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中考英语试题看图作文(1山西省,10)初中生活即将结束,新的生活即将开启,请为你最要好的同学写一段毕业留言:他(她)给你留下的深刻印象、你们在一起的快乐时光以及对他(她)最美好 的祝愿。要求:1、可参考下图所给提示词,也可适当发挥,开关已给出(不计入总词数)。.healthyBest wishes .successful 2、50-60词.tallImpression .outgoing(印象) .play basketballHappy time .go to the park 【答案】One possible version:Our life in middle school will come to an end soon.Ill never forget you.You are an outgoing boy.Theres always a smile on your face and everybody likes to make friends with you.We used to play basketball on the playground.Sometimes we went to the park and had a good time there.I always laughed a lot when I was with you .At this very moment Im saying goodbye to you,I just want to give you my best wishes:I hope you are happy and healthy forever.I hope you are successful in the future. x x x (1湖北省荆州市,15)郎郎是当今世界最杰出的(outstanding)钢琴家之一,被誉为(name as)“一位改变世界的青年”。请根据下表中的信息并以“Lang LangA Well-know Pianist”为题,写一篇80个词左右的简介。注意:表格中的时间、年龄或地点应根据需要灵活处理。时间年龄地点主要事件19820沈阳出生(男)19853沈阳开始弹钢琴19875沈阳参加钢琴比赛,均获第一名19919中国199311德国199513日本199614美国继续(continue)深造199918 显现非凡的理解音乐的才华(talent)200523美国应邀在白宫(the White House)专场演奏Lang Lang A Well-known Pianist_【答案】Sample answer Lang Lang, born in Shenyang in 1982, began to play the piano when he was 3. From 1987 to 1995 he took part in a lot of piano competitions and won all the first prizes. In 1996, Lang went to America to continue his study. At the age of 18, he began to show his unusual talent for understanding (to understand) music. In 2005, he was invited to have a concert at the White House.Lang has become one of todays most outstanding pianists in the world, and is named as “A young people changing the world”.(1江苏省连云港市,八,18)实施规范办学以后,学生自主学习的时间多了。假设学校英语俱乐部委托你做一项关于“实施规范办学以后,学生怎样利用双休日”的问卷调查,请根据下列图表中的调查数据,以“A Report on Weekend Activities” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简单介绍调查情况并发表自己的看法(至少两点)。注意:1.短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; 2.词数100左右,短文开头已给出,不计总词数; 3.文中不得提及考生所在的学校及自己的姓名; 4.参考词汇:对做调查: do an investigation on A Report on Weekend ActivitiesSince the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to 【答案】A Report on Weekend ActivitiesSince the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to do an investigation on how the students spend their weekends. I find that almost half of the students study by themselves at home.About 25% of them prefer to watch TV or listen to music. 20% of them like to chat onlinne or play computer games, while 10% of them of tehn help their parents do housework. Only a small number of them go in for sports or travelling.In my opinion, all of us students should have a proper plan for our weekends. We should make good use of our time, learning more knowledge, developing our interests,.We should also learn to relax, but I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time watching TV , chatting online or playing computer games.(124 words)


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