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地质工程复试(总23页)-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-英语复试自我介绍:简单准备Good afternoon , teachersIm very glad to be here for this interview . My name is . Im 22yearsold , I come from beautiful city of Jiangxi province . It takes only half an hour to take the high-speed train to Changsha. I will graduate from JXU of Science and Technology this June .I major in Geological Engineering。I am a lively and outgoing person who likes to make friends. I have been a class monitor since I entered the university. I am good at communication and will be happy to help my classmates. However, sometimes things will be a little careless and need to be corrected positively.I have a wide range of interests and hobbies, especially basketball and running. I am one of the main players of our faculty team. I have also participated in two international half marathons and insisted on running the whole course. Sports and marathon spirits make me more aware of the value of hard work and persistence, and motivate me to do the same in my academic life.In my spare time, I often browse the zhihu forum, where I can learn a lot of new knowledge and explore some unknown areas. I also paid attention to a lot of geological bulls, reading their latest articles and answers, each time benefiting a lot. I like geology, which is why I chose this subject.I really want to make great efforts to become a member of the central south university to study further for my major. So today I stand here. I will try my bestto obtain a chance to be a graduate of this University.Thats all. Thank you for listening各位老师下午好我很高兴能来参加这次面试。我的名字叫黄思雨。我今年22岁,我来自萍 乡。江西省一个美丽的城市。坐高铁去长沙只要半个小时。今年六月我将从 JXU理工学院毕业,我的专业是地质工程。我是一个活泼开朗的人,喜欢交朋友。自从我上大学以来,我一直是一名 班长。我善于沟通,很乐意帮助我的同学。然而,有时事情会有点粗心大意, 需要积极纠正。我有广泛的兴趣爱好,尤其是篮球和跑步。我是我们教师团队的主要成员 之一。我还参加了两次国际半程马拉松,坚持跑完全程。运动和马拉松精神让 我更加意识到努力和坚持的价值,并激励我在学术生活中也这样做。在我的业余时间,我经常浏览知湖论坛,在那里我可以学到很多新的知 识,探索一些未知的领域。我也关注了很多地质学的牛人,阅读他们最新的文 章和答案,每次都受益匪浅。我喜欢地质学,这也是我选择这个学科的原因。我真的很想努力成为中南大学的一员,为我的专业继续学习。所以今天我 站在这里。我将尽我最大的努力获得一个机会成为这所大学的毕业生。这是所有。谢谢大家的聆听你最喜欢哪门课程I like ordinary geology most, because this is the first lesson of my university professional class, which satisfied my curiosity about the geological profession. As an introductory textbook for geology, it made me realize the importance of geology to the global environment and peoples survive . Also let me understand the responsibilities and obligations of geologists 我最喜欢普通的地质学,因为这是我大学专业课的第一节课,满足了我对地质 专业的好奇心。作为一本地质学入门教材,它让我意识到地质学对全球环境和 人类生存的重要性。还要让我了解地质学家的责任和义务 介绍一下地质工程Geological engineering is to study the relationship between human engineering activities and geological environment. It mainly studies how to obtain geological environmental conditions, analyzes and studies the forms of mutual constraints between human engineering activities and geological environment, and then studies, evaluates, , and protects the geological environment.376/5000 地质工程是研究人类工程活动与地质环境的关系。主要研究如何获取地质环境 条件,分析研究人类工程活动与地质环境相互制约的形式,进而研究、评价、 保护地质环境。你最喜欢的一本书名My favorite book is Mamba Spirit. Mamba refers to Kobe, a world-class basketball star. My idol is Kobe. I like his spirit of not admitting. I also hope that I can do this on the basketball court and in learning.Such people are always motivated and good at learning. Be able to do whatever you want to do 我最喜欢的书是曼巴精神。曼巴指的是科比,一个世界级的篮球明星。我 的偶像是科比。我喜欢他不承认的精神。我也希望我能在篮球场上和学习中做 到这一点。这样的人总是充满动力,善于学习。想做什么就做什么 考研原因There are several reasons,The first,Most of the courses at the undergraduate level will be broader, often broad but not deep enough. After entering the postgraduate stage, we can go deeper in a certain field or direction, so that we can have a clear understanding of the direction, master relevant knowledge and technology, and have the ability to further technical development or academic research.The second,Now many people take college exams, so further study can make some students stand out, change their own destiny, climb a higher level, and lay a good foundation for future development.有几个原因,第一,大部分的课程在本科水平将会更广泛,经常广泛但不够深。进 入研究生阶段后,我们可以在一定的领域或方向上走得更深,这样我们就可以 对方向有一个清晰的认识,掌握相关的知识和技术,并有能力进行进一步的技 术开发或学术研究。第二,现在很多人参加大学考试,所以进一步研究可以让一些学生脱颖而出,改变 自己的命运,攀登更高的水平,为未来的发展奠定了良好的基础。研究生期间你的计划Fi rst of all, successfully complete the basic cour ses and pro fessional cour ses for graduate students. strive for the opportunities to do more experimental projects to train myself and send a few high-level articles. Learn English well, because high-level articles are almost published in foreign journals. Strive for greater improvement in all aspects 首先,顺利完成研究生的基础课程和专业课程。争取机会做更多的实验项目来 锻炼自己,并发表一些高水平的文章。学好英语,因为高水平的文章几乎都发 表在国外的杂志上。努力在各方面取得更大的进步你的家乡My hometown is Pingxiang, a small city in Jiangxi Province, adjacent to Hunan. It takes only half an hour to take the high-speed train to Changsha. Pingxiangs history is famous for its rich mineral resources. It is called “Coal City”andPingxiangs famous attraction is Wugong Mountain, there are many friends from all over the country climbing the mountain every year. I like my hometown, she is very beautiful.我的家乡是萍乡,江西省的一个小城,毗邻湖南。坐高铁去长沙只要半个小 时。凭祥的历史以其丰富的矿产资源而闻名。它被称为“煤城”,萍乡的着名景 点是武功山,每年都有许多来自全国各地的朋友来登山。我喜欢我的家乡,她 很漂亮考研口语复试实战技术贴:1、在问答环节,如果没听清,可请求重复,可以说:Excuse me . could you please say it again2、一时语塞或找不到确切的表达词语时,可用一些相对模糊的词语来代替,例如:Its something like.3、修正口误或者发现自己跑题,主动拉回来:That is to say高压旋喷法高压喷射注浆主要适用于处理淤泥、淤泥质土、粘性土、粉土、黄土、砂 土、人工填土和碎石土等地基。对含有砾石直径过大过多、含有大量纤维质的 腐殖土,及在地下水流速过大、喷射无法在注浆管周围凝固等情况下不宜采用水泥搅拌桩适用于处理正常固结的淤泥与淤泥质土、素填土、粉土、粘性土以及无流动地下水的松散砂土等土层静力触探法静力触探是指利用压力装置将有触探头的触探杆压入试验土层,通过量测系统 测土的贯入阻力,可确定土的某些基本物理力学特性,如土的变形模量、土的 容许承载力等适用于软土、粘性土、粉土、砂类土及含少量碎石的土层标准贯入用的锤自1900px (76cm)的高度自由落下,将长度51厘米、外径厘米、内径 厘米的对标准贯入器击入土中750px (30cm)所需的锤击数,称为标准贯入击数 N,是动力触探的一种,是在现场测定砂或粘性土的地基承载力的一种方法。 标准贯入试验除适用一般粘性土外,还可适用于粉土、砂土,包括粉砂、细砂 和中砂。对于粗砂、砾砂,以及圆砾、卵石等碎石土类地质工程、岩土工程、工程地质的区别 工程地质学(Engineering Geology)是研究与工程建设有关地质问题的科学(张咸恭等着中国工程地质学)。工程地质学的应用性很强,各种工程的 规划、设计、施工和运行都要做工程地质研究,才能使工程与地质相互协调, 既保证工程的安全可靠、经济合理、正常运行,又保证地质环境不因工程建设 而恶化,造成对工程本身或地质环境的危害。工程地质学研究的内容有:土体 工程地质研究、岩体工程地质研究、工程动力地质作用与地质灾害的研究、工 程地质勘察理论与技术方法的研究、区域工程地质研究、环境工程地质研究 等。由此可见,工程地质是地质学的一个分支,其本质是一门应用科学;岩土工程 是土木工程的一个分支,其本质是一种工程技术。从事工程地质工作的是地质 专家(地质师),侧重于地质现象、地质成因和演化、地质规律、地质与工程相互 作用的研究;从事岩土工程的是工程师,关心的是如何根据工程目标和地质条 件,建造满足使用要求和安全要求的工程或工程的一部分,解决工程建设中的 岩土技术问题。因此,无论学科领域、工作内容、关心的问题,工程地质与岩 土工程的区别都是明显的。近年来,许多工程地质人员向岩土工程转移,结构 出身的岩土工程师注意学习地质知识,这是很好的现象,但这种现象不能说明 工程地质和岩土工程将“合二而一”。工程地质是岩土工程的基础,岩土工程是工程地质的延伸?岩土工程(Geotechnical Engineering)是土木工程中涉及岩石和土的利用、处 理或改良的科学技术(国家标准岩土工程基本术语标准)。岩土工程的理 论基础主要是工程地质学、岩石力学和土力学;研究内容涉及岩土体作为工程 的承载体、作为工程荷载、作为工程材料、作为传导介质或环境介质等诸多方 面;包括岩土工程的勘察、设计、施工、检测和监测等等。重力式挡土墙一般用浆砌片石砌筑,缺乏石料地区可用混凝土3.形式简单,取材容易,施工简便,经济效果好4.当地基承载力低时,可在墙底设钢筋混凝土板,可减薄墙身,减少开挖量适用于低墙,地质情况较好,有石料地区扶壁式挡土墙悬臂式与扶壁式挡土墙。属于薄壁式钢筋混凝土挡土墙,是一种轻型支挡结构物。它是依靠墙身的重量以及底板以上的城土(合表面超载)的重量来维持其平 衡,其主要特点是厚度小:自重轻.挡上高度可以很高,而且经济指标也比较好。6m左右用悬骨式6m以上多用扶壁式。它们适用于缺乏石料、地基承载力较低及地震地区。(1) 平板荷载试验:适用于各类土、软质岩和风化岩体:(2) 螺旋板荷载试验:适用于软土、- -般粘性土、粉土及砂类土:(3) 标准贯入试验:适用于一般粘性土、 粉土及砂类土:,(4) 动力触探:适用于粘性土、砂类土和碎石类土;(5)静力鈾探:适用于软土、粘性土、粉土、砂类土及含少量碎石的土层(6) 岩体直剪试验:适用于具有软弱结构面的岩体和软质岩。(7) 预钻式旁压试验:适用于确定粘性土、粉出黄、砂类土软质岩石及风化岩石;(8) 十字板剪切试验:适用干道是地开放能生的还提办批剪强度及灵敏度等参数;(9)应力铲试险。适用于确定放验优甄状饼和步住土:松散-中密饱和砂类土及(0)崩板创胀试道严用于第一般想和船性土,粉土等。s 一 75钻具进行改进完善了深孔绳索取心钻具注要改进措施如下:(1) 采用双卡板悬挂,取消了悬挂环,增大了钻悬具的过水断面,冲洗液能够更加畅通,而且钻具上下阻力小,下降和上升钻具速度快,减少了上下钻具的辅助时间。(2) 用卡板可以收缩到内管外径尺寸,当钻杆出现轻微缩径、内鼓包或钻杆变形弯曲时,钻具也不容易被卡住,减少了投放或提升钻具的事故。(3) 内管总成和外管总成等长,这样使修理和使用更加方便。(4) 缓冲弹簧与单动轴承分别置于两根芯轴上,减少了缓冲弹簧对单动轴承单动性 能的影响。(5) 安装钻头时,悬挂部分与单动装置可以分离,这样能够减轻劳动强度,同时在使 用时可以只备一套悬挂装置。(6) 内外管的上下两端都设置了导正环,提高了内管与外管的同轴度和单动性能,也 减少了内管的震动。(7) 改进钻杆到位报信装置,该装置由转向接头、开槽螺母、垫片、密封圈、变丝 接头等组成。当内管总成下放到外管总成中的预定位置时,密封圈座落在变丝接 头内部,环状间隙变大,使原来从转向接头里的小孔流出的冲洗液改从密封圈与变 丝接头冲洗液流动,冲洗液的通路更大。与此同时,地面压力表上的压力会明显下降泵压变化范围位l 一 2个大气压这时表示内管总成已到达钻进位置可以开始扫孔钻进 am a student of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, my major is geological engineering 地质工程是研究人类工程活动与地质环境之间相互制约关系,主要研究如何获 取地质环境条件,并分析研究人类工程活动与地质环境相互制约形式,进而研 究认识、评价、改造和保护地质环境的一门科学,是地质学的一个分支,是地 质学与工程学相互渗透、交叉的边缘学科。Geological engineering is to study the mutual restriction relationship between human engineering activities and geological environment. It mainly studies how to obtain geological environment conditions, and analyzes and studies the forms of mutual restriction between human engineering activities and geological environment, and then studies the understanding and evaluation. The science of reforming and protecting geological environment is a branch of geology and a borderline subject of interpenetration between geology and engineering. 地质学是一门自然科学。有了它,人类就能发现各种有用的矿物。地质学研究 地球。但在大气、水圈和岩石圈这三个球体中,它只直接研究岩石圈。研究了 地壳中物质的组成和分布。它还研究地壳中岩石和矿物的形成、变化和发展。 1 GEOLOGYGeology is a natural science. With it men can discover all kinds of useful minerals. Geology studies the earth. But of the three spheres, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and lithosphere, it only directly studies the lithosphere. It studies the composition and distribution of material in the earths crust. It studies also the formation, changes and development of rocks and minerals in the earths crust.地质学是一门自然科学。有了它,人类就能发现各种有用的矿物。地质学 研究地球。但在大气、水圈和岩石圈这三个球体中,它只直接研究岩石圈。研 究了地壳中物质的组成和分布。它还研究地壳中岩石和矿物的形成、变化和发 展。Geology is a very complex science. There are many branches in geology. Mineralogy is the science of the minerals. Petrology is the science of the rocks. Geomorphology deals with the origin of landscape and changes in them. Historical geology traces the evolution and development of the earth and of animals and plants on it. Stratigraphy studies the sequence of the rocks in the crust. Paleontology deals with the ancient animals and plants. These are just a few of the most important branches of geology.地质学是一门非常复杂的科学。地质学有许多分支。矿物学是矿物的科 学。岩石学是岩石的科学。地貌学研究景观的起源及其变化。历史地质学追溯 了地球及其上动植物的演变和发展。地层学研究地壳中岩石的层序。古生物学 涉及古代动植物。这些只是地质学最重要的几个分支之一。Geology is a very important science. We depend upon geology for the discovery of mineral deposits needed by the various industries. A lot of minerals are used as fuel and raw materials. Without them industrialization is impossible. Minerals are also used as fertilizers in agriculture. China is very rich in mineraldeposits of all kinds. The study of geology will help us to discover them to serve our socialist construction.地质学是一门非常重要的科学。我们依靠地质学来发现各种工业所需的矿 藏。许多矿物被用作燃料和原材料。没有他们,工业化是不可能的。矿物也被 用作农业肥料。中国的各种矿藏非常丰富。地质学的研究将有助于我们发现地 质学,为我们的社会主义建设服务。工程地质engineering geology概述Summary工程地质的内容与重点Contents and Key Points of Engineering Geology 建筑场地的形成The Formation of Building Sites地质年代Geologic Age矿物与岩石Minerals and Rocks主要的造岩矿物Major rock-forming minerals 岩石的类型和性质Types and properties of rocks第四纪沉积层Quaternary Sedimentary Layer残积层Alluvium坡积层 dlq 洪积层Alluvial horizon 冲积层Alluvium 海相沉积层Marine Sedimentary Layer 湖沼沉积层Lakes and marshes sediments 不良地质条件Bad geological conditions 断层fault 岩层节理发育的场地Site of rock joint development 滑坡 landslide 河床冲淤Riverbed erosion and deposition 岸坡失稳Bank slope instability河沟侧向位移Lateral displacement of rivers地下水groundwater 地下水对工程的影响Effect of Groundwater on Engineering地下水分类Groundwater classification地下水位Groundwater level地下水的运动Groundwater movement地下水水质Groundwater quality 土的物理性质及工程分类Physical Properties and Engineering Classification of Soil 土的生成与特性Formation and Characteristics of Soil土的生成Soil formation土的结构和构造Structure and Structure of Soil 土的工程特性Engineering properties of soils土的生成与工程特性的关系The relationship between the formation and the engineering characteristic of soil土的三相组成Three-phase Composition of Soil土的固体颗粒Solid particles of soil土中水Soil water土中气体Soil gas土的物理性质指标Physical Property Index of Soil 土的三项基本物理指标Three Basic Physical Indicators of Soil 反映土的松密程度指标Index reflecting the degree of soil compaction 反映土中含水程度的指标Indicators reflecting water content in soil 特定条件下土的密度Density of Soil under Specific Conditions土的物理状态指标Physical state index of soil无粘性土的密实度 粘性土的物理状态指标Physical state index of cohesive soil 地基土的工程分类Engineering Classification of Foundation Soil岩石rock碎石土gravels砂土sand粉土Silty soil粘性土cohesive soil人工填土artificial fill土的压缩性与地基沉降计算Compressibility of Soil and Calculation of Foundation Settlement土的变形特征Deformation Characteristics of Soil基本概念Basic concepts 土的应力关系Stress Relation of Soil 有效应力原理Principle of Effective Stress 土中两种应力试验Two kinds of stress tests in soil 有效应力原理Principle of Effective Stress 现场应用实例Field application example 侧限条件下土的压缩性Compressibility of Soil under Lateral Limit Conditions 侧限压缩试验Lateral limit compression test 侧限压缩性指标Lateral limit compressibility index 土层侧限压缩变形量Lateral confined compression deformation of soil layer土的压缩性原位实验In-situ Compressibility Test of Soil载荷试验load test旁压试验Side pressure test地基中的应力分布Stress Distribution in Foundation土层自重应力Soil self-weight stress基础底面接触压力Contact pressure of foundation bottom基础底面附加压力Additional pressure on foundation bottom地基中的附加应力Additional Stress in Foundation地基的最终沉降量Final settlement of foundation分层总和法layerwise summation method相邻荷载对地基沉降的影响Influence of adjacent loads on foundation settlement应力历史对地基沉降的影响Effect of Stress History on Foundation Settlement 土的回弹曲线和再压缩曲线Soil rebound and compression curves 正常固结、超固结和欠固结的概念Concepts of Normal Consolidation, Overconsolidation and Underconsolidation 正常固结粘性土的现场原始曲线In-situ original curve of normally consolidated cohesive soil 超固结土与欠固结土的现场原始压缩曲线In-situ original compression curves of overconsolidated and underconsolidated soils超固结土与欠固结土的沉降计算Settlement Calculation of Overconsolidated Soil and Unconsolidated Soil 地基回弹和再压缩变形的计算Calculation of Foundation Rebound and Recompression Deformation 地基回弹变形的计算Calculation of Foundation Rebound Deformation 地基回弹再压缩变形的计算Calculation of Re-compression Deformation of Foundation 地基沉降与时间的关系Relationship between Foundation Settlement and Time 地基沉降与时间关系计算目的The purpose of calculating the relationship between foundation settlement and time 饱和土的渗流固结Seepage consolidation of saturated soil单向固结理论One-dimensional consolidation theory 地基沉降与时间关系计算Calculation of relationship between foundation settlement and time 地基沉降与时间经验估算法Empirical Estimation of Foundation Settlement and Time 地基瞬时沉降与次固结沉降Instantaneous Settlement and Secondary Consolidation Settlement of Foundation建筑物沉降观测与地基允许变形值.Observation of building settlement and allowable deformation of foundation. 地基变形特征Deformation characteristics of foundation 建筑物的沉降观测Settlement Observation of Buildings 建筑物的地基变形允许值Allowable value of foundation deformation of buildings防止地基有害变形的措施Measures to Prevent Harmful Deformation of Foundation第4章土的抗剪强度与地基承载力Chapter 4 Shear Strength of Soil and Bearing Capacity of Foundation 地基强度的意义Significance of Foundation Strength 土的强度的应用Application of Soil Strength 土的极限平衡条件Limit Equilibrium Conditions of Soil 土体中任点的应力状态Stress state of any point in soil 莫尔库仑破坏理论Mohrcoulombs failure theory 土的极限平衡条件.Limit equilibrium condition of soil. 杭剪强度指标的确定Determination of Hangzhou Shear Strength Index 直接剪切试验Direct shear test三轴压缩试验Triaxial compression test 无侧限抗压强度试验Unconfined compressive strength test十字板 剪切试验Vane shear test 影响抗剪强度指标的因素Factors Influencing Shear Strength Index 抗剪强度的来源Source of Shear Strength 影响抗剪强度指标的各种因素Various Factors Affecting Shear Strength Index 地基的临塑荷载和临界荷载Plastic Load and Critical Load of Foundation 地基的临塑荷载Plastic Load on Foundation地基的临界荷载Critical Load of Foundation 地基的极限荷载Limit Load of Foundation 地基的极限荷载概念The Concept of Limit Load of Foundation太沙基(Te rzaghi K)公式Terzaghi K formula斯凯普顿(Skempton)公式Skempton formula汉森(HansenJBV)公式Hansen JBV Formula 影响极限荷载的因素.Factors affecting the ultimate load. 第5章土压力与土坡稳定.Chapter 5 Earth pressure and slope stability. 概述Summary 挡土墙的用途与类型Use and Type of Retaining Wall 土压力的种类Types of Earth Pressure 影响土压力的因素Factors Affecting Earth Pressure 挡土墙发生事故实例Examples of Accidents Occurring in Retaining Wall 静止土压力计算.Static earth pressure calculation.计算公式Calculation formula静止土压力的应用Application of Static Earth Pressure朗肯土压力理论Rankines earth pressure theory 无黏性土的土压力Soil pressure of cohesionless soil 黏性土的土压力Soil Pressure of Clay Soil库仑土压力理论Coulomb earth pressure theory无黏性 土主动土压力Active Earth Pressure of Non-cohesive Soil 无黏性土被动土压力Passive earth pressure of cohesionless soil 几种常见情况的上压力Upper Pressure in Several Common Conditions 黏性土应用库仑土压力公式Application of Coulomb Earth Pressure Formula to Clay Soil 填土表而作用均布荷载Uniform load acting on filling surface 墙后填土分层Backfill Layering behind Wall填土中有地下水There is groundwater in the fill挡土墙设计retaining wall 挡土墙型式的选择Selection of Retaining Wall Type 挡土墙初定尺寸Initial dimension of retaining wall 挡土墙的稳定性验算Stability Checking of Retaining Wall 墙后回填土的选择.Selection of backfill behind wall. 墙后排水措施Drainage measures behind walls 土坡稳定分析Stability Analysis of Soil Slope 土坡稳定的作用The Role of Slope Stability 影响土坡稳定的因素Factors Affecting Slope Stability 土坡稳定分析圆师法.The circular division method for slope stability analysis.简单土坡稳定计算.Simple calculation of slope stability.可行性勘察Feasibility Survey初步勘察Preliminary investigation详细勘察Detailed investigation施工勘察Construction survey岩土工程勘察方法Geotechnical Engineering Survey Method钻操法Drilling method触探法Penetration test掘探法Digging method地基土野外鉴别Field Identification of Foundation Soil土的野外描述Field description of soil岩土工程勘察成果报告REPORT ON RESULTS OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EXPLORATION文字部分Text part图表部分Chart part岩土工程勘察成果Geotechnical Engineering Survey Achievements报告实例Report example验槽Inspection tank验槽的目的The purpose of groove inspection验槽的内容.The contents of the groove inspection.验槽注意事项Notices for slot inspection天然地基上浅基础的设计Design of Shallow Foundation on Natural Foundation工程建设的岩土工程勘察Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of Engineering Construction概述Summary岩土工程勘察的目的Purpose of Geotechnical Engineering Survey 确定岩土工程勘察等级Determine the geotechnical engineering survey grade 野外勘察的准备工作Preparations for field survey 各阶段勘察的内容与要求Contents and Requirements of Surveys at Different Stages 可行性研究勘察Feasibility Study Survey 地基基础的重要性与复杂性.Importance and complexity of foundation. 地基基础方案的类型Types of Foundation Scheme 天然地基上浅基础的设计内容与步骤Design Contents and Steps of Shallow Foundation on Natural Foundation 浅基础设计所需资料Information required for shallow foundation design 浅基础的类型.Types of shallow foundations.浅基础的结构类型.Structure type of shallow foundation.土力学、水文地质学,地下水动力学、工程地质学、岩土力学、普通地质学、 矿物岩石学、岩土工程勘察、工程钻探、岩土支挡与锚固工程Soil mechanics, hydrogeology, groundwater dynamics, engineering geology, rock-soil mechanics, general geology, mineral petrology, geotechnical engineering investigation, engineering drilling, retaining and anchor engineering for rock and soil mass


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