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SGC树脂浇注干式隔离变压器SGC Resin Casting Dry Type Isolating Transformer安装使用说明书Installation Manual北京电力设备总厂BEIJING POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP OF P.R.C产品概况Product description树脂浇注干式隔离变压器是我公司在引进瑞士 TUBOLY.AG、ASTRONIC.AG和意大利BP.2公 司的技术、工艺和先进的设备基础上设计、制造而成,产品的技术性能及指标符合GB6450-86、 GB/T10228-1997、Q/JT002 1998标准。该产品具有节能、体积小、重量轻、阻燃、自熄、无 污染、不龟裂、抗短路能力强、运行安全性高、耐冲击能力强、损耗低、噪音低、局放低和外 形美观等优点。特别是安装在空间有限、需靠近负荷中心和具有防护要求的场所,更能充分发 挥其体积小、阻燃的优越性。2 变压器型号及使用条件Resin Casting Dry Type Isolating Transformer is designed, manufactured by our company based on the i ntroduced techn ica l and advanced equ i pment from Swi ss TUBOLY. AG, ASTRONIC.AG and Italy BP.2. All technical performance meets standards of GB6450-86, GB/T10228-1997 and Q/JT002-1998. The product has many advantages, such as: energy-saving, small size, light weight, fire retardant, self-extinguishing, pollution-free,andnotfragmented,highanti-shortcircuitcapacity,safetyoperation, highimpulsevoltagewithstandcapabilityandlowloss,lownoise,lowpartialdischarge andgoodappearanceandsoon.Whenitisinstalledinlimitedspace,nearloadcenter and protection required site, the advantages of small size and fire retardant could be more obvious.Type and working conditions of transformer2.1 产品型号 Product typeSGC T U- S / H / 匚1G:隔离变压器 Isola ting TransformerC:环氧树脂浇注固体成型 Epoxy resin cas ting solid moulding1:B箔绕 foil winding无 (vacant)线绕 wire winding2:设计序号Design No.3:额定容量 Rated capaci ty (kVA)4:高压额定电压 High rated voltages (kV)5:低压额定电压 Low rated voltage (kV)2.2 使用条件Working conditions海拔 Al tit ude above sea level:W1000m环境温度 Ambient temperature: -30+40C最高年平均温度 The maximum average temperature:+20C相对湿度 Relative humidity:95%(25C)超出以上正常使用条件时,可与制造厂协商Ifexcesstheabovenormalworkingconditions,couldconsultwiththemanufacturer. 电源电压波形:近似于正弦波Supply voltage waveform: close to sinusoidal wave三相电源电压的对称:三相变压器所连接的电源电压应大致对称Three-phase power supply voltagesymmetry:powersupplyvoltageconnectedbythree-phasetransformershould be symmetry approximately.安装环境:应无明显污秽Installation environment: without obvious pollution地震引发的地面加速度:水平方向:W3m/S2,垂直方向:W1.5m/S2Seismic requirement: horizon acceleration at ground level : W 3m/S2, vertically acceleration at ground level: W 1.5m/S2.3.产品的安装Installation of product3.1 对于无防震要求的场所,变压器可直接放置在地面,安装时应保证变压器外围离开墙体等障 碍物或两台变压器之间的距离满足安全要求,变压器有外壳时,距离可适当调整。To the site without shockproof demand, the transformer could be placed on the ground directly, and should ensure the external of transformer away froombstructionsor the distance between two transformers meet the safety requirements during installation. If the transformer has shell, the distance can be adjusted appropriately.3.2 对于有防震要求的场所,安装变压器的地基应预埋螺栓,并与变压器底座通过螺栓螺母连 接。Tothesitewithshockproofdemand,thefoundationforinstallationoftransformer should be embedded with bolts, and connects the transformer base with bolt nuts.3.3 安装场所要求Requirements of installation site3.3.1安装场地应清洁,通风良好。若安装在地下室或其它空间有限的场所应具有足够的通风 量,一般每1kW损耗需要4m3/min。The installation site should be clean and well-ventilated. If installed in the basement or other space limited places, adequate ventilation is necessary, generally need 4m3/min loss per kW.3.3.2通常情况下,变压器采用自然冷却,如果安装在封闭的空间,其防护外壳的上、下部位 应有通风口与外界相通,通风口的净面积应符合下表的规定。Normally, transformer is natural cooling. If installed in a closed space, there should be vent on the upper and bottom of the protective casing connecting to the outside,andthenetareaoftheventshouldbeconsistentwiththeprovisionsunder the table.容量Capaci ty (kVA)W315400630800125016002500通风口面积 Area of vent (m2)容量大于630kVA的变压器,建议采用温控风冷系统。To the transformer with capacity more than 630kVA, we recommend to adopt temperature control air-cooled system.3.3. 4变压器放置在地面、基础、或槽钢上时,场所地面不平度应小于5mm,若安装后外壳的 门发生变形应调整落地四角高度。When transformer placed on the ground, foundation or slotted iron, the roughness of ground should be guaranteed less than 5 mm. If the door of shell is distorted after installation, the height of foursquare falling to the ground should be adjusted.3.4 产品装有外壳时,先用螺栓将外壳面板(2件)与地脚螺孔连接,再把侧板(2件)与面 板连接。此后,调整吊杆高度(目的是在安装顶盖后,顶盖无凸起或凹陷),将顶盖与侧板 连接,最后,安装吊环。4 产品运输Iftheproductequippedwithshell,shouldfirstlyconnecttheshellpanels(2pieces) tothetailholeswithbolts,thenconnectthesideboard(2pieces)tothepanels. Since then, adjust the boom height (for the purpose of after installing the roof, there is no uplift or depression), and connect the proof to sideboards. Finally, install the lifting rings.Transportation of products 4.1运输装卸过程中,产品倾斜角W30。During t ranspor tation and unloading, the tilt angle of produc t should be30。.4.2 起吊时如有包装箱,钢丝绳应挂在包装箱底座的下垫木上;如无包装箱或从包装箱中吊出 时,应使用变压器上夹件的吊板,起吊钢丝绳的夹角W60。;带外壳的变压器吊装环应与变 压器本体连接,严禁使用外壳吊环。Ifhavepackingboxwhenlifting,thesteelropeshouldhangonthebottomstow-wood of the base of packing box. If no packing box or lifting from packing box, should use hanger plate of transformer clip, and the included angle of the lifting steel rope should W6Oo. The lifting ring of the t ransformer with out shell should connec t with the transformer body, do not use the hanger plate of the shell.4.3 产品在运输过程中如遇风、雪天气,应采取措施避免雨雪浸入。If there is wind, rain and snow during transportation, should take some actions to avoid rain and snow falling in.5技术参数Technicalparameters5.1 外形尺寸见外形图 Please see the dimension in figure drawing.5.2 技术参数 Technical parameters标准 Standards: GB6450-86, GB/T10228-1997, IEC726容量 Capacity: 302500kVA电压等级Voltage rat ing: 35kV及以下相数 Phase number: 三相或单相:three-phase or single-phase频率 Frequency: 50Hz 或 60Hz分接范围 Tapping range:5%、2X2.5%联结组别 Connection group: D, yn11 ; Y, yn0绝缘耐热等级:F级,绕组平均温升限值100KInsulationthermal class: class F, limit of winding average temperature rise 100K 绝缘水平 Insulation level:0.4kV,AC3kV10kV,AC35kV;LI75kV20kV,AC50kV;LI125kV35kV,AC70kV;LI170kV冷却方式Cooling st yle:空气自冷(AN);强迫风冷(AF)调压方式 Regulating way : 无载调压或有载调压 unloading regulating or loading66.防护等级 Pro tec tive class:IP00、IP20、IP23阻抗电压 空载损耗 负载损耗按相应的国家标准Impedance voltage, unloading loss and loading loss are complied with related national standards.产品验收Product check and acceptance1 检查出厂文件是否齐全。Check whether the outgoing documents are complete.2 检查包装箱内零部件与装箱单是否相符。Check whether the parts in packing box are complied with packing list.3 检查铭牌数据是否与订货合同相符。Check whether the data on rating plate are complied with the ordering contract.4 检查产品运输过程中有无损伤;绝缘件、紧固件是否松动;是否有脏物、异物进入变压器 内。产品检验完毕,若不直接投运,应重新包装好,并放置在户内干燥通风处。Check whether there is any damage during transportation; whether the insulation parts, fastening piece are loose; whether there is any dunghill or foreign object inthetransformerbody.Afterfinishingcheck,ifnotoperateatonce,shouldpack again, and place in indoor ventilation dry environment.运行前的检查和试验Inspections and test before operation1 运行前应做如下检查:Should make such inspections below before operation: 1.1检查所有紧固件、连接件是否松动并重新紧固一次。Check all the fastening parts, connection parts to make sure whether there is any loose, and fasten them again.1.2检查运输时拆卸的零件是否安装妥当,并检查变压器是否有异物存在。Check whether the disassembled parts during transportation install well, and whether there is any foreign object.1.3检查风机、温控仪和辅助器件是否正常运行。Check whether the fan, temperature controller and assistant parts operate well.1.4检查铁心和箱体是否已经做永久性接地。Check whether the iron core and case body connect to earth permanently.1.5带外壳的变压器,若吊装杆与低压出线距离小于40mm,吊装就位后应将吊装杆拆去并将 顶部吊装孔封严。To the transformer with out shell, if the distance between hoisting lever and outgoingterminaloflowvoltageislessthan40mm,shouldremovethehoistinglever and seal the top hole of it after the hoisting lever positioning well.2 运行前应做如下试验:Tests before operation:2.1绕组直流电阻测试Winding DC resistance test2. 2检查铁心绝缘是否良好Check whether the iron core insulation is well or not.7.2.3绝缘电阻测试Insulation resistance test7.2.3.1线圈绝缘电阻的测试Insulation resistance test of coil电压等级Voltage rating (kV)线圈绝缘电阻Insulation resistance(MO)0.4$506$20010$30035$10007.2.3.2铁心绝缘电阻测试Insulation resistance test of iron core拆除铁心接地片后对地的绝缘电阻$5 MO,在接地片侧用2500V兆欧表或高阻计测量 (测试温度1040C,相对湿度W85%)。Theinsulationresistanceafterremovingtheearthingstripofironcoreshould $5 MO, measuring w ith 2500V megohm me ter or megger (test t empera ture 104 0C, rela tive humidi ty W85%) in ear thing st rip side.在比较干燥的环境下,绝缘电阻值很容易达到,如果环境比较潮湿,绝缘电阻值会有 所下降,如果每1000V额定电压其绝缘电阻值不小于2MO(25C,1min)既能满足运行要 求。如果有凝露现象,在进行耐压试验前应进行干燥处理。Indryenvironment,itiseasytoreachtheinsulationresistancevalue;while if the environment is a bit wet, the insulation resistance value would be lower. It could meet the operating requirements if the insulation resistance value is no less t han 2 MO(25C, 1min) per 1000V rated volt age. If have any ice, should t ake some action to dry it before withstand test.7.2.4外施工频耐压试验,试验电压为出厂试验电压的85%。The test voltage of power frequency withstand test applied outside should be 85% of outgoing test voltage.7.2.5有载调压变压器根据有载调压分接开关使用说明书做投入运行前的检查和试验。To the loading regulating transformer, should check and test according to the instructionmanualofloadingregulatingtapswitchbeforeputtingintooperation.into operation8 变压器投入运行Transformer putting8.1 调整调压分接片Adjust voltage-regulating tap changer8.1.1 无载调压变压器 Unloading voltage-regulating transformer变压器出厂时,一般调压分接片在额定档,当用户需要调整调压分接片的位置时,可 以按照铭牌上的高压绕组分接位置进行操作,调整应在断电时进行。When the transformer is finished and waiting for outgoing, generally, the regulating tap changer locates in rated position. When clients need adjust the position of regulating tap changer, could operate according to the high-voltage winding tap position on the rating plate, and should cut the power when adjust.调整时应注意 Also should note the follows when adjus t:a按照国家标准规定的分接范围,主要有5%和土2X2.5%二种According to the national standards, the tapping scope mainly has two kinds: 5% and2X2.5%.b 调整接线片时应将三相调整到同一档位Should adjust three-phase to the same position when regulate lug plates.c 接线片应是出厂所带的专用接线片,不可用其它替代物The lug plates should be the special ones from the manufacturer, cannot be replaced by others.d 接线片的连接应紧固The connection of lug plates should be tightened.8.1.2 有载调压变压器 Loading voltage-regulating transformer 参见有载调压使用说明书。See also in loading voltage-regulating instruction manual.8.2 温控设备 Temperature control equipment 温控设备的使用参见温控使用说明书。Theutilizationoftemperaturecontrolequipment,pleaseseeintemperaturecontrol instruction manual.8.3初次投入运行的变压器应按GBJ14890的要求进行5次额定电压下的空载冲击合闸试验。 Tothetransformeroperatesforthefirsttime,shouldcarryoutfivetimesunloading impulse switching test under rated voltage according to the requirements of GBJ148-90.8.4 变压器投入运行后,负荷宜由小到大至额定值,检查变压器有无异常声响。After the transformer is put into operating, should adjust the load from small to large till the rated value, to check whether theres any abnormal noise.8.5 退出运行后,一般不需其它措施,即可重新投入运行;如变压器在高湿度情况下发生凝露 现象,应经过干燥处理后再重新投入运行。9 变压器的维护Generally,itcouldoperateagainafterstoppingwithoutanyotheractions;ifthere is any ice in high humidity environment, should dry it firstly and then put into operating again.Maintenance of transformer9.1 通常情况下,在干燥清洁的场所,每年进行一次检查;其它场所,例如有灰尘或化学烟雾 的空气,应每36个月进行一次检查,必要时采取相应措施进行处理。Generally,indryandcleansites,checkiteveryyear;whileinothersites,such astheairwithdustorchemicalfog,shouldcheckevery36months,andifnecessary, should take actions to deal with.9.2 检查项目 Check items9.2.1清除线圈内部、外部和端面积尘。Clear the dust inner, outer and on the surface of coil. 9.2.2清除绝缘子裙边内积尘。Clear the dust inner the skirt of insulators.9.2.3清除线圈冷却风道内部积尘。Clear the dust in the cooling vent of coil.9.2.4清除铁心表面积尘。Clear the dust on the surface of iron core.9.2.5清除绝缘表面爬电痕迹和碳化现象。Clear the creepage trace and carbonization phenomenon on the insulation surface. 9.2.6清除导电部件或其它零部件的锈蚀痕迹,紧固松动的连接件和紧固件。10安全及注意事项Clear the rust trace of conduction parts or other parts, and tighten the loose connection parts and fastening parts.Safety and matters need attention10.1维护或检修时应断电。Should cut the power during maintenance or overhaul.10.2对于无外壳变压器应在其周围设置隔离围栏。To the transformer without shell, should set isolation fences around it.10.3运行中的变压器,禁止触摸其本体。Not touch the transformer body when it is operating.


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