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教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module 1Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. There be2.Adjs antonym3.Do you like能力目标:1. Describe the changes in different tense.2. Therewas/wasnt/There were/werent情感目标:Find out the changes of the school, and love it.重点:1.the new words and phrases. There be 2.一般现在时第三人称单数,动词的变化难点:1.Compare the present tense and the past tense. 2.动宾结构,动词后面用宾格。教法:Create contexts .学法:Autonomous learning.55教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module3Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. What do do? They3. their/his所有格形式4. how many.?能力目标:1. Describe festivals.2. 2.houses复数名词所有格形式3. UK=the united kindom.情感目标:Know the foreign culture, and spread Chinese culture.重点:1.Grasp the new words and phrases.2.There is a lot of fruit.3.fruit and fish难点:The sentences, What do do? TheySome pronounciation.Family-families教法:Create contexts .学法:Practise and act the new dialogue.55教 学 计 划学科: 五 年级 2013-2014学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module5Unit 1Unit 2Module6Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases.能力目标:Talk about possessions in English.情感目标:Let the students know what are their own things.知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases.能力目标:Assess oneself in English情感目标:Teach the students to assess themselves in sports. Do ones best to do well.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:The usage of mine yours his hersCompare the usage of my and mine.重点:Can you You can well.They got points.难点:Compare the usage of the words good and well.教法:On the comparative method学法:In groups and practise the dialogue in roles.教法:Create contexts .学法:practise the dialogue in roles.55教 学 计 划学科: 英语 五 年级 2013-2014学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module7Unit 1Unit 2Module8Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. can Can ?能力目标:Investigate community.情感目标:Let the students learn to help the blind man. Love the others.知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases.Start school at finish school at能力目标:Compare schools in different countries.情感目标:Love ourown homeland and know the others.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:This dog can help him.The usage of can and cant 重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:In England, they sit around tables. In China, we sit in lines.教法:On the comparative method学法:Recite the dialogue and act it.教法:Task based teaching method学法:Read and recite the letter.55教 学 计 划学科: 五 年级 2013-2014学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module9Unit 1Unit 2Module10Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases.How to use the words: Sad angry bored能力目标:Talk about feelings情感目标:Learn to care the others.知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. You should You shouldnt能力目标:Talk about obligations.情感目标:The children should tidy their room after their playing.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:Whats the matter?Are you bored?She was sad.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:You should tidy your toys.You shouldnt play with the CDs.should be教法:Create contexts .学法:In groups and practise the dialogue in roles.教法:Task based teaching method.学法:Practise and act the dialogue in roles.55教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2013-2014学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module 1Unit 1Unit 2Module 2Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. There be能力目标:Describe the changes in different tense.情感目标:Find out the changes of the school, and love it.知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. be +adj.能力目标:Go shopping. Use the sentences to buy things.情感目标:Help the others when they need help.重点:the new words and phrases. There be难点:Compare the present tense and the past tense.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases. be +adj.难点:The usage of “This one” and the adjectives.教法:Create contexts .学法:Autonomous learning.教法:Create contexts .学 法 : Practise and act the new dialogue.55教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2013-2014学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module3Unit 1Unit 2Module4Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. What do do? They能力目标:Describe festivals.情感目标:Know the foreign culture, and spread Chinese culture.知识目标:Grasp the new words and phrases. What are we going to ?Are you going to ?能力目标:Celebrate a birthday.情感目标:Learn to celebrate重点:Grasp the new words and phrases.难点:The sentences, What do do? TheySome pronounciation.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases. 难点:How to celebrate a birthday to the others in English.教法:Create contexts .学法:Practise and act the new dialogue.教法:Create contexts .学法:Help each other to learn the new lessons.55教 学 计 划学科: 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module5Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. whose eraser is it?3. Its mine.4. 名词性物主代词的用法能力目标:1. Talk about possessions in English.2. at the lost-and-found.情感目标:Let the students know what are their own things.重点:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. 2.When did you lose it?难点:The usage of mine yours his hersCompare the usage of my and mine.教法:On the comparative method学法:In groups and practise the dialogue in roles.55教 学 计 划学科: 英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module7Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. can Can ?2.Lets see.3. Can fifi help blind people?能力目标:1.Investigate community.2.There be.情感目标:Let the students learn to help the blind man. Love the others.重点:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. 2.many 的用法 3.only的用法难点:1.This dog can help him.2. The usage of can and cant 3.一般现在时第三人称单数。教法:On the comparative method学法:Recite the dialogue and act it.55教 学 计 划学科: 英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module9Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases.2.How to use the words: Sad angry bored3.特殊疑问句和一般疑问句能力目标:1. Talk about feelings2. 过去式的用法3. sing a song with english. 情感目标:Learn to care the others.重点:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. What and Are you sad?难点:1.Whats the matter?2.Are you bored?3.She was sad.教法:Create contexts .学法:In groups and practise the dialogue in roles.5教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module6Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. Do you ?3. 一般过去式的用法。能力目标:1. Assess oneself in English2. discribe a tell with English.情感目标:Teach the students to assess themselves in sports. Do ones best to do well.重点:1.Can you 2.You can well.3.They got points.难点:1. Compare the usage of the words good and well.2. jump high and high jump教法:Create contexts .学法:practise the dialogue in roles.5教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module4Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. 2.What are we going to ?3.Are you going to ?能力目标:1. Celebrate a birthday.2. write a letter with English.3. be going to情感目标:Learn to celebrate重点:1. Grasp the new words and phrases. 2. Be going to +V3. Things they are going to do at the Weekend.难点:1. How to celebrate a birthday to the others in English.2. be going to and will教法:Create contexts .学法:Help each other to learn the new lessons.5教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module 2Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases. be +adj.能力目标:1.Go shopping. Use the sentences to buy things.情感目标:Help the others when they need help.重点:Grasp the new words and phrases. be +adj.难点:The usage of “This one” and the adjectives.教法:Create contexts .学 法 : Practise and act the new dialogue.5教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module8Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1.Grasp the new words and phrases.2.Start school at finish school at能力目标:1.Compare schools in different countries.情感目标:Love ourown homeland and know the others.重点:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. Welcome to3. write a letter with English.难点:1.In England, they sit around tables. 2.In China, we sit in lines.3.There are lots of games.教法:Task based teaching method学法:Read and recite the letter.5教 学 计 划学科:英语 五 年级 2014-2015学年度第一学期课/单元教 学 三 维 目 标教 学 重 难 点教法与学法课时Module10Unit 1Unit 2知识目标:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. You should You shouldnt3. often 用一般现在时能力目标:1. Talk about obligations.2. find the differences and say.3. listen and chant.情感目标:The children should tidy their room after their playing.重点:1. Grasp the new words and phrases.2. write a letter3. These is one pencil in picture.难点:1.You should tidy your toys.2.You shouldnt play with the CDs.3.should be教法:Task based teaching method.学法:Practise and act the dialogue in roles.5


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