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单元质量检测(二)(时间:100分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAt the end of every year, Time picks the best 25 inventions that are “making the world better and smarter”. Here we have picked three inventions that could be a part of your life in the near future.The levitating (悬浮的) light bulbThis special light bulb was invented by US. artist and scientist Simon Morris. He got the idea of making a light bulb float from hoverboards (悬浮滑板), which he used to dream of having as a kid.But the floating is not the most amazing part. The rejection force between the opposite ends of the magnets (磁铁), which were put in the bottom of the bulb and in the wooden base, does the job. Whats new here is a technology called induction (电磁感应). It allows the light bulb to get power from the base even they are not in contact.Shoes that tie themselvesTheyre not what you think shoelaces that tie themselves in the way we tie them. Instead, the new shoes have small motors that control their laces. When you step in them, your feet will hit a sensor (传感器) in the shoes and the motor will automatically tighten the laces.But the shoes werent just designed for lazy peoples needs. They could actually give athletes an advantage during competition. They are also useful for people who cannot move their arms or fingers easily.The notouch thermometer (体温计)Taking your body temperature usually means putting a thermometer in your armpits (腋窝) and staying still for minutes. It may be easy for you, but its an impossible task for little kids.Now, with the new thermometer, users can simply put it 2.5 centimeters from a patients forehead and press the button, and it can get reading in two seconds.语篇解读:每到年终岁尾,时代周刊都会评选出25项“让世界变得更加美好和智能的”最佳发明。本文介绍了其中的三项发明。1The most amazing aspect of the levitating light bulb is that _.Ait can floatBits inventor is more than a scientistCit makes use of the rejection of the magnetsDinduction allows it to get power even when unconnected with the base解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句“Whats new here is .It allows the light bulb to get power from the base even they are not in contact.”可知,悬浮灯泡最神奇的地方是这项电磁感应技术可以让灯泡不用接触底座就能通电。故选D项。2How is the notouch thermometer different from other ones?AIt makes it easier to take kids temperature.BYou need wait two minutes for the reading.CYou dont need to press the button.DIt should be put in ones armpit.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,这种新型的体温计可以不用紧贴皮肤,而且读取数据的时间也很短。由此可知,这个发明让儿童的体温测量变得更容易了。故选A项。3In which part of a newspaper can you possibly read this text?AEducation.BSports.CScience. DEntertainment.解析:选C文章出处题。本文介绍了三项新的科技发明,属于科技类文章。故选C项。BThe Indian government may use 3D paintings as virtual speed breakers (减速带) on major highways and roads, in order to check speeding and careless driving, and finally make its deadly roads a little safer. “We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers,” Indias Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari wrote.The optical illusions (视觉错觉) are supposed to encourage drivers to slow down automatically. Earlier, India had ordered the removal of all speed breakers from highways, which were considered to be a safety hazard for highspeed vehicles. India has the highest number of road accident deaths in the world. According to the World Health Organization, over 20,000 people are killed by road accidents.The use of optical illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008, as part of a campaign against speeding motorists. The technique has also been tried out in China to create floating 3D crossing. In India, cities such as Ahmedabad and Chennai have already experimented with 3D zebra crossings in the past year. In Ahmedabad for instance, a mother and her daughter, both artists, have painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of 2016. The artists say their motto is “to increase the attention of drivers”, and that the concept has been successfully tested in accidentprone zones on a highway.However, critics argue that once drivers know that these speed breakers are visual illusions, they might ignore them. Others also point out that Indias decision does not consider the safety of a large number of pedestrians (行人). In the end, the new policy may be just one step toward improving road safety.语篇解读:为了减少道路交通事故和提高道路的安全系数,印度计划启用3D斑马线和减速带。但这一做法也引起了争议。4Why are 3D paintings used on main highways and roads?ATo make the surroundings more beautiful.BTo attract the attention of tourists.CTo reduce the rate of traffic accidents.DTo show the advanced technology.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“in order to check speeding and careless driving, and finally make its deadly roads a little safer”可知,在路上使用3D绘画是为了减少道路交通事故,提高交通安全。故选C项。5Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of “hazard” in Paragraph 2?AReminder.BThreat.CRegulation. DTheory.解析:选B词义猜测题。该词在从句中作表语,与关系代词which是等同关系,which指代上文提到的all speed breakers,而它们被视为高速车辆的一大威胁。由此可推测,hazard的意思是“危险;隐患”,与threat意义相近。故选B项。6What can we learn from Paragraphs 3 and 4?APhiladelphia, the U. S. A. is the second place to use virtual speed breakers in the world.BThe idea tested in Ahmedabad recently has been a failure.CThe new policy of 3D zebra crossings must be carried out smoothly.DThe use of optical illusions as speed breakers is controversial in India.解析:选D推理判断题。前三段介绍的是这一新举措的好处,而在第四段笔锋一转,介绍了反对者的声音:一旦司机知道了这些3D的“减速带”是视觉错觉,他们会无视这些减速带。还有人认为这一新举措没有考虑行人的安全。由此可推测,这一举措是有争议的(controversial)。7What do we know about 3D zebra crossings from the passage?AThey can vastly lower the death rate in India.BThey have been widely used in India so far.CThey are designed to increase drivers attention.DThey are welcomed by both drivers and pedestrians.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“to increase the attention of drivers”可知,3D斑马线是为了提高驾驶员的注意力。故选C项。CResearchers in Seattle said last year that captured (被捕获的) crows remember the face of their abductor (绑架者). Even though years had passed since they saw the threatening face, the crows in the experiment would divebomb him, suggesting the birds held tightly to a negative association.Now the researchers followup study shows that the birds brains light up much like the human mind when they see a face they know. “The regions of the crow brain that work together are not unlike those that work together in mammals, including humans,” said lead researcher John Marzluff of the University of Washington. “These regions were suspected to work in birds.”In the study, 12 male adult crows were captured by researchers who were all wearing one type of mask, referred to in the study as the threatening face. Then during four weeks, the birds were fed by people wearing a different mask. Though both disguises had neutral (中性的) expressions, this mask was referred to as the caring face.The researchers injected a fluid into the bodies of the crows. The crows were then put in the presence of someone wearing either the threatening or caring mask for about 15 minutes before the birds were given a brain scan (扫描). The fluid showed which parts of their brains were most active around a certain maskwearer.Matzluff said it appears the smart birds have a region of their brain that is similar to the amygdale of mammals. “The amygdale is the region of the mammal brain where negative associations are stored as memories,” he said. “Previous work primarily concerned its function in mammals, while our work shows that a similar system is at work in birds.”“Their brain activity suggests that the birds view their keepers who fed and cared for them as valued social partners, rather than animals that must be feared,” Marzluff said.语篇解读:本文是说明文。美国西雅图的研究者们的一项实验表明,对欺负过自己的人类,乌鸦在多年后仍然“念念不忘,怀恨在心”。 8How would a crow react upon seeing its abductor?AIt would fly away at once.BIt would try to attack him.CIt would follow him quietly.DIt would give a loud warning.解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段中的“. would divebomb him, suggesting the birds held tightly to a negative association”可知,多年之后那些乌鸦仍旧会攻击那些曾绑架过自己的人。 9What do we know about the crows brains?AThey function as well as humans.BThey keep only negative information.CThey work like humans in some areas.DThey are totally different from mammals.解析:选C细节理解题。由第二段中的“The regions of the crow brain that work together are not unlike those that work together in mammals, including humans”可知,乌鸦大脑中的某些区域同人类大脑的某些区域工作模式是一样的。10What does the underlined word “disguises” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AMasks. BResearchers.CCrows. DFaces.解析:选A词义猜测题。由该词语境可知,disguises是指研究人员佩戴的两种不同的面具。 11Why did the researchers put a fluid into the crows bodies?ATo make the birds excited.BTo help locate the amygdale.CTo make a brain scan possible.DTo see what was going on in the crows brains.解析:选D推理判断题。由第四段中的“The fluid showed which parts of their brains were most active around a certain maskwearer”可知,研究人员在乌鸦的体内注入某种液体,通过追踪这些液体发现乌鸦头脑中的活动。 DIts been said that the line between childhood and adulthood is crossed when we move from saying “It got lost” to “I lost it”Indeed, being responsible understanding and accepting the role our choices play in the things that happen is a very important sign of emotional and moral maturity (情感和道德成熟). Thats why responsibility is one of the main parts of a good character.Many people have been attracted by the Peter Pan philosophy of refusing to grow up and avoiding the burdens (负担) implied in being responsible. Yes, responsibility sometimes requires us to do things that are unpleasant or even frightening. It asks us to carry our own weight, prepare and set goals, and do the training of the mind and character to realize our dreams.But the benefits of accepting responsibility is far more important than the shortlived advantages of refusing to do so. No one makes his or her life better by avoiding responsibility. In fact, irresponsibility is a form of burden you have made for yourself to circumstances and to other people.Responsibility is about our ability to respond to circumstances and to choose the attitudes, actions, and reactions that shape our lives. It is a power that puts us in the drivers seat. The splendid view of the future of our lives can only be appreciated when we begin to be responsible and able to do things by ourselves.Responsible people not only depend on themselves, but show others that they can be depended on. This produces trust, and trust is a key that opens many doors.If you want more control over your life and the pleasure and power of freedom and independence, all you have to do is be responsible.语篇解读:本文是议论文。承担责任是一个人成熟的表现,承担责任才能使我们的生活更加美好,赢得更多人的尊重。12Which of the statements is from a person who is responsible?AIm sorry I broke your pen by accident.BIm afraid you have made a mistake.CThe window is broken.DJohn took your pen.解析:选A推理判断题。分析第一段中的“It got lost to I lost it”的区别可知,A项是一个负责任的人应该说的话。13What do we know about the Peter Pan philosophy?AIt helps young people to grow.BIt teaches young people responsibility.CIt gives young people a negative influence.DIt is a great source of inspiration to young people.解析:选C推理判断题。分析第三段中的“Many people have been attracted by the Peter Pan philosophy of refusing to grow up and avoiding the burdens (负担) implied in being responsible.”和第四段可知,彼得潘哲学让年轻人拒绝成长和承担责任,对年轻人产生的是消极的影响。14Which of the following best shows the authors opinion?ANo one can refuse to take responsibility.BBeing responsible gives a person extra burden.CResponsible people also have to depend on others.DA person can make his life better by taking responsibility.解析:选D推理判断题。分析文章最后三段可知,作者认为承担责任能使我们的生活更加美好。15What would be the best title for the text?ASigns of maturityBThe power of responsibilityCWays to accept responsibilityDA line between childhood and adulthood解析:选B标题归纳题。综合全文可知,本文通过论述承担责任的必要性和好处,告诉我们责任的力量。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to focus on today and do your bestIf you want to be successful, then you must appreciate the importance of living in the present. _16_ Here are some tips to motivate you to make the most of the present.Be grateful for the little things. Start a gratitude journal. _17_ Take time to appreciate the things going well in your everyday life, the things you are thankful for, or the things you accept as normal without thinking about them.Train yourself to do one thing at a time. Dont work on too many projects no matter how big your ambitions (抱负) are. _18_ Take it one day at a time, and soon youll be surprised at how much youve managed to accomplish._19_ Remind yourself of where you are by asking yourself, “Is this what I should be doing right now?”, “Am I feeling happy doing this at present?”, “What is the one thing I can do to make today count?” Know your own character well and listen to your feelings.Schedule some “me time” and make the most of it. Make some time out of your busy schedule to follow a creative hobby, enjoy the beauty of nature or simply some pop culture entertainment. _20_John Lennon once said, “Life is whats happening while were busy making.” Practice keeping your attention on the here and now. The present moment is where you are always!AFinish one task at a time.BFind the good in every situation.CStart to do what you enjoy doing.DAsk yourself questions to be in the present.EBelieve in what you are really feeling at present.FAlways remember that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.GNot only will it help you to relax, but it will also aid you in focusing better on your tasks.语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何活在当下,做到尽善尽美。16选F本空承接上句,进一步说明把握当下对未来意义重大。17选BB项与本段的主旨“对生活中的小事要有感激的态度”呼应。18选AA项与本段首句中的“do one thing at a time”呼应。19选D由本段中的问题以及问题中的“right now”,“at present”和“today”可知,本段的主旨为“问自己一些活在当下相关的问题”。20选GG项的it指代上文中的“me time”,用来说明“自我时间”的好处。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you get to play with any neat toys at school? As more and more schools take advantage of new _21_to make learning easier, you may get the chance to _22_ personal computers, laptops or maybe even smartphones in the classroom._23_ were not always as wellequipped as they can be today, though. Before students had pencils and paper, they often used slates (石板), which were_24_, handheld blackboards that they could write on with chalk. In fact, the classroom chalkboard didnt_25_ until the late 1800s. It must have been _26_ for teachers to be able to write on a large surface that the entire class could see at the same time. While chalkboards _27_ seem like a thing of the past today, they were cuttingedge (最尖端的) technology at one time!Over the years as new technologies_28_, new items were slowly added to classrooms as _29_ figured out how they could be used to _30_ the learning experience.Copying machines revolutionized classrooms_31_ they came along in the mid1900s. Being able to _32_students copies of lessons for homework and studying expanded the classroom_33_ its walls and the usual school day.The use of audio tapes and headphones in the classroom made learning foreign languages_34_. They also helped students with vision or reading _35_, since they could now listen to lessons rather than _36_them.There are hundreds of other _37_ of educational technology over the years. In the past couple of decades, though, schools have _38_ a great increase in the use of cuttingedge, modern technology in the classroom.With the invention of the personal computer, education got a great _39_. When you factor in (把考虑在内) the Internet, modern education looks_40_ than it did when your parents were in school.语篇解读:从黑板、复印机到录音磁带和耳机,教学设备越来越现代化,计算机的发明使教育的发展往前迈进了一大步。21A.technologyBdiscoveryCthought Ddesign解析:选A下文提到计算机、笔记本以及智能手机等,这些东西表明了新科学技术(technology)的发展。22A.buy BborrowCrepair Duse解析:选D根据第三段中的“new items were slowly added to classrooms”可知,学生在教室里可以使用(use)计算机等科技设备。23A.Cinemas BClubsCClassrooms DTheatres解析:选C联系上文中的“in the classroom”可推知,此处指过去教室(Classrooms)的配套设施不像现在这样好。24A.heavy BsmallCvaluable Dcheap解析:选B结合下文介绍的教学用大黑板的好处可以推知,过去学生用来写字的石板很小(small)。25A.give up Bwork on Cturn back Dcome out解析:选D本段叙述教室设备的变化。由此可以推知,教学用大黑板直到十九世纪晚期才出现(come out)。26A.difficult BinterestingCnice Dlucky解析:选C在大一些的黑板上写字当然是不错的(nice)。27A.certainly BhardlyCfinally Dsuddenly解析:选A由上文从手握黑板到大黑板的变化可推知,黑板在今天当然(certainly)看起来已经是过去的事物了,但它们曾经是最尖端的科技。28A.stopped BarrivedCappeared Ddeveloped解析:选D根据句中的“new items were slowly added to classrooms”可推知,此处指新科技的发展(developed)。29A.workers BeducatorsCvisitors Ddoctors解析:选B文章叙述教室设备的发展变化,故此处指教育者(educators)。30A.improve BenjoyCaccept Dsuffer解析:选A联系教室增加新设备的目的可知,此处指教育者弄清楚了怎么样能够使用这些设备改善(improve)学习体验。31A.before BuntilCwhen Dso解析:选C二十世纪中期复印机一出现就使得教室发生了革命性的变化,故此处用when。32A.pass BgiveClend Dintroduce解析:选B有了复印机以后,教师就可以给(give)学生布置书面的家庭作业。33A.between BalongCthrough Dbeyond解析:选D根据空前的homework和expanded等信息可知,这么做超越(beyond)了教室的墙壁和学校的上课时间。34A.easier BfurtherCslower Dlonger解析:选A本文叙述科技给教育和学习带来的好处,故录音磁带和耳机使外语学习更容易(easier)。35A.questions BexperiencesCproblems Dcontests解析:选C结合下文中的“they could now listen to lessons”可知,此处指视力或阅读问题(problems)。question 常用来指需要回答和解释的问题,故A项不符合语境。36A.write BspeakCread Dtell解析:选C上文提到有阅读障碍的学生,所以此处指他们可以听,而不是阅读(read)。37A.experiments BexamplesCresults Dinventions解析:选B作者上文列举了黑板、复印机和耳机等应用于教育上的设备。此处指还有其他例子(examples),作者的目的是说明科技的变化对教育的影响。38A.seen BlostCavoided Dkept解析:选A在过去几十年里,学校见证了教室里越来越多地使用尖端的现代化技术,故此处应用see。39A.increase BmeasureCmovement Dimprovement解析:选D个人电脑的发明使教育有了很大的发展和改善。improvement“改善”。40A.similar BdifferentCbackward Dimportant解析:选B联系互联网以及科学技术的发展可知,现代教育看起来与过去父辈在校那个年代不同(different)了。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Passing Lifes Tests with LoveWhen I was in school, I could always tell when my class was about to take a test. You could feel the _41_ (anxious) in the air. Their smiles were tight, everyone _42_ (tap) their pencils on desks. A few students tried to tell jokes to relax. Most of us wanted to start, so we could just get it over with.Every once in a while, however, a teacher would give us a break and announce that the test was going to be open book. _43_ (immediate), you could see our smiles _44_ (return). A few students would laugh, and you could even hear a cheer or two. The pressure went _45_. As we took out our books, all of _46_ (we) knew that the answers would be right in front of us. All we had to do was find them.Many people say that life is one long series of tests we have to face. This is true. But _47_ most people dont realize is that they are all open book tests. The answers are always right there in front of you, and they are so simple. You just have to open the book of your soul to any page, _48_ you will see the words, “JUST LOVE”. Just love yourself. Just love everyone as yourself. When you do this, you _49_ (pass) every test that life throws at you. When you do this you will make the world a _50_ (bright), better and happier place.By Joseph J. Mazzella语篇解读:人生犹如是由一个又一个考试组成的,只要你充满爱心,就会通过每一次检验,生活也会变得更美好。41anxiety考查名词。句意:你可以感觉到空气中的焦虑。设空处位于冠词the之后,应用名词形式。故填anxiety。42tapping考查非谓语动词。句意:他们笑容紧绷,每个人都在桌上轻敲着铅笔。分析句子结构可知,前后两部分之间没有连词连接,因此“everyone _ their pencils on desks”不是一个完整的分句,而是独立主格结构,在句中作状语;tap与其逻辑主语everyone之间是主动关系,应用现在分词形式。故填tapping。 43Immediately考查副词。句意:你可以看到我们的笑容马上就回来了。设空处在句中作状语,应用副词。故填Immediately。44return(ed)考查非谓语动词。句意见上一题解析。此处为“see宾语宾补”结构,see为感官动词,其后常用不带to的不定式。故填return。此处还可填returned,构成“seethat 从句”,returned为从句谓语。45away考查固定短语。句意:压力消失了。go awa


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