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1/6 形容词和副词 1.写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级:(1)nice _(2)fat _(3)slow _(4)dry _(5)happy _(6)wet _(7)much _(8)ill _(9)little_(10)bad _(11)thin _(12)far _(13)early_ _(14)careful_ _(15)exciting_ _(16)busy _ _ 2.根据句意,用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空:(1)Mr.Smith is _ man in this office.(rich)(2)Winter is _ season of the years.(cold)(3)This radio is not so _ as that one.(cheap)(4)It is much _ today than yesterday.(hot)(5)She is a little _ than her classmates.(careful)(6)_ people came to the meeting than last time.(many)(7)Which book is _,this one or that one?(easy)(8)My room is _ than yours.(small)(9)Hainan is _ from Beijing than Hunan.(far)(10)Skating is _ than swimming.(exciting)(11)Jim is _ than all the others.(honest)(12)Things are getting _ and _.(bad)(13)The higher you climb,the _ it will be.(cold)(14)Now his life is becoming _ and _.(difficult)(15)There are _ boys than girls in our class.(few)第一组 ()1.His grandparents live _ in a small house,but they dont feel _.A.lonely;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonely;lonely D.alone;alone()2.He has read many books on history,so its _ for him to answer these questions.A.hard B.impossible C.easy D.serious()3.Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis.A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper D.the cheapest()4.Do you think math is _ than English?A.difficult B.as difficult C.more difficult D.most difficult()5.Oxford University is _ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.A.different B.famous C.special D.popular()6.I have _ to tell you.Maybe you will be _ in it.A.interesting something;interested B.something interesting;interesting C.something interesting;interested D.interesting something;interesting ()7.Is David _ to catch the kite?2/6 A.tall enough B.enough tall C.long enough D.enough long()8.On the cold night,he had to send his _ wife to the hospital.A.ill B.sick C.illing D.sicking()9.I think winter is a beautiful season,especially when it snows.Me,_.A.too B.either C.also D.as well()10.Lots of visitors come to Nanjing because she is _ city.A.so a beautiful B.very a beautiful C.such beautiful a D.quite a beautiful ()11.Bill,whos the little boy in the picture?Its me.I am much _ now,arent I?A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest()12.The population of Australia is _ than that of China.A.fewer B.smaller C.larger D.more()13.(2014原创)There are _ new words in Lesson Four than in Lesson One.A.many B.much more C.many more D.more a few()14.Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry?Sure.It is one of _ cartoons I have ever seen.A.wonderful B.the most wonderful C.more wonderful D.the more wonderful()15.Which is _beautiful,this one or that one?A.more B.the more C.most D.the most()16.What have I done to make you so _?A.more happy B.happily C.very happy D.happy()17.It is _ today th an yesterday.A.quite colder B.a little colder C.much cold D.more cold()18.Dont worry.He is _ to take care of little Betty.A.carefully enough B.enough careful C.careful enough D.enough carefully()19.His car is much _ than mine.A.expensive B.more expensive C.most expensive D.the most expensive()20.While we were watching the play,I _ noticed a man with a funny look.A.usually B.suddenly C.quickly D.carefully 第二组 ()1.Which is _,the sun,the moon or the earth?Of course the moon is.A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest()2.He has made_ progress this term than before.A.little B.less C.fewer D.much()3.“We must keep_ in the library.”The woman said _ to me.A.quiet;quietly B.quietly;quietly C.quietly;quiet D.quiet;quiet ()4.I cant get anything on TV.There must be _ with it.A.wrong something B.wrong nothing C.something wrong D.nothing wrong()5.Linda has received _ that she is unable to get a job.3/6 A.such little education B.so little education C.a such little education D.a so little education()6.Many students think foreign languages are _ science subjects.A.more difficult as B.less difficult than C.much difficult than D.so difficult as()7._ the temperature is,_ water turns into steam.A.The high;the fast B.Higher;faster C.The more higher;the faster D.The higher;the faster()8.He eats _ food,so he is _ fat.A.much too;too much B.much too;too many C.too much;much too D.too much;many too()9.Who is Ren Changxia?A great policewoman.She always thought _ of others than herself.A.more B.much C.less D.most()10.Kate felt _ when she saw the lovely dress in th e clothes shop.A.pleased B.tired C.well D.good()11.Do not use so much water.Its _.A.healthy B.useful C.wasteful D.rude()12.Knowledge is money.But I think it is _ money.A.as important as B.so important as C.more important than D.the same as ()13.I think our chemistry teacher is working hard.He teaches us _.Yes,but he hasnt come today.He doesnt feel _.A.good;well B.good;good C.well;good D.well;well()14._ I read,_ Ill be.A.The much;the happy B.More;happier C.The more;the happier D.The most;the happiest ()15.I found he looked_ than last time when I went to see him.A.better B.well C.good D.worrying ()16.The mother looked _ because her son hadnt been back.A.worry B.worried C.to worry D.worrying()17.This sweater doesnt suit me.Its a bit small.Could you give me _ one?A.a large B.a larger C.the largest D.a smaller()18.You have got the same shirt as I.Yes.Mine is _,but not so _ as yours.A.better;expensive B.better;more expensive C.more better;expensive D.good;more expensive()19.Do you think the fish tastes _?She cooked it _,I think.A.good;good B.well;good C.well;well D.good;well()20.Whats the matter with you?Im _.I want some water to drink.A.thirsty B.hungry C.tired D.sleep()1.(2013年江苏徐州)Why are you so _,Amy?I thought I lost my purse,but I didnt.I found it in my study!A.angry B.happy C.sad D.nervous 4/6()2.(2013年重庆)The flower smells _ _ and I like it very much.A.well B.good C.bad D.badly()3.(2013年安徽)We lost the match because they had _ players.They had eleven and we had only nine.A.stronger B.younger C.fewer D.more ()4.(2013年黑龙江绥化)You should do more exercise,or youll become_.A.stronger and stronger B.better and better C.weaker and weak er()5.(2013年湖北黄石)The _ you work at your lessons,the _ results you will get.A.hard;good B.harder;good C.hard;better D.harder;better()6.(2013年湖南常德)Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis.A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper()7.(2013年江苏宿迁)Jack,is there _ in todays newspaper?No,nothing.A.anything important B.something important C.important anything D.important something()8.(2013年四川南充)Math is too difficult,I nearly give it up.Please dont,nothing is _ if you put your heart into it.A.important B.impossible C.interesting()9.(2013年辽宁沈阳)Do you think computers are more expensive than they were five years ago?No,they are_.A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest ()10.(2013年湖北恩施)Farmers have become _ in our hometown in recent years.A.more and more rich B.richer and richer C.more rich and more rich()11.(2012年安徽)Jack is good at drawing.I think no one draws _.A.better B.best C.worse D.worst()12.(2012年北京)We have a lovely room.Its one of _ in the hotel.A.nice B.nicer C.nicest D.the nicest()13.(2012年江苏苏州)During this years Reading Week,I read the most books in our class.No one read _ books than I.A.many B.more C.few D.fewer ()14.(2012 年贵州铜仁)The story is _ and all of us are _ in it.A.interest;interesting B.interesting;interest C.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested()15.(2012年河北)Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be _ for me.A.difficult B.too difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult ()16.(2012年浙江杭州)Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?Not at all.I cant have _.A.a worse one B.a better one C.the worst one D.the best one ()17.(2012年内蒙古呼和浩特)What do you think of Toms speaking?No one does _ in our class.A.good B.better C.well D.best 5/6()18.(2012年湖南长沙)How is your father feeling today?Much _.He cant go to work today.A.bad B.worse C.better()19.(2012年浙江绍兴)How do you like the game show?_.I cant stand it.A.Funny B.Important C.Perfect D.Awful ()20.(2012年湖南邵阳)Dear students,please read every sentence carefully.The more _ you are,the _ mistakes youll make.A.carefully;fewer B.careful;less C.careful;fewer A joke 地铁上人挺多,给两个大妈让了座,一个大妈说:现在的年轻人,别看长得不咋样,心肠还挺好!我。大妈咱们要不要下车打一架!第 7 讲 形容词和副词 15 BBCCD 610 AABBB 1115 ADBDD 1620 ABBDC 课后巩固 第一组 15 BCACD 610 CABAD 1115 BBBBA 1620 DBCBB 第二组 15 DBACB 610 B DCAA 1115 CCDCA 1620 BBADA 内容总结 (1)第 7 讲 形容词和副词 15 BBCCD 610 AABBB 1115 ADBDD 1620 ABBDC 课后巩固 第一组 15 BCACD 610 CABAD 1115 BBBBA 1620 DBCBB 6/6 第二组 15 DBACB 610 B DCAA 1115 CCDCA 1620 BBADA


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