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中大网校引领成功职业人生 情景交际专项练习总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分情景交际专项练习(1)-I m going to take my driving test tomorrow._.(2)-Mum, I won the 400 - metrerace in the school sports meeting._.(3)_.Its about Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world.(4)In which of the following places can you often see this sign?(5)-Excuse me, whats the time, please-Sorry. I dont have a (an) _.with me.(6)-I m sorry that I shouted at you this morning._.But please dont get angry so easily.(7)-How was your visit to Tibet_.The scenery is amazing!(8)-It s raining harder! Let s stand under that big tree._! Its very dangerous to do so in such weather!(9)-Mr. Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don t forget it!-OK, I_.(10)-Is there a table for 4, please_. please. Is the one near the backdoor OK(11)-Could you finish the task in two days._. I have something else to do these days.(12)-Your new red blouse looks beautiful._.(13)_.About two hours.(14)-Lets go to the zoo this afternoon._.(15)-May I speak to Hans, please_.(16)-Would you like to go to the zoo with us_.(17)If your friend tells you that he is ill, you may say _.(18)-Have a good journey, Alice._.(19)The sign THIS SIDE UP is often seen_.(20)-Help yourseIf to some apples._.(21)-Tom will take care of our cat while we re away._.(22)-How did you do your job-Not very well, _.(23)- Kate, could you answer the telephone, please !_, Mum, I 11 get it.(24)-Happy New Year!_.(25)-I m sorry I don t know the way either. You d better ask that policeman for help._.(26)-I fell and hurt my leg last week, So I can t do anything._.(27)_-I have got a cough.(28)-What s the weather like today !_.(29)-Is Jane in, please I want to speak to her.-Sorry, she is out. Youd better_.(30)-How is your mother_.(31)-I should have gone to see the exhibition with you._.(32)-Are you ready_.(33)-I think I have to leave, I hope we can get together again._.(34)-It was cold yesterday._.(35)-May I have your name_.答案和解析情景交际专项练习(1) :C(2) :A(3) :C(4) :C(5) :B(6) :C(7) :A(8) :C(9) :A(10) :B(11) :C(12) :B(13) :A(14) :C(15) :C(16) :C(17) :B(18) :B(19) :A(20) :C(21) :C(22) :B(23) :C(24) :B(25) :C(26) :A(27) :A(28) :C(29) :B(30) :B(31) :B(32) :C(33) :C(34) :B(35) :C中大网校 “十佳网络教育机构”、 “十佳职业培训机构” 网址:


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