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组别:组别:3434年级:初二(上)年级:初二(上)组员:李望,杨雪逸,刘瑶瑶,张莎组员:李望,杨雪逸,刘瑶瑶,张莎考试时长:考试时长:9090 分钟分钟日期:日期:20152015 年年 1111 月月 1515 日日Test specificationsTest specificationsTest PurposeTest Purpose(杨雪逸)(杨雪逸)The final test is an achievement test designed to assess studentsprogress on junior 2 English courses at the end of the term.Test DomainTest Domain(杨雪逸)(杨雪逸)Theoretical Construct:Students are able to obtain the ability of listening,reading,writingas required in the teaching syllabus.Operations:a)be able to listen for the gist to get the general ideab)be able to listen for the specific information from the given textc)be able to scan text to locate specific informationd)be able to search throughtext to establish which part is relevant toa specified neede)be able to transform verbal information into chartsf)be able to express ideas clearly in written form according to the givensituationTest TakersTest Takers(刘瑶瑶)(刘瑶瑶)Students who have been taking the first semester eighth grade course inmiddle school.1Test ContentTest Content(刘瑶瑶)(刘瑶瑶)Text Types:Common sense of life,daily life scene,short stories,articles,advertisements,media,timetables,product introduce.Topic:History,language,culture,character,society,school life,hobby.Focus:To check if the students are able to obtain the ability of listening,reading,writing as required in the teaching syllabus,and the abilityto scan text to locate specific information and search through text toestablish which part is relevant to a specified need.The ability to maininformation from the articles and extract the point.Text LengthText Length(张莎)(张莎)There will be listening part,basic knowledge part,reading part andcomprehensive language part.Text MethodText Method(张莎)(张莎)Both direct and indirect methods will be used to assess studentslanguage ability in the test.Test Tasks and Item TypesTest Tasks and Item Types(李望)(李望)TypeTypeMatching itemsTure-and-falsestatementMultiple-choicequestionsBlank fillingExpected ResponseExpected Responseconstructedconstructedselectedconstructedselectedconstructedwrittenwrittenwrittenwrittenwrittenverbal to graphic or viceModeMode2ClozeInformation transferShort compositionconstructedversaverbal to graphic;writtenTest Organization and WeightingTest Organization and Weighting(李望)(李望)ComponentComponentPart One:ListeningcomprehensionA.Matching itemsB.Ture-and-false statementC.Multiple-choice questionsD.Blank fillingPart Two:Basic knowledgeA.Multiple-choice questionsB.ClozePart three:ReadingcomprehensionA.Multiple-choice questionsB.Blank fillingPart four:ComprehensionA.Information transferB.Blank fillingC.Short compositionTime DurationTime DurationThe test should be completes within 90 minutes.Scoring CriteriaScoring Criteria(李望)(李望)【试题答案】【试题答案】3 passage(with 11 items)51 conversation(with 5items)51 passage(with 5 blanks)30%151 passage(with 15 blanks)26%NumberNumberWeightingWeighting20%1 passage(with 4 blanks)1 passage(with 6 blanks)1 passage(with 8 blanks)124%3听力部分:听力材料及答案(共 20 分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相对应的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。每段对话你将听两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)1.M:How do you get to school every day W:I take the train.(D)2.W:Lets make fruit salad.M:OK.How many bananas do we need W:Three.(C)3.M:Hi,Susan,how was your school trip W:It was fantastic.I went to the aquarium.(B)4.W:Look at the twin brothers!Whos Tom and Whos Tim M:Tom is taller than Tim.(A)5.W:What are you going to be when you grow upM:Hmmm.Im going to be a computer programmer.(E)二.听对话,根据对话内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的写 T,错误的写 F。本部分每段对话你将听三遍(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)6.M:Who do you admire W:Michael Jordan.M:When was he born W:He was born in 1963.(F)7.M:Hi,Mary!How was your weekend W:It was OK.But I was really busy.M:Why was that W:Well,I had a lot of homework to do.(T)8.W:Dad,could I go to the movies tonightM:I guess so.But dont stay out late.W:Could I stay out until eleven4M:No,you cant.You have a test tomorrow,remember(F)9.W:John,can you play tennis with me M:Uh,When W:Today.M:Uh,no,sorry.I cant.I have to go to the doctor.W:How about tomorrowM:Sorry,tomorrow Im playing soccer.How about Friday W:OK.(T)10.W:Mike,please clean your room and take out the trash.M:Sorry,Mom.I need to do my homework first.W:Could you take out the trash now I really need help,Mike.Yourgrandmother is coming over in an hour.M:Sure.I can do that.(T)三.请听短文,选择最佳答案,这段短文你将听三遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)Luisa wanted to make breakfast for her family.She planned what shewould make.She foundthe bread andtomatoes she wouldneed.She didnttell anyone.She got up early and started to work.She cut onions and tomatoes intopieces and put some cheese on the bread.When the family got up the next morning,the house smelled so good.There were some sandwiches on the table.“Where do these come from”asked Mother.Luisa smiled.Then everyone knew.They sat down to eat the good foodshe had made.11.A12.B13.C14.B15.A四.听短文,根据短文内容,完成下面表格(请填写关键信息)这段短文你将听5三遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)Last Saturday Mr.White and his wife went to the farm.They got homevery late.Mr.White opened the front door and they went into the house.It was very dark,so Mr.White turned on the lights.On the way upstairsMrs.White said,“Listen.I can hear someone in the bedroom.”They wentdownstairs again and stood quietly outside the room.“Yes,youre right,”said Mr.White.“There are two boys in there.They are talking!”Then he called out,“Who is there”But nobody answered.Mr.White opened the door and quickly turned on the light.The room wasempty,then they saw something and laughed.The radio was still on.“Oh,dear!”he said,“I forgot to turn off the radio this morning.”16.farm17.late18.heard19.boys20.radio累计三处拼写错误扣 1 分。基础知识运用(共 30 分)五.单项填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)21.A 26.D 31.D22.B27.C32.A23.A28.B33.C24.C29.A34.B25.B30.D35.C六.完形填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)36.B 41.A 46.C37.C42.D47.D38.B43.A48.C39.C44.D49.A40.A45.B50.B阅读部分(共 26 分)七.阅读理解(共 22 分,每小题 2 分)51.A 56.C 61.C652.B57.D53.A58.D54.D59.A55.B60.B八.任务型阅读(共 4 分,每小题 1 分)62.read aloud63.as much as64.feel comfortable 65.Help each other.或(Then)You can help each other.累计三处拼写错误扣 1 分。综合语言运用(共 24 分)九.词汇(共 6 分,每空 1 分)(1)G(2)A(3)D(4)C(5)B(6)E十.根据表格内所提供的信息,完成下面介绍比尔盖茨的短文。(共 8 分,每空 1 分)(1)1955(2)age(3)was(4)it(5)went(6)years(7)book(8)and累计三处拼写错误扣 1 分。十一.书面表达(10 分)(A possible version)The winter vacation is coming.I have many plans.Firstof all,Imgoing to study hard.Ill do my homework,study math every day and readmore books.To keep fit,Im also going to do sports.Im going to playbasketball and tenniswith my friends.Besides,I want to helpmy motherdo some chores because she is very busy and tired.Ill do the dishesand clean the house and take out the trash.I wont tell her at first.It must be a big surprise for her.In a word,Ill have a wonderful wintervacation.(100 words)附:书面表达评分标准:作文需包括至少三幅图。第一幅图写出运动;第二幅图写出学习或读书;第三幅图写出做家务;第四幅图写出旅游即可。无顺序要求。学生可在此基础上适当发挥。第三档:(710 分)很好地完成试题规定的任务。应用了较多的语法和词7汇。结构完整,逻辑性强。词汇选用恰当、丰富、语言基本无误;能有效地使用连接词。第二档:(46 分)基本地完成试题规定的任务。应用的语法和词汇基本准确。能满足任务要求,词汇有一些语言错误,但不太影响理解。行文基本连贯,基本符合逻辑。第一档:(13 分)未能按要求完成试题规定的任务。只写出一些相关的词语,语法、语言错误较多。Test AdministrationTest Administration(张莎)(张莎)It is advised that students be informed of the procedures of testadministration beforehand.Test instructions should be read to thestudents before the test begins.Test instructions can be delivered eitherin English or in Chinese as is seen appropriate to the occasion.Supervisors are expected to administer the test strictly in accordancewith the stated procedures.Measures should be taken to maintain asupportive testing environment throughout the test.Test Development ChartTest Development Chart(李望)(李望)No ofNo ofItems/Items/ComponentComponentSkillSkillNoNoTest FocusTest Focusfor Eachfor EachFocusFocusPartOne:Listening20general messagespecific details1010comprehensionA.Matching itemsB.Ture-and-false statementBe able to listenfor the generalmessage,specificor importantC.Multiple-choice questionsdetails main ideasD.Blank filling8Part Two:Basic knowledgeinformation.30Punctuation,pronoun10A.Multiple-choice questionsGrammaticalB.ClozePartthree:ReadingcomprehensionA.Multiple-choice questionsB.Blank fillingdecide whether theBe able totransform verbalinformation intographs,charts.whole or part isrelevant to aspecified need,decide on theoverall idea.knowledgeLexical knowledgeagreement,tense agreement,subjectiveactive/passive voice10Nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbs10Transitional words5KnowledgeComprehensionapplication55mood,DiscourseknowledgeBe able to search15though text tolocate specificinformation,9Part four:ComprehensionA.Information transferB.Blank fillingC.Short compositionDescribing people1Be able to select,15organize and orderrelevantinformation for aparticularpurpose.Be able tomanipulatesentences andparagraphs,anduse languageeffectively.Be able to write inan appropriatemanner with aparticularaudience in mind.10


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