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v1.0 可编辑可修改商务英语中常见增长商务英语中常见增长/下降表达方法下降表达方法增加与增长、提高增加与增长、提高关于关于 0404 年中央和地方预算执行情况及年中央和地方预算执行情况及 0505 年中央和地方预算草案的报告年中央和地方预算草案的报告2005 年预算的主要指标安排如下:中央财政总收入亿元,比2004 年增加亿元,增长增加亿元,增长%。The targets are as follows.Total revenue in the central budget should be trillion yuan,anan increaseincreaseofof billion yuan or percent overover 2004.中央财政总支出亿元,比2004 年增加亿元,增长增长%。Expenditures in the central budget should total trillion yuan,a year-on-year rise ofa year-on-year rise of billionyuan or percent.中华人民共和国中华人民共和国 20042004 年国民经济和社会发展统计公报年国民经济和社会发展统计公报第一产业增加值 20744 亿元,增长增长%。The added value of the primary industry was 2,billion yuan,up byup by percent(up percent)(up percent).中国中国 7 7 月份月份 CPICPI 和和 PPIPPI 双双同比下降双双同比下降-金融时报-2009-08-11今年 7 月,中国固定资产投资同比增长同比增长%。工业增加值同比增长同比增长%,为 9 个月以来的最高增速。Fixed asset investmentroserose per cent fromfrom a a yearyear earlierearlier in Julywhilewhile industrial output expandedexpandedby per cent,the fastest rate in nine months.中国中国 5 5 月工业增加值及零售大幅增长月工业增加值及零售大幅增长-金融时报-2009-06-12今年 5 月,中国工业增加值同比增长同比增长%,高于高于 4 月份%的增速增速。Industrial production roserose per cent in May from a year earlier from a year earlier,higherhigher than Aprils per centgrowthgrowth.中国中国 6 6 月份汽车销量劲升月份汽车销量劲升 48%48%-金融时报-2009-07-10昨日公布的数据显示,中国6 月份乘用车销售较去年同期增长同期增长了 48%。Chinas passenger car sales rose 48 per cent in June on the same month last yearon the same month last year,according to datareleased yesterday.今年上半年,中国汽车总销售量同比增长同比增长 18%total vehicles sales rose 18 per cent for the first half year to 6.1m from the same period lastfrom the same period lastyearyear1v1.0 可编辑可修改中国第二季度中国第二季度 GDPGDP 增长增长%-金融时报-2009-07-16李晓超表示,固定资产投资快速增长,今年上半年同比增长同比增长了%。Mr Li said that fixed asset investment rose strongly,up per cent in the first half of the yearcompared to the same periodcompared to the same period in 2008.韩国经济实现五年半来最快增长韩国经济实现五年半来最快增长-金融时报-2009-07-24韩国央行周五表示,制造业环比增长环比增长%,其中,电子和化工行业发挥了重要作用。The central bank on Friday said the manufacturing sectorgrewgrew per cent quarter-on-quarterquarter-on-quarter,withelectronics and chemicals playing a major role.日企业破产数量一年来首次下降日企业破产数量一年来首次下降-金融时报-2009-06-09但 4 月份工业产值环比增长环比增长%,创下 50 多年来最快增幅。But industrial production in April roserose per cent fromfrom thethe previousprevious monthmonth,the fastest rise in morethan half a century.国际投行在中印招聘员工国际投行在中印招聘员工-金融时报金融时报-2009-09-04-2009-09-04因预期中国和印度的强劲增长将推升交易流,投资银行正采取措施,增加在这两个亚洲最大发展中经济体的因预期中国和印度的强劲增长将推升交易流,投资银行正采取措施,增加在这两个亚洲最大发展中经济体的人手。人手。InvestmentInvestment banksbanks areare movingmoving toto increaseincrease headcountheadcount inin ChinaChina andand IndiaIndia inin anticipationanticipation ofof risingrising dealdealflows fuelled by strong growth rates in Asias largest developing economies.flows fuelled by strong growth rates in Asias largest developing economies.别让经济数据迷了眼别让经济数据迷了眼-金融时报金融时报-2009-09-07-2009-09-07目前中国拥有目前中国拥有 70007000 座钢厂,较座钢厂,较 20022002 年增长了一倍;年增长了一倍;it now has 7,000 steel factories,double the number in 2002 it now has 7,000 steel factories,double the number in 2002。澳大利亚将逐步停止刺激性支出澳大利亚将逐步停止刺激性支出-金融时报金融时报-2009-09-03-2009-09-03昨日公布的国内生产总值昨日公布的国内生产总值(GDP)(GDP)数据显示,今年第二季度,澳大利亚经济环比和同比均增长数据显示,今年第二季度,澳大利亚经济环比和同比均增长%。GrossGross domesticdomestic productproduct figuresfigures outout yesterdayyesterday showedshowed thatthat thethe economyeconomy expandedexpanded by perby per centcent betweenbetweenApril and June compared both with the previous quarter and the same period a year before.April and June compared both with the previous quarter and the same period a year before.经济学家此前曾预计,第二季度经济学家此前曾预计,第二季度 GDPGDP 将增长将增长%。Economists had expected an per cent GDP advance in the latest quarter.Economists had expected an per cent GDP advance in the latest quarter.2v1.0 可编辑可修改日经指数早盘突破日经指数早盘突破 1000010000 点大关点大关-金融时报-2009-06-11本周早些时候的数据还显示,日本4 月份工业产值环比增长环比增长%Earlier in the week,data also showed that Japanese industrial production roserose per cent in Aprilfrom the previous monthfrom the previous month研究:亚洲付费电视业将迎来高速增长研究:亚洲付费电视业将迎来高速增长-金融时报金融时报-2009-09-07-2009-09-07TheThe valuationsvaluations ofof AsiasAsias leadingleading pay-TVpay-TV operatorsoperators areare setset toto climbclimb stronglystrongly amidamid rapidrapid profitprofit growthgrowthover the next five years,according to a study to be published today.over the next five years,according to a study to be published today.将在今天发表的一项研究报告显示,未来将在今天发表的一项研究报告显示,未来 5 5 年,随着利润的快速增长,亚洲主要付费电视运营商的估值将强年,随着利润的快速增长,亚洲主要付费电视运营商的估值将强劲攀升。劲攀升。美欧政府计划无法缓解衰退美欧政府计划无法缓解衰退-金融时报-2009-04-03该行上周预测,2009 年德国经济将出现 6%至 7%的负增长负增长。Last week,the bank now projects 2009 growthgrowth at a negativenegative 6-7 per cent for this year.英国 2 月失业率大幅上升导致英镑大跌-金融时报-2009-03-19“对于实际消费者支出增幅将在2011 年前恢复正值,我们表示怀疑,因为英国整体经济今、明两年都将出现负增长负增长,”We doubt that real consumer spending growth will return to positive territory until 2011 withthe UK economy as a whole recording negative growthnegative growth for both this year and next,”分析:中国高官称看到经济复苏迹象-金融时报-2009-03-09他补充称,广东省政府希望避免全年出口负增长负增长。“在出口可能与去年基本持平的情况下,广东仍然有望实现%的增长目标,”He added the provincial government hoped to avoid negative export growthnegative export growth for the full year.“Withzero per cent growth in exports,we can still achieve our growth target of per cent。数据显示:欧元区也许走出衰退最糟糕阶段-金融时报-2009-04-24本周早些时候,国际货币基金组织(IMF)曾预测,今年欧元区经济衰退将比美国更为严重,2010 年仍将维持负负增长增长。Earlier this week,the International Monetary Fund forecast the eurozone recession would be deeper3v1.0 可编辑可修改this year than in the US,with growth still contractinggrowth still contracting in 2010.减少与下降、收缩、萎缩减少与下降、收缩、萎缩中华人民共和国中华人民共和国 20042004 年国民经济和社会发展统计公报年国民经济和社会发展统计公报糖料产量 9528 万吨,减产减产%。The output of sugar crops was million tons,a decrease of a decrease of percent.全年实际建设占用耕地 14.5 万公顷,比上年减少减少%。The whole year saw 145,000 hectares of farmland actually used for construction,down bydown by 37 percentfromfrom previous year.中国中国 7 7 月份月份 CPICPI 和和 PPIPPI 双双同比下降双双同比下降-金融时报-2009-08-11中国 7 月居民消费价格(CPI)和工业品出厂价格指数(PPI)仍分别同比下降同比下降%和%。Chinas consumer price index fell per cent while the producer price index was down down per cent fromfroma year earliera year earlier.日企业破产数量一年来首次下降日企业破产数量一年来首次下降-金融时报-2009-06-095 月份企业破产数量同比下降同比下降%,至 1203 例,为一年来最低水平。The number of company failures in Maydeclineddeclined per cent year-on-yearyear-on-year to 1,203,the lowest levelin a year中国进出口下降但投资飙升中国进出口下降但投资飙升-金融时报-2009-06-12出口同比下降同比下降%,比 4 月份%的降幅更大,这也是出口连续第7 个月同比下降同比下降。Exports fellfell per cent from a year earlierfrom a year earlier,a steeper drop than the per cent fallfall in April andthe seventh month of year on year declineyear on year decline.韩国经济实现五年半来最快增长韩国经济实现五年半来最快增长-金融时报-2009-07-24韩国第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)较去年同期收缩同期收缩%,比第一季度%的收缩幅度有所收窄。Second-quarter gross domestic product contractedcontracted per cent when comparedcompared withwith thethe samesame periodperiod lastlastyearyear,improving from a per cent decline between January and March.澳大利亚将逐步停止刺激性支出-金融时报-2009-09-03澳大利亚财政部估计,如果不实施刺激计划,澳大利亚经济本来会同比收缩同比收缩%。4v1.0 可编辑可修改The Treasury estimated that the economy would have contracted bycontracted by per cent year-on-year withoutthe stimulus programme.中国光大证券上市首日大涨-金融时报-2009-08-18The Shanghai Composite Index,which plungedplunged per cent on Monday,was flatwas flat on Tuesday morning.早盘时分,它还曾一度触及元人民币的高点。昨日大跌大跌了%的上证综合指数今早持平持平。丰田汽车将在华召回逾68 万辆轿车-金融时报-2009-08-25今年上半年,丰田在中国市场共售出万辆轿车,几乎与上年同期持平上年同期持平,主要是因为其小车型的供应有限。In the first half,the carmaker sold 284,000 passenger cars in China,almostunchangedunchanged from a yearfrom a yearearlierearlier,due largely to its limited offering of small models.中国工行上半年贷款规模扩大19%-金融时报-2009-08-21ICBC boosts first-half lending by 19%as bank follows Chinas orders惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)分析师朱夏莲(Charlene Chu)表示:在与上述多家银行交谈之后,我们预计上半年银行资产负债表规模将平均增长30%,但净收入持平净收入持平,或者在许多情况下有所萎缩有所萎缩。”After talking to many of the banks,we expect to see a 30 per cent expansion of asset balance sheetson average in the first half,but net income waswas flatflat or in many cases has contractedcontracted,”said CharleneChu,an analyst at Fitch Ratings.5


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