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1、Structuring the Entrepreneurial Firm P49 Identification model of four factors that affect the allocation of resources and the emerging company decides : uncertainty, asymmetric information , financial situation and product market.标识模型影响分配资源和新兴公司的决定的四个因素: 不确定性、 信息不对称、 财务状况和产品市场。2、The use of JIT in Japan P99 JIT含义 Just-in-time production methods , called stockless production, zero inventories, one-piece flow or the supermarket production. its essence is to keep the material flow and information flow in the production of synchronous, realize the right amount of material, in the right time in the right place to produce appropriate quality products. This method can reduce inventory, shorter hours, reduce the cost, improve the production efficiency. JIT的最初使用 It is popularized by Toyota motor company in Japan during the mid 1970s and was transferred to the United States at Kawasakis, 1973 years later, the Toyota way played a prominent role for the company through the first energy crisis. Then, it caused other countries to pay attention of the production enterprise, and gradually popular In Europe and the United States to Japanese companies and local enterprises, and now this way and production mode , distribution mode from Japan circulation with the way western enterprise called Japanese identity model. 是日本丰田汽车公司在20世纪60年代实行的一种生产方式,1973年以后,这种方式对丰田公司渡过第一次能源危机起到了突出的作用,后引起其它国家生产企业的重视,并逐渐在欧洲和美国的日资企业及当地企业中推行开来,现在这一方式与源自日本的其它生产、流通方式一起被西方企业称为“日本化模式”。 如何实现JIT In JIT way, trying to through the reasonable product design, make the product easy to production, easy to assemble, when the product range extending, even if does not reduce process, also want to try to not increase process, specific methods are: 1. The modular design; 2. Design products use as far as possible using common standard spare, standard parts; 3. When the design should consider easy to realize automation production.在JIT方式中,试图通过产品的合理设计,使产品易生产,易装配,当产品范围扩大时,即使不能减少工艺过程,也要力求不增加工艺过程,具体方法有: 1、模块化设计; 2、设计的产品尽量使用通用件,标准件; 3、设计时应考虑易实现生产自动化。3、the development of TQM P97(1) TQM (Total Quality Management) is an organization centered by quality, to full participation on the basis of aim was through customer satisfaction and all members of the Organization and management method for social benefit and achieve long-term success. 全面质量管理TQM) 就是一个组织以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的在于通过让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社会受益而达到长期成功的管理途径。 In 1961 ,the United States quality management expert Fiegen nannies Introduced TQM . TQM是1961年美国质量管理专家菲根保姆提出的。(2) “PDCA” cycleUnited States Foundation of quality management Deming introduced total quality management of the working methods and procedures, he believed that quality control procedures including: the plan (Plan), implement (Do), check (Check), processing (Action) cycle of four stages running, referred to as PDCA cycle. 国质量管理学家戴明提出了全面质量管理的基该方法和工作程序,他认为质量管理工作程序包括:计划(Plan)、实施(Do)、检查(Check)、处理(Action)四个阶段周而复始运转,简称“PDCA循环”。(3)The core concept of TQM 1. customer satisfaction: customer shall supply the recipient of products, which can be inside the Organization, or it can be external to your organization. 1.顾客满意: 顾客即供应所提供产品的接受者,可以是组织内部的,也可以是组织外部的。2.added value: with minimum inputs to maximize value, pursuit of the Organizations largest operating performance and maximum performance. 2.附加价值: 用最小的投入获取最大的功能价值,追求组织最大的经营绩效和个人最大的工作绩效。 3. continuous improvement: establish a continuous improvement based on PDCA circle management system. 3.持续改善: 建立以PDCA回圈为基础的持续改善的管理体系。(4)Basic principles of TQM 1.Economy principle: the ultimate goal of TQM is to meet customer requirements, the premise of enterprise should obtain the maximum added value 。 2.Principles of collaboration: TQM requires Enterprise departments maintain close cooperation, all the workers maintained good cooperation in order to ensure the quality of the products so as to achieve better economic efficiency. 3.Principles of system: Enterprise is a made up of elements of many links and associated departments and systems, thus implementing TQM in a systematic way to analyze problems, systematic measures taken to tackle the problem .4、Myths about planning P211、The function of the plan(计划的功能)Planning helps to enterprise in business operation to save time、avoid risk, Improve the efficiency of the executive link and help the maximization of the enterprises interests.2、The defects of the plan(计划的缺陷)Some stubborn will make the following error, think plan are the same, and thus planning sometimes also can be reduced enterprise management flexibility, creativity.3、The real plan (正真的计划)Careful planning must have a dream the management goal,enterprise management goal decide the enterprise will be around the plan,In the next to organize, control, production, market development, risk around to such links as plan.5、Scientific Management P261、What is the scientific management? (什么是科学管理?)Science, rather than work experience alone; harmony, rather than cooperation; cooperation, not individualism; to maximize the output, instead of the limited output, each of them to maximize the efficiency of the greatest success is with efficient production methods instead of low-cost production methods, to strengthen the labor cost control. 科学,而不是单凭经验办事;和谐 ,而不是合作;合作,而不是个人主义;以最大限度的产出 ,取代有限的产出,每人都发挥最大的工作效率,获得最大的成功,就是用高效率的生产方式代替低成本的生产方式,以加强劳动力成本控制。2、The “father” of scientific management is Frederick Taylor. 3、Essence of scientific management theory the idea:(科学管理理论的思想精要:) (1) Work norm principle 工作定额原理 (2) Selection of first class workers 挑选头等工人(3) The principle of standardization 标准化原理(4) Both sides close cooperation 劳资双方的密切合作 (5) Establish the specialized plan 建立专门计划层(6) System of functional foremanship 职能工长制(7) Exception principle 例外原理 4、The contribution of scientific management(科学管理的贡献): first time in history to rise from the experience of science management.(在历史上第一次使管理从经验上升为科学。) efficiency ideas and research to optimize the scientific method.(讲求效率的优化思想和调查研究的科学方法。)5、The limitations of scientific management(科学管理的局限性): Taylor workers is wrong. He believes that the main motive for the workers is the economy, workers are most concerned about is the money to improve their income, which adhere to the economic man hypothesis. He also believes that workers can only work alone to do it, to encourage the collective usually ineffective. (泰勒对工人的看法是错误的。他认为工人的主要动机是经济的,工人最关心的是提高自己的金钱收入,即坚持“经济人”的假设。他还认为工人只有单独劳动才能好好干,集体的鼓励通常是无效的。) Taylor system only to solve the specific work of individual operating efficiency, but does not solve how to run business as a whole and management issues.(“泰勒制”仅解决了个别具体工作的作业效率问题,而没有解决企业作为一个整体如何经营和管理的问题。)6、What Managers Do? P71、What is a manager? A management is a person who plans,organizes , directs, and controls the allocation of human , material , financial ,and information resources in pursuit of the organizations goals.2、How to become a successful manager?(1)Become a practical visionary. (2)Develop your communication skills. (3)Collaborate, dont compete. (4)Network. (5)Learn to lead. 7、The Evolution of Management P25 1、Studying management history helps you to understand theory and pr concepts have evolved over time. 研究管理学的历史会帮助你更好的了解当今管理学理论和应用。它也会帮助你了解现代管理观念如何随着时间发展的。2、Current management concepts result from continual development, testing, modification, retesting, and so on actice as they are today. It also helps you to see how current management 现代管理观念是经过不断的发展、试验、修改、再试验等过程的结果。3、Important pre-twentieth-century contributions to management included the building of the Egyptian pyramids, The building of the pyramids was an immense project requiring the coordination of ten of thousands of works,Clearly, this demanded management skills. 20世纪上半叶,对管理有重要贡献的包括,金字塔的建造,金字塔的建立是一项巨大的工程。它需要成千上万的工人共同协作。很明显,它需要管理技巧。4、Frederick Taylor proposed four principles of management:(a) Developing a science for each element of an individual work; (b) scientifically selecting and training workers;(c) cooperating with workers;(d) allocating responsibility to both management and workers.泰勒先生提出了管理的4个重要部分:(a)为个人工作的每一个要素制定科学的方法;(b)科学的选拔和培训人才; (c)和工人之间的协作;(d)管理者和工人分配职责。8、empowerment P46 What is the enabling authority?Enabling authority in recent years should be one of the largest business vocabulary. Means enabling authorized employees authorized to - giving them more extra power. Logically, this means that in pursuit of the overall benefit of the employees more in decision-making power.In theory, enabling authorized employees to eliminate barriers to work more effectively obstacles, their ideological starting point is to release top-down corporate power - especially people who own the right to work, so that employees are engaged in their work able to exercise more control over。 什么是赋能授权? 赋能授权是近年来应最多的商业语汇之一。赋能授权的意思就是授权给企业员工赋予他们更多额外的权力。逻辑上来说,这样做意味着为了追求企业的整体利益而给予员工更多参与决策的权力。 理论上,赋能授权是为了消除妨碍员工们更有效工作的种种障碍,其思想出发点是企业由上而下地释放权力尤其是员工们自主工作的权力,使员工们在从事自己的工作时能够行使更多的控制权。9、General Administrative Theorists P27 1、Fayols four stages of lifeThe first stage(18601872)Fayol as a lower grade of management personnel and technical personnel in Commentry.法约尔在科芒特里作一个等级较低的管理人员和技术人员The second stage(18721888)Fayol was promoted to a manager, leading a group of mine.他被提升为经理,领导一批矿井. The third stage(18881918)Fayol was appointed general manager when the company is on the verge of bankruptcy.当公司处于破产边缘时他被任命为总经理。The fourth stage(19181925)Fayol began Management Research. 法约尔开始了管理的研究工作。2、The general Management functions 一般管理的职能Fayol pointed out: management, is to implement the planning, organization, command, control and coordination。法约尔指出:“管理,就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制。3、The defect of General management theoryGeneral management theory concept lack of clarity; the management activities of the constituent elements of the sum, only put forward five management functions, overgeneralization, lack of system.一般管理理论的概念,欠缺清晰性;对管理活动的组成要素的概括上,只提出了五大管理职能,以偏概全,缺乏系统性.10、How Effort-Perpormance Expectancy Works P671、high effort-performance expectancy high performance-outcome expectancy high valence=high motivation高的努力绩效期望加上高的绩效结果期望加上给予的高效价就能有高的积极性2、Motivation system1. One of the principles: incentives to vary from person to person Because of the different needs of different staff, therefore, the same incentive effects of policy incentives will play a different. Even with a staff, at different times or circumstances, will have different needs. Because of incentives depending on the internal and the subjective feelings of the staff are. 原则之一:激励要因人而异 由于不同员工的需求不同,所以,相同的激励政策起到的激励效果也会不尽相同。即便是同一位员工,在不同的时间或环境下,也会有不同的需求。由于激励取决于内因,是员工的主观感受. 2. Two principles: appropriate incentives Appropriate incentives and penalties will not affect the incentive effect, while increasing the cost of incentives. 原则之二:奖励适度 奖励和惩罚不适度都会影响激励效果,同时增加激励成本。 3. The principle of three: fairness The fairness of the management staff are a very important principle, employees are any unfair treatment will affect his mood and work efficiency, and effectiveness of the impact of incentives. 原则之三:公平性 公平性是员工管理中一个很重要的原则,员工感到的任何不公的待遇都会影响他的工作效率和工作情绪,并且影响激励效果。 3、1.the transfer of staff from the results of equal to equal opportunities and strive to create a level playing field. 激励员工从结果均等转移到机会均等,并努力创造公平竞争环境。 2. Inspire the best time to grasp 激励要把握最佳时机。 3. Want a fair and accurate incentive, reward 激励要公平准确、奖罚分明 4. The implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan. 推行职工持股计划5. Honor incentive 荣誉激励6. Concerned about the incentives 关心激励7. Competitive 竞争激励8. The material incentives 物质激励9. Information incentives 信息激励


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