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高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词1.Everyone must admit that Chenglong is a very _actor.homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vastsmart高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vast2._,Jacks store closed down shortly after it was open.Unfortunately 高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vast3.On sunny weekends,the beach becomes very_.crowded高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vast3.On sunny weekends,the beach becomes very_.crowded高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词4.Compared with the _grassland,the cattle and sheep seem so tiny.homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vastvast高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词5.Many people began to offer their hands to save the _dog.homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vasthomeless高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词6.This is an _city,and the air in it has been heavily _.homeless crowded unfortunate industrial polluted smart vastindustrialpolluted高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词poor wage/pay develop expect educate number family home manpovertyincomedevelopment expectancyeducationfigurehouseholdhomelesshuman高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词entertain highway similar fortune located tour travel industry pollutionentertainmentfreewaysimilarityunfortunatelocationtourismtransportindustrialpolluted高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词take transport make household be look industrial polluted exchangeefforts smart measures crowded bills system river ideas waste 高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词figure finger feature手指手指 特点特点 数字数字高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词Match the words with the definitions.1.the knowledge that you get at school or college _2.when people have very little money _education povertyDeveloped country developing country disease education hunger income poverty 高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词3.an illness _4.when you do not have food,especially for a long period of time _5.the money that you make _6.a country that has a lot of business and industry _7.a country that is poor and of little industry _hungerincomedeveloped countrydeveloping countrydiseaseDeveloped country developing country disease education hunger income poverty 高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词Introduction-4.Vocabulary(6m)Use the words in Activity 2,Page 11 to fill the blank.developed countryEconomy:People have higher_.Less people live in_._:Most people are well educated.Medical care:Many _can be cured.Food:Few people lives in_.incomepovertyEducationdiseaseshunger高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词developing countries underdeveloped countriesEconomy:People have low_,most of them live in_.Education:Many people can not afford to go to school.Medical care:Many _can not be cured.Food:There is not enough food.Many people suffer from_.incomepovertydiseaseshunger高一英语必修看图记忆英语单词


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