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know better than(to do)-be wise or experienced enough not to do sth 很懂得不会不该(做某事)(根据张道真教授的(现代英语用法词典)的解释,than后面的不定式多带to,但有时可以省略):你应懂得不该逃学 You ought to know better than to stay away from school.He knew better than to mention the subject to her 他很明智而没有向她提起这件事。Dont worry.She is old enough to _friends with such a man.A.know well than make B.well know than making C.know better than to make D.better know than to make He would rather he _to his father before leaving his home.A.do good B.had done good C.will do D.has done good 虚拟语气虚拟语气 1主、从句都表示与过去事实相反:从句的谓语动词用:had+动词过去分词;主句的谓语动词用:情态动词+have+动词过去分词。注意:能用于虚拟语气的情态动词只有四个:should,could,would,might.使用哪一个情态动词要由句子含义决定,考试中出现最多的是could,would.2 主、从句都表示与现在事实相反:从句的谓语动词用:动词过去式(如果是be则只能用were)主句的谓语动词用 情态动词+动词原形。3 主、从句都表示与将来事实相反:从句的谓语动词用:were to+动词原形(重点)、should+动词原形、动词过去式;主句的谓语动词用:情态动词+动词原形。二、虚拟语气的特殊应用:1 would rather+句子,would rather后面引导宾语从句的that不可省略。根据所要表达的不同意思,从句谓语可用一般过去时、过去完成时,还可用动词原形。用一般过去时,表达与现在事实相反的愿望;用过去完成时表达与过去事实相反的愿望;用动词原形仅仅表示主句主语希望从句主语做某事的愿望(1)Henry would rather that his girl friend worked in the same department as he does 2)Tom would rather that Jack had gone to class yesterday.(3)We would rather that he take this train 2 if only 如果,要是.就好了,if only+句子,这时句子一定要用虚拟语气。有两种形式可以体现虚拟语气:a.如果该句子如果表示与现在或将来事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。b.如果该句子如果表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成时。Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I _ your advice.A follow B had followed C would follow D have followedBIf only the committee _ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possibleA approve B will approve C can approve D would approveD注意:当if only后的句子表示与现在或将来事实相反,该用动词过去式来表示虚拟语气,而选项中又没有时,可以采用这种形式:would+动词原形。3 当以下动词后加句子时,句子应用虚拟语气,句子谓语动词的形式是:(should)+动词原形。a.表示建议、提议的:suggest,advise,propose,recommend,move.move只有在表达在会议上提出提议时后面加虚拟语气b.表示要求的:ask,demand,require,request,desire.c.表示指挥、命令的:order,command,direct.d.表示坚持,坚持认为的:insist.4 it is+第三点中动词的过去分词+that引导的从句。这样的结构中从句谓语动词形式为:(should)+动词原形。以下几个形容词置于该结构中时也要用相同的形式来体现虚拟语气:important,necessary,essential,obligatory(有义务的,强制性的,必须的)。5 第三点中动词相应的名词形式+that引导从句,该从句同样要用虚拟语气,谓语动词形式为:(should)+动词原形。经常用于这种结构的词有:suggestion,advice,proposal,recommendation,motion.6 以下一些表达方式所在的句子一定要用虚拟语气。or(表示否则),otherwise,unless,but for(若不是,若非)当遇到含有以上四个表达方式的句子时,先要判断该句是表示与现在、过去、还是将来事实相反,然后依照相应的虚拟语气规则用法的形式来确定句子结构。含有下面三个表达方式的句子体现虚拟语气的形式是固定的:lest(以免,防备),for fear that(惟恐),on condition that(在.条件下)它们后面句子的谓语动词的形式都是:(should)+动词原形。7 it is time 是.的时候了。it is high time/it is about time.这三个结构后面加的句子谓语动词都用一般过去时来体现虚拟语气。8 注意以下两种情况下should+动词原形中should不能省略。这里should表示一种语气,经常被翻译成“竟然”。a.四个动词:think,believe,expect,suspect.它们的否定或者疑问形式后面加句子,句子谓语动词用:should+动词原形,should不能省略。I dont believe that he should be cheated.我不相信他也会被骗。b.it is a pity,it is a shame 真遗憾,it is strange 真怪以上三个结构后面加的句子谓语动词用:should+动词原形,should不能省略。错综时态的虚拟语气错综时态的虚拟语气即指主句和从句在表达是与什么时态的事实相反上并不一致(比如主句要表达与现在事实相反而从句要表达与过去事实相反),这种情况要采用“对号入座”的方法来处理,即主从句结构分别采用与其表达时态对应的结构。1.If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you _ now.A wouldnt be smiling B couldnt have smiled C wont smile D didnt smileAHe would be studying at the university now if he _ the entrance examination.A passed B have passed C had passed D should have passedCIt is a shame that he _ that poor little girl!A deceived B should deceive C deceive D deceivingB.Mrs.bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside _ her sons sleep.A would interfere with B had interfered withC interfered with D should interfere withDHer boyfriend said he would give her a ring _he reached BostonA.every time B.unless C.until D.the momentas soon as,no soonerthan,hardlywhen这三个短语都有“一就”、“刚刚就”的意思,它们的意思非常相近,因此有时可以互换。例如:“我刚到公共汽车站,汽车就开了。”As soon as I got to the bus stop,the bus started.Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.但他们之间也有一些差异,例如,如果从两件事情的间隔时间来说,as soon as 较长,no sooner.than 居中,hardly.when 间隔时间最短。1、as soon as它的意思相当于“A事情发生以后,就做B这件事”。这个短语用的比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。例如:I l l w r i t e y o u a s s o o n a s I g e t t h e r e.我一到那儿就给你来信。(一般现在时)As soon as I went in,Katherine cried out with pleasure.我一进门,Katherine 就高兴的叫起来。(一般过去时)Ill return the book as soon as I have read it.我一读完就把书还回去。(现在完成时)Andrew left as soon as he had drunk his coffee.Andrew一喝完咖啡就走了。(过去完成时)2、no soonerthan它的意思相当于“刚做完A这件事,就做B这件事”。例如:He had no sooner returned than he bought a house.他一回来就买了一套房子。如果no sooner 位于句首,主句要用倒装结构。例如:No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.他刚到就又走了。有一点要注意,no soonerthan 一般用来描述做过的事情,它不能用于表示将来的事。3、hardlywhen.它的意思是“几乎未来得及做完A这件事,紧接着就开始B这件事。”使用这个短语时,一般用于过去完成时;并且when有时可改用before。例如:He had hardly finished the article when the light went out.他刚写完文,灯就熄了。另外,如果把hardly放于句首,主句要用倒装结构即谓语动词要提前。如:我刚吃完他就进来了。Hardly had I finished eating when he came in.the instant/the momentthe instant/the moment+从句-相当于as soon as 一(就):她必定是在我一把抓起电话时就奔了出去。She must have dashed out the instant I grabbed the phone 你一踏上外国国土就得像个客人的样子。You must behave like a guest the instant you set foot on a foreign soil considerconsider大致有两种含义。含义不同,用法有别。现归纳如下。大致有两种含义。含义不同,用法有别。现归纳如下。considerconsider作作“考虑考虑”解,常用于以下句型:解,常用于以下句型:Consider+Consider+名词名词/代词代词/动名词。动名词。我一直考虑有一天出国。Im considering going abroad some day.Consider+Consider+从句或从句或“疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式”。我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。We must consider what to do next ConsiderConsider作作“认为认为”解时,常用于以下句型:解时,常用于以下句型:Consider sb./sth+.(as)+Consider sb./sth+.(as)+形容词形容词/名词。其中,名词。其中,asas可以省略。可以省略。起初他们认为我是医生。At first they considered me as a doctor.consider+sb./sth.+.consider+sb./sth.+不定式。其中,不定式通常是不定式。其中,不定式通常是to be(to be(可可以省略以省略)或其他动词的完成式或其他动词的完成式。We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。We all consider him to have stolen the bike.我们都认为他偷了自行车。consider+it+consider+it+形容词形容词/名词名词+不定式短语不定式短语。我们认为学好英语很难。We consider it hard to study English well.on account 赊账;take.into account(=consider)把.考虑进去give sb.an account of 说明,解释(理由)account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释,说明.on account of(=because of)由于,因为.on no account(=in no case,for no reason,in no way,by no means)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)on ones own account on ones own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=at ones own risk)自行负责3)(=by oneself)依靠自己倒装有两种情况:部分倒装(主语和助动词倒置)和全部倒装(主语和谓语完全倒置)。之所以使用倒装,一是为了句子的需要;二是为了语法结构的需要。1.句子谓语是go,come,run等表示位置的动词和be动词,句中又有表示方位的副词(如the re,here,up,down,out,in,away等),为了强调该副词,可将其放于句首,而将谓语动词全部置于主语之前。如:去北京的火车来了。Here comes the train to Beijing.There goes the bell.铃响了。Down came the rain.下雨了。但主语是人称代词时,主语仍置于动词之前。如:Away he comes.他来了。Here it comes.它来了2.为了强调句中的状语或表语,为了保持句子平衡或上下文衔接紧密,可将状语或表语置于句首,句中主语和谓语完全倒装。如:At the front of the hall sat the headmaster.在这段里能找到答案。In this paragraph can be found an answer.3.为了强调only及其所修饰的状语(通常是副词、介词短语或从句),则将它们移到句首,句中的主谓作部分倒装。如:直到那时我们才发现那个人是盲人。Only then did we realize that the man was blind.直到1918年战争结束后,他才得以愉快地重返工作岗位。Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work 4.将含有否定意义的副词(never,seldom,not,little,hardly等)置于句首以示强调时,句中的主谓作部分倒装。如:Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person.5.为了强调“not a+名词”或“not a single+名词”结构,将其置于句首时,句中的主谓作部分倒装。如:Not a word did he say at the last meeting.6.Hardlywhen,no soonerthan,not onlybut also引导两个分句时,将前一个分句中的主谓作部分倒装,后一个分句中的主谓语序不变。如:但neither/notnor引导两个分句时,这两个分句中的主谓均要倒装。如:Neither do I know her address,nor does he.我不知道她的地址,他也不知道.7.在“so+形容词that分句”结构中,如将“so+形容词”置于句首以示强调时,其后的系动词be则要移到主语前面,形成主谓的完全倒装。如:So moved was she that she could not say a word.在“so+副词that分句”结构中,如将“so+副词”置于句首以示强调时,其后的主谓作部分倒装。如:So loudly did he speak that even the people in the next room could hear him.二、由于语法结构的需要使用倒装。常见于下列句型:1.“So+助动词+主语”2.“Neither/Nor+助动词+主语”3.当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had,were或should等时,如将if省略,则要将had,wer e或should等移到主语前,作部分或完全倒装。Had you come yesterday,you would have seen him.4.表示存在的句型“There be+主语”也属于倒装句之列。如:There are three chairs,a desk and a computer in the room.consist in表示“在于”之意;说明一样事物的性质,这种性质大都是抽象的、非物质的consist of则表示“包含”,“由组成”之意。说明组成某一事物的部分,这些部分大都是具体的、物质的 consist v.由组成1 consist of.由.组成(表示被动概念)2 be made up of 由.组成3 comprise v.包含,由.组成(整体由部分所构成)-Our class consists of 100 students.=Our class is made up of more than 100 students.-The United Kingdom consists of G.B and Northern Ireland.=The United Kingdom comprises G.B and Northern Ireland.4 be composed of 由.组成(强调有什么成分所组成)-Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.(compose v.组成,写作)-oxygen(n.氧,氧气)hydrogen(n.氢)5 constitute vt.组成,构成(部分构成整体)-G.B and Northern Ireland constitute The United Kingdom.(Ireland n.爱尔兰)-The committee consists of 10 members.(committee n.委员会)=Ten members constitute the committee.容许(某事物)发生 allow doing sth用主动形式表示被动=be allowed to do sth.e.g We dont allow smoking here.这儿不允许抽烟=We are not allowed to smoke here.主语allow sb to do sth.主语容许某人干某事 例如:The teacher allows me to go home.老师允许我回家 I dont allow _in my class,nor do I allow my family _at home.(smoke)as ifas if从句省略从句省略 当从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致时,从句的主谓结构可以部分省略或全部省略,使句子更加简练。例如:1)He stared at the girl as if(he werewas)seeing her for the first time 2)He fell down as though(he werewas)shot 3)She hurriedly left the room as if(she were was)angry 4)He was talking all the while excitedly,as if(he were was talking)to himself 存在句的非限定形式 1)存在句的非限定形式there to be 和 there being结构2)there to be 和 there being结构用法与区别there to be:作for 介词补语作动词(except,want,like,prefer,hate)的宾语eg.They planned for there to be another meetingMembers like there to be plenty of choice.there being:作除for外的介词的补语 作主语和状语eg.John was relying on there being another opportunity.There being a bus stop so near the house is a good advantage.存在句的非限定形式与限定形式的转化 eg.For there to be so few people in the street was unusual.=It was unusual that there were so few people in the street.Bread and butter _liked by Westerners.A.is B.are C.were D.beJohns score on the test is the highest in the class;he _last night.A.must study B.should have studiedC.must have studied D.is sure to studyWe can hear_from the back of the room.A.just as good B.just as easyC.just as well D.easily as wellThe small mountain village was _ by the snow for more than one month.A.cut back B.cut outC.cut off D.cut awayUnder this _ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid.A.intensive B.weighty C.intense D.bulkyIf a substance is dissolved in water or heated,it may _a gas.A.give into B.give overC.give off D.give awayNancy was surprised that they have _.They seemed to be a happy couple.A.split up B.broken downC.fallen through D.knocked outHis manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at _ with him at once.A.peace B.large C.ease D.bestC)【句意】我们在房间的后面也能听得很清楚。【难点】as well意为“(程度)同样地好”,是副词短语修饰动词hear;just表示程度,意为“刚好”。C)【句意】这个小山村被大雪封住达一个多月。【难点】cut back意为“削减;缩减”;cut out意为“停止;切下”;cut off意为“切断;使隔断”;cut away意为“切除;砍掉”。C)【句意】在这种强大的压力下,一些岩石甚至变成了液体。【难点】intensive意为“加强的;集中的”;weighty意为“沉重的;笨重的”;intense意为“强烈的,剧烈的”;bulky意为“庞大的;粗壮的”。C)【句意】他那平易近人的风度使得博拉立刻放松了情绪。【难点】at peace意为“和平地”;at large意为“自由地;大体地”;at ease意为“不拘束”;at best意为“至多”。A)【句意】南希对他们的离婚表示十分惊讶,因为他们似乎是一对快乐的夫妇。【难点】split up意为“分裂,离婚”;break down意为“(精神方面)垮掉;(健康)变得衰弱;崩溃”;fall through意为“失败;成为泡影”;knock out意为“使筋疲力尽”。The girl always says to her boyfriend,“I do wish you_so much.”A.havent smoked B.arent smokingC.didnt smoke D.dont smoke_ can make an immense contribution to the creation of peace and plenty in the world by taking care to understand other nations.A.I and you and all the ordinary peopleB.You and I and all the ordinary peopleC.You and all the ordinary people and meD.All the ordinary people and you and meMy father was a dentist in the little town all his life,and it was always taken for granted that I would take over his _ when he retired.A.Practice B.job C.work D.postIm in no _ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.A.Feeling B.emotion C.mood D.tendencyThe first,second and third prizes went to Bob,Jack and Henry _.A.Differently B.separately C.respectively D.equallyThese goods do not come up to the _.A.Mark B.sign C.token D.signalC)【句意】这个女孩总跟男朋友说:“我真希望你不抽那么多烟。”【难点】wish 后的that从句应使用虚拟语气,由于那个男朋友smoke是一般现在时行为,所以选didnt smoke,才符合语法要求。B)【句意】如果用心去理解其它民族,你和我,以及所有的普通人就能够为世界和平和发展作出巨大贡献。【难点】选项B)是四项中惟一符合英语语言习俗的词序。A)【句意】我父亲在小镇里当了一辈子牙医,人们认为我会在他退休后理所当然地接他的班。【难点】practice 意为“(医生或律师等的)业务,开业”;job 意为“(一件)工作,活儿,零活”;post 意为“职务,职位”;work意为“工作”,是长期稳定的工作或劳动。C)【句意】我今晚没情绪听他那愚蠢的笑话。【难点】mood 意为“情绪”,be in no mood(to do)意为“全然不想做某事”;feeling意为“情感”;emotion意为“激情,感情”;tendency意为“倾向,趋向”。feeling和emotion辨析:feeling 指人的感觉,如快乐,悲哀,痛苦,钦佩等情感,它本身不反映感情的强弱。emotion指由于受到某种刺激而产生的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感。C)【句意】鲍勃,杰克和享利分别获得一、二、三等奖。【难点】respectively 意为“各自地,分别地”;differently 意为“以不同方式”;separately 意为“各自地,个别地”;equally 意为“相等地,平等地”。A)【句意】这些货物与商标不符。【难点】mark 意为“商标,标签”;sign 意为“牌,招牌,标牌”;token意为“凭证,纪念品”;signal意为“暗号,信号”。Would you please _ spoil any material?A.not B.not to C.to not D.dont_ in physical shape,he dropped out of the University of Syracuse.A.As he was bad B.Bad as he wasC.Bad although he was D.Bad though he wasOwen obviously had no _ of doing any work that day,although it was only a week before the English Test.A.Ambition B.desire C.intention D.wishThe National Gallery in London has more visitors than _any other because of its free admission.A.Practically B.really C.actually D.completelyIf you keep getting wrong numbers,your phone could be _.A.Defective B.ineffective C.deficient D.deceptiveThe chairman asked the members to _ their votes for or against the proposal.A.Cast B.throw C.bid D.offerShe was barred from the golf club for refusing to _with the request.A.Conform B.adhere C.abide D.complyShe always _ the smell of fresh bread with her aunt,who loved baking.A.Associated B.connected C.attributed D.contributedShe was paid by the hour,and she managed to keep her family with her pitiful_.A.Salary B.wages C.stipend D.paymentA)【句意】你不毁坏东西不好吗?【难点】would you please 句型的否定式要在please后加not,not 后使用动词原形。3 A)【句意】由于身体不好,他从塞路克斯大学辍学了。【难点】As he was bad 是原因状语从句,as 是“因为”的意思。Bad as he was 是一个让步状语从句,采用的是半倒装形式,意为“尽管他很糟”。C)和D)两项不成立。C)【句意】尽管距离英语考试只有一周时间,那天欧文还是明显地没有做任何工作的意图。【难点】intention意为“意图,目的”,常用于the intention of doing sth 的结构中;ambition意为“雄心,野心”;desire意为“愿望,欲望,渴望”,后常接动词不定式作定语;wish 意为“希望,想要”,但和desire有所不同。wish 和 desire辨析wish 常用于主观愿望或难以实现或不可能实现的愿望;desire强调主观愿望的迫切性,系书面语,用于正式场合或文章中,有尽力争取或需要尽力争取之意。A)【句意】由于不收门票,伦敦国家美术馆比任何其它美术馆接纳的来访者都多。【难点】practically 意为“几乎,差不多”;really 意为“很,十分;全然”;actually 意为“实际上”;completely意为“完全地,完整地”。A)【句意】如果总有人打错你家电话,你的电话可能有毛病。【难点】defective意为“有毛病的,有缺陷的”;ineffective 意为“无效的,无效果的”;deficient意为“缺乏的,不足的”,常指量的不足,不够;deceptive意为“骗人的”。A)【句意】主席请各位成员投票表示赞成或反对这个提议。【难点】cast 意为“投,掷,扔”,cast votes 意为“投票”;bid 意为“喊价,出价”,是拍买和投标用语;throw 意为“投,掷,扔”;offer意为“出价,开价,报价”。throw 和cast 辨析:throw 指用手臂突然用力把某物向一定目标扔去。cast指用手向下把某物向一定目标抛去,一般投掷的东西较轻,并常用于比喻。D)【句意】她因拒绝服从要求而被高尔夫俱乐部开除。【难点】comply 意为“遵从,依从,顺从”,后接with;conform 意为“遵照,适应”,后接介词to;adhere 意为“坚持,遵守”,后接介词to;abide 后接by 意为“遵守,信守”。A)【句意】她总是把鲜面包味与她婶婶联系起来,她婶婶很喜欢烤面包。【难点】associate意为“(在思想上)把联系在一起”,后常与with 连用;connect 意为“联接;联系”,指联系有形的物体;attribute意为“把归因于;把(过错等)归于”,后接介词 to;contribute 意为“捐款,捐助”。B)【句意】她做钟点工,但还是能够以她微薄的工资养家。【难点】wage 意为“工资”,常作复数使用;salary 意为“薪水,薪金”;stipend意为“(牧师、教师、公职人员等)薪奉,生活津贴”;payment意为“支付,付款”。wages 和salary 辨析:wages 主要指以月,小时或计件为单位付薪的劳动收入,尤指每周或每两周付给的劳动(多是体力劳动)报酬。salary 指固定年薪,常为一个月或更长时间付一次,且一般指职员,脑力劳动者的薪金。You want to tell me,and I have no objection _ it.A.to hear B.to hearing C.hearing D.having heardFor a long while he waited,not daring to descend from his hiding place _ they should come out and catch him in the act.A.When B.lest C.that D.whereThere is much more _ equality between parents and children than in other countries.A.Sociable B.social C.socialist D.socialisticLarry advised me to have a _ of brandy because it will make me less nervous.A.Sip B.mouth C.lick D.biteB)【句意】你想告诉我,我不反对。【难点】have no objection to doing sth 意为“不反对做某事”,其中to 是介词,后接动名词。B)【句意】他等了好久,不敢从藏身处下来,他害怕他们出来,把他当场抓获。【难点】lest 后接should+动词原形的虚拟语气句。B)【句意】家长和孩子之间有更多的社会平等。【难点】social 意为“社会的,社会地位的”;sociable 意为“善于交际的”;socialist 意为“社会主义的”;socialistic 意为“社会主义的;趋向社会主义的”。A)【句意】拉利建议我呷一口白兰地,因为它能使我放松一点。【难点】sip 意为“呷,一小口”;mouth 意为“嘴”,mouthful 才是“一口”;lick 意为“舔”;bite意为“咬,叮”。Our life has but a short _.A.duration B.span C.episode D.rangeThe research team decided to use an underwater _ saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up.A.electrical B.electric C.electricity D.electrifyingFrank realized fully what he had dreamed about could not _ have happened in real life.A.likely B.certainly C.possibly D.doubtfullyC)【句意】弗兰克完全意识到他所梦幻的东西不可能在现实生活中发生。【难点】possibly 意为“可能地”,常用于否定句,或疑问句,前面与can 或could 连用,表示“可能”或“不可能”。likely 是形容词,意为“很可能”,后接名词或从句;certainly意为“一定,必定”;doubtfully意为“怀疑地”。B)【句意】研究小组决定用水下电锯把船分解成若干块再将其吊起。【难点】electric 意为“用电的,电动的”;electrical 意为“电学的,由电发生的”;electricity 意为“电,电气”;electrify 意为“使电气化”。B)【句意】人生只不过短短一段时间。【难点】span 意为“(有限的)时间,期间”;life span 意为“寿命”;duration意为“(时间的)持续,持久”;episode意为“插曲”;range意为“范围,幅度”。
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