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Unit 5 1. Text Cheating Susan Richards Shreve (1939- ) is an American author, and novelist, as well as author of over a dozen childrens books. She currently teaches at George Mason University. About the author Vocabulary: 1. right out 坦率的 , 毫不隐瞒的 2. times table 乘法表 3. special (电视的 )特别节目 -be on special: 降价促销;打折促销;搞活动 4. disappointed 失望的 -disappointment 5. bother 打扰 6. sensible: reasonable 合情合理的 , 明智的 -( 区别 ) sensitive 敏感的 7. suspect 怀疑 -( 区别 ) doubt 怀疑 8. glance over 浏览 9. cinch (infml): something which is very easy and is therefore a certainty 有把握 的事情;容易做的事情 10. in cold blood 气定若闲的 , 无情的 , 冷酷的 11. criminal 罪犯 -crime 罪 12. clinch:win 赢得;解决 13. stomachache 胃痛 -stomach 胃 Questions for discussion: 1. How did the school boy cheat on the unit test? 2. Was the cheating planned beforehand? 3. Why did the boy later feel so uneasy or self-reproved about his cheating? 4. Did the boys father show that he was good at communicating with and educating his son? Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (ll. 41-42) It didnt even seem bad when I thought of my parents big thing about telling the truth. when conj. even though something is true 联想到父母那一套实话 为大的道理时 , 我也没 觉得有什么 。 即使 想到父母那一套关 于讲真话的大道理 , 那 个想法甚至也没有显得 那么糟糕 。 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (ll. 44-45) he is so smart in math it makes you sick math 后面省略了连接词 that; it makes you sick是个结果 状语从句 。 本文是一篇叙事 故事 , 文体上不是十分正式 , 况且本句又是故事人物的内 心独白 , 所以可以省略 that, 以此更能生动地刻画人物形 象 。 他的数学成绩好得惊 人 他在数学上很聪明 , 聪 明得让你妒忌 。 make you sick: to make you feel jealous used humorously Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (l. 47) because our desks are practically on top of each other. 要知道 , 我俩的桌子 实在靠得太近 。 The main idea This passage tells about a school boy feeling deeply self- reproved( 自责的 ) about his cheating on a unit test at school. He had failed in a previous test, and this time he was determined to work harder and pass the test. But for some reasons, he failed to review his lessons at home the night before. There were some distractions( 分心的事 ) at home, including watching a TV special. After watching the TV program, he found that it was too late to study for the next mornings unit test. He vaguely sensed that he might have a chance of looking at his deskmates test papers. The next day when he was sitting for the test, being unable to answer the test questions, he could not refrain from seeing his deskmates answers. The main idea But after the test was over, he instantly was regretful about his wrongdoing. He reproved himself for what he did in the test. He felt so conscience-stricken that he did not want to eat or talk to his parents. His strict family upbringing( 家教 ) was that he should be honest about everything he did. Locking himself up in his room, he was still chafing at( 感到郁闷 ) what he had done at his school. He even feigned a stomachache when his mother called him to have supper. Seeing something strange, his father entered his room to catch up on( 了解 ) all this. The boy still pretended to be ill, but the father did not believe him. The father patiently tried to persuade him. The main idea The boy finally told his father what had happened. Hearing this, the father did not dress his boy down( 责骂 ) . Instead, he told his son to tell his teacher all about it. The boy did not want to call his teacher at first, as suggested by his father. But he eventually took his fathers advice. His teacher did not scold him on the telephone. He just told him to go to the school on Saturday to take another test. So under the correct instruction by the father and the teacher, the school boys Gordian knot( 心结;难题;戈尔迪之结 ( 希腊神话中的 一个难题 ) was cut. (cut a Gordian knot 快刀斩乱麻 ) Main idea of the text Please use 5 to 8 sentences to summary the main idea of the text. 11 Aloud-reading To read the whole text loudly. Requirement: 1. 声音响亮 2. 发音地道 3. 连贯流利 4. 声情适切 12 2. Reading skills Determining the Main Idea 1. What does a writer normally do after he provides the main idea as the topic for a paragraph? 2. Where does a writer usually place the main idea? 3. Fast reading 3.1 Passage 1 3.1.1 The main idea The writer humorously tells about some of her childhood experiences. Her mother, who was partial to some of her children, often beat the writer. That is, she would punish the writer for her wrongdoing. 3.1.1 The main idea Each time when her mother beat her, she would cry out loud, in the hope that somebody might stop her. The writer was born being pale-complexioned, but it appeared to her that her mother did not like the color. Each time when her mother turned her down when the writer asked her mother for something to eat, she would cry out and make a fuss until she got what she wanted. So as a young girl, she knew how to deal with her mother. 3.2 Passage 2 3.2.1 The main idea This passage tells about some differences between British and American elementary and secondary schools. 3.3 Passage 3 3.3.1 The main idea This passage tells about some differences between British and American colleges and universities. 4. Home Reading Stolen Day (失窃的一天 ) 编者译为 “ 逃学记 ” 。 这是灵活的翻译 , 你赞成吗 ? Sherwood Anderson (1876 1941) was an American novelist and short story writer. He had a great influence on Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, and Thomas Wolfe. About the author The main idea The passage tells about a long neglected boy playing truant and going fishing in a nearby creek. The writer had a neighbor boy who suffered from inflammatory rheumatism and so did not have to go to school. The boy often went fishing in a nearby creek or waterworks pond. The writer hated going to school. And he was long uncared for by his mother, because his mother was busy with her work. But he strongly longed for the care and attention from his mother. One day when he was at the school, he wanted to skip school. He then cried hard, claiming that he ached all over the body. His teacher believed him and allowed him to leave school early. After he got back home, his mother still brushed him off( 打发 ) by simply telling her son to take a rest in bed. The main idea Lying in bed, feeling outcast( 被忽视的 ) , the boy was lost in wild and fanciful thoughts. He even imagined himself drowning in the pool at which he was fishing. Feeling bored out of his mind( 百无聊赖 ) , he went fishing. Luckily, he caught a big carp and took it home. His mother at last took time to help him. She got a washtub and filled it with water. She put the fish in it. Their neighbors came to see the fish. This success made the boy very happy. He finally managed to catch his mothers momentary attention. But unfortunately his lie was exposed by his father. He had met the teacher who let the boy stay away from school earlier because he said that he was ill. Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (ll. 4-6) There was a place up at the pond where in the spring the water came tumbling over the dam and formed a deep pool. 池塘上有一块地方 , 到 了春天 , 水便哗哗地流 过大坝 , 形成了一个沈 水池 。 ( 译 ) 池塘那边有个地 方 , 春季里清水 倾泻过 大坝 , 形成一个深深的 水潭 。 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (ll. 85-86) She was making for the Wyatt house as hard as she could run hard (adv.): using a lot of effort, energy, or attention 她 步履艰难 地跑向 瓦特 家 ( 译 ) 她 尽一切努力 朝 怀亚特 家奔去 Possible difficult words, phrases and sentences (l. 118) and then I made a break that spoiled my day. make a break: to change a course of action that you have had for a long time 这时 , 我的一个不智之 举 把一天都搞砸了 。 ( 译 ) 然后我 出了岔子 , 这毁了我的一整天 。


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