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英文小报的制作过程: 1、设 计制作报头; 2、制定标题; 3、组织稿件; 4、 设计报花; 5、 布置版面。 1、设计制作报头: 报头包括报刊名称、刊号说明(主编、日期、期数、版数 等)。设计报头的 注意事项 :报头大小可占整个版面约五分 之三的宽度,七分之一的高度。报头的形式可以是只有文字; 或是以文字为主,配图案或花纹;或是以图为主,配报头文 字。 小 报 的 制 作 过 程 2、制定标题: 标题即各篇稿件的题目及文章的纲要。标题 的设计要突出报刊主题,吸引读者的注意力。标题字要鲜 艳夺目,但切不可超过报头。 可以用大字体、艺术字、中文版式 来设计漂亮的文字作为主页的标题。注意选择对齐的方式。 3、组织稿件: 稿件的文字使用统一字号,一般为宋体 5号字。 稿件的编排以符合读者阅读习惯为标准,横排时从左到右,竖 排时自上而下,从左到右;如果文章篇幅较大时,我们可以采 用分栏编排,文章与文章之间以文本框的形式加以区分,或用 不同的文字颜色、底纹区别。文本框的边线可用花边图案构成, 起修饰作用。 4、设计报花: 报花多用在文章的结束部分,故也称尾花。其 作用是点缀装饰、补白、活跃版面。 5、布置版面 : 版面设计的风格最能体现报纸 的特色。一份好的小报应该在版面的设计上 有独特表现方式,体现完整和谐的视觉效果, 让形状和颜色两大要素达到平衡与协调。成 功的版面设计应做到点、线、面、空、色的 协调统一。其中还包括选材是否得当,编排 是否得体,风格是否一致等方面。 幽默栏 名人名言 习语与谚语 安全上网 A cow A lazy boy Peter saw a tiger Sleeping with glasses 返回 A cow A young man wanted to borrow a cow from his friend.He said with a smile, “Dont worry. I will look after your cow as well as I look after my father.” His friend shook (摇) his head and said, “No, no! I cant lend my cow to you. But if you look after my cow as you look after your son, Ill be glad to lend you my cow.” 返回 A lazy boy Tom was a lazy boy. One day, the teacher let every student write a composition (作文) .The next day, the teacher found Toms composition was the same as his brothers. “Why is your composition the same as your brothers?” ask the teacher. “Because we are from the same family and have the same mother and father,” Tom answered proudly. 返回 Peter saw a tiger “Last week,” Peter said to his friend Ned, “I went for a walk to a large park. Its was very cold that day and the wind was blowing. Suddenly I saw a big tiger” “What did you do?” asked Ned. “I looked at it, put my hands into my pockets and went home,”answered Peter. “Did it run after you?” asked Ned. “Oh, no, it didnt. You see, it was in the zoo.” 返回 Sleeping with glasses One day the father fell asleep (睡 着), but he still wearing his glasses. His oldest son saw this and asked his youngest brother, “Why does Dad sleep with glasses?” his youngest brother answered, “he can see well in his dream.” 返回 读书 人生 返回 A lazy youth,a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 Doubt is the key to knowledge. 疑问是知识的钥匙 Read a good book,as make a good friend. 读一本好书,就像交了一个益友 Never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老 Pen is a person himself. 文笔却是人的本身 返回 人生 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成 All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,失不再来 Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕 返回 颜色习语的翻译 动物的习语和谚语 返回 Black and blue 遍体鳞伤 Black tea 红茶 White coffee 牛奶咖啡 See red 怒不可遏 A green hand 新手,没有经验的人 Black sheep 害群之马 Brown paper 牛皮纸 返回 A lucky dog 幸运儿 The early bird catches the worm 捷足先登 A dead dog 废物 Go to the dog 堕落 A dark horse 黑马 ,异军突起者 Rain cat and dog 下倾盆大雨 Kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 返回 Remember that People online may not Be who they seem .because You cant see or even hear The person , it would be Easy for someone to Misrepresent him or herself. Thus,someone indicating That “she” is a “12years Girl” could in reality be An older man. 记住,网上朋友可能用 假名。 由于你无法亲眼看见 他们,所以上网者很容易把 自己伪装起来。 因此谎称自 己是一名“ 12岁女孩是一年龄 “她”实际上很可能更大的 男性。 返回


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