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资阳市2009年青年教师知识能力竞赛Teaching Plan简阳市金马九义校 陈金婵Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Section A 3a to 4 Analysis of the Teaching Material Teaching contents of the whole unit : Topic : Physical appearance . Functions : Describe peoples looks Structures : Yes/No questions and short answers . Present tense to wear . Adjectives of general description. Target Language : What does he look like ? Hes tall . Do you know David ? No. What does he look like ? Hes short and he has straight hair. Vocabulary : short , curly , straight hair, medium build , height, thin , heavy , brown , blonde , glasses , beard , wear . Recycling : She has . Hes . Is that ? It is / It isnt , black , red. Learning Strategies: Guessing . Sequencing . The Status and the FunctionThe main topic in this unit is to talk about the past interesting events , (especially UFO). Such a topic can arouse the Ss curiosity easily . So it is helpful to raise students learning interests ,also helpful to improve their spoken English. All of the materials are arranged around this topic. Different from the other units , it is the first time for the students to reach the grammar , which is the Past Progressvie Tense . If they can learn it well , it will be very uselfu for their next studies .So its very important . In this unit , we mainly learn words about the past events ,sentences about the Past Progressive Tense and the usages of when and while . And this lesson(Section A 3a 4 )is the second period of Unit 3 . Its a consolidation of the new language points . It requires the Ss to use “when and while ”and was/ were + ving to describe the past events correctly . So it requires the high quality of the Ss abilities . Analysis of the students This topic of talking about interesting events like UFO will be very interesting and practical to them .Its related to Ss real life . They can easily master the basic languages . As the students of Grade Eight ,they are very famillar with the feature of this book after over one years study. They have some good listening and speaking habits and abilities . And theyve also learned the useful language points in Period One , so they can carry out a simple task in English. However , some of the students are not confident enough ,also they are short for enough English knowledge ,probably theyll have trouble talking about past events by expanding knowledge fluently . So its a long way to train the Ss learning strategies . Teaching Aims 1 Knowledge goal Learn the following languages points . Be able to read , spell , understand and use the new words below correctly : experience imagine strange follow amazing kid Master the forms of the sentences below and use the language points to finish some relative exercises . 1 I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me . 2 I was very surprised when it went into a shop . 3 While it was looking at the souvenirs , she called the police . 4 While it was in the museum , I called the TV station . 5 How strange it was! 6 get out of 7 I followed it to see where it was going . 8 Isnt that amazing ! Understand the usage of the grammar : The Past Progressive Tense 2 . Ability goal To improve the students listening , reading , wriing abilities by describing, the past events . To train the Ss ability of working in groups.To foster Ss communication and innovation abilities by describing the interesting events in Ss real life .3 Emotion goalThe topic and function of this unit is to talk about past events , especially about the UFO. So make sure to help the Ss believe science ,and try to work hard to find out more secrets to help more people around the world .Teaching difficult and important points According to the status of this unit in Go For It ,in this lesson , the teaching important points are to master the key words and expressions in 3a , and read 3a fluently .The teaching difficult point is to use the Past Progressive Tense to describe past events freely and correctlyTeaching Aids color chalk ,blackboard , exercise paper , multi-media The teaching and learning methods Teaching methods :1 “Communicative” teaching method 2“Audio-visual” teaching method 3 “Task-based” teaching method 4 Group cooperate methodLearning methods: 1 To use ObservationImitationPractice 2 the methods of co-operative learning and initiative learning. 3 Communicate method 4 Competition methods 5 Individual ,pair or group work Teaching ThoughtThis lesson is a multiple usage of the knowledge in Unit 7. We must relate the knowledge with reality . After mastering the knowledge in the text , its very necessary to expand some more words and sentences about looks . 9Teaching ProcedureThe fourth period:( From Section B 3a to4 )Aims: 1.Knowing all the new words and expressions 2. Using the phrases freely.3.Developing students observing and describing abilities.4 To practice listening skills; Task One Revision (5minutes )Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesTime 设计说明 Step Warming UP 1 Play the music ,organize students 2 Greet the students . Enjoy the music Reply the teacher 2 minutes用简单易学的英语歌曲和热情洋溢的开场,调动起全班学生的学习热情。Ste Revising the words and sentences about peoples looks .Show some flashes on the screen Let the students guess and answer . Then show the useful languages on the screen. Watch ,discuss , answer Take notes . 3 minutes 复习描绘人物所需要的相关语言素材,为下面的学习打基础Task Two Reading (20minutes )Step Before Reading 1 Show some pictures , teach the new words : look , pop , singer 2Ask :What does he /she look like ? Do you like his / her look ? What do you think of his / her look ?3 Who is your favorite pop singer / actor / player / person ? Please describe her/ him. 4 Show two different pictures about the same person , let the students find the differences . 5 Show the useful languages on the screen. 1 Watch and learn 2 Answer and describe .3 Choose one favorite pop singer and describe .4 Watch and write 5 Take notes. 2minutes 采用听说法、多媒体辅助教学法及图片教学法等来导入和呈现本节的基本词汇和句型。通过师与生、生与生的互动方式,共同观察图片、视频,激活学生对所学知识的已有体验,使学生对新词语的识记经过一个由形象思维到抽象思维的转化过程,因此记忆效果更好。Step While Reading 1 Show two pictures about Johnny Dean on the screen ,let the students watch and find out the differences . Make sure they use “has/ doesnt have ” , “wears / doesnt wear ” .Teach : before , now 2 Read ad judge (T or F ) Teacher shows the following on the screen , and make requests Johnny Dean is a pop singer . His hair is long straight now. He wears glasses now. People all like his new look. Ruths mom also likes Johnny Deans new look . 3 New words : let the students read and find the new words . Then learn them together . 4 Play the tape twice , make requests : underline the sentences you dont know . 5 Show the useful sentences and explain them . 6 Play the tape again . 1 Watch and give descriptions , then fill in the blanks in the chart on P 45 2 Read and give the answer . 3 Read and find the new words , guess the meanings .Then learn and take notes . 4 Listen and repeat and underline . 5 Listen and take notes . 6 Listen and repeat with book closed . 8minutes 从易到难,让学生逐步熟悉教学内容。Step After Reading 1 Show the text with some blanks , let the students fill in them according to the article in 3a .2 Show Johnny Deans photos again , let them describe and give opinions . 3Exercise Show exercises on the screen ,make requests .Then check the answers .1 Fill in and try to recite the article .2 Watch and give opinions . 3 Finish the exercises . Take notes .5minutes 通过反复练习,让学生熟悉课文.Step Look and fill in . (3b)1 Show the pictures of Gloria Green Teach : jeans 2 Point out the new language :l She doesnt wear jeans any more . l I can go shopping and nobody knows me . 3 Listen , read , then recite . 1 watch and fill in the blanks 2 Read the article . 3 Learn and take notes. 5 minutes 本部分内容较少,教学重点是阅读理解,用时较短。Task Three Expanding Practice (15 minutes )Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesTime 设计说明 Step Speaking practice Show pictures about the famous persons . Make requests Watch and write 5minutes 此任务目的在于训练学生语感和口头表达能力。StepWrite about how one of your family members has changed .Let the students summarize useful languages and show them on the screen . First oral , then write. 10minutes 这个写作任务有一定的真实性,有助于激发学生写作的积极性。学生在动笔前须简要回顾写作中可能用到的句型、短语和单词等,这可以提高学生作文的连贯性和准确性。把课堂知识与实际生活联系起来,使所学的语言知识更有用武之地.同时培养学生尊重他人的品德。Task Four Consolidation &Homework (5minutes )StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTime 设计说明Step Summaryand blackboard design Do the task with students and show the Blackboard Design on the Bb Unit 7 3a 4look , remember , pop , singer , not. any more , say , 1 Do you member Johhny Dean , the pop singer with funny glasses ?2 He has a new look. 3 He doesnt wear glasses any more. 4 I dont think hes so great. 5 But my mom does. Summarize and take notes. 2minutes 通过反复操练,对本课的重点和难点进行归纳,以加强学生的理解记忆,培养学习课后进行归纳总结的能力Step Homework .Make requests and ask them to choose one of the following . 1Describe your favorite persons2 Draw and describe . Finish the homework after class. 2 minutes这个写作任务有一定的真实性,有助于激发学生写作的积极性。学生在动笔前须简要回顾写作中可能用到的句型、短语和单词等,这可以提高学生作文的连贯性和准确性。Step Valuating .Praise the Ss who behave well in class. Encourage the Ss not to be afraid of making mistakes ,and tell them to improve themselves by comparing with others also with themselves. Finish the assessment forms with Ss.(If time is not allowed , they can finish them after class . But make sure they are checked in time . )1 minute为了保护学生在英语中的每一次尝试,教学中应该多鼓励,少批评指正。在口语操练和描写练习中,鼓励学生大胆运用新学知识,不怕犯错,敢于“丢脸”。备注:Prediction for teaching resultsIn a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to challenging .steps When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can get certain useful information and knowledge, also they can get their abilities and skills trained. After this lesson , the Ss can describe people looks easily and freely . However , perhaps theyll make some grammar mistakes. So its very necessary to recycle the knowledge in their next study . Thinking after Teaching Exercise (Omitted )附表一:学生自评 Im proud of myself 日 期 内 容附表二:学生自评内 容是否感兴趣完成情况是 否 是 否附表三:小组活动评价记录表姓名负责 项目语言 运用合作活动态度总体评价


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