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TOEFL Integrated Writing 托福综合写作(基础) 概况: TOEFL iBT 考试顺序: 听( 60100) 读 (6090)(休息 10) 说 (20)写 (55) 写作总计两道题: 1.综合写作; 2.独立写作 独立写作 Integrated Writing 25(审题 3+2.5+写作 20) 写作 综合写作 Independent Writing 30(审题 +写作) 综合写作界面顺序: 1.准备界面; 2.写作指导; 3.阅读材料; 4.听力材料; 5.答题界面 综写的材料: “ 综 ” :综合写作包括一篇 阅读材料 、一篇 听力材料 。两者围绕同一 学术话题 展开,而听力是对阅读内容 的 反驳 。 “ 合 ” :题目要求考生合并听力和阅读的内容,并说明听力如何反驳阅读中的各个部分。 Q: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific solutions presented in the reading passage. 托福写作是为学生在北美留学和生活做准备的一项考 试。其中的综合写作也不例外。 阅读材料对应学生的课前预习,了解一篇学术文章大 意。 听力材料对应老师上课讲授的内容,需要学生通过听 来进行记录。 最后的写作是学生对学术文章和课堂知识的一个整合, 从而达到融汇贯通。另外,综合写作业训练了学生的 思辨逻辑。 附:综合写作题目设置的用意 综写答题流程: 综合写作提供一篇学术题材的阅读短文(约 250词)和一份演讲录音(约 230以内)。录音是对阅读支持的某一学术观 点的反驳。作文要求考生总结听力和阅读的内容,并展现听力对阅读的反驳关系 。 特例:极少数情况材料部分会有第五段,作用是总结前文,略去不看。 阅读 P1 主题介绍 +主论点 P2 分论点 1+细节 P3 分论点 2+细节 P4 分论点 3+细节 听力 P1 主论点反驳 P2 分论点 1反驳 +细节 P3 分论点 2反驳 +细节 P4 分论点 3反驳 +细节 写作 P1 合并听力和阅读主要内 容,体现反驳 P2 同上 P3 同上 P4 同上 综合写作按主题分类: 1.历史 ( History) - 围绕历史事件提出假说和反论 古代遗迹 /文明考证、古人类 /古生物考证、历史事件考证、文物考证 例:古埃及和美洲大陆是否有交流(有 /无)、马可波罗是否真的来过中国(来过 /没来过)、伦勃朗画 作真伪(真 /假) 2.科学 ( Science) - 以自然科学为主题的假说和反论 例:斑马条纹的作用(有作用 /没作用)、渡渡鸟灭绝的原因(是灭绝原因 /不是灭绝原因) 3.环境 ( Environment) - 动植物濒危或泛滥及其原因、人类活动对生态的影响、政府的环保政策等 例:斑马贝入侵北美及其控制(能控制 /无法控制)、政府在自来水中加氟对人健康的影响(有好处 /有 害处)、预防山火的计划烧除的优缺点(好 /坏) 4.社会 ( Society) - 社会上现行的制度和法规的争议(好 /坏);媒体(如网络、广播)的优缺点 (好 /坏); 社会问题与解决 阅题: 一 .阅读材料 要求 3分钟内通读 250词左右的一篇学术短文。需要找出主论点和三个分论点并依此进行后续的听力。 短文第一段:主论点段。读完全段。第一句提出所议论的学术主题,最后一句提出作者所持意见,即主论点。 (偶尔有主题在第二句或主论点在倒数第二句的情况。) 短文二三四段:这三段的首句分别为三个分论点,用来支撑阅读首段主论点。首段后面是分论点的细节。细 节对分论点进行论述,其中体现因果关系:细节 - 因;论点 - 果 主论点和分论点之间是总分关系;分论点和细节是因果关系。 阅读界面 二 .听力材料: 结构:对应阅读部分的四段,听力部分也是四段:逐一反驳阅读主论点和三个分论点; 内容:根据 听力对阅读内容的复述 、 逻辑转折词 来定位反驳内容(论点反驳和细节); 听的过程中抓住表否定或质疑的词,着重记录听力中的反驳观点和细节。有时一个分论点反驳会有不 止一个细节,需要记全; 简要笔记,但不要耽误听力的进行。 听力界面 答题: 听力放完后考试界面立马转入答题页。页面上方显示 20分钟的写作时限 ,紧接着 是 写作指导 和 问题 。同时 页面左方 重现阅读材料 ,右方为 答题框 。按照问题要 求组织自己的文章。 写作界面 写作指导: 1.综合写作考的是对听力和阅读材料信息获取、总结、改写并通过逻辑转折词 或短语合并,体现两者对立关系; 2.不可照搬阅读原文,利用 写作技巧 进行总结、改写,准确反映材料内容的同 时控制字数;也不要夹杂个人意见,客观地转述原文; 3.格式 :顶格、每句首字母大写、段与段间隔一行、句末转行时如果单词太长手 动加连字符或回车从下一行开始、自行检查拼写和语法、字数控制在 150225 (范文常在 210词以内) 写作模板 模板 = 结构框架 + 内容 序数词 /逻辑顺序短语 + 阅读内容(论点 +细节) + 逻辑转折词 /句 + 听力内容(反驳 +细节) 例:分论点段结构 First,the reading passage says that 论点, because 细节 .However, the professor argues that 反驳, since 细节 . 阅读的论点和细节、听力的反驳和细节分别体现出因果关系。细节为 “ 因 ” ,论点 /反驳是 “ 果 ” 。 分论点序数词 /逻辑顺序短语: First (of all) Firstly To begin with In the first place As a starter Second Secondly Furthermore Moreover In addition / Additionally Besides Also On top of that Third / Last Thirdly / Lastly In the end Finally Consequently 例子中的 reading passage和 the professor分别指 “阅读材料 ”和 “听力材料 ” 分别可以替换成: author, reading, article 和: lecturer, speaker, the listening 例子中的 say和 argue是引述动词,用来表示说、提出、展示、相信、坚称、反驳、 怀疑等意思。 说: say, put, mention, indicate, discribe 提出: pose (an assumption, a question.), put forward, present 展示: show, demonstrate, display 相信: believe, hold that 坚称 /断言: allege, assert, claim, insist 反驳: be against, contradict, refute, dispute, rebut, contend, oppose, overturn, retort, challenge, confute 怀疑: suspect, doubt, cast doubt on, be skeptical about 改写(表达方式转换)技巧 1.同义词; 非常、极其: tremendously, considerably, thoroughly, remarkably, shockingly, significantly 2.动 -名词转换、形容词 -副词转换 important = be of importance; have a great impact on = impact tremendously have a positive effect on = positively affect 3.主动和被动转换 When applied as a substitute or supplement for classroom education, television can help teachers as a quite useful medium. When teachers apply television as a substitute or supplement for classroom education,it can be considered quite useful 4.单句和复句转换 If students can receive instruction at home on the television, they can save time, money, and fuel on transportation. Students can save time, money, and fuel on transportation by receiving instruction from home at the TV. 复句 单句 例题: TPO 14 综写 阅读材料处理: 阅读第一段 Every year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damage to forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the aftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy. 迅速读完第一段,获得 salvage logging(回收伐木)这个学术主题的背景知识。 同时定位最后一句为全文主题句:该句表明阅读作者对回收伐木的支持态度, 并总领下文三个分论点,即回收伐木好处有哪三个。 阅读第二段 First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If the trees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvage logging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster. 分论点一: Salvage logging removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disater. (回收伐木移除损毁的树木,为新生树木腾出空间 ) 细节笔记: SL tree rmz (decomp yrs) new tree / recov 阅读第三段 Also, dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is a highly suitable habitat for insects such as the spruce bark beetle, which in large numbers can damage live, healthy spruce trees. So, by removing totting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insect infestation, thus contributing to the health of the forest. 分论点 2: By removing rotting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insect infestation, thus contributing to the health of the forest. (回收伐木减小森林病 虫害 ) 细节笔记: SL rotting wd (insect habitat) infst if overgrow 阅读第四段 Third and last, salvage logging has economic benefits. Many industries depend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a fire can have a very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, the trees that have been damaged by natural disasters still can provide much wood that is usable by industries. Furthermore, salvage logging requires more workers than traditional logging operations do, and so it helps create additional jobs for local residents. 分论点 3: Salvage logging has economic benefits. (回收伐木有经济效益 ) 1. wood industry 细节笔记: SL 2.jobs local 听力材料处理 听力材料分为四段,一一对应阅读的四段,分别对阅读的主论点和分论点、细 节进行反驳。这就是听力的结构和内容。 分段技巧: 1.通常三个分论点段分别由逻辑顺序词引导,例如: Firstly, Secondly, Lastly; 2.演讲者先复述阅读部分的分论点,再进行反驳。 信息获取:阅读部分已有完整文本,并且后续写作界面会重新出现,所以听力 中对阅读的复述不需要记录。需要记录的是演讲者的反驳和细节。利用好大脑 记忆,让笔记精简,不要影响听后面信息。 Salvage logging may appear to be an effective way of helping forests recover after a destructive fire or storm, but it can actually result in serious loner-term environmental damage. Its economic benefits are also questionable. 笔记: env. dmg. 2. habitat of inse 2.job tempo & exp.& training needed local hire


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