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Proud of you Group Name:my suNshiNeIntroduction of Team members Introduction of Team members my suNshiNemy suNshiNe李丽文吴汉青李佳媛姚璇吴雅妮卓心可许登歆贾敏谢璐陈诗星陈碧芳秦虹陈颉邬建国沈思红黄圣洁陈妍Proud of you Group Name:my suNshiNeOnce Once upon a time there upon a time there was a Sams town,was a Sams town,there lived a boy who there lived a boy who never smiled.never smiled.From From his birth,no one his birth,no one has ever seen him has ever seen him smiling.smiling.从前,有一个山姆小镇,那里住着一个不会微笑的男孩,从他出生开始,便没有人见过他的笑容。Someone Someone said,“because said,“because of his indifferent of his indifferent heart,he cannt sense the heart,he cannt sense the warmth of the world”;warmth of the world”;OthersOthers said,“he is a said,“he is a bad guy in the past,so bad guy in the past,so god take his smile back”.god take his smile back”.However,However,no matter how no matter how rumors circulated,the rumors circulated,the appearance of a choir appearance of a choir changed the boy completely.changed the boy completely.有人说,他是因为心肠冷漠,感受不到世界的温暖;也有人说,他由于前世是个坏人,于是上帝收回了他的笑容。然而,不论传闻如何,某天一个合唱团的出现,改变了这个男孩。the first dayA:A:Look,on a heap sat a boy without expression,is he not happy?B:B:Yeah,but what can we do to make him happy?C:C:Lets sing songs for him,singing is always the most useful way if we want to bring people joy,isnt it?小A:你们看,谷堆上坐着一个没有表情的男 孩,他是不是不开心?小B:对啊,我们要怎样让他开心呢?小C:我们给他唱歌吧,我们的歌声不是最能给大家带来欢乐了吗?So the people sit around the boyLong Long AgoTell me the tales that to me were so dearLong,long agoLong,long agoSing me the songs i delighted to hearLong,long ago,long agoNow you have comeAll my grief is removedLet me forget just as long as i doLet me believe that you always be hereLong,long ago,long agoThe boy looked up in surprise,but soon,he run away rapidly as if be frightened.男孩惊奇地抬起头,但马上,他又像受到惊吓般飞速的跑开。The second dayEverybody get together to prepare for songs rehearsals,and the boy hides in the trees looking them enviously.大家在一起排练歌曲,男孩躲在一旁羡慕的看着Proud of youLove in your eyes Sitting silent by my side Going on holding hands Walking through the nights Hold me up hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly Im proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The boy think silently:it would be so good if I could fly like this.I can be proud of myself.男孩默默地想:要是我也可以那样飞翔该多好啊,我可以为自己自豪.The third dayOn the third day,the boy take the initiative to come to the front of people:I really like your songs,can I sing the songs together with you?Someone come forward to welcome the boy.All people sing happily hand in hand.男孩主动来到众人面前:“我很喜欢你们的歌声,我可以和你们一起唱歌吗?”不等男孩说完,早已有人上前来拉男孩。众人手拉手快乐地唱着You are my sunshineYou are my sunshine,My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Youll never know dearHow much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine awayThe other night dearWhen I was sleepingI dreamed I held you in my arms But when I awoke,dear,I was mistaken So I hung my head and I criedYou are my sunshineMy only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Youll never know dearHow much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine awaySometimes,its not because we dont smile,but lacking someone that can bring us sensation;Sometimes,you just need to be a little more bold,then we will have a lot of warmth.Be More active,more patient,our lives wont be so pale and lonely.有时候,不是我们不会微笑,而是生命中缺了那个能够带给我们感动的人;有时候,只需要勇敢一点,我们便会拥有很多温暖。多一点主动,多一点耐心,我们的生活就不会显得那么苍白与孤寂。conclusionTHANK YOU


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