常重要。常听到一些同学把/ai/念成念成“阿姨阿姨”,就是因为把,就是因为把/i/念念得太清楚了,甚至跑过了头,越境而得太清楚了,甚至跑过了头,越境而入入/i:/的领域了。的领域了。/e/-/ei/例词:例词:face rain cake wait短语:短语:eight cakes waste paper railway station wait for the mail例句:例句:A:Its my birthday today.B:Happy birthdayA:Thank you.Come to my birthday party.And dont be late./a/-/ai/例词:例词:sky kite write bicycle短语短语:white lie high tide eye for eye silent night例句:例句:A:Its a fine day today.The sun is shining brightly.B:Yes,I feel hot.I like an ice-cream now.A:Yes,I do,too./-/i/例词:例词:boy boil noise coin短语:短语:a spoilt boy a noisy toy an annoying voice Joyces boyfriend例句:例句:A:Look at my toy gun.B:Oh,what a good toy!A:Shall we join our friends in the garden?B:Yes,lets go./-/v/例词:例词:coast throw boat toe短语:短语:Joes coat go to the window load and unload throw a snowball例句:例句:A:Look!He has a boat.B:Is he going to row?A:I think so./a/-/av/例词:例词:cow house mouth trousers短语:短语:shout out brown mouse down town round flower例句:例句:A:Is she milking the cow?B:Yes,she is.A:Is the cow in he house?B:No.She is on the dairy farm./-/i/例词:例词:ear idea zero beard短语:短语:the atmosphere here queer 古古怪的怪的skier Weary疲乏疲乏 mountaineer experienced engineer例句:例句:A:Lets have some beer here.B:What a good idea!A:What shall we do after having beer?B:We shall go to the theatre./e/-/例词:例词:hair bare pear chair短语:短语:millionaires theirs mayors parentssquare chairs careful librarian例句:例句:A:Where is my pen?B:Its over there on the chair.A:Thank you.Its really there./-/v/例词:例词:tour poor sure gourd /g d/葫芦葫芦短语:短语:poor tourists tour from China carm jury陪审团陪审团 European jewel例句:例句:A:I received a letter from my uncle.Hes sick with influenza.B:Im sorry.Is he still in Europe.A:Yes.Hes still working in London.B:He must speak fluent English.Consonants(辅音)(辅音)英语辅音的发音特点英语辅音的发音特点 1.气流受阻,从肺部呼出的气流在通气流受阻,从肺部呼出的气流在通过口腔或鼻腔时遇到阻碍(元音发音过口腔或鼻腔时遇到阻碍(元音发音不受阻碍)。不受阻碍)。2.气流较强(元音气流较弱)气流较强(元音气流较弱)3.阻碍部分肌肉紧张(元音发音时均阻碍部分肌肉紧张(元音发音时均衡地保持紧张)衡地保持紧张)4.有清浊之分。有清浊之分。英语辅音的发音可以分别从英语辅音的发音可以分别从”发音部发音部位位”和发音方法和发音方法”两方面来学习。两方面来学习。1.发音部位:所谓发音部位:所谓”发音部位发音部位”是指是指气流受到阻碍的地方,也就是两个发气流受到阻碍的地方,也就是两个发音器官为了影响气流而构成的各种阻音器官为了影响气流而构成的各种阻碍的部位。例如:发碍的部位。例如:发/p/b/时双唇先时双唇先要紧闭,形成阻碍,发要紧闭,形成阻碍,发/f/v/时下唇接时下唇接触上齿形成阻碍等等。触上齿形成阻碍等等。英语辅音按发音部位可分成:英语辅音按发音部位可分成:双唇音:双唇音:/p,b,m,w/唇齿音:唇齿音:/f,v/舌齿音:舌齿音:/,/舌龈音:舌龈音:/t,d,s,z,n,l/齿龈后部音:齿龈后部音:/,r,j/舌后软腭音:舌后软腭音:/k,g,/声门音:声门音:/h/2.发音方法:是指气流通过阻碍时所发音方法:是指气流通过阻碍时所使用的不同方法(及其造成的听觉印使用的不同方法(及其造成的听觉印象)。例如:发象)。例如:发/p,t,k/时气流通过阻时气流通过阻碍部位时所发出的爆破声,发碍部位时所发出的爆破声,发/s,z,f/时气流从阻碍部位的缝隙中挤出,发时气流从阻碍部位的缝隙中挤出,发出摩擦的声音等等。出摩擦的声音等等。英语辅音按发音方法可分成:英语辅音按发音方法可分成:爆破音:爆破音:/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/摩擦音:摩擦音:f/,/v/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/h/,/r/破擦音:破擦音:/,/鼻音:鼻音:/m/,/n/,/舌侧音:舌侧音:/l/半元音:半元音:/j/,/w/Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-plosives(爆破音)(爆破音)/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/p/例词:例词:pig people pull put短语:短语:pick up a pepper pot a piece of pork a pen and a pencil例句:例句:A:Do you collect stamps?B:Yes,I do.A:Will you show me your stamp album?B:Yes,they are upstairs.Let me go and fetch them./b/例词:例词:bus bed breakfast banana短语:短语:Big Ben a big bottle beautiful baby blue butterflies例句:例句:A:Is this your handbag?B:No,it isnt my handbag is not brown.A:What color is your handbag?B:Its black./t/例词:例词:table tall take telephone短语:短语:ten teachers travel by train want a rabbit two trees例句:例句:A:Im hungry.I want something to eat.B:What about some tomatoes?Lets go to the restaurant!A:Yes,lets go./d/例词:例词:door doctor head would短语:短语:dear daughter red door played cards listened to the radio例句:例句:A:What did you do last night?B:I studied last night.A:Did you study all night?B:No,I didnt.I listened to the radio for some time./k/例词:例词:car duck clock park短语:短语:the back of the car ask question a quarter to six a cool cleaner例句:例句:A:I like cheap cakes.B:You do?Do you often have cheap cakes?A:Yes,I do.B:If you want to keep fit,dont eat too many cheap cakes./g/例词:例词:bag dog goat green短语:短语:good girl go to the grandpas as good as gold get a girl例句:例句:A:Can you play the guitar?B:Yes,I played my guitar in the garden and song again and again with my friends last night.A:You must have had a good time last night.Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-fricatives(摩擦音)(摩擦音)/f/,/v/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/h/,/,/,/r/f/例词:例词:friend fat fish family短语:短语:five flowers fast food fathers face feel fine例句:例句:A:Look at Freda!She is fifty.B:Her hat is funny.A:Look at her fur coat.Its famous./v/例词例词:drive village very vest短语:短语:lovely view village vet 兽兽医医 leaving arriving leaves of the vine藤、葡藤、葡例句:例句:A:Whos driving the van?B:I think victor is.获胜者获胜者 A:Who is victor?B:He is my new neighbor,he has lived here for only a few months./例词:例词:thank month thin thirty短语:短语:three thinkers Marthas birthday healthy author thirty mathematicians例句:例句:A:My father is a mathematician.B:No wonder you are good at mathematics.A:To tell you the truth,my father never teaches me math./例词:例词:father there that this短语:短语:smooth leather get together better than others another brother例句:例句:A:Lily is taller than Mary.B:But Mary is slimmer than Lily.A:Look at them.Theyre doing physical exercise together./s/例词:例词:sun small horse bicycle短语:短语:sleep soundly expensive cigarettes some books sit in the sun例句:例句:A:These are cups.B:Those are saucers.茶茶碟碟 A:Theyre nice cups and saucers./z/例词:例词:zoo prize bees nose短语:短语:jazz music close the windows these days zero animal例句:例句:A:Lets go to the zoo.B:Good.I like looking at the zebras.C:I like the monkeys there.Lets go./例词:例词:fish sugar shoe shop短语:短语:fashion shops friendship association社团社团 British shoes washing machine例句:例句:A:This shop sells washing-machines.B:Do they sell air-conditioners,too.A:Sure./例词:例词:garage pleasure measure collision短语:短语:an unusual collision measure a garage a great decision my pleasure例句:例句:A:Lily likes clothes for casual随便的随便的 wear.B:Clothes for casual wear are comfortable,A:I like to wear them in my leisure time./h/例词:例词:hat hard hen high 短语:短语:heart and hand high heels head-to-head happy honeymoon蜜月期蜜月期 例句:例句:A:There was a car accident here last Sunday.B:Oh,its horrible!A:Were you here when the accident happened?B:No,I only heard about it./例词:例词:cheek chicken church watch短语:短语:Chinese chess which butcher chicken and chips change much例句:例句:A:Where are the two children?B:Theyre having lunch.A:Here are some cherries 樱桃樱桃for them.B:Thank you very much./例词:例词:jeep jar orange bridge 短语:短语:a large jeep injured passengers adjust the engine orange juice 例句:例句:A:I have an orange.B:Oh,your orange is large.Look!Ive got a large sandwich.A:Yes,it is a very large one./r/例词:例词:rose lorry卡车卡车 rubber rocket短语:短语:American waitress a married secretary grown up children French restaurant例句:例句:A:Rose works as a secretary at the railway station.B:She does?She is a very pretty girl.A:Yes,very.Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-nasals(鼻音)(鼻音)/m/,/n/,/m/例词:例词:moon home medicine mountain短语:短语:man-made make a mistake come tomorrow middle name例句:例句:A:Mum has come back home.B:Marvelous.A:Mom says well go and see a movie tonight.B:Yes,we certainly will./n/例词:例词:neck tin night noise短语:短语:neat brandy白兰地酒白兰地酒 a negative answer telephone number harden the neck例词:例词:A:What a nice postcard of the Grand Canyon!B:They are wonderful.峡谷峡谷A:Who sent it to you?B:A friend of mine./例词:例词:ink ring sing monkey短语:短语:ring-ding开朗的开朗的 rising diphthong双元音双元音 strong string playing ping-pang例句:例句:A:Do you like drinking tea?B:Yes,I do.A:We are advised to drink more tea than coffee.B:Tea is good for health.Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-lateral(舌侧音)(舌侧音)/l/l/例词:例词:black light jelly全身发软全身发软 lemon短语:短语:early for lunch leg of lamb a glass of lemonade柠檬汽水柠檬汽水 yellow jelly例句:例句:A:Mum,is lunch ready?Im hungry.B:OK,lunch is ready.A:Whats for lunch,Mum?B:Well have lamb and potato salad.Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-semi-vowels(半元音)(半元音)/j/,/w/j/例词:例词:yellow yacht快游艇快游艇 yolk蛋蛋黄黄 year短语:短语:yolk yellow new years day new York university a tough onion坚硬、老坚硬、老例句:例句:A:My brother was a music student.B:What does he do now?A:He is now in Europe working as a business man./w/例词:例词:week whale win window 短语:短语:weight watcher weave织织 a web weeping willow wet wind例句:树枝低垂的例句:树枝低垂的 A:Dont look out of the window.B:Oh,Im sorry,Im thinking of my dog.Today is a wet day.A:Do you think your dog will be lost in the woods on a wet day?辅音字母的读音规则辅音字母的读音规则 单个辅音字母的发音可以归纳单个辅音字母的发音可以归纳为下面两种:为下面两种:1)只发一个音的字母)只发一个音的字母 字母 读音 例词 字母 读音 例词 b /b/big/big/p /p/play/plei/f /f/foot/fut/q /k/Iraq /ra:k/h /h/hat /ht/r /r/red /red/j /jam /m/v /v/very/veri/k /k/kind/kaid/w /w/well/wel/m /m/man/mn/j /j/yes /jes/n /n/net /net/z /z/zoo /zu:/注:字母f 在个别情况下念,如of/v,v/2)字母 h在某些单词中不发音,如hour/a/3)字母 q很少单独出现,常和字母 u结合,念作/kw/如quick/kwik/。2)可发几个音的字母 /k/g/s/ks/c /s/g /s /z/x /gz/k/d/l/t/d /t/l /l/t /t/Consonants(辅音)(辅音)-fricatives(摩擦音)(摩擦音)/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/ts/students coats cats boats/dz/heads reads beds hands/tr/tree truck train trace追踪/dr/dress drink drain流干喝光排水管 dream开音节:开音节:1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。例:be 2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例make。*在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。闭音节闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。例:map,desk,is。*在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。英语音标发音规则一,元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母读 音例 词a在开音节中ei name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中 bag dad hat map black backe在开音节中i:he these me Chinese在闭音节中e bed let pen desk yes eggi在开音节中ai bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中i fish big drink sit milk swimo在开音节中u those close go hoe home no在闭音节中 clock not box shop socku在开音节中ju:student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读u:音,例如:June blue ruler super二,元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读 音例 词 a China another woman breakfasti orange comrade village cabbagee hundred student open weekend:nerve serve termi chicken pocket begin childrenii holiday beautiful family animalai exercise satelliteo second tonight somebody welcomeu also zero photo u autumn difficultju:popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读ei音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读u(:)音,例如:July influence February issue三,元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音元音字母读 音例 词a在w音后面 want what watch wash quality a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前a:after plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri在-nd-ld和gh前ai find child light higho在-st-ld前u most postcard old coldo在m n v th前 come monkey love mother四,-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读 音例 词 arar在w音后面a:car farm dark sharpener:warm quarter towardsoror在w音后面:forty morning short:word worker worseer ir ur:certainly bird Thursday 辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音.例如:carry sorry hurry-r音节在非重读音节中通常读音,例如:dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday五,-re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读 音例 词are care dare hareerei here mere ireai fire hire wireore:more score beforeureju pure cureare ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读音,例如:picture pleasure重读元音字母加Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼读规则拼读,字母Rr读r音.例如:parent zero story during inspiring 某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象.例如:orange very American paragraph六,元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读 音例 词ai/ayei afraid rain wait day playairai air hair chair pair repair al在f m前 small ball talk wall all:l always also salt almost balda:half calmau/aw:autumn daughter draweai:teach easy cheap pleasee heavy bread sweater weatherei break greateari hear dear near clear year bear pear wear:earth learn earlyeei:jeep week green threeeeri pioneer deer beerei/eyei eight neighbour theyi:either keyeu/ew在j l r s后ju:new few newspaperu:flew brew ie/ei在s音之后i:piece field receiveoau coat Joan boat goaloar/oor:roar board door flooroi/oyi noise point boy toiletoou:broom food tooth schoolu book look cook foot good ou/owau flower house count downu know row throw though young country enoughu:group you soupour:course your fourau our hour ours:journeyui在j l r s后ju:i fluid suicide tuitionu:juice fruit suit 七,非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音元音字组或字群读 音例 词ai/ay ei/eyi Sunday foreign monkeyowu yellow sparrow tomorrow元音字组在非重读音节中读E音或i.例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee-sion-tionn impression nation -sion在元音字母后n vision decision occasion-tion在s后tn question suggestion-stensn listen-stlesl whistle-sure pleasure measure-turet picture culture 八,元音字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字组仍按重读音节拼读规则拼读.例如:everydayeihandbagblackboard:有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词.其中的非重读部分要按非重读音节的读音规则发音.例如:sun太阳+dayei日子 Sundayi 星期天holy神圣+dayei日子 holidayi 假日break中断+fasta:斋戒 breakfast 早餐cup茶杯+board木板:cupboard 碗柜九,辅字组的读音辅字组读 音例 词bb bike bus bag/bomb tomb cc在e前或在i/y前k cake picture coat musics face decide cinemacht much chick rich teacherk school headache chemistry machine-ckk cock pocket black knockdd doctor bread hand day -dged bridge fridgedr-dr children driver drinkff five four breakfastgg在e i/y前g bag gardon god orange large Germanghf cough enough/light daughter high gu-guegu在非重读音节中g guess league dialoguegw language anguishhh hot head house hand/hour honestjd jeep jar joke join Julykk kind bike skate make weekkn-n knife know knock ll life milk school tallmm monkey come autumn-mnm autumn columnnn在k g音前n not shine ten note uncle thank hungry-ng morning young wrong pp paper plane pig ship penphf elephant photo telephoneqk Iraqqu-kw quality quiterr red rubber ruler


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