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may daymay daymay day五月天五月天Mayday is a Taiwanese rock band that was formed in the late 1990s with five members,named Ashin,Monster and Stone,Masa and Guan You.五月天是五月天是90年代后期台湾的摇滚乐团,由阿信、怪兽、年代后期台湾的摇滚乐团,由阿信、怪兽、石头、玛莎和冠佑五个人组成。石头、玛莎和冠佑五个人组成。团长、吉他手:团长、吉他手:怪兽怪兽吉他手:吉他手:石头石头贝斯手:贝斯手:玛莎玛莎鼓手:鼓手:冠佑冠佑主唱:主唱:阿信阿信 Mayday is Monster,Stone,Masa,Ming,Ashin&U五月天是:五月天是:怪兽怪兽 石头石头 玛莎玛莎 冠佑冠佑 阿信阿信 和你和你多听五月天多听五月天必成好青年必成好青年Listen Listen to the to the May day,May day,will will become become a good a good youthyouth第一部分:励志篇 I am not afraid of tens of millions of people stop,afraid to surrender their This life,this This life,this time,for your time,for your head,at least head,at least proud of proud of bloomingblooming If you give me If you give me a life,please a life,please show me the joy show me the joy and pain of live,and pain of live,I am not afraid I am not afraid of love from the of love from the wrong,but not wrong,but not having lovedhaving loved第二部分第二部分:后悔篇后悔篇 Why give me Why give me a beating a beating heart,but heart,but forgot to give forgot to give me wings to me wings to flyfly After a long After a long wait,the wait,the dream is dream is dream,I still dream,I still meme第四部分第四部分爱情篇爱情篇 You are the You are the air,but known air,but known to exceed the to exceed the air,you are air,you are the sun,but the sun,but can shine at can shine at night.night.Miss you all Miss you all night,I cant night,I cant recall your face,recall your face,you is a kind of you is a kind of feeling,written feeling,written in the summer in the summer windwind I am the heroic past,I am the heroic past,conquer the rolling world conquer the rolling world in troubled times,million in troubled times,million people write poetries to people write poetries to me,while happiness is me,while happiness is now,still help you with now,still help you with your hellokitty bagyour hellokitty bag第五部分第五部分 疯狂篇疯狂篇 Let the law Let the law simpler,more chaos simpler,more chaos to order,so I would to order,so I would like the youlike the youthth Youth taste Youth taste the flavor is not the flavor is not enough,not crazy,enough,not crazy,how can it survivehow can it survive Life is too short,Life is too short,to love,to go crazy,to love,to go crazy,to go to wasteto go to waste97年成军,99年正式出道,15年来很多乐团解散了,但是他们越来越受欢迎theythey form the band in 1997,and form the band in 1997,and officiofficially debut in 1999,many ally debut in 1999,many OrchOrchestra disbanded In the estra disbanded In the fifteen years,but they are fifteen years,but they are becobecoming more and more ming more and more popularpopular因为,他们相识于高中时代,他们彼此有着深厚的友情,音乐是他们共同追求的梦!Because,they met in high school,then they have the deep friendship for each other,music is their common pursuit of the dream!他们说只要歌迷在六十岁的时候还愿意杵着拐杖去听他们的演唱会,他们就愿意一直唱到六十岁。They said as long as their fans will listen to the concert with a Walking stick at the age of sixty,they will sing until sixty years old.我喜欢他们,因为他们的音乐给我力量和安慰 I love them,because their music give me strength and comfort 我的每一种情我的每一种情绪都能在他们的绪都能在他们的歌曲里找到寄托,歌曲里找到寄托,不管是情感,生不管是情感,生活态度,人生感活态度,人生感悟悟My every emotion can find the sustenance in their songs,no matter is the Feelings,the attitude to life,the life.他们总能在他们的音乐里把这些情感描述的恰到好处,直抵人心They are always have the ability to describe these emotions be just perfect in their music ,to reach your heart世界不够美好,它和小时候自己所认识的差别很大。所以我开始武装自己。-by玛莎 The world is not beautiful,it was Very different from what I kown when I was small,So I began to arm myselves青春就是用力的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒 by冠佑Youth is forced to run,then fall gorgeously事实总是不止两个面向,而是多个面向的综合体-by怪兽Truth is always more than two faces,but a complex of the Several aspect 旅行要有计划也要有变化,要走路更要迷路.-by石头Traveling should have plan but it still have a change,even youll get lost人生一如凝望着无言的风景,总是说不的感觉最扎人 -by阿信Life is like looking at the Static landscape,the Indescribable feeling always make you upsetmay day is my favourit most band,may day is my favourit most band,they always tell me a lot of truth by they always tell me a lot of truth by music,music,I hope that you will fall I hope that you will fall in love with in love with them after them after you you listening listening to them to them


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