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开课前所说的话一、来迦思佑能学到什么:学不到发音,学不到听力,学不到语法,学不到应试技巧,只能学到英文词汇的记忆二、在迦思佑怎样才能记会词汇:1)抽出十四天的完整时间;2)肯吃苦,能耐得着寂寞;3)少说话,多听话,按时完成老师指派的作业。三、迦思佑的三不准:不准拍照、不准录音、不准过问老师的私事。四、迦思佑学生要做的四件事:课前做好预习一一课堂记好笔记课后整理笔记一按时完成复习五、词汇记忆的四个境界:EYE- EAR- MOUTH- HAND六、词汇记忆的健康心态:失亦何忧,得亦何欢?怜我世人,忧患实多!七、处处留心皆单词: sonic, Panasonic, rejoice, ATM(teller), post, robust 八、英文学与用的三大难题:English - Chinese Chinese *- English, English English九、真正学好英语的方法:大量读书,不求甚解。一一 (迦思佑网站补树书屋)十、迦思佑授课风格:不懂幽默,不会讲笑话,只会讲英文词汇的记忆。H一、词汇记忆的路径探索:辨证逻辑记忆法用主观逻辑认识客观真理(求证1+1=2, property=特性,财产,012922访6=弹药库,杂志,peer=仔细地看,同龄人)序言考研英语改革后,目前为止,考研英语新大纲给出的考研词汇尚有两个重要问题急需解决,那就是缺少“单字的汉语释义”和“英文词条”两问题,而词条问题更是广大考生头疼的问题,因为大纲中没有收录任何关词条的范围和汉语释义。这就需全凭考生自行解决。为使考研同学能够顺利过关,故编写此书。词条问题是重中之重,本书词条的范围参考了旧大纲中曾出现的词条加上大学英语教学大纲中收录的1617个词条,又在此基础上新加了一些常用词组,总共计2000多个词条的释义。其中一些词条过去的汉语释义随着语言的发展,已废旧过时,人们已不再使用,本书参考了牛津(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edition),佥lj桥(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary),(NEW UPDATED - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online),韦氏(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)等词典最新版的英文释义,并再此基础上又修订了汉语释义,可以说,本书是针对国内考研考试出版的有关词条的第一本书。在编写过程中,我们发现上面四本词典中有很多词条英文释义存在争议,有少量词条的意思大相径庭,我们在参考各家释义的基础上以其中多数认同的释义为基准,对于这些词条,我们还给出了标明:例如,count against s力/count sth against sb phr v (=to be considered or to consider sth as a disadvantage in sb)y.被认为对(某人)不利,认为对(某人)不利from Oxford AdvancedLearners Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edit ion)count against sb/sth phr v (=to make someone or something more likely to fail),.使,,处于不利状态from Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary由于两种语言的对译,不但需要有很高的英文水平,而且还需要有很高的汉语水平,因此,在修订本书词条过程中,会有一些无法通译的情况,一方面由于水平有限,肯定会有错误存在。希望同学们在使用本书过程中多研习英文释义,参考汉语释义。张纪元体例说明1,单词的词性用英语缩写形式注明:V.动词vi.不及物动词vt.及物动词aux. v.助动词n.名词a.形容词ad.副词num.数词pron.代词art.冠词prep.介词conj.连词int.感叹词2,在注动词词性时,vi.表示不及物动词,vt.表示及物动词,aux.v.表示助动词,v.兼指及物动词和不及物动词。3,1dm是的idiom缩写,表示习惯用语。Phr v是phrasal verb的缩写,表示短语动词。A, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edition)上注明:idiom 1, a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words 习语,成语,惯用语2, the kind of language and grammar used by particular people at a particular time or place (某时期或某地区的人的语言和语法)3, the style of writing ,music,art etc.thatis typical of a particular person,group,period or place (写作,音乐,艺术等)的典型风格B, Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary 上注明:idiom 1, a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own2, the style of expression in writing, speech or music that is typical of a particular period, person or groupC, NEW UPDATED - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online 上注明:idiom 1, a group of words that has a special meaning thatis different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word. For example,under the weather is an idiom meaning ill.2, a style of expression in writing, speech, or musicthat is typical of a particular group of peopleD, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 上注明:idiom 1, a : the language peculiar to a people or to a district, community, or class : DIALECT b : the syntactical, grammatical, or structural form peculiar to a language2, an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either grammatically (as no, it wasnt me) or in having a meaning that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements (as Monday week for the Monday a week after next Monday)3, a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period or movement, or a medium or instrument; broadly : MANNER, STYLEAaabandon yourself to sth phr v (=to allow yourself to be controlled completely by a feeling or way of living*.(完全地)受制于,沉溺于(某种情感或生活方式)with abandon idm (=in a careless or completely uncontrolled way)d.放纵地,随意地,不顾其他人感受地abide by sth phr v (=to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it”遵守,接受,遵循(决定、规则、协定等)be about to do sth idm (=if someone is about to do something, or if something is about to happen, they will do it or it will happen very soon)ad.即将,刚要(做某事),(某事)即将(发生)not be about to do sth idm (=to not be willing to do sth; to not intend to sth)ad.不愿,无意 keep/stay abreast of sth idm (=to make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particular subject or snuation)K与齐头并进,一定要知道的最新动态,跟上的发展步伐in the abstract idm (=in a general way, without referring to a particular real person, thing or situation)ad.抽象地,理论上in abundance idm 大量,丰富,充裕,充足:ive had wine in abundance.by accident idm (=in a way that is not planned or intended)ad.偶然,意外地of ones own accord idm (=without being asked or forced to do something)ad.自愿地,主动地(做某事)be in accord with sb/sth idm (=a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other)u.同相一致,与相符合with one accord idm (=if two or more people do something with one accord, they do it together or at the same time, because they agree with each other)ad.致地,意见一致地(做某事)in accordance with sth idm (=according to a rule or the way that sb says that sth should be done)pep.依照,根据,按照according to/p田AN具中1/ prep.l.据所说,按所载(报道)2.根据,按照be of no/little account idm (=to not be important)a.不重要的,无足轻重的on account of sth idm (=because of something else, especially a problem or difficulty)prep.由于,因为on no account/not on any account idm (= used when saying that someone must not, for any reason, do something)ad.无论何种原因都不要(做某事)take account of .sr/take sth into account idm (=to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about something)v.仔细考虑清楚,好好地考虑(某事)act on sth phr v (=to have an effect on sth)忆起作用,产生影响act on/upon sth phr v (=to do something because of another persons advice or order, or because you have received information or had an idea)v.1fiig (建议、命令、信息等)行事act up phrv (=if children act up, they behave badly)vi.(小孩等)玩捣蛋,行为调皮act up phr v (=if a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly) v.(机器或人体)出毛病in the act of doing sth pAc (=while you are doing sth)prep.正在(做某事)时,正做的过程中be out of action idm (=lf a machine or vehicle is out of action, it is not working or cannot be used)a.(机器、交通工具等)坏了,失灵了,无法工作了out of action idm (=lf an athlete is out of action, they are injured or ill and cannot compete)a.(因受伤或生病)无法正常工作add (sth) up phr v (=to calculate the total of two or more numbers)K计算出总数,算出的总数not add up phr v (=lf a situation does not add up, there is no reasonable or likely explanation for it)u.无法推理出来,说不通,没有道理,无法解释add up to sth phr v(=AMOUNT: to become a particular amount)v.合计达,总共是,总数为 add up to sth phr v (=to have a particular result or产生结果,起作用add up to sth p/ir v (=to show sth)v.表示,显示,总的来讲是in addition sth idm (=used to add another piece of information to what you have just said)ad.另外,从另一方面来讲in addition to sb/sth idm (=used when you want to mention another person or thing after sth els)prep.除以外(还)in advance (of sth) idm (=before something happens or is expected to happened./jorep.预先,事先;在之前in advance of sth/sb idm (=to be more developed or modern than someone or something else)pep.领先于,比更现代take advantage of .s7? idm (=to treat someone unfairly in order to get what you want, especially someone who is generous or easily persuaded)1/.(欺骗性地)利用,占的便宜take advantage of .vrA (to do sth) idm (=to use the good things in a situation.利用,把握着的机会to (good/best) advantage idm (=in a way that shows the best of sth)ad.Wx!(JA,出色地,很好地in the aggregate idm (=as a group or in total)ad.作为整体,总共clear the air idm (=if an argument or discussion clears the air, it causes bad feelings between people to disappear)匕(争执、不快等)消除了,不存在了be in the air idm (=lf something is in the air, you feel that it is happening or about to happen)a 存在的,即将出现的be on/off (the) air idm (= to be broadcasting on the radio or television at the present moment, or to stop broadcasting) vc (电视、收音机等)正在播放节目或停止播放节目be up in the air idm (= if something is up in the air, no decision has been made about it yet)a.无法做出决定的,悬而未决的be on the alert (for) idm (= ready to notice and deal with a situation or problem)a.警戒着,随时准备着above all (else) idm (=used to say that something is more important than anything else)ad.首先,尤其是after all idm (=in spite of what you thought was true or expected to happen)ad.最终还是,毕竟,终归还是after all idm (=used to say that something should be remembered or considered, because it helps to explain what you have just said)ad.别忘了,毕竟还有ail but 汕(=almost completely)ad.几乎,差不多all in all idm (=used to show that you are considering every part of a situation)ad.总的来看,考虑到各方面all over 2加(=everywhere)ad.到处,处处,各处at all idm (= used in negative statements and questions to emphasize what you are saying)ad.用于否定句,表示强调,可看作虚词for all sth idm (=in spite of a particular fact)prep.尽管,虽然in all idm (= including every thing or person)ad.总共,合计allow for sb/sth phr v (=to include sb/sth when calculating sth)K把计算在内,考虑到,估计到allow of sth phr v (=to make it possible for something to happen or be accepted)%容许,使有的可能make allowance(s) sth idm (=to consider sth, for example when you are making a decision or planning sth)v.(做决策、决定等时)考虑到,估计到make allowances (for 初 idm (=to allow sb to behave in a way that you would not usually accept, because of a problem or because there is a special reason)体谅,谅解all along idm (=all the time from the beginning, while something was happening)aH始终,一直along with stli/sb idm (=together with someone or something else)prep.和起,和道 angle for sth phr v (=to try to get something you want without asking directly for it)v.(转弯抹角地)谋取one (.) after another idm (=a lot of things, one after the other)ad.一个接一个地,相继地one another idm (=each other)ad.互相answer for sth phr v (=to be responsible for something bad, or to be punished for something)!/.对负有责任,因而受到惩罚answer for sb/sth phr v (=lf you say that you can answer for someone or for a quality that they have, you mean that you know from experience that they can be trusted, or that they have that quality)保证(某人或某物的品质)anything but idm (=used to emphasize that someone or something does not have a particular quality)ad.绝对不,肯定不anything like sb/sth idm (=similar in any way to something or someone else)piep.完全像,任何地方都相似for anything idm (=if you will not do something for anything, you will definitely not do it)ad.(用于否定句中)无论如何,肯定apart from/aside from idm (=except foijprep.除了之外(别无)apart from/aside from idm (=as well as)pep.除了之外(还有)to/from all appearances idm (=judging from what can be seen)ad.根据观察判断,从一切迹象来看as . as idm (=used when you are comparing two people, things, situations etc)ad.勿忠。.像一样as for sb/sth idm (= used when you are starting to talk about someone or something new that is connected with what you were talking about before)p卸.至于,关于as to sth/as regards sth idm (=used when you are referring to sth)prep.至于,关于as ifVthough idm (=in a way that makes it seem that something is true or that something is happening)ad.好象,仿佛as it is idm (=a) because of the situation that actually exists - used when that situation is different from what you expected or need: They hoped to finish the kitchen by Friday, but as it is theyll probably have to come back next week, b) already: Just keep quiet - youre in enough trouble as it isjad,实际上,事实上as it were idm (=used when a speaker is giving his or her own impression of a situation or expressing sth in a particular way)ad.可以说,在一定程度上assert yourself idm (=to behave in a confident and determined way so that other people pay attention to your opions)上坚持自己主张,表现坚定assert itself idm (=to start to have an effect)3生效,起作用pay attention to sth/sb idm (=take any notice of)v.注意avail yourself of sth phr v (=to accept an offer or use an opportunity to do something)匕利用(某个机会),接受(某个提议)on (the/an) average idm (=based on a calculation about how many times something usually happens, how much money someone usually gets, how often people usually do something etc)ad.按平均值,通常right away idm 仁immediately)ad,立亥U,马上be/stand in awe of s/hold sb in awe idm (=to admire someone and have great respect for them and sometimes a slight fear of them) v.敬畏Bbback and forth idm (=going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times)ad来回地,反复地back down/off (from/on) idm (=to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated)u 认错,认输back off idm (=to move backwards, away from someone or something)%后退back off idm (=to stop telling someone what to do, or stop criticizing them, especially so that they can deal with something themselves)%走开,不再管(某人)back off (from sth) idm (=to stop supporting something, or decide not to do something you were planning to do)忆放弃back out (of sth) idm (=to decide not to do something that you had promised to do)vc撒手不做,背信弃义back (sth) up idm (=to move backwards, especially in a vehicle)忆后退,倒(车) back sth/sb up idm (=to say or show that what someone is saying is true)vc证实 back sth/sb up idm (=to provide support or help for someone or something)支持,帮助 back sth up (onto sth) idtn (=to make a copy of information stored on a computer)忆备份 behind sbs back idm (=if you do something behind someones back, you do it without them knowing)ad.背着某人,暗中turn your back (on sb/sth) idm (=to refuse to help, support, or be involved with someone or something)上拒绝帮助,不支持,不参与turn your back (on sb/sth) idm (=to turn so that your back is pointing towards someone or something, and you are not looking at them)%不理睬,轻视 know sth backwards/know sth backwards and forwards idm (=to know something very well or perfectly) v.对极其熟悉,对非常了解go from bad to worse idm (=to become even more unpleasant or difficult)区变得越来越糟 badly-off idm (=having little money and few of the things you need to live)v.贫穷的,缺这少那的(be/hang) in the balance idm (=if the future or success of something hangs in the balance, you cannot yet know whether the result will be bad or good)a./v.吉凶未卜,成败未定be off balance idm (=unable to stay steady)a.不平衡,失衡be behind bars idm (=in prison)a.蹲监狱,坐牢,被关起来bargain for/on sth phr v (=usually in negatives to expect that something will happen and make it part of your plans)v.料想至ij,预料到drive/strike a hard bargain idm (=to demand a lot or refuse to give too much when you are making an agreement)忆想以低投入获取高回报barge in phr v (=to enter somewhere rudely, or to rudely interrupt someone)kI闯入(某地),插嘴keep/hold sth/sb at bay idm (=to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming you).远离(对自己不利的人或事物),使(对自己不利的人或事物)无法接近自己bear down (on sth) phr v (=to use all your strength and effort to push or press down on something)v.竭尽全力bear down on sb/sth phr v (=to move quickly towards a person or place in a threatening way)v.冲向,咄咄逼近bear down on sb/sth phr v (=to press on sb/sth)v.施加压力于,压住bear on/upon sth phr v (=to relate to and possibly influence something)v.对有影响,和有*大bear sb/sth out phr v (=if facts or information bear out a claim, story, opinion etc, they help to prove that it is true)v.证实,为作证bear up (against/under sth) phr v (=to show courage or determination during a difficult or unpleasant time)v.挺过去,敢于面对,表现的很坚强bear with sb/sth phr v (=to be patient and wait while someone does something)v.而寸心等待,不要着急have a/some/no etc bearing on sth idm (=to have an effect or influence on something, or not have any effect or influence)v.有影响或起作用,没有影响或不起任何作用beat down phr v (=if the sun beats down, it shines very brightly and the weather is hot)v.(阳光)强烈照射,曝晒beat down phr v (=if the rain beats down, it is raining very hard)v.(雨)倾盆而下beat the door down phrv (=to hit a door so hard that it falls down)v.撞(门),砸破(门)beat sb down (to) phr v (=to persuade someone to reduce a price)v.砍价,杀价beat sb down phr v (=to manage to defeat someone who is attacking you)v.攻击,设法击败(对手)beat it! idm (spoken, slang=used to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there)滚开,走开!beat sb up phr v (= to hurt someone badly by hitting them)v.?SJT,狠揍(某人)beat up on sb phr v (=to hit someone and harm them, especially someone younger or weaker than yourself)v.(强者)殴打(弱者),倚大欺小beat yourself up/beat up on yourself phr v (= to blame yourself too much for something)(为某事)自责because of idm (=used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something)pep.因为,由于what became, has become, will become of sb/sth? idm (=used to ask what has happened to someone or something, especially when you have not seen them for a long time, or what will happen to someone that you are worried about)v.(现在或结果)如何,(后来或将会)怎么样beg off sth phr v (=to ask to be allowed not to do something that you are expected to do)m乞求饶恕(不做某事)beg off phr v (=to say that you are unable to do sth that you have agreed to do)忆推辞(已答应做的事),反悔,出而反而to begin with idm (=at first or used to introduce the first point you want to make)ad.起初,开始;首先,第一in behalf of 5/?/in sbs behalf idm (=to in order to help sb)ad.为帮助某人(而做某事)on behalf of sb/on sbs behalf idm (=as the representative of sb or instead of them)ad.代表某人或代替某人on behalf of sb/on sbs behalf idm (=because of sb; for sb)ad.因为某人,为了某人 come into being/be brought into being idm (=to Start to exist)v.开始存在,产生,形成 be beyond belief idm (=used to emphasize that something is so extreme that it is difficult to believe)a.难以置信的believe in sb/sth phr v (=to be sure that someone or something exists)%相信(某人或某事物)存在,信believe in sth/doing sth phr v (=to think that something is good, right or acceptable)忆赞成,接受believe in sb phr v (=to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful)区信得过 believe in sb phr v (=to trust someone)忆信任,信赖believe in sb phr v (=to be confident that they will be successful)%相信(某人)会成功 bend/Iean over backwards idm (=to try very hard to do something)v.拼命,竭尽全力 be beside yourself (with anger/excitement/rage etc) idm (=to be feeling so angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to control yourself)a.无法控制自己感情的at best idm (=used to emphasize that something is not very good, pleasant, honest etc even if you consider it in the best possible way)ad.充其量,至多do/try your best idm (=to make the greatest effort possible)/尽力get/have the best of sth idm (=to gain more advantage from sth than sb else)v.占上风,处于优势had best/better do sth idm (=lf you had better/best do something, you should do it or it would be good to do it)ad.最好,应该make the best of sth (a bad job/situation etc) idm (=to accept a situation which is not very good, and do whatever you can to make it better)v.尽可能做好(某事)the better-off plural noun(peope who have more money than most others)”.有钱人be better off idm (=to have more money than you had in the past or more money than most other people)8.比以前有钱了:比别人富裕了be better off idm (=to be in a better situation, if or after something h叩pens)a.境况好起来,境况就好起来了be better off idm (=to be in a better situation, if or after something happens)a.境况好起来,境况就好起来了for the better idm (=lf something changes for the better, it improves)ad.好转,向好的方向发展 get/have the better of sb/sth idm (=to defeat someone or deal successfully with a problem)忆打败,胜过(某人);做成(某事),成功地解决了(一个问题)get/have the better of sb idm (=lf a feeling gets the better of you, you cannot stop yourself from allowing that feeling to make you do something, despite knowing that what you are doing is wrong)v.(某种感情)控制了(某人)in between idm (=in the space or period of time separating two or more points, objects, etc. or two dates, events, etc.)ad.介于之间fit/fill the bill idm (=to be exactly what is needed in a particular situation)v.(很)符合要求 fit the bill idm (=to be suitable for a particular purpose)v.合适,合用A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush), idm (=said when you recognise that you should not risk losing something you already have by trying to get something you think might be better)一鸟在手(胜过双鸟在林)。give birth (to sb/sth) idm (=to produce a baby or young animal)(孩子),产(仔)a bit id,(=sl


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