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Leading a balanced life seems to refer to leading a life where your personal, family and work live are all in balance.(1) 本句是一个含有状语从句的复合句,主句是Leading a balanced life seems to refer to leading a life,其中动名词短语Leading a balanced life 做主语,seems to refer to 为复合谓语;where your personal, family and work live are all in balance 做状语,不是定语。(2) 动名词作主语,与名词相比使主语含有动态的含义,本课多处出现了动名词作主语,试体会其含义与名词作主语的不同。此外,当没有相应合适的名词作主语时,往往用动名词或不定式作主语,动名词和不定式都可以在句中作主语,但是二者有很大的区别:不定式作主语常表示具体的某一次动作;表示泛指或一般的抽象的概念时,多用动名词。例子:Reading English novels is really great fun for me. 对我而言,读英语小说确实有趣。动词不定式作主语时,常用形式主语结构;而动名词作主语时,则较少使用形式主语,只有在It is no good / no use / fun 等句型中常用it 作形式主语。 e.g. It is hard to make him change his mind. 很难让他改变主意。 It is no good learning without practice. 光学而不实践是没好处的。当表语是动名词时,主语要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式。 e.g. Saying is believing. / to see is to believe.眼见为实。不定式可以和when, where, how, what, whether等词连用,在句子中作主语,宾语和表语,而动名词则不能。 e.g. Where to put the box seems hard to decide. 似乎很难确定把箱子放在哪儿。(3) lead a life意为“过的生活”,相当于live a life.(4) Balance 作名词,意为“平衡,均衡;余额”,是不可数名词;作动词,指“保持平衡;站稳”。其形容词是balanced, 意为“保持(显示)平衡的”。注意balance作名词时常用的短语:keep in balance 保持平衡;be in balance 处于平衡状态;in/ on balance总的来说。(5) seem意为“似乎,好像”。注意由其构成的句型:“主语+seem+(to be)+表语”,seem为系动词,其表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。“主语+seem+不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。“There +seem(to be )+名词”,其中to be可省略。Seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。“It seems/ seemed + as if从句”,意为“看来好像”(6) refer to 短语主要有两种结构: refer to sb./sth.(as sth.)意为:“提到;涉及;与有关”“查阅,参考;征询”。 refer to a dictionary/ an expert 查阅词典/ 征求专家的意见Refer sb./sth. to sb./sth.意为“将送交给(以求获得帮助等)”Maintaining a balance among all aspects of ones life can be the key to leading a colorful life.句中的the key to 意为“的答案(钥匙、关键、要诀)”,其中to 是介词,不是不定式符号,其后接名词、代词或动名词。Sounds hard to believe?这是一个省略句,省略了主语it, 表示前面一句话的意思。注意sound 后面的第三人称单数变化形式,单项选择题中为常考知识点。省略多见于非正式文体,尤其在对话中,是一种普遍的现象,英语中可以省略主语、谓语。宾语、表语、定语。Sounds like a good idea.The river was deep and the ice thin.Lets do the dishes. Ill wash and youll dry.Are you ready? Yes, I am.He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved.He was not hurt. Strange!Mr. Bern is a case in point: he is running jewelry stores.(1) a case in point 意为“明证;恰当的例子”,case在这指“具体情况;事例、实例,是可数名词。In point指“恰当的,中肯的”point 前不用冠词。(2)run 在意为“经营、管理”,为及物动词。 Run 的过去分词可以作定语。a badly-run company 经营不善的公司It can provide inspiration for the rest of us who are not famous, and yet are struggling with the same problem for balance in our life as well.(1)此句中who引导一个定语从句,修饰the rest of us, who在定语从句中作主语。从句中are not famous 和are struggling with是并列成分,前者是主系表结构,后者是主谓宾结构。(2)as well 常用作状语,意为“又;也”,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。as well 也可用于口语中,意为“也好,也行”或“倒不如”,用来缓解语气。注意may as well; might as well 表示“不妨,还是为好”。Have a tryA: The following is a notice about English debate. Please fill in the blanks according to the supplied information.NOTICEIn order to improve our English, an English debate will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. next Wednesday in the main hall, (英语辩论赛将于下周三下午四点到六点钟在大礼堂举行). The debate topic is “Should Students Work Through Their University Life?”. Our foreign teachers Mr. Black and Mrs. Johnson will be invited to act as judges (of the debate) (被邀请作为本次辩论赛的裁判). All the students are welcome to attend this debate. We hope you can learn from these eloquent debaters. The Students Union (发通知者的名称)April 20, 2009B: You are required to write a notice according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing in no less than 60 words.澳大利亚学生一行50人将于下周六来我校,与学生举行联欢晚会。于10月26日晚7:00开始,地点在大礼堂,要求各班准备一两个短小精悍的节目。学生会发。NoticeYour attention, please! A group of 50 Australian students will have a visit to our school. So a get-together party will be held next Saturday in the main hall. It will begin at 7 p.m. on October 26. Each class is required to prepare one or two short but wonderful performances.All the teachers and the students are welcome to attend the party. We hope all of you will have a good time. The Students Union October 19, 2009Unit 5 Speaking: Have a try: 1. Role-play. Directions: Work in pairs. Please make up your own dialogues based on the following situations. And you may refer to the following expressions.Situation 1:Youre going to hold a birthday party for yourself this weekend. Now try to invite your classmates to attend your party.Its my birthday this Saturday / Sunday.I want to invite you toCan you come to ?My home address is The party will begin atoclock.Ill be very happy to have you in my party.A: Mary, are you free this Saturday?B: WellumI havent got any definite plans yet.A: Its my birthday this Saturday. Im planning to have a small party in my house this Saturday evening. Can you come to my party?B: Yes, but where is your house?A: My home address is 28 Parkville Street. You can take the No. 112 bus to Luck Stop, and then walk straight until you see a white building. My home is on the 8th floor. You wont miss it. B: OK, then what time should I arrive?A: The party will begin at 6 oclock.B: Well, Ill be there by then.A: Great! Ill be very happy to have you in my party.B: Thank you for inviting me.2. Speech.Directions: Make a speech based on the following topics.Topic1 : Please invite one of your classmates to see a movie with you.Movies Name: _Director: _Actor/ Actress: _Story: _Show Time: _Cinema Location: _Movies Name: Slumdog MillionaireDirector: Danny BoyleActor/ Actress: Dev PatelStory: The story is about Jamal Malike, an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who wins 20 million rupees on Indias TV show“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”Show Time: 7:30 p.m. , May 24thCinema Location: WudaokouDear Jack, I have two tickets for a latest Oscar film shown at Wudaokou Cinema, Slumdog Millionaire, on May 24th. Will you join me?It is reported that its a very wonderful film, which was directed by Danny Boyle and staring a new Indian actor, Dev Patel. The story is about Jamal Malike, an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who wins 20 million rupees on Indias TV show-“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Jamal just tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up. Its quite unbelievable as well as affecting. I bet youll enjoy it.Please give me your reply as soon as possible.Situation 2:An old friend from hometown comes to visit you. Now please invite him/her to have a dinner with you.Are you free this evening?Theres a nice restaurant in Its worth a try.Shall we have dinner together?Its my treat/on me.A: Are you free this evening, Xiao Fu?B: No, nothing special. Why?A: Shall we have dinner together? Its my treat.B: That sounds fine. Obedience is better than politeness. Where shall we go?A: How about McDonald?B: The circumstance is quite good, but I dont like western fast food very much.A: Oh, I see. Do you like hot dish?B: You mean spicy food. Yeah, a little bit. A: Well, theres a newly-opened restaurant called Xianglaxie Sichuan Food Restaurant near Carrefour Supermarket. Lets go there.B: Wow! Sichuan food. Its worth a try.Topic 2: Please invite some of your friends to have a picnic together.When and where is the picnic going to be held?Who will join in the picnic?What food will you prepare for the picnic?Do your friends need to bring anything to the picnic?Dear my friends,Im writing to ask if youd like to join me for a picnic on the West Park this weekend. We will meet at the north gate of the park at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. I have invited my headteacher and English teacher to join in the picnic. Beef, mutton, and bread are already prepared, so you can take some other food if you want. At noon we will cook by ourselves on the hill. I have also prepared some activities such as playing games, plying kites, dancing and singing. It can be very interesting, and well definitely have a wonderful time! So please dont miss it!The first IPTC was a great success in the public television field last year.success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”,则是可数的。例如:Whats the secret of your success? Hes proud of his daughters successes.常构成短语:have success in doing sth. 意为“做某事有结果或效果”。拓展:(1) success 的动词形式为succeed, 意为“成功”,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。Succeed后面通常不接不定式,而接in doing sth.13


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