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直接引语和间接引语练习1单项填空1. He said, I am living with my brother.He said that _ was living with his brother.A.IB.youC. heD. they2. He said, You are sure to get a warm welcome there.He said that we _ sure to get a warm welcome there. A. amB. wasC. wereD. are3.She says, Something is wrong with my bike.She says that something is wrong with _ bike.A. myB.aC. hisD. her4. He has said, I will not do so again.He has said that he _ not do so again.A. willB. mustC. wouldD. do5. The teacher said, My son had the same experience as the little boy.The teacher said that his son had _ the same experience as the little boy. A. beenB. haveC. hadD. done6.She said to me, My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday.She told me that her mother had taken _ to an exhibition the day before. A. sheB. meC. herD. you7. You said to me, I saw the film two days ago.You told me that you had seen the film _A. two daysB. two days beforeC. two days agoD. yesterday8. He said to his younger sister, You may come with me.He told his younger sister that _ with him.A. you may comeB. you might comeC. she might comeD. she might go9. The student said to me, She has made a close study of the problem. The student told me that she _ a close study of the problem.A. has makeB. have madeC. had makeD. had made10. He said, I live here.He said that he lived.A. thereB. here全国统-热线 4008-838383 33318393330971C. in thereD. at thereII、将下列句子改为间接引语ll.The teacher said to his class, Dont waste your time!12.She said to her son, Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the room!13. His father said to him, Think, before you do it!14. The teacher said to his students, Tell briefly in your own words how penicillin was discovered.15. The leader said to him, Please write your report as short as possible.16. He said to me, Let me have a look at the book you bought.17. He said, I am proud of my motherland.18. John said, I wrote back telling him about it yesterday.19.I said, I will give her some advice tomorrow.20. You are wasting your time day-dreaming! he said to Mary.21. You have already done your duty, he said to her.22. Mary wrote in her letter, Mr. Liu, when will you come to America?23. Dont risk your lives, men! the captain warned.24. Ill be very busy today, said the man.25.She said, We have worked on the school farm for two weeks.26. He said, Im reviewing my lessons.27. They said, We arrived this morning.28.She said to me, Have lunch with us.全国统-热线 4008-838383 29. The teacher asked, Are you ready?30. Betty asked Mary, Are you having your lunch now?31. Be careful, and dont cut your finger, he said to me.32. He said to the old woman, Dont worry. Ill take you there.33. Did you go to the meeting yesterday? she asked me.34. Will you please be quiet? she said.35. The man asked me, How manytimes have you been here?W、将下列句子改成直接引语36.1 said that there was not any trouble, and I was waiting for my change.37. They said that they wouldnt go by air only because they hadnt enough money.38. The driver said that he hadnt seen the signal, so he hadnt stopped.39. My brother told me that he was surely to be able to master English.40. He said that he hadnt quite understood that sentence, and asked me if I could translate it into Chinese.41. His father told Mike that he ought to work even harder.42. He told his assistants that he would not give up the experiment.43.1 warned the children not to go swimming in the lake.44. My mother said that I looked rather tired, and Id better go and lie for a while.45. Della asked Jim to give it to her quickly.46. He said that he could hardly support his family.47. You said that you had woven the cloth by then.48. Mary said just now that she would come again tomorrow.全国统-热线 4008-8383833331839333097149. The woman asked him why he had to sleep in the open air.50. The headmaster suggested that the students should go skating.51. He told me to go on with my work.52. He asked me whether I had any difficulty.53. Li Ming said that he joined the League in August 1980.54. He asked me whether I was a Party member or a League Member.55. Wang told the teacher that he was not feeling well that day.56. Zhang told me that he had a meeting that afternoon and that he couldnt go with me.57.I asked my mother whether she had seen the exhibition.58. The teacher asked me if everything was ready.59. My aunt asked me to keep warm and not to go out.60. The worker told me that it would take me two days to finish the work.全国统-热线 4008-838383


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