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Unit 2 2Human MigrationBook 3 Think and DiscussViewing the WorldExploring the ThemeAnalytical ListeningSharing Your IdeasEngagingFurther ListeningContentUnit 2 Human MigrationThink and DiscussThink and DiscussThis photo shows Hong Kong at night.What do you know about Hong Kong?Hong Kong is a gateway city,home to people from many countries.Why do you think so many people from different countries live there?Do you know of any other cities with large foreign-born populations?Lights fill the sky during Hong Kongs“Symphony of Lights”.With approximately 3 million foreign-bornresidents,Hong Kong is one of the worlds major gateway cities,or entry points for immigrants.QuestionsThink and DiscussExample AnswersHong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China.Hong Kong is on the southern coast of China,and part of it sits on an island.Hong Kong has a large population of around seven million people,and it is famous for its tall buildings and beautiful harbor.This photo shows Hong Kong at night.What do you know about Hong Kong?QuestionsThink and DiscussHong Kong is a gateway city,home to people from many countries.Why do you think so many people from different countries live there?Example AnswersHong Kong is a business and financial center,so people probably go there for business and work.People might also go to Hong Kong if they dont like cold weather because the climate there is quite warm.Some people might be attracted to Hong Kongs restaurants,shopping,and good public transportation.QuestionsThink and Discuss3.Do you know of any other cities with large foreign-born populations?Example AnswersToronto,Canada;New York City,U.S.A;Paris,France;London,England and Sydney,Australia.The population of Dubai,in the United Arab Emirates,is more than 50 percent foreign-born!QuestionsUnit 2 Human MigrationExploring the ThemeExploring the ThemeLook at the photos and read the captions.Then discuss the questions.For how many years was Ellis Island the entry point for immigrants to the United States?1.According to the information on these pages,why did people immigrate to Germany?To Australia?Human MigrationExploring the ThemeHuman MigrationMost immigrants who go to Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯)to work are from Bangladesh(孟加拉国),India,and Pakistan(巴基斯坦).Exploring the ThemeEllis Island,New York was the entry point for immigrants to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Human MigrationExploring the ThemeDuring World War II,Germany made anagreement with Turkey to allow people to work and live in the country for two years.ManyTurkish people settled permanently.Human MigrationExploring the ThemeMany Europeans were displaced from their countries after World War II and moved to Australia.Since 1945 nearly 7 million people have immigrated to Australia.This photo shows an Australian volunteer teaching English to European immigrants.Human MigrationExploring the ThemeFor how many years was Ellis Island the entry point for immigrants to the United States?Example Answers Ellis Island was the entry point for immigrants to the U.S.for more than 30 years.Human MigrationExploring the ThemeAccording to the information on these pages,why did people immigrate to Germany?To Australia?Example Answers People from Turkey went to Germany to work for two years,but many of them stayed.Many European people immigrated to Australia after World War II,when they were displaced from their home countries.Human MigrationUnit 2 Human MigrationAnalytical ListeningAnalytical Listeningemigration n.移民国外North Dakota 北达科他州(美国州名)Corinth 科林斯(美国北达科他州的城镇)Melvin Wisdahl 梅尔文维斯达尔(人名)Fargo 法戈(美国北达科他州最大的城市)Marmarth 马马斯(美国北达科他州城市)Listening 1 Analytical Listeningthe economic crisis of the 1930s:a period which began in 1929 and continued to 1939 in which Western industrialized countries experienced a severe reduction in production and trade.It is often called the Great Depression.经济大萧条(指19291939 年间的经济危机)Listening 1 Analytical ListeningNorth Dakota State University:a public university located in Fargo,North Dakota.It was founded as North Dakota Agricultural College in 1890.北达科他州立大学Listening 1 Analytical ListeningMystic Theatre:a historic theater in the small town of Marmarth in North Dakota.It was built in 1914 and now owned by the Marmarth Historical Society.神秘剧院 Listening 1 Analytical ListeningA|Predicting Content.Look at the slides on page 21 from a professors lecture about immigration and emigration.What topics do you think the professor will talk about for each slide?Discuss your ideas with a partner.Before ListeningListening 1 Analytical ListeningA|Predicting Content.Example AnswersFirst Slide:The slide shows a single old house in the middle of a large field.There are bones from some kind of animal in the dry grass.The professor might talk about a place where peopleprobably farmersused to live,and perhaps about the reasons why people dont live there now.Second Slide:The slide shows a large old buildingprobably a school.The professor might explain who goes to the school or what the building is used for if its not a school.Third Slide:The slide shows a small building with the words“Mystic Theater”painted on the front.It looks very small for a theater,so the professor might talk about the history of the theater or why its so small.Listening 1 To be continued Analytical ListeningExample Answers(Continued)Fourth Slide:The slide shows an old train crossing a bridge in a mountainous area.There are no roads or buildings.The professor might talk about the history of the railroad.Fifth Slide:The slide shows five mailboxes in a rural area.There is snow on the ground.There are only a few buildings,so the professor might talk about life in a very small community and perhaps about the weather in winter.Listening 1 A|Predicting Content.Analytical ListeningB|Collaboration.Form a group with another pair of students and share your predictions.Listening 1 Analytical ListeningA PowerPoint LectureA|Note-Taking.Listen to the first part of the lecture and complete the notes.ListeningListening 1 The farmland attracted many immigrants from Europe,especially from _.The immigrants planted _,built _.North Dakota 100 years ago:North Dakota today:More and more people are leaving,especially _,for _ in the U.S.wheatNorway and Germany houses and new townsthe rural areasother statesAnalytical ListeningB|Listening for Main ideas.Listen to the entire lecture and number the photos on page 21 in the order that you hear about them.How many of the topics that you predicted in the Before Listening section were in the lecture?Listening 1 Analytical ListeningB|Listening for Main ideas.Listening 1 Answer Keys2,4,5,1,3Analytical ListeningC|Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture again and complete the notes for each slide.Listening 1 Problems during the 1920s1930s:1._2._North Dakota had several years of very dry,windy weather.The economic crisis of the 1930s forced farmers to sell land and leave.Analytical ListeningListening 1 Modern immigration People moving to:_larger cities,not small townsC|Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture again and complete the notes for each slide.Analytical ListeningListening 1 Some people trying to preserve:_ Every year,_ are invited to this theater in Marmarth for _.the old communitiespoetsCowboy Poets WeekendC|Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture again and complete the notes for each slide.Analytical ListeningListening 1 Importance of the railroad:1._2._ _Travel was easier.When railroad companies finished building,they sold their extra land cheap.C|Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture again and complete the notes for each slide.Analytical ListeningListening 1 Town of Corinth,NDPopulation in the past:_Population and the trend now:_75 people lived in it Six people still livein it and their offsprings will probably emigrate.C|Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture again and complete the notes for each slide.Analytical ListeningCritical Thinking.Discuss the questions with your group.1.Why did the immigrants go to western North Dakota?Why did they leave?2.Are there places in China that are losing population?Are the reasons similar to or different from the reasons people left North Dakota?3.Do you think its possible to save some of the towns that are disappearing?Should people try to save them?4.Can you think of any ideas to save the disappearing towns that you heard about?Listening 1 After ListeningAnalytical Listening1.Why did the immigrants go to western North Dakota?Why did they leave?Example Answers Immigrants went to North Dakota to find land.They got land cheaply from the railroad companies and the U.S.government.Immigrants left North Dakota when several years of dry,windy weather along with an economic crisis made living there too difficult.Listening 1 Analytical Listening2.Are there places in China that are losing population?Are the reasons similar to or different from the reasons people left North Dakota?Example AnswersRural areas in China have been losing population in recent decades.China is experiencing large-scale urbanization.People from rural are as look for jobs in cities,which is also the reason people left North Dakota.People from rural areas are also attracted by better living conditions and convenient public facilities in cities.However,bad weather and economic crisis are not the causes that make people leave rural areas like North Dakota.Listening 1 Analytical Listening3.Do you think its possible to save some of the towns that are disappearing?Should people try to save them?Example Answer 1Yes,I do think its possible to save some of the towns that are disappearing.People should try to save the small towns in order to preserve a way of life,which includes farm work and close family relationships.Listening 1 Analytical ListeningExample Answer 2No,I dont think its possible to save the towns because of economic necessity.People will not stay if they cannot make a living in the small towns,so trying to save these towns is not worth the effort.Listening 1 3.Do you think its possible to save some of the towns that are disappearing?Should people try to save them?Analytical Listening4.Can you think of any ideas to save the disappearing towns that you heard about?Example Answers If people visit the small towns and enjoy their time there,they might decide to move there.So a possible way to save the disappearing towns might be publicity.The towns could use the Internet to post videos or write blogs about the good aspects of small-town life.Listening 1 Analytical ListeningA|Professor:OK,could someone please turn off the lights?Good,thanks.Now,can everyone see the slide?Good.Now,weve been talking about emigration from one country to another.But emigration isnt always from a country.In this first slide,you see a map of the state of North Dakotain the U.S.Were going to focus on this part of the statewestern North Dakota.One hundred years ago,North Dakota had something that many immigrants were looking for.What do you think it was?To be continued Listening 1 Analytical ListeningStudent:Was it farmland?Professor:Thats right.North Dakota had land,and that land attracted many immigrants from Europe especially from Norway and Germany.They left their native countries and moved abroad.In North Dakota,they planted wheat,and they built houses and new towns.Nowadays,however,more and more people are leaving North Dakotaespecially the rural areasand moving to other states in the U.S.But before we get to that,lets look more closely at the reasons immigrants left their original countries and went to North Dakota in the first place.To be continued Listening 1 Analytical ListeningB|&C|Professor:OK,could someone please turn off the lights?Good,thanks.Now,can everyone see the slide?Good.Now,weve been talking about emigration from one country to another.But emigration isnt always from a country.In this first slide,you see a map of the state of North Dakotain the U.S.Were going to focus on this part of the statewestern North Dakota.One hundred years ago,North Dakota had something that many immigrants were looking for.What do you think it was?Student:Was it farmland?To be continued Listening 1 Analytical ListeningProfessor:Thats right.North Dakota had land,and that land attracted many immigrants from Europe especially from Norway and Germany.They left their native countries and moved abroad.In North Dakota,they planted wheat,and they built houses and new towns.Nowadays,however,more and more people are leaving North Dakotaespecially the rural areasand moving to other states in the U.S.But before we get to that,lets look more closely at the reasons immigrants left their original countries and went to North Dakota in the first place.Listening 1 To be continued Analytical ListeningProfessor:This second slide shows one important reasontrains.By the early part of the 20th century,trains had arrived in this part of the country,so travel was easier.And when the railroad companies finished building,they sold their extra landand they sold it cheap.The U.S.government was also selling land at low prices,and there were even ways to get land for free!You just had to live on the land for five years,plant some trees,and do a little farmingeasy,right?Well,as youll see in this next slide,life wasnt easy.The family that used to live in this house left a long time ago.Thats because after the 1920s,North Dakota had several years of very dry,very windy weather.The economic crisis of the 1930s made things even more difficult,so many farmers had to sell their land and leave.To be continued Listening 1 Analytical ListeningProfessor:This next slide is a picture of Corinth in the middle of wintera town that once had 75 people living in it.One of the six people who still live in Corinth today is a farmer named Melvin Wisdahl.Melvin is 83 years old.And though his two sons are still farmers,Melvins grandchildren will probably emigrate.Thats the trend in North Dakota.There arent many jobs,and there arent many people.But thats not the whole story.This picture was taken at the North Dakota State University in Fargo.And it looks like a nice place,doesnt it?In fact,some people are moving to North Dakota,but theyre moving to the larger cities,not to the small towns.Listening 1 To be continued Analytical ListeningProfessor:So,what is happening in the small towns?Well,some people are trying to fight the emigration trend and preserve the old communities.Here,you see the Mystic Theatre in Marmarth,North Dakota.Every year,they invite poets to come here for the Cowboy Poets Weekend.Thats righta whole weekend of poetry from writers in the Western statesand its a big event!Sadly,though,experts think the changes in North Dakota arent just temporary,they are permanent.They dont think these small towns will grow again.Are there any questions?Listening 1 Analytical Listeningassimilate v.融入;(使)同化Sunisa 苏妮萨(人名)Nasir 纳西尔(人名)Garcia 加西亚(人名)discrimination n.歧视Thai n.泰国人ultimately ad.最后;最终Listening 2 Analytical ListeningKarachi:the financial and commercial center of Pakistan.It is also Pakistans largest city and principal seaport.It is situated on the coast of the Arabian Sea,northwest of the Indus River Delta.卡拉奇市(巴基斯坦最大的城市和港口)Listening 2 Analytical ListeningListening 2 Emigrants leave Jakarta(雅加达)to resettle on less developed islands.Analytical ListeningListening 2 A foreign worker stacks fish traps near the Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai(迪拜).Analytical ListeningPrior Knowledge.Discuss the questions with a partner.1.Do you know someone who has gone to living abroad?Why did that person go?2.Did that person settle permanently or temporarily?Why?3.Do you think that person was successful in living abroad?Why or why not?Before ListeningListening 2 Analytical ListeningExample Answers Yes,my neighbor went to live in the United States.His brother owns a business in San Francisco,and my neighbor went to help run the business.Yes,I have a friend who went to live in New Zealand.She is an engineer,and she got a good job there.No,I dont know anyone who has gone to live abroad.1.Do you know someone who has gone to living abroad?Why did that person go?Listening 2 Analytical ListeningExample Answers My neighbor plans to stay in San Francisco permanently.He likes the city,and he likes being close to his brothers family.My friend has only settled in New Zealand temporarily.She wants to work for a few years,save some money,and then come back to China.She misses her family,and she misses the Chinese culture and language,too.2.Did that person settle permanently or temporarily?Why?Listening 2 Analytical ListeningExample Answer 1Yes,I think both people were successful.My neighbor emigrated because he wanted to be close to his brother,and he found a place that he liked.My friend only wanted to get a job abroad.She got a good job,so shell have money and work experience when she returns to China.3.Do you think that person was successful in living abroad?Why or why not?Listening 2 Analytical ListeningExample Answer 2 No,I dont think my neighbor was successful because he didnt start his own business.No,I dont think my friend was successful because she didnt get a job where her family lives.She wont spend time with her family while she is living in New Zealand.Listening 2 3.Do you think that person was successful in living abroad?Why or why not?Analytical ListeningA Small Group DiscussionA|Using a Graphic Organizer.Listen to a teacher giving a discussion assignment and complete the left-hand column in the chart.ListeningListening 2 Analytical ListeningListening 2 1.Who emigrated?Joshs_Nasirs_Emilys_Sunisas_2.Where did the person _?3.Where did the person _?4._ did the person leave?5.Did the person _?come fromgoWhyassimilategrandparentsfatheruncleancestorsPolandPakistanEnglandChinaChicagoSaudi ArabiaAustraliaThailandwarworkCheap ticket,work,girlfriendpopulationNoNoNoYesAnalytical ListeningProfessor Garcia:All right!Now were going to take our discussion of immigration and emigration to a more personal level.Im going to have you divide into groups of four.Then I want you to tell your group about someone you know who has emigratedgone to live in another country temporarily,or permanently.Does everyone have the chart?In the boxes across the top of the chart,you can write the names of the people in your group OK here on the left is the information youre going to need.First,youre going to write down who emigratedtheir name,or their relationship to your classmate.Next,where did they come from?And where did they go to?Then why did they emigrate?And finally,youre going to take notes about whether they assimilated or not!Listening 2 Analytical ListeningB|Listening for Details.Listen to the group discussion and complete the chart.Listening 2 Analytical ListeningC|Listening for Details.Read the statements.Then listen to the group discussion again and check()T for true or F for false.Correct the false statements.Listening 2 1.Joshs grandparents chose to immigrate to escape the coming war.2.Joshs dad and uncle didnt care for American customs.3.Nasirs father earned a lot of money as a water engineer in Saudi Arabia.4.Nasir thinks his father working overseas a negative thing.T F To be continued Analytical Listening5.Emilys uncle had a good time in Australia.6.Sunisa says her family just became typical Thais,including their names.7.Sunisas family members seldom speak Chinese.T F Listening 2 C|Listening for Details.Read the statements.Then listen to the group discussion again and check()T for true or F for false.Correct the false statements.Analytical ListeningListening 2 Answer Keys1.T2.F(They are not interested in Polish customs,loved baseball.)3.T4.F(Result was positive:sent children to good schools and started his own engineering firm.)5.F(He disliked everything about Australia.)6.T7.TAnalytical Listening After ListeningListening 2 Discussion.Discuss the questions with a partner.1.What was the goal of each person emigr


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