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英语专四作文辅导2016.4.Summary Writing第 一 部 分I.What is a summary?A summary is a shortened passage,which retains the essential information of the original.It is a fairly brief restatement-in your own words-of the contents of a passage.Note:you simply report back what the writer has said,without making value judgments.II.Characteristics of a good summary Can be understood without reference to the original;Is a faithful reproduction of,or contains only the ideas or information of,the original;Is brief without any unnecessary detail;Is a readable unified wholeIII.Techniques in summary writingParaphrasingTo paraphrase means to completely and correctly express other peoples ideas in ones own words.Examples:1.Youve cooked us all a hot potato.(a troublesome person or issue)2.Prevention is better than cure.(预防胜于治疗。)(It is better to prevent something unpleasant from happening than try to put it right afterwards.)1.Use synonyms or synonymous phrasesHe had a good command of English.(He knew English well.)2.Change the structure of simple sentencesMy brother has an appreciation of modern art.(My brother appreciates modern art.)Ways of condensation3.Turn complex sentences into simple sentencesHe received a welcome that was as cold as ice.(He received an icy welcome.)4.Combine the sentencesHurry up.If you dont,youll miss the train.(Hurry up or youll miss the train.)Write a summary on how to manage your finances When youre away from home,your parents expect you to be responsible for yourself and this includes taking care of your own finances.To manage your money sensibly,you need a plan to work with.Write down your allowance and expenses for the month.What you are doing is actually budgeting your income.Make sure that you set aside a small amount for your savings.One way of cutting cost is eating in.It is cheaper than eating out.Moreover,by cooking your own meals,you have greater control over what you eat.Besides that,if you know of friends who live in the same area as you,you might want to consider driving to college together.This saves on petrol and parking.In addition,when you shop for household items,compare prices from one shop to another before making your purchase.If you can,wait for sales when you can get better discounts.However,sales where prices are marked down incredibly can sometimes tempt you to buy things which you dont really need.Therefore,be careful and dont give in to temptation.Your summary must:*not be more than 60 words,including the 10 words given below:To manage your money sensibly,you must first start with.Answer:To manage your money sensibly,you must first start with a plan.Write out your budget and put aside a set amount for savings.You can save money by eating in and carpooling.Besides that,before buying household items,compare prices first.If possible,wait for sales but do not be tempted to buy what you do not need.(59 words)Write a summary on how we can attract more tourists to our country One of the many sources of revenue for the country is tourism.Malaysia has lots to offer the world.We have beautiful beaches,lush jungles,cool mountain retreats and modern cities.However,to further capitalize on tourism,there are a few areas that must be looked into.Firstly,we must expose people from foreign countries to what we can offer.We can do this by holding exhibitions overseas.Organizers of such exhibitions can offer a glimpse into what we have in our country.They can offer attractive four packages that would definitely lure tourists here.The mass media too can play an important role.The Internet,television and the newspaper offer an alternative mode of advertising the country to the world.Besides that,newspapers and television can be used to show the world the wonders found in our country.On the homeground,multiethnic cultural shows can be presented to woo foreign tourists to the country.People who come from other countries would definitely like to see the different cultural and traditional practices here.However,what is most important is to make sure that the facilities in our country,like public transport and accommodation,are of a reasonable and respectable standard.this is to ensure a pleasant and memorable stay for our visitors.Your summary must:*not be more than 60 words,including the 10 words given below:There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country.Answer:There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country.For one,we can organize exhibitions abroad.Through these fairs,we can offer attractive tour packages.Besides that,the mass media plays an important role in promoting Malaysias holiday destinations.In Malaysia itself,we can hold cultural shows.Most importantly,we must ensure that our facilities are up to standard.(60 words)Describing and explaining(Exposion说明文)说明文)Some of the words and phrases which introduce this type of description are:Explain the causes/reasons./Account for./Analyse the causes./Comment on(the reasons for)./Show that./Show why./Examine the effect of./Suggest reasons for./Why did.?What are the implications of.?/Discuss the causes of./Discuss the reasons for.When we are asked to describe or explain causes,factors,functions or results,the examiner wants us to group our facts.Similar causes are put together,for instance the economic causes of a situation.There are basically two main ways to organise this type of essay.Plan 1.Introduction+Cause1 with examlpe and effects1+Cause2 with examlpe and effects2+Cause3 with examlpe and effects3+Conslusion 2.Introduction to causes of A+Causes with examples+Transition+Effects+ConclusionExamples In the following paragraph,the effect,given in the first sentence,is followed by the causes:During holidays,the traffic in big cities is always particularly heavy.This is mainly because most citizens do not have to work in these days and they ride their bicycles to the streets to do shopping.Farmers in the country also flood into the cities by bus or by their own motorcycles.The streets are full of buses,taxicabs,trolley buses,minibuses and pedestrians.The streets seem narrower.As a result,traffic jams often occur.The following paragraph lists the causes before the effect:Perhaps the invention of agriculture marked the beginning of a differentiation between mens and womens roles.Men continued to hunt,and women became food gatherers and tended the field.Men later became agriculturists as well,when the hunt no longer provided enough sustenance for the community.The biological fact that women bear children,and that each time they give birth they are unable,for a time,fully to play their role in the provision of food and other work for the family,slowly gave rise to more distinct mens and womens roles.Men who are physically stronger took on such“natural”roles as warriors,and in most cases men became chiefs,commanders,and kings.As a result,in the course of history,as matriarchal systems became minorities in many cultures,the roles of men and women in many societies became increasingly gender-oriented and differentiated.The argument essay There are two main methods of presenting an argument,and in general the one you choose will depend on exactly how the essay title is worded.a.The balanced view If the essay title begins with something like:Give the arguments for and against.Assess the importance of.Examine the arguments for and against.What are the advantages and disadvantages of.?Evaluate.Critically examine the statement that.To what extent is.true?Discuss.Then it is clear that a balanced essay is required.That is to say you should present both sides of an argument,without necessarily committing yourself to any points of view,which should always be based on evidence,until the final paragraph.At its simplest your essay plan will be as follows:1.Introduce the argument to the reader.e.g.why it is particularly relevant topic nowadays or refer directly to some comments that have been voiced on it recently.2.Reasons against the argument 3.Reasons in favour of the argument 4.After summarising the two sides,state your own point of view,and explain why you think as you do Language Presenting another point of viewSome peopleXIn a study of Y,Xmaintain(s)say(s)argue(s)assert(s)believe(s)claim(s)point(s)outis/are of the opinionseem(s)to believethatIt is the view of XThe opinion of X isIt can be arguedIt has been suggestedIt might be said Commenting on another point of view NegativelyTheyHeSheXThis approach/position/methods/beliefsis/aremay beseem(s)to bewould seem to be somewhatrather-mistaken.wrong.rigid.inadequate.This/These views is/are open to doubt/not always the case/not necessarily true/unlikely to be true/highly debatable/incorrect/highly speculative.Serious doubts/reservations can/may be raised against this.I disagree with X when he writes/says that However,it is clear that One of the main argumentsagainstX is that One disadvantage of X is Another point against X is A further argument against X is One other disadvantage of X is One objection to this argument is Positively I agree with X when he writes/says that X is certainly correct X may be correct when he says/in saying that One advantage of X is Another point in favour of X is A further argument supporting X is One other advantage of X is One of the main arguments in favour of X is Presenting own point of view There are many reasons why It isimportant/true/necessary/essential to remember/bear in mind/point out that The first thing/First of all,we have/I would like to consider is The first thing to be considered is It is a fact There is no doubt I believethat b.The persuasive essay This second type of argumentative essay involves stating your own point of view immediately,and trying to convince the reader by reasoned argument that you are right.Perhaps the essay title will begin with something like:Give your views on.What do you think about.?Do you agree that.?Consider whether.Or perhaps the title itself will be so controversial that everyone will hold a definite opinion in one direction or another.Plan:Paragraph One:Introduce the topic briefly in general terms,and then state your own opinion.Explain what you plan to prove in the essay.Paragraph Two:Reasons against the argument.Dispose briefly of the main objections to your case.Paragraph Three:Reasons for your argument,the arguments to support your own view,with evidence and examples.Paragraph Four:Conclusion-Do not repeat your point of view again.End your essay with something memorable,e.g.a quotation or a direct question.Methods Of Persuasion How to persuade?Facts are most frequently used as evidence of persuasion in essays.They may include names,dates,events and other specific pieces of information.Each item of“evidence”must lend support to your thesis statement.It also must be related in some way to your topic question.Evidence is organized into distinct units called paragraphs.A paragraph contains one important idea that supports your argument.That idea,in turn,is supported by specific facts.E.g.The topic sentence is a general statement,or argument,that you intend to prove in the body of a paragraph.Most of the time,it is the first sentence of a paragraph.Your evidence is contained in the body of the paragraph.It must support both your topic sentence and your overall argument.When organizing your evidence within the paragraphs,start with the most general statements and conclude with the most specific facts.thesis statement A thesis statement often lists the subdivisions of the topic or subtopics.Each subtopic will become the topic of a separate paragraph.Here are a few points to remember about thesis statements:1.The thesis statement should be expressed in a complete sentence.And since it makes a statement,it should not be written as a question.Example:*My fear of the dark.My fear of the dark has made my life miserable.2.A thesis statement expresses an opinion,attitude,or idea;it does not simply announce the topic the essay will develop.Example:*Im going to discuss the effects of radiation.The effects of radiation are often predictable.3.A thesis statement should express an opinion,it should not express a fact.Example:*Cows produce milk.The milk cows produce is not always fit for human consumption.*There are many advantages and disadvantages to going to college.The advantages to going to college far outweigh the disadvantages.4.A thesis statement should express only one idea toward one topic;if a thesis statement contains two or more ideas,the essay runs the risk of lacking unity and coherence.Example:*Going to college in the Midwest can be fun,and I have found that living in a suburb of a large city is the best way to live while at college.Going to college in the Midwest can be fun.orI have found that living in a suburb of a large city is the best way to live while at college.Exercises Study the following statements carefully.If the statement is a thesis statement,write YES;if it is not a thesis statement,write NO.1.The advantages of majoring in engineering.2.I would like to discuss my views on the Olympic Games.3.Students should be allowed to manage the bookstore.4.My vacation in San Francisco was a lot of fun,and I liked visiting the wine country in California,too.5.Why do I want to be a lawyer?6.The differences between Mandarin and Hunan cuisine.7.You can find some colorful people on the bus.8.Being honest is important.9.I am going to describe my home.10.There are many similarities and differences between Boston and Seattle.NOTES FOR ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY/PERSUASIVE ESSAY WRITING FIRST PARAGRAPH THE INTRODUCTION Hook the reader with an interesting beginning.In other words,a good lead-in-statement.Describe or give background information on the topic.An issue raised as a question.Define what will be discussed.State why the topic is important.Briefly outline the counterarguments.Thesis statement indicating content and organization.SECOND PARAGRAPH THE COUNTER-ARGUMENTS Outline some of the arguments that are against your own opinion.You should include all these into just one paragraph with appropriate referencing where necessary.THIRD PARAGRAPH THE TRANSITION A short paragraph in which you briefly acknowledge the opposing argument,but indicate that your own arguments,which will be provided below,are far more compelling.FOURTH PARAGRAPH THE FIRST ARGUMENT Show the first argument that supports your opinion.Include a topic sentence that refers to the thesis statement.Supporting details with relevant facts and examples must be included and referenced.The remaining arguments(PARAGRAPHS)FINAL PARAGRAPH THE CONCLUSION Restate your position.Review,in brief,why your opinion is the best,most correct,or morally right.Resolution to the problem.Prediction for the future.End with a statement that might be a satisfying closure for the reader.Example The Necessity of Korean Foreign Language Education for Korean-American Children Korean permanent residents in the U.S.face the problem of children who do not speak their native language.(Lead-in statement)While the new immigrants feel relieved from their hard lives,the speed of their English proficiency is slow like a turtles pace;on the other hand,that of their children is as fast as a rabbit.Here the necessity of Korean language education becomes an object of controversy.(Background information)Do they need to introduce their children to Korean language?(An issue raised as a question)Some parents do not want their children to learn Korean;they want their children to learn English.(Brief counterargument)In my opinion,Korean language education not only promotes the development of children,but also brings domestic peace,which is a common aim of immigrant homes;furthermore,Korean language education makes the children understand the culture of their ancestors.(Thesis statement)2nd Paragraph(The counter Arguments)Topic Sentence:Some parents insist that they need not to teach Korean language to their children.3rd Paragraph(Transition)Although their arguments are not completely baseless,we should have nothing to worry about those points.In fact,their children will benefit more by learning Korean as well as English.4th Paragraph(1st Supporting Argument)Topic Sentence:First of all,according to psychological research,children who learn two(or more)languages at the same time can improve their thinking faculties and creative abilities.5th Paragraph(2nd Supporting Argument)Topic Sentence:Apart from that,Korean language education can be positively related to domestic peace.6th Paragraph(3rd Supporting Argument)Topic Sentence:Moreover,Koreans are a minority in the U.S.,and keeping in touch with their culture and ancestors is necessary on order to keep their pride and security.专业英语四级作文评分标准(standards of grading)一星级 第1 级者得3-5 分,其特征是:“几乎无交流”,具体表 现为“根本没有满足写作要求。既无结构,又无内在逻辑。几乎所有的句子都存在单词,拼写,标点或句法方面的错误。缺乏准确地使用语言的能力。即使相当努力地阅读,大部分行文仍然难以理解。”二星级 第2 级者得6-8 分,其特征是:“错误频出,交流有碍”,具体表现为“文章只是满足了部分写作要求。文章结构差,在流畅,清晰,一致和支撑诸方面时有缺欠。在单词,拼写,标点或句法方面错误百出。表明作者准确地使用语言的能力有限。全文阅读有一定的障碍。”三星级 第3 级者得9-11 分,其特征是:“交流尚可,稍有错 误”,具体表现为“文章正确地满足了大部分的写作要求。尽管在流畅,清晰,一致和支撑方面偶有欠缺,总体而言,结构展开充分。尽管文章在单词,拼写,标点或句法方面偶有错误,并时而导致语意模糊,但作文在一定程度上表明作者具有比较准确地使用语言的能力。全文阅读偶有障碍。”四星级 第4 级者得14-12 分,其特征是:“近乎无误的良好交流”,具体表现为“尽管各部分之间有所起伏,但文章正确地满足了几乎所有的写作要求。一般地讲,有主题,有论证,结构展开充分,逻辑严紧。相对来讲,很少单词,拼写,标点或句法方面的错误。作文表明作者具有准确地使用语言的能力。全文阅读很少障碍。”五星级 第5 级者得15 分,其特征是:“准确高效的交流”,具体表现为“文章富有成效地满足了写作要求。结构展开充分,逻辑严紧,主题明确,论证充分详实。无单词,拼写,标点或句法方面的错误。作文表明作者具有相当的准确地使用语言的能力。全文阅读无障碍。”Structure Title:The first letters of the first word and all the content words should be capitalizede.g.Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?(Title)Part I:Introduction Part II:Body Part II:Conclusion In the first part,you should state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part,provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part,bring what your have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.MORE Handwriting Clear structure(3 or 4 paragraphs)No spelling mistakes No or less grammar mistakes Avoid complex sentences Check写作构思示意图标题引论正文结论1回应论题或者阐述别人观点2话题一转,阐述自己的看法观点1观点2同上1观点陈述2例子一句话总结。指出问题所在,提出建议。观点3不推荐Example(TEM 4 2009)Tourism is a booming business in China.However,some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment,while others dont think so.What is your opinion?Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?Model Essay范文 Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?(Title)Introduction In recent years,tourism has developed rapidly in China.Many people believe that tourism produce positive effects on economic growth and we should try our best to promote tourism.(others viewpoints)But what these people fail to see is that tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment.As for me,Im firmly convinced that too many tourists bring harm to the environment.(my viewpoint)Body The bad impact of tourism on the environment has mainly expressed itself in various ways.(introductory sentence 引语)One way is the process of exploiting a new scenic spot.In order to attract tourists,a lot of artificial facilities have been built,which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.This process usually breaks the ecological balance of the area.In some mountainous places,trees are being cut down to build hotels for others to see and explore the beauty of the mountains.Then land slides and mud-rock flows come up.viewpointFactsandevidences Another way the development of tourism has damaged the environment occurs when tourists go to scenic spots.Some tourists dont have the awareness to protect the environment,and ignorantly throw their garbage here and there.Some people even kill the local wildlife to eat,which badly damages the balance of the natural environment.Evidence1Evidence2viewpointConclusion It is wrong to sacrifice the environment for the growth of tourism.(what and why?)We must keep in mind that(Because)too much tourists bring harm to the environment.(What to suggest?)We need to find a balance between satisfying t


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