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1、尽可能熟练地使用英语口 语交际中的功能意念表达方法 (1)交流补救 请求重复和解释 Excuse me, could you please say it again? Im sorry, I didnt quite catch you Could you repeat that? Im sorry, I dont quite understand what you said Would you please explain it? I beg your pardon?/Pardon? I dont quite see what you mean, Im afraid I didnt quite follow what you were saying about Im afraid Im not quite clear what you mean by Could you rephrase that? Im sorry, I dont understand what you mean by Could you explain it? Im sorry, would you mind saying that again? 想纠正或解释自己的观点 I mean Sorry, let me explain Let me put it this way Well, what Im trying to say is that Well, the point Im trying to make is that I think what I mean is that What Im saying is that (2) 态度 询问对方意见 Whats your opinion of ? Whats your position On ? What are your views on ? How do you feel about ? How do you see things like this? Have you got any comment on ? What do you think of about ? How do you like ? How do you find ? Where do you stand on the question of ? 表示犹豫 Er, let me see Well, just let me think about Its like this, you see, The situation is, how can I put it, taking a good turn Thats not, well, excuse my hesitation, not to the point Thats a good big interesting difficult question 发表个人意见 In my opinion In my view, As far as Im concerned As I see it, From my point of view, I think Id like to say Id like to point out It seems to me that Personally, I believe feel Whats really happening is If you ask me, I think I hold the opinion that To my knowledge, 赞同对方意见 I quite agree with you I totally absolutely agree You are right Thats true Yes, true I suppose so Thats just my own opinion Thats a good point Id go along with you on that 表示不同意或不完全同意对方意见 I dont think so Do you really think so? Im afraid I cant agree with you Im afraid I entirely disagree with you I dont agree I disagree Probably you are right, but the fact is I see what you mean But in my opinion, I dont entirely agree with you Thats one way of looking at it, but we have other ways, too (3)立论 概括 Generally speaking, Briefly speaking, 例证 For example instance, Let me give you an example such as Takefor instance , Allow me to cite an example An example of this is Let me take an example Take the case of To exemplify what I mean, let US look at To illustrate my point, let me consider the case of To make it clearer to you, lets have a look at 推论 It is argued that Therefore, 结论 All in all On the whole, By and large, To sum up, In one word, In conclusion, (4) 关系 比较关系 Compared to the other vehicles, planes are really convenient If you compare wood and plastics, the latter is lighter In comparison with As compared to .as as /.not so.as. . (not) the same as The east is more developed than the west 对比关系 On one hand , on the other hand 0n contrast, On the contrary, In spite of 因果关系 This is because Thats why The reason is The basic simple reason is。 Well, you see, the natural resources can not last forever Well, the thing is, people are not fully aware of that I think therere three reasons First, second, and the last reason may be Not, let me explain If I could explain, I think 2、巧妙运用英语口语表达的 一些攻略 The interview is to measure the candidates ability to communicate effectively in English about common facts and topics. Each candidates English language ability will be evaluated in five areas: Accuracy, Fluency, Depth, Relevancy and Overall Communication. As for the self-introduction, you need to prepare for it in advance! Be based on communication, just give your point of view. Dont recite some answers you have prepared at home! You need to be interesting! Dont be too shy! Try to use your body language. Describe and try to give details! Example: My English teacher is very helpful. In addition, hes enthusiastic and optimistic with us. He always give us energy and confidence! Yunnan Province is a stunning region. The mountains are so impressive, and the food really makes you mouth water. The rice fields and the forests were absolutely picturesque: what a memorable trip! Develop + Connect! Example: I love my hometown Kunming for many reasons. First of all, I was born and raised here and all of my relatives and most of my friends live here. So I feel at ease in Kunming. In addition, you may find the weather here very pleasant because its climate mild all year round. On top of this, the food here is stunning. Its a mix of colors and flavors. Its so tasty. I highly recommend the over-bridge rice noodles to you! And although many people complain about the traffic, I know its not as bad as in many other cities, and theyre working on building a subway here. However, it wont be ready before another 5 years, but the city is definitely modernizing! Be well-prepared by yourself Make a plan for yourself Read as much as possible Work on your listening Talk to yourself in front of mirror Time yourself for the interview Practice with a partner Get in pairs and ask each other questions Use English only Surprise each other with unexpected questions Make sure you understand what your partner is saying Master the most useful words for the interview. Learn the vocabulary associate with some hot social issues Have a opinion and dont be afraid to tell it Use personal examples, they will buy your time and attention Any questions and comments?


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