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Go for it!Period 1MarybrotherDavesister兄;弟兄;弟姐;妹姐;妹MaryMr.BrownfatherMrs.Brownmotherdaughter 父亲父亲母亲母亲女儿女儿父母亲父母亲MaryJohnJohnSusanSusangrandfathergrandfathergrandmothergrandmother爷爷爷爷奶奶奶奶祖父母祖父母Father Father and sonand sonPicture:照片照片:图画图画Mother and her son Picture:Grandparents and grandson祖父母和孙子祖父母和孙子Picture:KateThat is my cousin.She is my cousin.那个是我的(堂)表姐妹那个是我的(堂)表姐妹她是我的(堂)表姐妹她是我的(堂)表姐妹Those are my grandparents.That is my grandfather.That is my grandmother.那些是我的祖父母那些是我的祖父母Those are my friends.They are my friends.That is my friend.他们是我的朋友他们是我的朋友.Is this a map?Yes,it is.Are these maps?Yes,they are.这些是地图吗这些是地图吗?是的是的,他们是他们是.A:Are those-?B:Yes,they are.(No,they arent.)A:Are these computers?B:Yes,they are.A:Are these oranges?B:No,they arent.They are applesan orangeorangesa jacketjacketsa keykeysAre those pens?No,they arentIs that a pen?No,it isnt那些是钢笔吗那些是钢笔吗?不不,他们不是他们不是.Are these oranges?_,_ _.Are these notebooks?_,_ _.Yes Nothey arethey arentKim SmithIs she your friend?Yes,No,she is.she isnt.Is he a boy?_,_ _.Are they boys?_,_ _.YesYes he isthey areAre they your parents?NO,_ _.Is he your father?NO,_ _.Is she your mother?No,_ _.单数单数 复数复数 this these that those it they She they He they is are注意到了吗?注意到了吗?用用he,she,it,they 填空填空1.This is a ruler._ is a red ruler.2.That is my eraser._is white.3.This is her mother._ is a teacher4.That is his brother._ is 16.5.That is Eric._ is my friend.6.Those are my father and my mother._ are my parents.7.These are my grandfather and grandmother._ are my grandparents.It It She HeHeThey They 用 is are am填空1.That _ a jacket.It _ red.2.Those_ baseballs.They_ white.3.This _ my quilt.It _red.4.Helen _ a girl,she _ my friend.5.That is Tony.He _ my uncle.6.What _ this?It _a map.7.What _ these?They_ oranges.8.I _ a boy.My name _Jack.9.How _ you?I _ fine,thanks.isisareareisisisisisisisareareamisareamMatch the words with the people in the picture.Listen and look at the picture.Circle the people the boy talks about.Take turns to talk about Daves family.A:This is his sister.B.These are his brothers.Listen and circle the words you hear.Listen again.Match the names with the people in the picture.1、复习今天所学内容,并跟录音听、读15分钟;2、抄写新单词P101(sister-these),并准备听写.3、准备几张家庭照片,以备下节课使用。并准备口头介绍自己的家庭成员。


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