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:级班:号证考准:名姓无锡市协新技工学校 20122013 学年第二学期英语 期末试卷(B 卷)注注意意事事项项1请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、考号和班级名称。2请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定的位置填写您的答案.3不要在试卷上乱画乱写,不要在标封区填写无关内容。第一题第二题第三题第四题第五题第六题第七题总分得分一语音知识一语音知识()1.A.threeB.thoughtC。clothesD。tooth()2.A。waterB.termC。flowerD.exercise()3。A。carryB.happyC.matterD。any()4。A.readB。easyC。breadD。clean()5。A。planeB.landC。standD.can二词汇与语法知识二词汇与语法知识()1。The weight of the moon is only about _ that of the earth。A。one eightyB.one of eightyC。one the eightiethD。oneeightieth()2。Can you make out who is _ of the three brothers?A。olderB。elderC。the oldestD。the eldest()3.Must I attend the meeting?_。A。Yes,you need。B.No,you neednt。C.Yes,you do。D.No,youdont。()4.Youll run _ trouble if you dont take care。A。downB。atC.acrossD。into()5.Mary said she _ to Beijing twice。A.had goneB。wentC。had beenD。was()6。He has written a _ report.A。two-hundred-wordsB。towhundredswordC。twohundreds-wordsD。twohundredword()7.He earns _ he used to。A.as many asB。as much asC。much more asD。fewer than()8。They _ have told me about it yesterday。A.oughted toB。oughtedC。ought toD。ought第1页共5页()9。We ought to be there _ nine twenty。A。untilB.byC。inD。for()10。We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _ back next week。A。will comeB。cameC。would comeD。come()11。When he was in his _,he got the chance to go abroad。A.fiftyB。fiftiesC。fiftiethD。fifty years()12。_ physical work you do,_ youll become.A。MuchstrongB.LessstrongerC。The morethe strongerD。The most()13。I wont allow my son to swim across the river,even if he _ itthe strongest。Its toodangerous。A.dares toB。dared toC.dare toD.is dare to()14。The cat jumped _ the roof of the car and looked down at the dog。A.toB.inC。ontoD。into()15。The rain _ and the air was clean。A。had stoppedB.has stoppedC.will stopD。was stopped()16.This is _.A。the question thirtyB。thirty questionC。question thirtyD。the question thirteen()17。Xiao Chen is _ than us all.A。much cleverB.even clevererC。far cleverestD.by far the cleverest()18.when we _ to the village,it was very late。A。arrivedB。gotC。reachedD.landed()19.Philip _ her invitation to go to her farm for his holiday because he was too busy。A。receivedB。acceptedC.refusedD。got()20.I wonder how long he _ to be a teacher。A。has begunB。beginsC。beganD。has started三。三。完形填空完形填空Mark Twain was a very clever man.He could think quickly,_1_ he had a good sense of humor。We dont know if these two stories are true,but they are interesting _2_。Mark Twain went to a _3_ friend to _4_ him a favour。“Id like to _5_ a book _6_ yourlibrary。“Im sorry,”_7_ the friend.“I never permit books to be _8_ from my library。If you want toread the book,you _9_ read it here in the library.You may not take it home.A few days _10_,this same man wanted to mow(割)his lawn.So he went to Mark Twains houseto borrow his lawn mower。“Im _,said Twain.“I never permit my lawn mower to be taken from my home.If you want touse it,you must use it here。”_12_ time,Twains nephew(侄子)was _13_ him.One morning,when they _14_ went down英语期末试卷出卷人:张青审卷人:无锡市技工学校期末试卷to breakfast,Twain saw that his nephews shoes were dirty。“Your shoes were covered _15_ mud。Why didnt you clean them last night?”he _16_ the boy。“I thought it was useless to clean them in _17_ bad weather,”the nephew replied。They will only_18_ dirty again in a short time.Twain then prepared his breakfast,but he made _19_ for the boy。“Why is there _20_ breakfast for me?the nephew asked.“I thought it was useless for you to eat,”said Twain,“because you will only get hungry again in aA。the pull of everythingB。the force of attraction among objectsC.the force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earthD。the force which attracts the earth towards the sun2。When you slip on something,you.A.always fall down to the groundshort time。()1.A.soB。andC。butD.yet()2。A.certainlyB。trulyC.stillD。anyway()3.A。certainB。sureC。someD。his()4.A。doB。showC。askD.get()5。A.lendB.borrowC。getD.buy()6。A.inB.atC。fromD。to()7。A。answeredB。repliedC。toldD.talked()8。A。fetchedB.carriedC。broughtD。taken()9。A.mustB。shouldC.ought toD。may()10.A.agoB。beforeC.laterD。past()11。A.regretB。sorrowC.sorryD.happy()12。A.NextB。The nextC。The otherD。Another()13。A。seeingB.visitingC.callingD.dropping in()14。A.allB。bothC.eitherD。neither()15。A。withB.ofC.byD.in()16。A.saidB。spokeC。toldD。asked()17。A。suchB。such aC。soD。so a()18.A。turnB。growC。comeD.get()19。A.somethingB。anythingC。everythingD。nothing()20。A。notB.noC.noneD。nothing四四.阅读理解阅读理解(A A)Even if you are a good high-jumper,you can jump only about seven feet off the ground。You cantjump any higher because the earth pulls you hard。The pull of the earth is called gravity。You can easily find out the pull of the earth.If you weigh yourself,you will know how much gravity ispulling you。Since ther is gravity,water runs downhill。When you throw a ball into the air,it falls back down。Because of gravity you do not fall off the earth as it whirls around。Then,can we get away from the earth and so far out into space?Now you can do it,becausespaceships have been invented。The spaceship will go so fast that it can escape the earths gravity and carryyou into space.1。In this passage,the word“gravity”means“”。第2页共5页B。sometimes fall down to the groundC。go up into the airD。never fall down to the ground3。Gravity is so strong that。A。it can throw a ball into the airB。it makes you jump only seven feetC。it makes you go up into the airD。it can keep everything on earth4。because gravity pulls it.A.Water flows everywhereB。Water flows downwards on the earths surfaceC。We can go everywhere by shipD。Fish can live in water5.We can get away from the earth by spaceship because。A.the spaceship goes very fastB.the earth cant pull the spaceshipC。the spaceship has a strange forceD.the spaceship can jump higher than any other things(B)(B)Mr。Parkin stood at the bus stop and watched the cars go by。Many of the cars were new Beta 400s,and most of them were yellow.Mr.Parkin always wore the same clothes as other men,ate the same food asother people,and did the same things after work,and at the end of the week Mr。Parkin did not like to bedifferent.The next day Mr。Parkin bought a new,bright yellow Beta 400。He was very pleased with it,and drove to work in it the very next day.He was even more pleased with his new car when he saw all theother Beta 400s,in front,and on both sides of him。Mr。Parkin parked his car in a big car-park near his office,and walked the rest of the way.Butwhen he came back at five oclock,there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the carpark that Mr。Parkin did not know which car was his。He tried his key in some of the cars,but when people passed by,they each gave him a look。So he stopped。Poor Mr。Parkin had to wait nearly two hours until his was the only yellow Beta 400 in the car park.1。Mr。Parkin bought a new,yellow Beta 400 because he _.英语期末试卷出卷人:张青审卷人:A.liked to do the same things as other peopleB.liked to be different from the othersC.liked all kinds of carsD.wanted to go to work in it2。He drove to work in his new car _。A.the day he bought itB。the day after he bought it2。In a school in England the man examinedA.twice as many deaf children as bright onesB.twice as many dull children as bright onesC.as many dull children as bright onesD.as many deaf children as bright ones3。Most of the bright children the man examined could hear his watch tick _。C。a week after he bought itD.on the day he first watched the car passing3.He was pleased with his new car because _。A。no one lese had a yellow oneB。his was newer than all the other carsB.it was the same as the cars all around himD。other cars were not as bright as his4。People“gave him a look”in the car-park because he _。A.had a nice new carB。could not open the door of his carC.was trying to open more than one carD.was in the wrong carpark5.Mr.Parkin hadnt found until _.A.there was only one car in the carparkB.B。there were no bright yellow car in the carparkC.There was n one around to look at himD.There was only one yellow Beta 400 in the car-park(C C)A man examined the ears of hundreds of children in Europe had found that about one quarter of thechildren were a little deaf。These children did not know it themselves;they thought they could hear as well as anybody。Theteachers thought so too,only they were quite sure that those special children were the dull(迟钝的)onesin the school。No doubt they were rather surprised when the man who examined them found that generallythe dull ones were also the deaf ones。The same man next went to a school in England.There he asked the teachers to pick out seventy brightchildren and seventy dull children for him to examine。He found about twice as many deaf children amongthe seventy who were dull as among the seventy who were bright。Dullness and deafness often go together.From there he went to another school,where he found that most of the bright children could hear hiswatch tick(滴答响)when was as far from their ears as fifty inches,while most of the dull children could nothear it unless it was near to them as thirty inches.All these experiments showed that when children are a little deaf they seem dull。But very often deafchildren are not really dull。After doctors cure them,they can be as bright as anybody。The chances arethat the better we hear the quicker we shall understand。It is important,therefore,to have good hearing。1。The children who were a little deaf were quite sure that _。A.they were the dull ones in the schoolB.they were as bright as anybodyC.they could hear no worse than anybodyD.they couldnt hear as well as others第3页共5页A.as far away from their ears as fifteen inchesB.fifty inches away from their earsC.less than fifty inches awayD.as near to them as thirty inches4.To have good hearing is important,because _.A.the worse a boy hears the duller he will beB.the worse a boy hears the quicker he will understandC.the better a boy hears the slower he will understandD.the quicker a boy understands the better he will hear5。According to the passage,the man _。A.must be a teacherB。must be a doctorC。may be a researcherD。may be a students father五中英句子互译五中英句子互译1。他长大了想做什么?2。他打开门走了进去并且打开了所有的灯。3。我要马上走吗?-不,你不需要。4.你从几时候开始起住到了这个又旧又破的房子里?5.尽管天津很大,但它不是中国最大的城市.6。It was the third time that I had gone there,so I didnt need a guide.7.The workers finished their work far sooner than I expected.英语期末试卷出卷人:张青审卷人:8。The nurse openen the window for the patient to have some fresh air.9。I will let you know about it as soon as we come to a conclusion。10。Look,someone is climbing into your house through the back window。六书面表达六书面表达提示:假设你的朋友叫杨立,是优秀学生。校报请你写一篇介绍他的短文。他的基本情况是:现在读高二,是班长,是全班学习最好的;最喜欢学习英语和数学;爱好体育,课余常踢足球,还是学校游泳队队员;经常帮助别人。注意:(1)基本情况不可遗漏;(2)要有标题;(3)词数 100 字左右.第4页共5页英语期末试卷张青审卷人:出卷人:第5页共5页英语期末试卷张青审卷人:出卷人:


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