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Lecture 20 Infinitive()不定式Review 不定式的形式1.不定式的体和态(P219)2.不带to的不定式(P220-223)3.To 是介词的搭配(P226-228)1._him tomorrow?(2001)A.Why not to call on B.Why dont call on C.Why not calling on D.Why not call on Why not 的用法(的用法(P222)D2.She said she would work it out herself,_ ask me for help.(1993)A.and not to B.but not C.and prefer not D.rather thanrather than的用法的用法(P220)D3.The Minister of Finance is believed _ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.(2004)A.that he is thinking B.to be thinking C.that he is to think D.to thinkIt is believed that/He is believed to的用法(P172,passive voice,pattern II)B4.AIDS is said _the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in the region.(2002)A.being B.to be C.to have been D.having been It is said that/AIDS is said to的用(P172,passive voice,pattern II)over the past few yearsC5.Professor Johnson is said _some significant advance in his research in the past year.(1999)A.having made B.making C.to have made D.to makeIt is said that/He is said to的用(P172,passive voice,pattern II)in the past yearC 6.Linda was _ the experiment a month ago,but she changed her mind at the last minute.(2007)A.to start B.to have started C.to be starting D.to have been startingB主动态被动态一般形式(to)do(to)be done进行体(to)be doing_完成体(to)have done(to)have been doneCONTENTS1.Grammatical function of Infinitive(32讲讲)2.Combination with adjective,noun&verbGrammatical function of Infinitive:在句中的用法(在句中的用法(32讲):讲):作主语、宾语、主补、宾补、状语作主语、宾语、主补、宾补、状语Subject 作主语作主语/主语补足语主语补足语(P362)eg.学好英语是我们的任务。To learn English well is our duty.It is our duty to learn English well.接收那份工作就意味着要搬去弗罗里达州。To accept the job would mean moving to Florida.Toms intention was to win the game.(主补)His dream is to become a qualified teacher.(主补)_ should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.(2010)A.To be not tall B.Not being tallC.Being not tall D.Not to be tallBto do/doing 参见参见21讲讲动词的宾语和宾补动词的宾语和宾补(P237)a.动词+to do(agree,aim,apply,arrange,choose,claim,decide,demand,desire,determiner,promise,refuse)e.g.We must agree to differ.Last year he applied to retire.She chose to go and teach in the countryside.b.动词+宾语+(to)do:1 see,hear,watch,feel 等感觉动词2 have,let,make,get等使役动词(get sb to do sth)3 arrange for,ask for,rely on 等词组动词4 consider,declare,find,prove,think,believe,discover,feel,imagine,judge,suppose,understand 等表示心理状态的动词5 advise,allow,forbid,permit,recommend,require,urge等表示“劝告”,“允许”,“禁止”等动词5 advise,allow,forbid,permit,recommend,require,urge等表示“劝告”,“允许”,“禁止”等动词+-ing/sb.to do比较:She advised giving up smoking.She advised us to give up smoking.+that/sb.to do They required us to get there before nine.=They required that we(should)get there before nine.c.动词+(宾语)+to do(ask,cant bear,hate,intend,like,prefer)eg.She asked us to give her more work to do.She asked to be given more work to do.She asked that she be given more work to do.Adverbial 作状语(目的,原因,结果)作状语(目的,原因,结果)(P363)a)目的状语目的状语 eg.他总是早起去赶头班车。He always gets up early to catch the first bus.=He always gets up early so as to/in order to catch the first bus.He opened the window so as to get fresh air.=He opened the window so that he might get some fresh air.b)结果状语结果状语这个房间足以容纳100个人。The room is big enough to hold 100 people.他经常在考试前太紧张而无法入睡。Before exams,he is often too nervous to fall asleep.Soas to,such as to,tooto,enough to 等结构可表示结果c)原因状语原因状语(与表喜怒哀乐,运气好坏的形容词或动词连用)(与表喜怒哀乐,运气好坏的形容词或动词连用)e.g.I am delighted to know that you have got a good job.She was lucky to have found the lost child.d)only to do 常表示意想不到或不愉快的结果常表示意想不到或不愉快的结果 e.g.我们到达电影院后才发现我们已经看过那部电影了。We arrived at the cinema only to find that we had seen the movie before.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,_by the police each time.(1999)A.had been captured B.being always captured C.only to be captured D.unfortunately captured C(1)Adjective+to do(2)Noun+to do(3)Verb+to do2.Combination with adjective,noun&verb不定式与形容词不定式与形容词,名词名词&动词的搭配关系动词的搭配关系(1)Adjective+to do(P230-232)He is glad to help others.He was lucky to find it.He is anxious to see her.Refer to Exe.20A on P233&Exe.20B on P233.(2)Noun+to doHe was the last guest to arrive.(主-动)He has a large family to support.(动-宾)The way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen.(同位)Refer to Exe.20C on P235.“名词+不定式”与“名词+介词+-ing分词”a.n+to do/介词+-ing:(P235)eg.The doctor made a bold(大胆的)attempt _(save)the childs life.They made an effort _(finish)the work in one day,but they failed.to save/at savingto save/at savingb.n+to do(ability,obligation,refusal,tendency,wish,ambition,anxiety,agreement,mind)eg.He is under no obligation _(do)that.Her refusal _(accept)his offer of help is really disappointing.Wood has a tendency _(swell膨胀)if it gets wet.to do to accept to swell c.n+介词+-ing(aptitude,delay,difficulty,excuse,experience,hope,object,motive,passion,plan)eg.Have you had much experience _(teach)English?There is no hope _(win)the game.Find the different prepositions used after the nouns on P235.in teachingof teachingAssignment:1.Review“Infinitive”2.Preview Chapter 21 on P241-248.3.做在作业本上:Exe.20D on P236,做题号为奇数的。(下周上课时交)4.Finish the left exercises for Chapter 20 as you like.


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