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Book 5 Unit 3 Science and Nature Welcome to the unitLead-inWhat is cloning?Scientific definitionCloning is the creation of cells or whole animals by using DNA(脱氧核糖核酸脱氧核糖核酸)from a single parent,by passing(绕道而行绕道而行)the normal reproductive(生殖生殖)process.The clone has the same DNA to the“parent”.Do you know cloning?Look at the following pictures and say what you know about them.Im the worlds first cloned mammal Dolly.Choose one and share information with others.Model123456Welcome to the unitDolly:the worlds first cloned animal created by Scottish scientists in 1996 caused worldwide discussion died in 2003 because of lung disease There are still many countries doing research on cloning technology.Welcome to the unitI was created using a cell from an adult cat.The kitten in the picture is called Cc.Its name is from Copycat.Scientists in the USA created it with a cell taken from its mother,Rainbow.It was born in December 2002.Welcome to the unitWe are five cloned female pigs and we were born on Christmas Day 2001.Just call me Noel,OK?I m Angel,in your heartIm your Star.Love me please.Hi!Im Joy.Im happy-go-lucky every day.Im the beautiful MaryWelcome to the unitI am the first cloned monkey and I was born at a research centre in the USA.Welcome to the unitI look just like my brother,thats because I am a clone.Welcome to the unitWe are a pair of new born cloned calves from Japan.The pair of calves were born on 5 July 1998 in Ishikawa,Japan.They were two years younger than Dolly,being the second adult animal clones in the world.Do you think the cloned animals are as healthy as the natural ones?Yes,Dolly is an example,but scientists do not yet know whether this is the exception(例外例外)or the rule.Some early evidences suggest that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely(早衰的,未老先衰早衰的,未老先衰).Discussion What do you think of the new kind of technology?Does it have advantages or disadvantages?DiscussionFun picturesIf cloning goes wrong,what will happen?A dog or an eagle?A duck or a crocodile?A cock or a dog?A lion or a kangaroo?A frog or a crocodile?A tortoise or a bear?A bird or a dog?Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day?Why or why not?DebateThey shouldnt,forreasons:1.Cloning can help cure many diseases and save a lot of people lives.2.3.Part AThey should,forreasons1.Cloning can lead to ethical(伦理伦理)problems.2.3.Part BGiving an oral reportToday our class had a discussion about whether the governments should pass laws to prohibit human cloning.Some students think that the governments should,forHowever,some other students think it necessary to prohibit,forIn my opinion,Homework:WritingWrite a short passage(150 words)about cloning and your may start like this:Today our class had a discussion about whether the governments should pass laws to prohibit human cloning.Some students think that the governments shouldnt,forHowever,some other students think it necessary to prohibit,forIn my opinion,Thank you!


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