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1)代词:A.人称代词:避免重复B.物主代词:表所属关系,例如:这本书是我的(mine),这是我的(my)球。C.指示代词:表示这个(this),),这些(these),那个(that那些(those)。单数复数主格宾格所属物主主格宾格所属物主第一人称Imemymineweusourours第二人称youyouyouryoursyouyouyouryours第hehimhishistheythemtheirtheirs三sheherherhers人称ititits1. 我:_ am a student. _ name is Mona.The book is _.2. 我们:_ are students. This is _classroom._ is very clean.3. 你:_ are very kind because you help _(我).4. 他:_ goes shopping with _mother. His mother likes _.5. 她:_ goes shopping with _mother. Her mother likes _.6. 他们:_go to the park on Saturday. I go with _activities are very intersting!7. This is not your book.Its _(me).8. These books are _.A.Mr Wang B.Mr Wangs C.Mr Wangs D.Mr Wangs9.Whos _baby in the picture? Is _?A.a;it you B.the; this yours C.a;this your D.the;it you10._ (这个)is my ball(球) and _ (那个)is your ball.11._ (这些)bare my apples and _ (那些)are your apples.2)什么情况下用doing?1.表示爱好,喜爱做什么事时:enjoy doing; like doing.2.表示什么是某人的爱好:_doing_ is my favorite sport(运动);My favorite sport is _._ is my hobby;My hobby is _.3.表示擅长,感兴趣:be good at doing; be interested in doing .4.表示正在做,有这些标志:Look!;Listen!;over there(正在那儿)等。用 be doing。A.听!她在唱歌呢。B.看!他在打篮球呢。C.他们正在那儿谈话。看完了这些,你应该豁然开朗了吧。原来doing是这么来的!练习I enjoy _ (read)newspapers.I like _to pop music very much.A.listen B.listening C.see D.seeing_(swim) is my favorite sport._(water) flowers is my hobby.Is _your favorite? No.A.make B.fly C.fishing D.fliesLook!The dog is _(run) after the cat.Wang Hai is interested in _(plant) flowers.Im good at _(play) the violin.练习:根据句意填空。read newspapers sing English songs plant flowersride a bike play basketballBob enjoys_.(唱英文歌)Mr Luck enjoys _.(看报纸)David enjoys _.(养花)Betty enjoys _.(骑自行车)Tony enjoys _.(打篮球)3)现在时态的三单。1.什么是现在时?表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。动作:I go to school every day.(动作)状态:I am a boy.(状态)现在时的标志:always(总是), usually(通常),often (经常),sometimes(有时候), seldom(很少), never(从不), in the morning(在早上), in the afternoon(在下午), in the evening (在晚上), at ninght(深夜), in the day(在白天) every day(每天) every morning(每天早上)。2.什么是三单。三单即第三人称,且单数形式。视为单数,be 动词用is,其他动词用does。如;她(she),他(he),王先生(Mr Wang),布朗太太(Mrs Brown),李小姐(Miss Li),张女士(Ms Zhang),我哥哥(my brother)这些都表示三单。所以说,上面一二条都满足,那么表示是的be动词就用 is剩下的就用 does。She is a good girl.She always takes a walk after supper.有木有明白呢?相信你一定明白了!哈哈My brother Tom _(teach) maths in a high school.“Li Yan always gets to school early.” means she never _.Agets up late B.gets up early C.goes to school late D.gets to school earlyTable tennis is my favourite sport and I _play it with my friend。Ashouldnt B.seldom C.never D.oftenClass_.Lets have a rest.A.begins B.is over C.is hot D.is lateShe _three English classes a week.A.dont have B.doesnt have C.have D.does beSandy often works _the day and reads books_night.A.in;at B.at;at C.in;in Dat;in阅读练习My uncle Scott is a music teacher. he never gets up very late. He usually gets up at five oclock in the morning。After he brushes his teeth,he oftten plays the violin。At about seven fifty he takes the No.6 bus to his school.He has no class on Thursday and Friday.He usually goes to the violin club。There he helps kids with the violin .Oh,my uncle plays the violin very well.Doyou love to play the violin? Do you want to join the violin club?Please call my uncle at 3266789.1. Uncle Scott is a teacher of_.A.maths B.PEC.music D.Chinese2.After breakfast Scott often_.A.has a shower B.plays baseballlC.plays the violin D.bruhes his teeth.3.Please call3266789 if you want to learn _.A.the violin B.baseballC.English D.volleyball4.On Thursday and Friday Scott usually_.A.plays basketball with his sister B.has classes at schoolC.goes to the baseball club D.goes to the violin club5.What time does Scott go to his school?A.At seven fifty B.At eight oclock C.At seven forty D.At eight fifteen


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