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Exercises Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Unit 6: Exercises Vocabulary Cloze Translation Unit 6: Reading comprehension 1. What does the author mean when he says in paragraph 2 For the young, dropping out is often a way of dropping in? For the young, to withdraw from the routine life is often a way to live their own lives. Reference Ex. I, p.83 2. What is a fink mentioned firstly in paragraph 3? What is the societys attitude towards finks? What is the authors attitude? A fink means a contemptible person. The people in society strongly dislikes finks and give them a hard time. However, the author believes that finks, especially the young ones, have the potential to turn into men with their own thoughts and he suggests that society give them time and release them from the pressure of achieving certain goals. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension Here it means that people shuld have their ones own minds and their own standards for success and failure. They should have their own sense of direction and should not follow the social routine without consideration. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 3. What is the meaning of individualism, as mentioned in paragraph 7 of the text? He was NYs former Parks Commissioners and now director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He was chosen since he is a good example to demonstrate how a so-called drop-out could learn from his/her life to be a dropin, and finally reach the top of ones profession. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 4. Who was Thomas P. F. Hoving? Why does the author use his story as an example? What idea has been illustrated through his story? This is an open question. Obviously, the author does not deny the function of education completely, which is shown in Paragraph 9, but it seems that he dislikes the current education system to some degree, which is proved in Paragraph 14 by saying an education they think vapid. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 5. According to paragraph 9, what does the author think of education? How do you know? He means that failure is perhaps unavoidable and it can teach everyone a lot and thus help him/her to make some improvement and then achieve final success. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 6. What does the author mean when he writes in paragraph 11 It isnt the end of the world. For an artist and perhaps for anybody it is the only way to grow? Because the author may want to emphasize the power the out-dated routine has. Perhaps society can be replaced by old customs, the idea that controls most people, etc. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 7. Why does the author put the word society into quotation marks in paragraph 12? Can you find another word or phrase to replace society? The author encourages youngsters to take their own way regardless of the social power and influence and supports the idea that success and failure should be individual visions instead of unified standards. Reference Unit 6: Reading comprehension 8. What is the authors overall purpose for writing this text? Ex. II, pp.83-84 1. Introduction (Paras. 13) 2. Body (Paras. 413) 3. Conclusion (Paras. 14 15) Text Outline Unit 6: Structure of the text 1. Introduction (Paras. 13) Young dropouts in the American society are _, since our culture does not _. Text Outline strongly condemned Unit 6: Structure of the text grant anyone the right to fail 2. Body: Why should we allow the youth to become dropouts? (Paras. 413) 1) Dropouts have the potential to become _ and _, which are in great need in our society. To find a proper way, youths need to search for _ _ and be allowed _. (Paras 4-5) Text Outline 2) Failure isnt _ and in many cases, it is an experience _ . (Paras. 67) fatal dissenters mavericks Unit 6: Structure of the text their direction to fail which can make us stronger 2. Body: Why should we allow the youth to become dropouts? (Paras. 413) 3) The popularity of Holden Caulfield in a whole generation shows that dropouts are challenging _ _ and showing the reality that _. (Para 8) Text Outline 4) We should not naturally take failure as _ while success as _ , for we can learn a lot from _. (Paras 9-11) our goal-oriented society Unit 6: Structure of the text phonies are in power while good guys are up the creek sth bad sth automatically good our failure 2. Body: Why should we allow the youth to become dropouts? (Paras. 413) Text Outline 4) We should not naturally take failure as _ while success as _ , for we can learn a lot from _. (Paras 9-11) Unit 6: Structure of the text A. The _ of education and success. advantage sth bad sth automatically good our failure 2. Body: Why we should allow the youth to become dropouts . (Paras. 413) Text Outline 4) We should not naturally take failure as _ while success as _ , for we can learn a lot from _. (Paras 9-11) Unit 6: Structure of the text B. The examples of F. Zinnemann and R. Brooks shows that _ while success _ . failure can teach us more than success sth bad sth. automatically good our failure can be dangerous 2. Body: Why should we allow the youth to become dropouts? (Paras. 413) Text Outline 4) We should not naturally take failure as _ while success as _ , for we can learn a lot from _. (Paras 9-11) Unit 6: Structure of the text C. Failure is the only way _ . sth bad sth automatically good our failure to grow 2. Body: Why should we allow the youth to become dropouts? (Paras. 413) Text Outline 5) Many youngsters are willing to take the risks in life and start to write _. For example, many young volunteers choose to join VISTA, which is hardly _ to riches and fame. (Paras. 1213) Unit 6: Structure of the text the right way new standards of success Text Outline 3. Conclusion (Paras. 14-15) Since none of us know the right way _ or what the top _, we need to encourage every person to _and cherish the right _during this process. to the top Unit 6: Structure of the text consist of succeed on his/her own terms to fail Part A, Ex. V, p.85 Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form. 1. Advances in _ and diagnosis have raised complex legal and moral issues in areas such as abortion, and patients rights. therapy Unit 6: Vocabulary accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 2. The results of this survey demonstrate clearly the fact that younger people are the most _. accidental accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 3. Though Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister in 1940, he was taken as the most famous and obvious _ for a very long time. dissenter accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 4. When you hear the melody, you will strongly feel that the same enlightenment that happened to the composer has _ you. befallen accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 5. This is only a _ success, since we have to make a compromise. partial accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 6. That _ game, which the tennis star won by 43, attracted 20,000 people to the Giant Stadium even though the official limit was some 5,000 fewer. exhilarating accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 7. After the _ conversation with those conservative members of the organization, the newcomer felt bored and determined never to join this group again. vapid accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 8. The dirty air and the crowd make the market not a safe place for those who _ easily. swoon accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 9. The task is really _ , and anyone in the company can finish it without any problem. mindless accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Unit 6: Vocabulary 10. I enjoy my _ life, in which I am isolated from the complicated society and can devote myself to academic research. scholastic accident therapy swoon scholastic dissenter exhilarate befall mindless vapid partial Part B Part B, Ex. V, p.7 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence. 1. Even though the Duke was convicted of treason, most of the parliament members stillsupported him and his book was very popular among the public A. betrayal of ones country B. surrender to the enemy C. hurt to peoples feeling D. control of others Unit 6: Vocabulary 2. This method may seem unorthodox, but it has been proved to be very efficient. A. fitful B. accidental C. irregular D. unconventional Unit 6: Vocabulary 3. Many people settle down in urban areas instead of the countryside, since it is not time to take a sheer rest and they need to work in cities. A. comfortable B. complete C. relaxing D. permanent Unit 6: Vocabulary 4. His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days. A. hesitate B. stutter C. decrease D. shake Unit 6: Vocabulary 5. Politically, Wisconsin is a bit of a maverick, and this nature was firmly established by 1848 when it became a state. A. dissenter B. proponent C. opponent D. extremist Unit 6: Vocabulary Unit 6: Vocabulary 6. For over 30 years, Singapore has grown from a poor country with hardly any resources to an affluent, modern and developed nation. A. abundant B. influent C. wealthy D. stimulant Unit 6: Vocabulary 7. The doctor told the single father that his son needed to be coddled after the tuberculosis. A. isolated from others B. treated with great care C. accompanied by others D. cured with skill 8. As a long-term fancier of the classical music, he spent a lot of money in watching live music concerts A. toast B. collaborator C. shambles D. zealot Unit 6: Vocabulary 9. The architect said that his countrymen hadnt learned to cherish the old, and they were too quick to tear old buildings down. A. prefer B. treasure C. decorate D. renew Unit 6: Vocabulary 10. The proud lady wondered how to lower her pride to approach the girl she had been so scornful of. A. hateful B. convicted C. contemptuous D. doubtful Unit 6: Vocabulary Ex. VI, p.8687 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary. borrowed Unit 6: Cloze download required To be continued . simple descipline overcome quit permanent require maintain stay start opposite simple change off count benefit mental habit borrow deprivation download temporary A powerful personal growth tool is the 30-day trial. This is a concept I 1)_ from the shareware industry, where you can 2)_ a trial version of a piece of software and try it out risk-free for 30 days before youre 3)_ to buy the full version. Its also a great way to develop new habits, and best of all, its brain-dead 4)_ . Unit 6: Cloze To be continued . descipline overcome quit permanent require maintain stay start opposite simple change off count benefit mental habit borrow deprivation download temporary Lets say you want to start a new habit like an exercise program or 5)_ a bad habit like sucking on cancer sticks. We all know that getting 6)_ and sticking with the new habit for a few weeks is the hard part. Once youve 7)_ inertia (呆滞 , 迟钝 ), its much easier to keep going. Yet we often psyche ourselves out of getting started by 8)_ thinking about the change as something 9)_ before weve even begun. quit started overcome mentally permanent Unit 6: Cloze To be continued . descipline overcome quit permanent require maintain stay start opposite simple change off count benefit mental habit borrow deprivation download temporary It seems too overwhelming to think about making a big 10)_ and sticking with it every day for the rest of your life when youre still habituated to doing the 11)_ . The more you think about the change as something permanent, the more you 12)_ put. But what if you thought about making the change only 13)_ say for 30 days and then youre free to go back to your old 14)_ ? That doesnt seem so hard anymore. Exercise daily for just 30 days, then quit. change opposite stay temporarily habits Unit 6: Cloze descipline overcome quit permanent require maintain stay start opposite simple change off count benefit mental habit borrow deprivation download temporary 15)_ a neatly organized desk for 30 days, then slack( 怠惰 , 偷懒 ) 16)_ . Read for an hour a day for 30 days, then go back to watching TV. Could you do it? It still requires a bit of 17)_ and commitment, but not nearly so much as making a permanent change. Any perceived 18)_ is only temporary. You can 19)_ down the days to freedom. And for at least 30 days, youll gain some 20)_ . Its not so bad. You can handle it. Its only one month out of your life. deprivation benefit Maintain discipline off count 1. 这对双胞胎姐妹总是一起出场 , 用同样的声调讲话 , 所以我们都不能分出谁是谁 。 The twin sisters always appeared together, speaking in the same tone, thus none of us could tell them from each other. Part A, Ex. VIII, p.88 Translate the following sentences into English. tell from Unit 6: Translation 2. 教授在推荐信中为他最喜欢的学生美言 , 尽管这位 学生已经退学两年了 。 The professor put in a word for his favorite student in the recommendation letter, although this student had quit college for two years. Unit 6: Translation put in a word for 3. 俄国人在陆军和空军方面都已占了德国人的上风 。 The Russians, both on land and in the air, had then the upper hand of the Germans. have a upper hand Unit 6: Translation 4. 因为作弊被大学开除后 , 他身处困境 。 After being expelled from university for cheating in the exam, he was up the creek now. be up the creek Unit 6: Translation 5. 在学生家长的要求下,学校允许学生在家里上晚自习。 At the request of the students parents, the school allowed the students to study at home in the evening. at the request of Unit 6: Translation 6.他们不接受这份报告 , 因为报告完全违背了社会标准 。 They didnt accept the report, because it came out totally against the social standard. come out Unit 6: Translation 7. 经历许多坎坷曲折之后 , 这个天真的小姑娘最后变得 世故起来 , 学会了如何应付困难 。 With many twists and turns, the naive little girl finally became sophisticated , learning how to deal with difficulties. twists and turns Unit 6: Translation 8. 尽管持异议者被社会认为是怪人 , 他们却深受年轻人 的欢迎 。 Although mavericks are condemned as eccentrics by the society, they are deeply welcomed by the youth. eccentric Unit 6: Translation condemn as 9. 多亏那个慈善团体的帮助 , 一度辍学的贫困学生才能 继续接受教育 。 Thanks to the help from that charity organization, poor students who once dropped out from school can continue their education. drop out Unit 6: Translation 10. 为了庆祝皇室家庭访问这座小城 , 居民们在街上撒满 鲜花 。 To celebrate the loyal familys visit to the small town, citizens strewed all the paths with flowers. strew with. Unit 6: Translation Part B 然而在美国 , 持有这种观点差不多就是背叛 。 中途离开学 的孩子们被丑化成失败者 失败的权利是少数几个美国 政府没有赋予国民的自由之一 。 To hold this opinion, however, is little short of treason in America. A boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure and the right to fail is one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant its citizens. Unit 6: Translation Part B, Ex. VIII, p. 88 Translate the following selected paragraph into Chinese. The American dream is a dream of getting ahead, painted in strokes of gold wherever we look. Our advertisements and TV commercials are a hymn to material success, our magazine articles a toast to people who made it to the top. 美国之梦是 “ 成功 ” 之梦 , 凡是我们放眼之处都是一片金 光灿烂 。 宣传广告和电视广告歌颂物质方面的成功 , 杂志 文章赞誉到达成功顶峰的人 。 Unit 6: Translation Smoke the right cigarette or drive the right car so the ads imply and the girls will be swooning into your deodorized arms or caressing your expensive lapels. Happiness goes to the man who has the sweet smell of achievement. He is our national idol, and everybody else is our national fink. (Para. 3) Unit 6: Translation 广告暗示你:吸适当的烟 、 开适当的车 , 女孩们就会昏倒 在你那没有异味的肩膀之下 , 抚摸你那昂贵的衣领 。 幸福 只青睐那些散发出成功的甜蜜气味的人 。 他是全体国民的 偶像 , 其他所有人则是国家的蛀虫 。


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