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4Unit 6 Gender equalityFOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS HEBEI UNIVERSITY2apply the reading skill reading for supporting details3support an argument with personal experiences and observations4translate attributive clause5express your opinions about gender equality and feminismuse the key language to talk about gender equality1 Objectives Section A The weight men carryProject of the unitInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject forecastingInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your project Project of the unitLead-inWatch the video clip and discuss the following questions in groups.Step 21.What is gender discrimination?2.Does gender discrimination exist in your life?Give examples.3.What does gender equality mean to you?Project of the unitLead-in1.What is gender discrimination?Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a persons sex or gender.2.Does gender discrimination exist in your life?Give examples.Gender discrimination in college recruiting;in finding a job;in interview Project of the unitLead-inReference answers:3.What does gender equality mean to you?Gender equality refers to the equal rights,responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys.Gender equality implies that the interests,needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration,recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men.Gender equality is both,a human rights principle and a precondition for sustainable,people-centered development.(Adapted from UN Women)Project of the unitLead-inLead-inInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your project Project of the unitProject forecastingJIn China,the Ministry of Education has banned universities from recruiting students based on gender from 2014,but the current situation is still unsatisfying.Work in groups to write a letter to your university president appealing for the equal enrolment of girl students.Select facts,statistics,quotes,personal experiences and observations,etc.to support your claim.Please get prepared by doing the following activities.Project of the unitEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject of the unit Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingDetailed understandingThe author of this text discusses the _ between male and female.He argues against some _ that men enjoy privileges of comfort and power,based on his _ of mens life in his boyhood.Read the text quickly in five minutes and complete the following blanks to get the main idea of the text.differenceswomens viewobservationsTaskGlobal understanding of the textStep 1Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingWhat does the author mainly use to support his argument?A.Personal experiences.B.Findings of authorities.C.Statistics.D.Facts.Key:AInspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingWork in groups of four.Identify the introduction,the body and the conclusion paragraphs according to the main idea of each part.Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingStep 2Introduction:Men carried burdens of hard labor.Major argument and supporting details:Womens blame of men was puzzling and hard to understand.Conclusion:Women have grievances about gender inequality because they dont know the hard life of working-class men.(Paras.1-4)(Paras.5-7)(Para.8)Step 3Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingRead carefully the first two parts about the authors personal experiences and observations.Work in groups to find the information to fill in the table below.Introduction:He provides supporting details the living conditions of men he saw in his childhood.Para.Details Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Men labored all day and had little free time.The bodies of men were twisted and wounded because of hard work.Men who were soldiers had to die in war.The lives of the poor-class men were real,whereas the lives of rich men who had power and privileges seemed remote and unreal.Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingBody:He refutes womens claim men kept all the joys and privileges for themselves.Para.Refutation:Womens criticism of men was puzzling because Para.5Para.6Para.7Men in reality had to work hard to support their household.Mothers and daughters seemed to enjoy a sense of ease.The fates of lower-class men and women were equally bleak and grim.Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingThis text is a(an)_ essay.The author,by employing _,refutes the feminists claim that _.He bases his argument on his observations of _.Fill in the blanks after reading the text.argumentative his personal experiences and observationsmen enjoy more privileges and greater joys than women the harsh life of working-class men in his childhoodInspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingStep 4Enhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject of the unit Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingDetailed understandingRead the text again and answer the following questions.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingTask 1Detailed understanding of the text1)What types of work did the author see men do in his hometown?2)Why did the author feel that the men appearing on television were“remote and unreal”(Para.4)?3)According to Paragraph 6,what new understandings did the author gain about womens life after he grew up?4)What does the author refer to by saying“any place where the fates of men and women are symmetrically bleak and grim”(Para.7)?5)Why does the author say he was an ally in the rebellion of women?Detailed understanding1)What types of work did the author see men do in his hometown?(Para.1)He saw men do hard physical work such as farming,mining,welding and house repair.to be continuedThe bodies of the men I knew were twisted and wounded in ways _ and _.(Para.2)visibleinvisibleThey were marginal farmers,just scraping byMeaning:They were people largely ignored by society.They worked as farmers or shepherds,just having enough money to live2023-2-20 Heavy lifting had given many of them spinal problems and appalling injuries.Some had broken ribs and lost fingers.Racing against conveyor belts had given some ulcers.Their ankles and knees ached from years of standing on concrete.Some had partial vision loss as the glow of the welding flame damaged their optic receptors.Visible ways:Invisible ways:All around us,the fathers always seemed older than the mothers.Men wore out sooner,being martyrs of constant work.2023-2-202)Why did the author feel that the men appearing on television were“remote and unreal”(Para.4)?Because the men he saw on television were rich and powerful,and their lives were totally different from those of the lower class men he knew about.Detailed understandingI could no more imagine growing up to become one of these sophisticated people than I could imagine becoming a sovereign prince.I could not imagine myself growing up to become one of these experienced and clever people,just as I could never imagine myself becoming a prince governing a country.我不能想象自己长大会变成这些精明世故的人中的一员,就像我无法想象自己能变成一个权力至高无上的国君一样Detailed understanding3)According to Paragraph 6,what new understandings did the author gain about womens life after he grew up?He realized that womens life was rather limited since they had to work mostly in the house and that many women suffered from mens bullying.4)What does the author refer to by saying“any place where the fates of men and women are symmetrically bleak and grim”(Para.7)?By using this phrase,the author refers to the poor areas where lower class people,regardless of their gender,had to work hard to make a living.to be continuedInspiring your thoughtsDetailed understanding5)Why does the author say he was an ally in the rebellion of women?(Para.8)The author thinks that the miserable life of the lower class people is similar to the gender inequality that women suffer from.He supports the fight against social inequality,no matter whether it is related to class or gender.Think over the following questions and share your ideas with your classmates.Summarize your ideas and write a paragraph concerning the situation of gender equality in China today.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingTask 2Critical thinking1)Do you agree with the view that men carry more weight in life than women?Why or why not?2)Do you think gender inequality/gender discrimination exists in China today?Why or why not?Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understanding1)Do you agree with the view that men carry more weight in life than women?Why or why not?Yes,I agree.The tradition in our society is that men are the breadwinner and women are the homemaker.This means that men are supposed to earn most of the money to buy a house and support the family,while women do not have such pressure.No,I do not agree with this view.In the modern society,many women have a successful career,and they sometimes are even more powerful than men.For example,there are women holding high positions in such sectors as business,sciences and education.Meanwhile women tend to do most of the housework at home.Therefore,I dont think men carry more weight in life than women.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understanding2)Do you think gender inequality/gender discrimination exists in China today?Why or why not?Yes,I think women today still have a lower status than men do.For instance,in top government positions,there are very few women.To solve the problem,I think we can make a law to specify that a certain percentage of women should be hired for a certain type of position.No,I think women have achieved the same status as men in todays China.For example,they have equal rights to education and employment.Boys and girls can go to the same school.In addition,men and women can both have their own careers.Presenting your projectProject of the unitInspiring your thoughts Structure analysis Enhancing your skills Language highlighting Language learning Language focusSupport an argument with specific details Match the words with their meanings.Step 1Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 1Learning verbs about gender equalityweldlubricatewrench extract traversewedge emancipatecater put oil on the parts of a machine;make it easier for sth.to happenjoin two pieces of metal;unite people or things move over,across or through an areatwist and pull sth.roughly from the place where it is heldremove,usu.with some force or effortfix sth.tightly or in a narrow spacegive freedom and rights to sb.provide what is desired or needed,esp.support,food or sustenance1)She _ herself from his grasp.2)Womens intuition sometimes _ business.3)Any business,if it wants to succeed,must _ individual efforts into a true team.4)He _ the window shut so that it would not be blown open in wind.wrenchedStep 2Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.wedge weld lubricate wrenchweldwedged lubricates Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning 5)Women can _ a completely different meaning from what was said.6)I _ the narrow pedestrian bridge.7)The subjects _ well to young female students.8)She thinks women need to _ themselves and give themselves as much independence as they can.traversed extract traverse extract cater emancipate cater emancipateEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Work in groups and share your ideas on gender equality with each other.Use 3-5 words and expressions from the following list.Step 3VerbslabordamagedreadlevytraversestruggleextractclipdefinecaterbaffleemancipateEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Expressionshave a say onrun errandsextract fromcater toscrape byemancipate frommake a racketbe destined to.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Find collocations relevant to gender equality and make sentences.Step 1Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 2Learning adjectives about gender equalityDeep grievances,lightweight work,equal opportunities,gender equality,modern women,essentially equal,discriminatory practices,equal commissions,strict segregation,trophy wife,equal attention,equal respect,feminist environments,insufficiently masculine Is gender equality possible?While reading the two opposite opinions broadcast on Left,Right&Center(a public radio station),complete the opinions with appropriate collocations from the text.Youre provided with the first letter(s)for each of the blanks.Step 2Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Pro:Men and women have proved that they can compete for the same position and,therefore,should deserve 1)e_ respect in society.Bias against women just because they are perceived to be 2)ins_ masculine should be rooted out from our society.Women have also proven that,given 3)e_ opportunities,they are equally capable of doing things and shouldering responsibilities just as men.4)M_ women hold high positions at top management levels.Several countries have women as the prime minister or president.equal insufficientlyequalModernCon:Gender equality is way too hard to be achieved.Women cannot be 5)es_ equal to man because the belief that women are inferior to men is still deeply rooted in our society nowadays.We indeed see 6)dis_ practices exist in one way or another;therefore,this means gender equality has not been achieved at all.We feel weird if a 7)tr_ wife is the dominant one in the family instead of her husband.Its a matter of stereotype that we are never able to get rid of completely.8)G_ equality is a beautiful,fantastic,wonderful dream only.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning essentiallydiscriminatorytrophyGender Pro:I believe gender equality is possible.Women and men earn 9)e_ commissions when it comes to a business context,and in certain careers women can even earn more than men.I would argue that both women and men are living in 10)fe_ environments.One area where I can see more progress is in evenly sharing household duties.Traditionally,women have been in charge of the so-called 11)li_ work taking care of children,cleaning and cooking,but with many women working full-time jobs like their husbands,men must 12)b_ routines now and help out with these tasks.Thankfully,I see more examples of men willing to do these things as time goes on.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning equalfeministlightweightbreak1.alien(Para.6)Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting a.1.very different from what you are used to,esp.in a way that is difficult to understand or accept 陌生的2.(onlybeforenoun)from a different country,race,or culture 外国的;异域的;异族的3.(onlybeforenoun)relating to a planet other than earth,or relating to a creature from a planet other than earth 外星球的;外星人的Task 2Detailed learning of key vocabularyPart-translation1.作为一个女孩子,成为一名宇航员对于我的家人和邻居来说是不可想象的事情。2.儿童可能比成人更容易适应外国文化。3.男人们认为女人是某种外星生物。1.As for a girl,becoming an astronaut _ my family and neighbors.2.It may be easier for children to _ than for adults.3.Men believe that women are a certain _.adapt to an alien culture alien creatureEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting would seem alien to2.lightweight(Para.6)a.1.weighing less than other things of the same type 重量轻的;薄型的Translation:你去远足的时候,像睡袋这种轻的物品应该放在行李袋的最上面,拿出来放进去都方便。When you go hiking,lightweight items like sleeping bags should go high in your bag,where theyre easy to take out and put back.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2.lightweight(Para.6)a.2.not serious or important 轻松的;不重要的;无足轻重的Translation:这个女孩被认为是团队里一名无足轻重的成员。The girl was considered as a lightweight member of the team.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 3.cater to sb./sth.(Para.6)provide people with sth.they want or need,esp.sth.unusual or special 迎合;满足;投合Translation:这本杂志十分迎合年轻职业女性的需要。The magazine caters well to young career women.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4.racket(Para.7)n.1.sing.(infml.)a loud noise 吵闹声;喧嚷声Translation:听到门上一阵声响,我很惊讶。那听起来不像是敲门声,倒像是打架。I was surprised when a racket broke out at my door.It sounded more like a fight than a knockEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4.racket(Para.7)n.2.C an object used for hitting the ball in games such as tennis,with a long handle and a round part with strings(网球等的)球拍Translation:这里免费提供网球拍和网球。Tennis rackets and balls are all provided for free here.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4.racket(Para.7)vi.(about)喧哗;大声吵闹Translation:孩子们总是在院子里吵吵闹闹的。The children always racket about in the courtyard.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 5.emancipate(Para.7)vt.(fml.)give freedom and rights to sb.解放;使不受束缚Translation:她认为女性需要解放自己,并且使自己尽可能独立。She thinks women need to emancipate themselves and give themselves as much independence as they can.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 5.emancipate(Para.7)emancipation n.(从束缚、支配下)解放e.g.the emancipation of womenTranslation:18岁时,我上了大学,从父母的束缚中解放了出来。When I was 18,I went to college and got emancipated from my parents.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting emancipate sb.from sth.:free sb.from sth.使摆脱;使不受束缚6.sexism(Para.7)n.U the belief that one sex is weaker,less intelligent,or less important than the other,esp.when this results in sb.being treated unfairly 性别偏见(歧视)Translation:这所大学被指责有性别歧视,因为它的女生非常少。The university has been accused of sexism because it has very few female students.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 7.rebellion(Para.8)n.1.U opposition to sb.in authority or to accepted ways of doing things 反抗;反叛Translation:我能理解你对我的信仰所持的反对态度,我不责怪你。I can understand your rebellion against my beliefs,and I dont blame you.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 7.rebellion(Para.8)n.2.C,U an attempt to remove a government or leader by force 造反;叛乱;起义Translation:国王掌权后不久,全国各地就开始起义,反抗他的统治。Soon after the king went into power,rebellions against his rule started across the country.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting rebel vi.反叛 n.反叛者 a.反叛的 MeaningExamples-ent/mentThe suffix-ent/ment transforms verbs to adjectives or nouns.dependenturgentresidentdevelopmentgovernmentEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Task 4Word formation I could no more imagine growing up to become one of these sophisticated people than I could imagine becoming a sovereign prince.(Para.4)Meaning:I could not imagine myself growing up to become one of these experienced and clever people,just as I could never imagine myself becoming a prince governing a country.Translation:我不能想象自己长大会变成这些精明世故的人中的一员,就像我无法想象自己能变成一个权力至高无上的国君一样。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Task 5Sentence analysisno more than 意为“不能,就像不能一样”。这个句型表达的意思是,两件事情都无法做或都不具有某一特征。通常后边的(即放在 than 后的)一件事更明显或更容易懂,所以将第一件(即放在 no more 后的)与第二件进行类比,以解释为何第一件事是不可能的或不具有所说的特征。He could no more forget about the experience than he could forget his own name.他无法忘却那段经历,就像他不会忘记自己的名字一样。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 1.用于比较两件事物时,no more.Than.表示对两者都否定,意为“同一样不”(=neither.nor.);而 not more.than.指两者虽都具有某种特征,但程度不同,意为“不如”、“不及”(=not so.as.)。2.more than.表示“仅仅”、“只有”(=only),强调少;而 not more than.表示“不多于”、“至多”(=at most)。辨析Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 她只有三个孩子。She has no more than three children.她最多有三个孩子。She has not more than three children.她不是画家,也不是作家。She is no more a writer than a painter.她不如他聪明。She is not more clever than he is.practiceEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting The author uses a number of parallel structures,which makes the presentation of supporting details for his argument effective and forceful.In the evenings and on weekends,they labored equally hard,working,fixing,repairing (Para.1)Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusTask 6Language highlighting Language appreciationParallel structure:Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.This can happen at the word,phrase,or clause level.The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as“and”or“or”.Enh


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