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1Journey to the west 2Monkey King Monk Pig Sand Monk White dragon horseTang-Sanzang3Tang-Sanzang4 Tang-Sanzang is the master(师傅)of Monkey King,Monk Pig,Sand monk and White dragon horse.5He set off for Tianzhu countries(an appellation(称(称号)号)for India in Ancient China)to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures(取经)(取经)for China.He is very kind and he has a good ability to speak,he can say everything again and again.Nobady can stand him,even his apprentice(徒弟)徒弟)and monsters(怪兽)怪兽)and demons(妖魔)(妖魔).6Although he is helpless in defending(防卫,保护)(防卫,保护)himself,Guanyin helps him by giving him powerful disciples(弟子)(弟子)who aid and protect him on his journey.Along the way,they help the local inhabitants(居民居民)by defeating various monsters and demons(恶恶魔魔)who try to obtain immortality by eating Xuanzangs flesh.78Monkey King,Buddhist name entrants(法号行(法号行者)者),is the great Tang Monk disciples(唐僧子(唐僧子弟)弟),Pig,Drifting in the big brother.Seventy will change the clouds.A pair of eyes(火眼金睛火眼金睛)that can see through the guise of demons;a somersault(筋(筋斗)斗)to turn thousands of miles away;.9use of weapons smug golden cudgel(兵器如意箍棒)兵器如意箍棒),to big or small,heart changes.He accounted for Huaguoshan king,claiming to be Monkey King,a battle of wits with the Buddha(与(与如来佛如来佛祖斗法祖斗法),was five hundred years of foot pressure in the five elements(五行山)(五行山).10 After The Bodhisattvatouched(经经观世音观世音菩萨点化菩萨点化),and protect the monk Buddhist sutras(唐僧(唐僧),after Hong eighty-one difficult to retrieve the Scriptures and eventually became immortal(取回真经终成正(取回真经终成正果果),been called the fight over the Buddha(斗战(斗战胜佛胜佛).111213 Monk pig14 I want to say something about Pig from two respects1.On the one hand,he is very lazy and sometimes selfish.He often plays tricks to benifit himself.2.On the other hand,he is not brave and kind.But it doesnt represent he is a terrible person.He never give up any chances that can save his master from the monsters.However,he always suffers losses(吃亏)by what he himself did.So,he is actuallya funny and cute guy.15 LazyGreedy贪婪的贪婪的 Lewd好色的好色的 16Hard-working17Wife on Monk Pigs back 18the most honest discipleSand monk19Sand monks simple introduction Sand monk,formerly the Temple of the shutter generals(卷帘大将),since he broke the Glass lamp(琉璃盏)at the light peach(蟠桃会)and angered Queen Mother,he was banished(放逐)into the earth,and became a monster in the quicksand River(流沙河).He was received by Tang-Sanzang later,and went to Xitian with them.20Sand monks personality Hard-working,faithful not 2 warm-hearted simple honest loyal obscure lack of ideas sometimes.21Sand monks classic sayings 1.Big brother,Master was captured by the monster 2.Big brother,second brother was captured by the monster.3.Big brother,master and second brother were captured by the monster.4.Big brother and second brother,master was captured by the monster.Four sentences said by Sand monk most frequent22Small white dragon 23A brief introduction White dragon horse,the dragon king,was exiled(流放)for breach of heavens(触犯天条).Later on,he ate tangsanzangs white horse by mistake.Finally,Guanyin changed him as white dragon horse.24characteristic one:composed(沉稳)25Characteristic two:patient(耐心)26summary In the scriptures(经文)on his way,he seldom express himself,But his achievements are very great!I27Another important person in the journey Every time Tang Seng mentoring(唐僧师徒)were besieged(围困)by the monsters and have no way to go,she always arrived in time,and help them tide over their difficulties.28 South China Sea off the gamma Putuo Mountain inspired merciful Bodhisattva Peril(南海普陀落伽山大慈大悲救苦救难灵感观世音菩萨)29Feature The most important feature of Guanyin is that she is secular(世俗化).That is to say,the divinity(神性)in Guanyin has disappeared,but her peril merciful(救苦救难,大慈大悲)heart stands still.30Avalokitesvara(千手观音)31Guanyin in the heart of Chinese Its said that if people in trouble pronounce Guanyins name,Guanyin will come to help them.In fact,Guanyin is the symbol of good luck in China.Many people wear pendants(吊坠)of Guanyins image to bless(祝福,保佑)them peace(和平).32存善念,发善心,结善缘,做善事,得善果。存善念,发善心,结善缘,做善事,得善果。Be good men and do good things,then you will have a good life.33


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