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单项选择题解题方法指点2019浙江省英语高考考试阐明 英语知识运用第一节:测试要求:测试考生对英语语法,词汇知识和简单表达方式的掌握情况 题量20题,分值0.5分,做题参考时间10分钟。(至少30秒完成一道题。)复原再现法复原再现法抑制思想定势抑制思想定势 排除法排除法抓住语境抓住语境语法构造语法构造0.250.50.3Time should be made good use of _our lessons well.A.learning B.learned C.to learn D.learns We should make good use of time _our lesson well.CIt was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Din repair 复原为:复原为:The old man spent the whole morning _ the old clock at home判别一个句子是不是强调句型判别一个句子是不是强调句型:去掉题干中的去掉题干中的It is(was).that(who),假设句子依然成立,假设句子依然成立,表达完好的表达完好的意思,那么是强调句型;否那么,那么不是强调句型。意思,那么是强调句型;否那么,那么不是强调句型。:去掉题干中的去掉题干中的It is(was).that(who),假设句子依然成立,假设句子依然成立,表达完好的表达完好的意思,那么是强调句型;否那么,那么不是强调句型。意思,那么是强调句型;否那么,那么不是强调句型。CB00.4略微;一点儿略微;一点儿以某种方式以某种方式=someway;in a way)15、The directions for operating this machine were so _ that we could not understand.A.various B.different C.fundamentalD.complex13、Chinas medical reform during the 12th Five-Year plan period will _ the practice of giving doctors and nurses pay through thesale of medicines.A.keep away with B.take away with C.do away with D.get away with0.25get away with He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!(M3Unit2 Healthy eating)做坏事而未受惩罚做坏事而未受惩罚他在考试中作弊就要接受惩罚!他在考试中作弊就要接受惩罚!Youll never get away with cheating in the exam.20、-Tom,I made your computer system break down.I will pay someone to repair it.-Oh._.I can solve it by myself.A.Forget it B.Take it easy C.No wayD.Dont say so14、-Is there anything to eat in the house?Im hungry now.-There is only some cold bread in the fridge.Will it _?A.do B.work C.fitD.makeI tried the dress on but it didnt fit.The key doesnt fit the lock.To be the right shape and size for sth复原再现法复原再现法抑制思想定势抑制思想定势 排除法排除法抓住语境抓住语境语法构造语法构造综合运用综合运用1.Thank you very much for your wonderful lecture,Mr.Bruce!_.AIt doesnt matter BDont mention itCIm glad youve enjoyed itDThats very kind of you to say so实战练习限时训练实战练习限时训练5mins;详见学案:;详见学案:3.Tom _ in the library every night over the last three months.(2019北京卷北京卷)A.works B.worked C.has been working D.had been working4.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend,_ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.(2019陕西卷陕西卷)A.which B.where C.who D.that5.I can _ the house being untidy,but I hate it if its not clean.(2019全国卷全国卷I)come up with B.put up with C.turn to D.stick to6.To show our respect,we usually have to take our gloves off _ we are to shake hands with.(2019重庆卷重庆卷)whichever B.whenever C.whoever D.wherever7.Was it on a lonely island _ he was saved one month after the boat went down?(2019四四川卷川卷)A.where B.that C.which D.what8.Its nice.Never before_ such a special drink!Im glad you like it.(2019福建卷福建卷)A.I have had B.I had C.have I had D.had I9、Im sorry I didnt phone you,but Ive been very busy _ the past couple of weeks.over B.beyond C.with D.among 10、Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and_.(2019全国卷全国卷II)A.neither wont Tom B.Tom wont either C.Tom will too D.so will Tom I dont like it.Me either.(=Neither do I)Homework 完成完成自测卷自测卷5 单项选择单项选择


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