人教版必修5 unit 2 单词用法

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必修五 Unit 2重点词汇讲解精心整理 助你提升温馨提示: 参看单词表对应短语、单句背诵一、词形、短语拓展:1。 unite vi. vt。联合;团结 united adj。 团结的 union /ju:nin/ n.联合;联盟;结合;协会短语: the United Nations 联合国 the United States 美国 the Student Union = the Students Union 学生会2。 kingdom n。王国 king n。 国王 queen n。 王后 prince n。 王子 princess n.公主3.consist vi.组成;在于;一致 consistent /knsistnt/ adj.一致的短语: consist of 由组成 consist in 在于= lie in = result from consist with 和是一致的be consistent with 和。.是一致的 4。 division n。分割;划分;分配;分界线短语:divide. into。. 把分成 divide sth。 between/among 在。.。之间分配某物;由。.。分享某物 divide sth. in half/into halves把.。分成两半 divide A by B 用B除A separate。. from.。. 把。.。分开5。 clarify vt.澄清;阐明短语: clarify ones stand/position 澄清某人的立场 clarify matters 澄清真相 6. accomplish vt。完成;达到;实现= finish= complete= fulfill7。 conflict n。矛盾;冲突短语:come into conflict with = in conflict with与相抵触;和不一致;与.。.发生冲突 armed conflict 武装冲突 conflict between A and B A和B 之间的冲突 conflict over sth。 在某事上的矛盾8.(un)willing adj.(不)情愿的 (un)willingly adv。(不)愿意地will n。愿意;意志;遗嘱v。立遗嘱willingness n。自愿短语:be (un) willing to do sth. (不) 愿意做。 9。break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离10。credit /kredit/ n.信任;学分;赞扬;信贷短语:to ones credit 为.。带来荣誉;值得赞扬; 在.名下 credit card 信用卡11。currency /krnsi/ n.货币;通货 current n.流;电流 adj.现在的;当前的;流通的;通用的短语:current money 流通的货币 a current account 活期存款账户 an electrical current 电流 12。educational adj。教育的educate vt.教育;训练educated /edukeitid/ adj。受过教育的;有教养的 educator /edukeit/ n。教育工作者;教育家 短语:educate sb. to do sth。 教育某人做.。 further education 进修 receive a good education 接受好的教育 a welleducated man 一个有教养的人13.convenience n.便利;方便convenient /knvi:njnt/ adj.便利的;方便的(主语不能是人) 短语:Its convenient for sb。 to do sth. 某人方便做某事.。 It is convenient to sb。 .。.对某人方便at sbs convenience在某人方便时 for convenience 为了方便 a convenient store便利店14。rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的 roughly adv. 粗略地;粗糙地 roughness n。粗糙15. nationwide adj.全国性的 adv. 在全国范围内16.attract vt。吸引;引起注意attraction n.有吸引力的事物;吸引attractive adj。吸引人的;有吸引力的 短语: attract/draw ones attention to 吸引某人的注意力到. attract sb. to sth。 把某人吸到某事上17.historical adj。有关历史的history n。历史 historic adj. 有历史意义的;历史上著名的短语:a historic event 一个历史上著名的事件 a historical novel 历史小说18.architecture /:kitekt/ n.建筑学;建筑艺术 architect /:kitekt/ n.建筑师19。roman /rumn/ n。 (古)罗马人adj。(古)罗马的 Rome n。罗马(国家)20.collection /klekn/ n。收集 collect v。收集短语:a collection of 一堆,一群,一系列 a collection of stamps 一个邮票集21。port /p:t/ n。港口(城市)import v。进口 export v.出口22。countryside n。乡下;农村= country 短语:in the countryside 在农村 23。enjoyable adj。令人愉快;高兴的 enjoy v。 喜欢 enjoyment n。 快乐;高兴短语:enjoy doing sth。 喜欢做 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴24.leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑;忽略 miss out 错过机会;遗漏;落下25。 opportunity n。机会;时机= chance短语:have/seize an opportunity/a chance to do sth。 抓住机会做.26. description n.描写;描述describe vt.描述 descriptive adj。描述的;叙述的短语:beyond description 无法描述 27。 furnished adj。配备好装备的furnish v供应,提供,装备,布置 furnitureU家具短语:furnish with 给提供/配备= be furnished with .。a piece of furniture 一件家具28. fax n。传真(机)vt。用传真传输(文件) 短语:by fax 通过传真29. possibility n.可能(性)possible adj.可能的 impossible adj.不可能的短语:There is a/some/no possibility that .(同位语从句).是(没)有可能 It is possible that 是可能的 It is possible for sb。 to do sth。 做对某人来说是可能的30。 quarrel n。 vi。争吵;争论;吵架短语:quarrel with sb. about/over sth. 关于。.和某人争吵 have a word/talk with sb. 和某人聊天 have a quarrel/words with sb。 over sth。 为某事和某人争吵 31。 alike adj。相同的;类似的短语:look/seem alike 看起来是相同的/类似的32。 take the place of sb。 代替= take sbs place 33. break down (机器)损坏;(计划会议等)结束;失败;谈判破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;把分为;分解成分拓展:break out 战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生 break up 打碎;分裂;解体;谈判中断 have/take a break 休息一下break a promise 违背诺言break ones word食言 break the traffic law违反交通 break the silence/stillness 打破沉默/寂静 break in 插嘴;闯入 break into 破门而入;突然。.起来 break off 电源的中断;折断 be broken 。.坏掉了 break through 突破,冲破;克服 break into cheers/laughter/tears 突然欢呼、大笑、哭起来 have a short break 稍作休息34. arrange vt。筹备;安排;整理 arrangement n。安排;排列 短语:arrange (for sb。) to do =make an arrangement /arrangements (for sb。) to do sth。 安排(某人)去做.。 arrange (for) sth。安排某事 arrange sth。 for sb。 为某人安排某事35. fold vt.折叠;对折n。 褶皱 unfold v。打开36. sightseeing n。观光;游览短语:go sightseeing=do some sightseeing 赏景37。 delight n.快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜 delighted adj.快乐的; 欣喜的 delightful adj。令人高兴的短语:to ones delight =to the delight of sb。 令人高兴的是 take delight in doing sth. 以(做)。.为乐 with delight 高兴地;愉快地 be delighted at/by/with sth. 因。.高兴be delighted to do sth。 很高兴做某事 delight sb。 with sth。 用某物使某人高兴 delight in doing sth.以。.。为乐 38。 school uniforms 校服39. statue n.塑像;雕像 state n.状态;州40。 imaginary adj。想象的;假想的 imaginative /imdintiv/ adj.富于想象力的 imagination n.想象(力) imagine vt.想象 形近词:image n。图像短语:beyond ones imagination 难以想象 imagine (sb.) doing sth。 想象做某事 imagine sth./ sb. to be 认为41。 navigation n.导航;航行 navigate v。航海;导航42. communism /kmjunizm/ n。共产主义 communist n。共产主义者 43。 original adj。最初的;原始的 origin n。起源;由来;起因44. thrill/ril/ vt.使激动;使胆战心惊 thriller n。惊险读物(电影) thrilled adj。恐怖的thrilling adj.令人恐怖的 45. error /er/ n。错误;过失;谬误 make an error 出错46. tense /tens/ n. 时态adj.紧张的 tension n.紧张 重视点滴积累 成就美好梦想二、佳句积累(要求:参照汉语背诵英语)1。 Life mainly consists of /is made up of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consists in struggle. Remember that your ideal life does not always consist with the reality。 生活主要是由快乐和悲伤组成的,而快乐和悲伤存在于拼搏之中.记住,理想的生活并不总是和现实相一致。2。 Our country is like a big family consisting of (v+ing 作定语= which consists of )fiftysix ethnic /enk/ groups。 我们国家就像一个大家庭由56个民族组成。3。 As we all know, a year can be divided into four seasons。 众所周知,一年可以被分成四个季节。4. I got separated from my friends after going out of the cinema. 进入电影院后我和我得朋友分开了。5。 Our government has clarified our stand on the issue of the South China Sea. 我国政府已阐明了在南海问题上的立场。6. Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule. 多亏你的帮助,我们提前完成任务。7。 She often comes into conflict with her parents over her clothes。 她经常与父母关于她的衣着发生冲突。8. I was unwilling to submit myself to his order。 我不愿屈服于他的命令.9. As the saying goes,“where there is a will, there is a way。”俗话说,“有志者事竟成。10. It is very difficult to break away from a bad habit. 放弃一个不好的习惯对我们来说是很难的.11. The Students Union (The Student Union) will organize an activity to welcome our foreign friends。 学生会将会组织一个活动来欢迎我们的外国朋友。12. To her credit, Mary gave back the money she found。 玛丽拾金不昧,值得表扬。13。 You should educate your son to work hard。你应该教育你的孩子努力工作。14。 Do come to pay a visit to me whenever it is convenient to you./at your convenience. 如果方便的话 (请在你方便的时候),一定要来看我。15。 We must update our packaging in order to attract more young consumers. 为了吸引更多的年轻消费者, 我们必须更新产品的包装。 16。 Every year a large number of tourists are attracted to the tourist attraction, the number of whom is more than 1 million. 每年很多游客被吸引到这个旅游景点,游客的数量超过100万.17。What is known to us is that/ It is known to us that Rome was not built in a day. 众所周知,罗马不是一天建成的。18。 We are supposed to observe the local customs. That is to say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do。 我们应该遵守当地的习俗。换句话说,入乡随俗。19. I have a collection of CDs。 我收集了很多唱片.20。 I live in the countryside, whose beauty is beyond description. 我住在乡下,它的美无法描述。21. I enjoy visiting places of interest both at home and abroad, which is very enjoyable。 我喜欢参观国内外的名胜古迹, 那是令人愉快的。22。 You have left out the most important word in this sentence。 这句话你漏掉了最重要的单词。23. He felt left out in the class, for he had no one to talk with。 他感觉在班级里被遗忘了,因为没人和他说话.24. People who are thirsty for success can always seize every opportunity。 渴望成功的人总能抓住每一个机会.25. They furnished their new house with much new furniture,so the house is well furnished. 他们给新家安置了很多新家具,所以这个家家具齐全。26.There is no possibility that(同位语从句) he will not quarrel with his wife about/over small things. 他不再和他的妻子因为小事而争吵那是不可能的。27。 The twins look so alike that I often mistake them for each other. 这对双胞胎长得如此的像以至于我经常把他俩弄混。28。 Nothing could take the place of the family(=take his familys place)he had lost。 没什么能代替他失去的家庭.29. Unluckily, my car broke down on the way to the airport。 不幸地,我的车在去飞机场的路上坏了.30. His health broke down because he had been working too hard。 因为一直努力工作,他的身体垮掉了.31. The talks between the two sides have broken down. 双方的谈判已经终止了。32。 He arranged for a car to pick us up at the airport. 他安排了一辆轿车去机场接我们。33. He folded his arms, seeing her unfold the folded letter。 他交叉胳膊,看见她打开折叠的信。34。 I would like to go sightseeing with my family during the holiday. 我喜欢假期期间和我的家人一起去观光。35. I am delighted to invite you to join us in celebrating the Spring Festival。 我很高兴邀请你来和我们一起过春节。36. To our delight, our teacher often delights us with funny stories. 令我们高兴的是,我们的老师时常用滑稽可笑的故事使我们高兴。37.We can be imaginative,but we couldnt imagine him living abroad alone for so long time, which is not imaginary. 我们是想象力丰富的,但是我们不能想象他一个人单独住在国外这么久,这一点是无法令人想象的。 38. We imagine him to be the suitable person to do the job.我们认为他是做这工作的合适人选。39。 When exposed to(非谓语) noise and strong light , I feel tense and restless。一接触噪音和强光,我就紧张不安。40. Make sure the tenses are consistent。 确保时态前后一致。


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