初中七年级英语下册教案:unit 7(人教版新目标).doc

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Unit 7 Its raining. Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park, message, take a message, could, back, problem 能掌握以下句型: Hows the weather in Beijing? Its sunny. Can I take a message for him? Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? Sure, no problem. 2) 能用所学的知识描述天气情况。 3)描述正在发生的动作。 2. 情感态度价值观目标:教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。 二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) The vocabulary and useful expressions. 2) Hows the weather? Its raining/ windy. 3) What are you doing? Im playing basketball. 2. 教学难点:运用目标语言来对天气进行问答,并且会问答其他人正在进行的活动。三、教学过程. Warming-up and Lead in 1. Greet the Ss and check the homework. 2. Watch a video program about the weather. . Presentation 1. (Show some pictures of the weather) Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is. Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures. 2. Look at the pictures in 1a. Then read the new words on the right. Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures. 3. Check the answers. . Game (Hows the weather?)1. (Showing some pictures on the big screen.) Ask Ss Hows the weather?2. Ss guess and answer the question. . Listening 1. Now lets look at the city names in the box in 1b. Please read after me. Ss read the cities after the teacher. 2. Now, Well hear four conversations. Listen carefully, point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape. Play the recording a second time. Ask Ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather. 3. Check the answers. . Pair work 1. Tell the Ss: If you are in one of the places in the picture above. Talk about the weather with your friends in another city on the phone. 2. Make a model with a student like this:T: Hi! Hows the weather in Beijing?S1: Its sunny. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the weather in the cities. . Listening 1. Work on 2a. LetsseewhatJoesfamiliesaredoing.Pointtothe4pictures. 2. AskSstelleachpersonisdoingineachpicture.Moreattentionsshouldbepaid tothecorrectuseofthePresentProgressiveTense. 3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures 1-4. 4.PlaythetapeforSstocheck the answers. 5.Withthewholepicture,getsomeSstotellthestoryofit.6. BrainstormingPlaythetapeforanothertime.Thendoamemorytest. AskSs:WhatsUncleJoe/Jeff/Mary/AuntSarahdoing?WhatreScottandLucydoing?IsJeffwatchingTV? etc. 7. Let Ss match the names with the activities in 2b. Play the recording for the Ss to check the answers. . Pair work 1. Look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner. 2. Ask a student the questions as a model:T: Whats Uncle Joe doing? S1: Hes playing basketball.3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures. . Role-play 1. Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions: Whats Steve doing? Whats Ricks brother doing? Ss read the conversations and answer the questions. Then check the answers together. 2. Let Ss role-play the conversation in pairs. IX. Language points.X. ExercisesHomework:一、总结有关天气的词汇。二、编写三个有关天气问答的对话。 1. windy 2. raining 3. snowy 板书设计:Section A (1a-2d)Drills:1. Hows the weather in Beijing? Its sunny. 2. Whats Uncle Joe doing? He is playing basketball. 2c: Whats Uncle Joe doing? Hes playing basketball. Whats Aunt Sally doing? Shes cooking. Whats Mary doing? Shes watching TV. What Jeff doing? Hes talking on the phone. 2d: Whats Steve doing? Whats Ricks brother doing?Section A (Grammar Focus-3b)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 继续练习运用描述天气情况、描述正在发生的动作。2) 通过多种形式的练习方式来让学生们熟练掌握描述天气情况及描述正发生的事情。2. 情感态度价值观目标:教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 总结掌握询问及描述天气所用的语言及句子结构。2) 会运用所学的知识在实际对话中描述天气及他人正做的事情。2. 教学难点:能根据情境提示来描述天气或他人正在做的事情。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions in period 1.2. Ask some pairs to role-play the conversation in 2d. . Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 天气怎么样? _ 天气多云。/天气晴朗。/天在下雨。 _ 你在做什么? _ 我在做饭。 _ 他们在做什么? _他们正在公园里打篮球。 _ 他在做什么? _ 他在他朋友家里学习。 _ 情况怎么样? _ 很好!/不错。/ 糟糕! _ 2. Ss fill in the blanks and check the answers themselves. 3. 探究乐园 疑问副词how 用来询问天气。 今天天气怎么样? _ the weather today? 【拓展】询问天气还可以说:_ the weather _ ? how 用于问候,打招呼 你好吗?_ 你那里情况如何? _ how 用来询问方式或手段。 你怎样去上学? _do you go to school? how 用来询问年龄 你弟弟多大年龄? _ _ is your brother? how 用于询问价格那件紫色的毛衣多少钱? _ are the purple sweater?4. Ss read the sentences and learn by themselves. . Practice 1. Work on 3a. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then practice the conversations with a partner. 2.指导:根据上下文的问句和答语来确定空格处的意思, 特别是每个空格后面的词汇。根据上下文的时态及时间状语来确定句子的时态。如: right now 为现在进行时态的时间状语。而 usually,every Saturday 及 every day 是一般现在时态的时间状语。现在进行时态的句子结构:be (am, is, are) + 动词的ing形式; 一般现在时态的句子用动词的原形或第三人称单数形式。如: 第一题由问句可知答句为现在进行时。后一句为一般现在时。3. Ss read the conversations and fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers with the class. 5. Ss practice the conversation in pairs.6. Ask some pairs role-play the conversation. . Practice 1. Work on 3b. Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill in the chart below. 2. Ss work in groups. Discuss the pictures and talk about the weather and what the people doing.Make a model for the Ss: Hows the weather in Picture a? Its sunny. Whats the boy doing? Hes playing the guitar. 3. Ss ask and answer about the pictures. Then fill in the blanks.4. Check the answers with the class. . Practice 1. Every student draws a picture. On your pictures sb. is doing something in some kind of weather. 2. Ask and answer about the picture. Hows the weather? Whats he/she doing? . Exercises Homework 1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. 2. Make some conversation about the weather and the activities. 板书设计 Section A Grammar Focus-3c1. Hows it going? Great! / Not bad./ Terrible.What are they doing? Theyre playing basketball in the park. 3a: 1. am doing; do; 2. is playing, plays; 3. Is, studying; is studying 4. are making, make; 5. Is, talking; talks 3b: Its sunny. Hes playing the guitar. Its windy. Theyre walking to school. Its cold. Theyre making soup. Section B 1a-2c 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:dry, cold, hot, warm, visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, hard, Europe, mountains, country 2) 能掌握以下句型: Hows it going? Not too bad. Are you studying hard or having fun? Im having a great time in Europe. 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 继续学习有关天气的词汇,运用所学的词汇来描述天气。2) 描述在不同的天气情况中人们正在做的事情。3) 阅读短文,提高获取相关信息的能力。2. 教学难点 1) 进行听力训练,培养学生们的听说能力。 2) 阅读短文,提高学生们的阅读能力。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Ask and answer about the weather. 2. Ask and answer what sb. is doing. . Presentation1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words. dry, cold, hot, warm 2. Ss learn the new words and expressions and try to understand the expressions. 3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words and expressions. . Matching 1. Read the words in the box in 1a. Then look at the pictures. Match the words with the pictures. Ss match the words with the picture.2. Check the answers. . Pairwork 1. Look at the pictures in 1a. Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a. Give an example to the Ss.T: Hows the weather in the picture d?S1: Its dry. 2. Now work in pairs. Ask and answer about questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a. 3. Ask some pairs to ask and answer about the questions. . Listening work on 1c: 1. Read the chart in 1c. 2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows it going?. 3. Play the recording twice. The first time Ss only listen. For the second Ss listen and write down the words in the blanks. Listening Work on 1d: 1. Listen again. What does Eric answer to What are you doing? & Hows the weather? 2. Play the recording twice. The first time Ss only listen. For the second Ss listen and write down the words in the blanks. 3. Check the answers. . Talking 1. Look at the pictures in 2a. Talk about the pictures with a partner. Hows the weather? What are the people doing? Make a model to the Ss.S1: Hows the weather in picture a? S2: Its sunny and warm.S1: Whats the girl doing?S2: Shes sitting near the pool and drinking some juice.2. Ss work in pairs and talk about the pictures. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer the pictures aloud. . Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen to present some of the new words in the postcards in 2b.2. Teach Ss the new words. Then let Ss read the new words after the teacher. . Reading 1. Fast Reading Read the postcards in 2b and math each postcard with the correct picture in 2a. Ss read the postcards quickly and match the postcard the correct picture. Then check the answers. 2. Careful reading: Read the first postcard again and find the answers to these questions. Where is Su Lin now? What is Su Lin studying here? Is she visiting some of his old friends there? Whats she doing right now? Hows the weather there?Read the second postcard again and find the answers to these questions. Where is Dave now? What are Dave and his family doing there? Are they having a good time? Hows the weather there? Hows the weather in Janes country?Ss read the postcards and try to find the answers to the questions.Then check the answers with the class. . After Reading 1. Read the postcards again and fill in the chart with the information from the postcards in 2b. 2. 阅读指导:1) 先看表格,可知本题要求我们读明信片,完成Sun Lin和Wen Wei现在在哪里在、那里的天气如何以及他们正在做的事情这三项内容。 2) 带着三个问题,分别去在Sun Lin和Wen Wei所写的明信片中去寻找相关内容。3) 找到相关依据后,再认真分析这三个问题的正确答案,然后填写在空格处。3. Check the answers with Ss. XI. Language points XII. ExerciseHomework 1. Remember the new words and expressions learned in this period. 2. Retell the first postcard in 2b. 板书设计:Section B 1a-2c1a:1. d; 2. e; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c 1b: Hows the weather in picture d? Its warm. Hows the weather in picture a? Its cold Hows the weather in picture b? Its cool. Hows the weather in picture c? Its hot. Hows the weather in picture d? Its dry.2b: Where is Su Lins uncle work? What is Su Lin doing in Canada? Are Wen Wei and family having a great time? Why cant Wen Wei call Jane? Section B 3a-Self Check 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 复习与运用所学的有关天气的相关知识来描述天气。2) 能正确地描述他人正在进行的活动。3)能根据所提供的相关材料描写某地的天气情况及某人正在进行的活动。2. 情感态度价值观目标:教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 综合运用所学的知识,完成短文,描述某地的天气及某些人物正在进行的活动。2) 能运用所学的知识,来描述某地的天气及某人正在进行的活动。2. 教学难点:能运用所学的知识,来描述某地的天气及某人正在进行的活动。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Have a dictation of the new words and expression learned in Section B. 2. Let some Ss read the postcards in 2b. 3. Watch a video program about the weather forecast. . Presentation1.Show some pictures on the big screen and present some new words and expressions in this period. (skate, snowy, winter, Russian, snowman) 2. Ss read the new words and try to remember them. . Free talk Finish some exercises. Writing 1. T: Heres another postcard from Kate to Xiao Lu. Look at the pictures on the postcard. Hows the weather there? And what is the girl doing?Let some Ss answer the two questions. 2. Let some Ss read the words in the box. Explain the meaning of the words that they dont know. 3. 思路指导:首先, 应读方框里的单词, 掌握每个单 词的意思。其次, 通读一遍短文, 理解短文大意。然后, 认真读每个句子, 分析每个空格处前后上下文的意思,确定空格处所缺单词的意思。如:第一、二两空格前有weather一词,可知空格处只应填snowy和windy一词。第三空格后面有“俄罗斯面包”一词可推知,空格处应为buying一词。第四空格由空格后面的on a river可知应是“skate”一词。最后一空格是take a photo of ,应用现在进行时态,故填taking。4. 学生们在老师的指导方法下,读信的内容,然后补全短文内容。5. Check the answers. V. Writing 1. Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation. 2. Let some Ss read the questions aloud. 3. Make sure Ss know the meaning of the questions.4. Ss think and write down some notes about their vacations. 5. Let Ss read out their own vacation notes. VI. Writing 1. Write a postcard to a friend. Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing. 2. 写作指导:回想一下给你印象最深的一次度假活动。可以将在3b中问题的答语, 做为写作的内容。假想你现在正在度假。将回答问题的几个句子连起来,形成一个语句连贯的短文。注意,应用现在进行时态来表述现在正在发生的事情。3. 学生们根据老师的指导方法,大胆地进行写作,发挥自己的想像力,写出好的内容。4. Let Ss read their postcard to the class. VII. Self Check 1 1. Tell Ss weve learned some words about feelings, weather and activities. Now discuss with your partners. Add more words in the box. 2. Ss work in pairs and add more words in the box. 3. Let some Ss read their words. Let other Ss add more words.VIII. Self Check 2 1.Read the sentences below on the left and find the responses on the right. 2.思路指导:首先,应通读所有选项,掌握对话的大意。可知本对话是一个打电话的情景,由打电话的常识可知左栏第一句话为首句,句意为“你好,我是詹妮”可知答语应是右栏中的第二句话。由左栏第二句末的“我可以给她带个话吗?”一句可以确定其答语为右栏中的第三句话,“好的。你可以让她打电话876-54321吗?”。当A方回答“没问题”后,B方应当表示感谢。 3. Ss read the sentences below and find the responses. 4. Check the answers with the class. Then let the Ss practice the conversation with a partner. IX. Self Check 3 1. Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. Then write your own conversation. 2. 思路指导: 本题要求将一对话排列正确的说话顺序。首先,通读所有的句子,理解对话的大意。其次,在通读对话的基础上确定对话的首句应是打招呼的“Hi, Jill”一句。接下来,就可以确定“Not too bad.”是第二句。比较询问天气的问句和询问在下雨天里在做什么事情,可知应先问天气情况。最后,通读一遍对话,看是否通顺。3. 学生们按指导方法,将对话的顺序排好。然后和伙伴练习这个对话。4. 与伙伴共同编造一个与之相仿的对话。并向本小组的其他同学表演一下。Homework 找一张你度假时照的照片,写一篇小短文向你的同学们介绍一下当时你度假的情况。包括以下内容如下: 在何地度假 天气情况 你们正在进行的活动 你对假期的感受板书设计:Section B 3a-Self Check3a: snowy, windy; buying, playing, skating, talking Self Check 2: A:Hello? Jenny speaking. B: Hi, Jenny. Its Steve here. May I speak to Lucy, please?A:Sorry, shes not at home. Can I take a message?B: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 8765-4321?A: Sure. No problem.B: Thank you. Bye. Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around能掌握以下句型:1. Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. The pay phone is across from the library. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 2) 能了解以下语法: Where 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。学会There is / are。Is/are there.的句型及用法。2. 情感态度价值观目标: 通过运用简单的问路和引路的交际用语,学会相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。 通过运用问路和引路的交际用语,帮助各个层次的同学树立自信心,敢于用英语进行交际.二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:Where 引导的特殊疑问句。there be 句型的肯定式、一般疑问句及其回答方式。方位介词的用法。2. 教学难点:方位介词的用法。三、教学过程. Lead-in: T: Hello, everyone, please think about prepositionsfor position S: in, on T: Good, today we are going to learn other prepositionsfor position and several nouns. Please look at the following new words.post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, aroundAt first, ask a few students to try to read them, then the teacher corrects their pronunciations. Presentation:1. T: Hello, class, how to ay about ageneralquestion and negative of “there be” S: When it is ageneralquestion, “be” should be put in the first word of a sentence.When it is negative, it should add “not” behind “be”. T: T: Excellent, then please think about What apositiveanswerand a negativeanswer are?S: Apositiveansweris “Yes, there is “or “Yes, there are.” A negativeanswer is “No, there isnt “, or “No, there arent.”T: Good. Now please finish the following exercises:1) There _ (be) a lot of books on the desk.2) There _ (be) a bank and two _ (library) on the street.3) _ _ (有) a post office near here?. Listening:T: Now lets listen to the tape, and circle the places you hear in 1a. (听力指导:做好听力题的两个关键:一是听前看图片或者文字材料;二是听时抓住关键词。)Listen again: finish the following dialogues:Conversation 1: A: Is there a restaurant _ on Bridge Street? B: Yes, _ _.Conversation 2: A: _ there a post office _ here? B: Um, Yes, there _. _ one on Long Street.Conversation 3: A: Is there a _ on Center Street? B: No, _ _.IV. Listening: 1. Work on 2a; T: Now, look at 2b, listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.The students check the answers. 2. Check the answers: . Pair work 1. Ask the Ss to ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43. Role-play 1. Ask Ss to look at the conversations in 2d. Then Ss read the conversations by themselves and try to find out difficulties and suspicious. 2. T: 1. across from 意为“在对面” e.g. The bank is across from our school. 银行就在我们学校对面。 【拓展】 across 作介词,意为“从一边到另一边;横过”。e.g. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗?2. in front of 意为“在前面”(在某范 围之外) e.g. There is a car in front of the house. 在房子前一辆小汽车。 【辨析】in the front of “在前面”(在 某范围之内)e.g. There is a table in the front of the classroom. 在教室的前面有一张桌子。3. next to 意为“紧靠着;紧挨着;贴近” e.g. The little boy is next to his mother. 小男孩紧挨着他的母亲。 【辨析】next to与near的区别 从空间讲near 只表示“在附近”;而next to有“紧挨着”之意;next to比near靠的更近。如:Peter sits next to Mike. 彼特紧挨着迈克坐。 Peter sits near Tom. 彼特坐在汤姆附近。4. How can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 表示向他人伸出援手,主动提出帮助的意思,此句还可说成:How can I help you?或How may I help you? 类似的句子还有: May I help you? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can help (you) with? What can I do for you?Homework: 1. Write down the new words in this class.2. 用今天所的学介词(near, next to, in front of, behind, betweenand)来写五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的单位的位置。板书设计:Section A (1a-2d)Sentences:1. Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is .2. The pay phone is across from the library.3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4. Its not too far from here.5. I can walk with you. With -prepositionSection A (Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:north 2) 继续练习there be 句型的一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答,学习以where 引导的特殊疑问句的构成,能掌握以下句型:Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, theres one in front of the post office.Wheres the hotel? Its behind the police station. Wheres the bank? Its next to the post office. Wheres the park? Its across from the bank, behind the hotel.Where are the


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