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1.请把精力集中在你正在做的事情上。 2.我们都很关注考试的结果。 3.他们左中得出结论,那就是你本不应该 未经允许拿走那个袋子。 4.自从那以来,他的身体状况就不好。 5.当取得进步时,我们会感觉更有信心。 6.昨天我被邀请去祝贺他们的婚礼。 7.他被认为发明了第一台电脑。 8.这个代表团( delegation)是由 6个专家和 20个学生组成的。 9.如果你遇到难词,你可以查阅字典。 10.他们没有拒绝我;相反地,他们愉快地 接受了我的邀请。 11.这位著名科学家为中国的科学做出了巨大 贡献。 12.我正要出去这时天开始下雨。 13.地震之后,大量的受伤人员被送到了那个 医院。 14.(强调句式)直到他摘掉帽子我才认出他。 15.只要你坚持你的梦想,你迟早会实现它。 16.解决这个问题的关键是收集到足够的信息。 17.当我们走出沙漠时,水和食物已经用光了。 18.他进了一家饭馆,在那儿他得到了最好的 服务。 1.Please concentrate on what you are doing. 2.We are all concerned about the results of tests. 3.They came to a conclusion eventually that you shouldnt have taken the bag without permission. 4.He has been in poor condition since then. 5.When we make progress , well feel more confident. 6.Yesterday we were invited to congratulate him on his wedding. 7.He is considered to have invented the first computer. 8.The delegation consists of 6 experts and 20 students. 9.If you come across difficult words, you can consult/refer to the dictionary / look them up in the dictionary. 10.They didnt refuse me; on the contrary, they accepted my invitation pleasantly. 11.The famous scientist made great contributions to the science of China. 12.I was about to go when it started to rain. 13.After the earthquake, a number of injured people were sent to that hospital. 14.It was not until he took off his hat that I recognized him. 15.As long as you stick to your dream, you will realize it sooner or later. 16.The key to solving the problem is to collect enough information. 17.When we walked out of the desert, water and food had run out. 18.He went into a restaurant , where he received the best service. 1.玩电脑游戏对身体有害。 Playing computer games does harm to/ is harmful to/ is bad for our health. 2. 他讨厌 /不喜欢上课迟到。 He hates being late for class. 3. 为了保持健康,我们要多进行体育锻炼。 In order to keep healthy/ fit, wed better take more exercise. 4. 在老师的帮助下,我取得了巨大的进步。 With the help of our teacher, I made much/ great progress. 5. 有这么多的作业要做,我不能出去玩了。 With so much homework to do, I cant go our to play. 6. 不管他多么英俊,我都不会喜欢他。 However handsome he is/ No matter how handsome he is, I dont love him. 7. 酒后驾车时违法的。 Drunk driving is illegal./ It is illegal to drive after drinking. 8. 我一到这座城市立刻就爱上了它。 I liked the city immediately I reached/ arrived at it. 9. 这本字典很有用,所以值得买。 This dictionary is of great use, which is worth buying./ This dictionary is of great use so that it is worth buying. 10. 网上购物对我们的生活有巨大的影响。 Shopping online has a great influence on our life. 1.我对他所做的事情非常感兴趣。 I was interested in / took an interest in what he did. 2. 老师坚持让 Tom每天锻炼身体。 The teacher insists that Tom should take exercise every day. 3.为了上一流的大学,他打算从现在开始努力学 习。 In order to/ To go to the first-class university, he intends to study hard from now on. 4. 他没有按时上学,反而是出去玩了。 He didnt go to school on time. Instead, he went out playing. 5. 我们对这些名胜古迹印象深刻。 We are impressed with the places of interest. 1.汽车停下来以后再下车。 Dont get off the bus until it has stopped. 2. 一旦你许下了诺言,你就要遵守。 Once you have made a promise, you should keep it. 3.郊区的空气比城里的好一些。 The air in the suburb is better than that in the city . 4. 我们学校在城东。 Our school is located in the east of the city. 5. 这本书是专供青少年阅读的。 The book is intended for teenagers. 6. 昨晚我们回来的很晚,关于昨晚的情况我们明 天再谈。 Last night we came very late, about which well talk tomorrow. 1. 一旦你许下了诺言,你就要遵守。 Once you have made a promise, you should keep it. 2. 只有用这种方式你才能学好英语。 Only in this way can you learn English well. 3. 你只有努力学习才会通过考试。 Only if you work hard will you pass the exam. 4. 最重要的是你应该对你的病人有耐心。 Whats the most important is you are supposed to be patient with your patients. 5. 传来命令让我们立即动身。 Order came that we should start at once. 6. 他最终被说服戒烟,这让我们大吃一惊。 He was persuaded to give up smoking, which surprised all of us. 1.我正在河边钓鱼这时听到有人呼救。 2.我看了看周围,发现一个小男孩掉到河里。 3.我立刻跳到河里并尽力把男孩拉上来。 4.最后,小男孩得救了,他非常感激我。 5.我对我所做的感到很自豪,觉得自己是个 很勇敢的人。 1.I was fishing by the river when I heard someone shouting for help. 2.I looked around and found a little boy fell into the water. 3.I jumped into the river immediately and tried my best to pull the boy out of the river. 4.Finally, the boy was saved and he was very grateful to me. 5.I was proud of what I did, feeling that I was a very brave person. 1.在政府的压力下,这条受到污染的河流得 到了很大得改善。 2. 崔老师对我们很有耐心,受到大家的欢迎。 3. 他宁愿玩电脑游戏也不愿努力学英语,这 让我们大吃一惊。 4. 随着科技的发展,到月球居住是有可能的。 5. 你可能在网上买到假货。 1.Under the pressure of the government, the polluted river has been improved. 2.Mr. Cui is patient with us, who is popular with us. 3.Hed rather play computer games than study English hard, which makes us surprised. 4.With the development of technology, it is possible to live on the moon. 5. There is possibility that you may buy fake goods online. 6. 就我而言,被说服戒烟是一件高兴的事情。 7. 出席会议的人们提出了他们的意见。 8. 我要一整天待在旅馆里以防有失踪孩子的 消息。 9.明早你最好早点起床,以便你能赶上早班 车 . 10.他晚饭后出去散散步成了一种习惯。 6.Personally speaking, being persuaded to give up/stop smoking is a pleasant thing. 7.People present at the meeting presented their opinions. 8. I shall stay in the hotel all day in case there is news of the missing child. 9.Youd better get up early tomorrow morning so that you could catch the early bus. 10. He makes it a rule to go out for a walk after supper. 1.学好英语的关键是每天大声读英语。 The key to learning English well is to read English aloud every day. 2. 我非常高兴被邀请来参加你的生日晚会。 Im very pleased/ delighted to be invited to your birthday party. 3. 私家车的增多导致了交通堵塞。 The increase of private cars leads to the traffic jams. 4. 他正在做演讲,这时候突然有人打断了他。 He was giving/ delivering a speech when someone interrupted him. 5. 从他的衣着判断,他是一个无家可归的人。 Judging from/ by his clothes, he is a man who is homeless. 1.不理解他所说的话,她把目光集中在他的脸 上似乎想找出答案。 2.我们别无选择只有努力学习,只有这样我们 才能在这竞争激励的社会找到一份好工作。 3.他留了一个信息说他要结婚了。 4.这是我曾经去过的最迷人的地方之一。 5.英语学习不仅拓宽了我们的视野,也使我们 掌握了与外国人交流的一门工具。 1.Not understanding what he said, she fixed her eyes on his face as if she wanted to find the answer. 2. We have no choice but to study hard, and only in this way can we find a good job in the competitive world. 3.He leaves a message saying that he is going to get married. 4. This is one of the most attractive places (that) Ive ever been to. 5. English learning not only broadens our horizons but also enables us to master a tool to communicate with foreigners. 复习 B5M2清单短语,完成句子翻译: 1.虽然我的二手车很旧,但是车况良好。 2.在街道的一边住着一位老人,另一边住着 我的父母。 3.我平均每天花两个小时读英语。 4.这些问题如此难以至于他们解决不了。 5.一名警察正在指挥交通。 6.所有的司机都应该遵守交通规则。 7.我们正要出去,这时电话响了。 8.班主任和我的谈话对我的学习有了很大的 影响。 9.你的建议在理论上听起来很好,但实际上 不会奏效。 10.我们英语老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。 11.我认为你最好理发。 12.他想当然的认为你已经读了这本书。 1.My second-hand car is very old but in good condition. 2.On one side of the street lives an old man; on the other side live my parents. 3.I spend two hours reading English every day on average. 4.These problems are so difficult that they could not work them out. 5.A policeman was directing the traffic. 6.All the drivers should respect the traffic rules. 7.We were about to go out when the telephone rang. 8.The talk between the headteacher and I had much effect on my study. 9.Your suggestion sounds fine in theory, but it wouldnt work in practice. 10. Our English teacher came into the classroom, with a book in his/her hand. 11.I think youd better get your hair cut. 12.He took it for granted that you had read the book. 1.昨天被狗咬的那个人被立刻送到了医院。 2.你想娶的那个女孩是我见过的最漂亮的 女孩。 3.我将永远不会忘记我们一起生活学习的 那个冬天。 4.正如老师昨天告诉他的那样,他顺利通 过了考试。 5.英语和汉语没有任何共同特点。 6.多亏你帮助,我逃脱了老师的批评。 1.The person who was bitten by a dog yesterday was sent to hospital at once. 2.The girl whom you want to marry is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 3.I will never forget the winter when/ in which we lived and studied together. 4.As the teacher told him yesterday, he passed the exam successfully. 5.English has nothing in common with Chinese. 6.Thanks to your help, I escaped being criticised by our teacher. 1.这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。 2.我们应该呼吁更多的人珍惜我们宝贵的 水资源。 3.老师说她通过这次考试没有困难。 4.和在贫困地区的许多孩子比起来,我们 是幸运的。 5.有志者,事竟成。 6.成功在于努力工作,而懒惰会导致失败。 1.The rain makes no difference to the game. The rain doesnt make any difference to the game. 2.We should appeal to more people to cherish our valuable water resources. 3. The teacher said that she had no difficulty in passing the exam. 4. Compared with/ to many children in the poor areas, we are lucky/ fortunate. 5. Where there is a will, there is a way. 6.Success lies in hard work while laziness can lead to failure. 1.我们应该采取措施来减少空气污染。 2.他表现得好像什么事也没有发生一样。 3.不要再玩电脑游戏了,这会严重影响你的 学习。 4.他们为灾区提供了大量的食物以便满足他 们的要求。 5.我给杰克写了邮件,希望了解更多关于他 新工作的情况。 1.We should take measures to reduce the air pollution. 2.He behaved as if/ though nothing had happened. 3.Dont play computer games, which can influence your study badly. 4.They provided plenty of food for the stricken area in order to meet their needs./ in order that it can meet their needs. 5.I wrote Jack an e-mail, hoping to know more about his new job. 1.因特网使人们获得信息很方便。 2. 她长得像我的一个朋友,所以我很喜欢 她。 3. 这个孤独的孩子非常幸运地找到了一个 温暖的家。 4. 老师让他做作业,他却出去看了一场直 播音乐会。 5. 他成功地通过了考试 ,大家都很开心。 1.The Internet makes it convenient for people to get information. 2.She is like my friend so that I like her very much. 3.The lonely child is fortunate to find/ in finding a warm home. 4.The teacher let him do his homework. However, he went out to see a live concert. 5. He managed to pass the exam, which made us very happy. 1.定期有规律的锻炼有助于我们的身体健康。 2.尽管我们已经很累了,可是我们依然坚持 把工作按期完成。 3. 让我感到高兴的是,他做了一个承诺:从 今天开始他会花大量的时间来学习英语。 4.我们应该多参加课外活动,这会丰富我们 的经历。 5.我们学校应该把不带手机进校园作为一项 规定。 1.Taking exercise regularly contributes to our health. 2. Even though/ if we have been exhausted, we still insist on going through with the task on time. 3. What makes me delighted is that he has made a promise that he will spend lots of time studying English from now on. (To my delight/joy/happiness,) 4.We are supposed to take part in more after-school activities, which can enrich our experience. 5.Our school should make it a rule not to bring mobile phones to school. 1.她最好的朋友误解了她,这让她感到很 难过。 2. 他看到的一切让他很感动。 3. 如果有必要的话,这家博物馆应该好好 打扫一下了。 4. 他用了差不多两个小时才到那里。 5. 我一见到他就把这个好消息告诉他。 1.她最好的朋友误解了她,这让她感到很难过。 She was misunderstood by her best friend, which made her upset. 2. 他看到的一切让他很感动。 He was moved by what he saw. 3. 如果有必要的话,这家博物馆应该好好打扫一下 了。 The museum needs/ wants/ requires cleaning/ to be cleaned, if necessary. 4. 他用了差不多两个小时才到那里。 It took him nearly two hours to get there./ He spent nearly two hours getting there. 5. 我一见到他就把这个好消息告诉他。 The moment I see him, I will tell him the good news. 1、作为临淄中学的学生,我们几乎没有用来参 加课外活动的空闲时间。 2、 他要在明天的会议上做一次演讲。 确实如此。我也是。 3、 你知道他是怎样完成作业的吗? 通过和同学讨论。 4. 既然我们已经下定了决心,我们就要尽上我 们的最大努力。 5. 这些年来,很多人已经改变了。 例如,他不再是过去的他了。 一、仔细复习冲刺五、六的单选,完成下列句子。 1、作为临淄中学的学生,我们几乎没有用来参加课外活 动的空闲时间。 As students of LinZi middle school, we have little free time we can spend taking part in after-school activities. 2、 他要在明天的会议上做一次演讲。 确实如此。我也是。 He is going to give a speech at tomorrows meeting. So he is and so am I. 3、 你知道他是怎样完成作业的吗? 通过和同学讨论。 Do you know how he finished the homework? By discussing with classmates. 4. 既然我们已经下定了决心,我们就要尽上我们的最大 努力。 Now that we have made decisions, we must try/do our best. 5. 这些年来,很多人已经改变了。例如,他不再是过去 的他了。 Many people have been changing over the years. For example, he isnt what he used to be.


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